Pirate System

Chapter 243: Hidden Sword Tower (Part 2)

Chapter 243 Hidden Sword Tower (Part 2)

Along the way, Tang Ke found that the doors of the houses in Caiyun Village were closed, and there was not even a single person on the street. Lolita ran ahead just now, but now she is gone, maybe she ran home. As for the other villagers, it must be because of Tang Ke's arrival that they stayed behind closed doors. After the previous two frictions, the villagers here will definitely not welcome Tang Ke again, not to mention the village chief behind him.

D'Addarian didn't care about the surrounding situation, he put the black little fox ball with the scabbard on his shoulder, and whistled as he walked.

Tang Ke could see that Dadarian planned to reveal all the secrets in the village one by one, so there was no need to rush to ask them now.

In a wooden house on the side of the road, there was a pair of flickering eyes staring at Tang Ke and the two passing by.

Tang Ke glanced over there casually, and the window of the wooden house immediately closed with a "touch", and there was no more movement.

Tang Ke felt that the people in the house might be watching him, maybe they were specially appointed by the village chief. He withdrew his gaze and asked with a wry smile, "Did the village chief do any tricks during these ten days?"

"Don't worry, he can't do any tricks. A lot of good players in the village died a year ago, and their strength has been severely damaged. The rest of them, together, are not enough for me to kill at once." Dadarian An all-encompassing attitude.

"But if the village chief mobilizes the whole village to attack together, we will be in trouble, right?"

"It would be interesting if that's the case." D'Addarian's eyes lit up, and he swung the small fox ball at will, slashing at enemies that didn't exist in the air. That boring guy would not do that. He wanted to protect the villagers and the little birds like a mother bird, so how could he put the little birds in danger? Besides, not all the people in Caiyun Village Swordsmen, if you exclude the old, weak, women and children, there are many cowards left behind. There are not many men in the village who dare to stand in front of me."

"That's true." Tang Ke fell into silence, thinking about the whole matter. Judging from the character of the village chief, he would definitely not give up easily, but he didn't know what method the village chief would take.

"Hmph, do you know why that boring guy wanted to deal with you?" Daddarian snorted.

"It's because I'm afraid that I will make people in this village yearn for the outside world." Tang Ke replied.

"That's right. What he fears the most is that the village will be torn apart. If someone opens the way to leave the village, many people in the village will choose to leave, and only a very small number of people will stay. In that case, the village It's over,

Sooner or later, people will all leave. But what is there to miss in such a birdcage-like village? "

Tang Ke was also eager to leave here, because he was going to Duel Island to complete the agreement with Jinbeard. If the duel was delayed, Jinbeard would definitely be angered. He threatened: "Just like what you said last time, let the two of us join hands and break this birdcage."

"That's right, if it's the two of us, it should be possible." D'Addarian smiled.

"Last time you mentioned that you had the opportunity to leave here, but the village chief stopped you. Why?"

"My strength alone is not enough to break the shackles, but if someone with comparable strength can help me, there is considerable hope. I originally invited that boring guy to help me, but he refused." Daddarian looked at Tang Ke, "You are a fourth-level swordsman, just like that boring guy. This is the minimum standard for helping me break the shackles."

"That shackle..."

Daddarian interrupted: "I'll tell you later, let's go ahead."

Tang Ke shrugged his shoulders, and continued to ask the bottom line instead of looking bored, so he simply fell silent and continued to move forward.

When passing by the courtyard where he fought with the village chief last time, Tang Ke found that the building was empty, and only bloodstains could be seen on the ground. Going a little further, we came to the vicinity of the ten-story tower.

Looking up at this majestic tower at a close distance, the feeling is completely different. This is the tallest building Tang Ke has seen since he came to this world. Although it has only ten floors, it is as tall as a twenty-story building. The tall tower stands solemnly and solemnly on this floating island, pointing straight to the sky, standing alone and proudly. Even after thousands of years, you can still feel the power of the builders against the sky. On the body of the tower, there is a sword-shaped relief on each section. If these swords are real, they can be judged to be peerless swords just by their shapes.

In the past, there would naturally be guards in front of the tower, but today there is no one in sight. It seems that in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts between the two sides, the village head has already sent everyone away. Even if the village head wants to deal with Tang Ke and Dadarian, he will only use the method of concentrating his strength, and creating small frictions will not be good for the village head.

D'Addarian glanced at Tang Ke who had stopped to watch, and urged, "This is the Sword Hidden Tower. We'll come back here later. I'd better show you the 'birdcage' here first."

Tang Ke nodded, and followed quickly despite being full of doubts.

The two of them walked through a group of buildings, with the tower as the center, and the surrounding buildings were all tall and rough stone buildings, but after passing through this group of buildings, there were continuous wooden houses behind them. Keep going, gradually, even the wooden house disappeared, leaving only a vast wilderness. There are few species of plants in the wilderness, and like coniferous trees, they are plants that can only survive at high altitudes.

Crossing the wilderness, the two arrived at the end of this floating island, where there were irregular rocks. The rock that extends the farthest from the floating island is like a big hand reaching out into the void. Walking here, I feel like I have come to the edge of a cliff, and there is a deep abyss under my feet.

Even though it was at the end, Dadarian still didn't intend to stop, but went all the way to the farthest rock.

Tang Ke didn't know why, so he still followed. Below the rocks is a flowing sea of ​​clouds, but the sea of ​​clouds here is much thinner, and at the end of the sight, the sea of ​​clouds has become so light that it is about to disappear. This is not only the end of the floating island, but also the end of the sea of ​​clouds. Although they have traveled a long distance, it is too small for a piece of land.

Daddarian stood on the rock, facing the void, and murmured: "We are here, and there is the sword and shadow barrier in front of us, which is the 'birdcage' of this sea of ​​clouds."

Tang Ke also looked forward, but there was nothing in front of him, nothing at all.

"I'm going to lift the veil of the sword and shadow barrier right now, so keep your eyes open." Daddarian assumed the posture of Iai Zhan, lowered his body extremely low, faced the ground, and pressed his right hand on the handle of the knife. Xiaohuwan brewed for a moment, then pulled out suddenly, turning into a sharp cold light. Daddarian drew the knife extremely fast, the cold light had just flashed, and the blade had already been inserted back into the scabbard.


At the same time that Xiaohuwan cut through the void, countless phantoms suddenly appeared in the empty midair. These virtual shadows formed the shape of a sharp sword, without any color, just like refracted light and shadow. These sword shadows blocked Dadarian's sword energy, like a solid wall, not even a single bit of sword energy could penetrate it.

Moreover, the role of the sword shadows was not only to block them, those sword shadows did not dissipate, and pointed the tip of the sword at Dadarian, and "swish" flew over. The speed and strength of these sword shadows are terrifying, even surpassing the level of fifth-order swordsmen.

Daddarian showed a frenzied stern look on his face, but he was not surprised at all. He had already expected what kind of counterattack this knife would trigger. He swung his knives several times, trying his best to resist those extremely sharp sword shadows. The whole process was very difficult, as he swung his Taidao, it seemed to become a storm of white light, even so, he still failed to block all the sword shadows, and was stabbed by the sword shadows in multiple wounds.

Tang Ke saw that the momentum was wrong, and when the sword shadow appeared, he jumped back, but he was still a step slower, and several sword shadows rushed towards him to kill him. He drew out his knife and resisted hastily, looking extremely embarrassed. Fortunately, there were not many sword shadows stabbing at him, and he barely blocked them. Just now a sword shadow pierced his heart, if it was not stopped, it would be in fatal danger. He continued to back away with lingering fear, and secretly scolded Dadarian in his heart, why didn't he say something in advance when there was danger.

More and more sword shadows stabbed out from the void, as if there was an invisible master swordsman swinging his sword. D'Addarian accepted the baptism of the sword shadow, and kept wielding the knife to resist, his figure became frantic and blurred, and blood burst out one after another.

"I can't stand it anymore." D'Addarian endured for a moment, and laughed wildly, as if enjoying himself, he retreated sharply, avoiding the range of the sword shadow raging.

After the sword shadow failed to stab, it then dissipated. The void where the sword shadow appeared gradually returned to tranquility. The void is like the surface of water hit by stones, and as time goes by, it becomes stable again.

D'Addarian's strength is still remarkable. Although he was bombarded by the sword shadow, he completely avoided fatal injuries, and the dozen or so wounds were just skin wounds. He sucked the blood from his arm, like a hungry vampire, and smiled yearningly: "Through this sword-shadow barrier, you can get a glimpse of the demeanor of a tenth-rank swordsman. When it's booming, it makes me feel like my heart is surging."

Tang Ke made a false alarm. Although he was not injured, he was quite frightened. He gave D'Addarian a reproachful look.

what a lunatic

Tang Ke made an appropriate evaluation in his heart. Not only did Dadarian not take other people's lives seriously, but he also didn't take his own life seriously.

"You have seen it all. This is the sword shadow enchantment. This enchantment is spherical and covers the entire sea of ​​clouds. As long as people touch it, they will be torn apart by the sword shadow. Sword Shadow will fight for a short while, but don't think that you can rush out." Dadarian talked freely while licking the blood on his lips.

"This enchantment has been going on for three thousand years. Even if there is power supply, it is almost reaching its limit, right? If you keep touching objects and consuming the power contained in it, wouldn't you be able to eliminate this enchantment?" Tang Ke added asked after guessing.

Daddarian shook his head and said, "Someone has thought of this method a long time ago, and it doesn't work at all. You can understand it at a glance." He said, kicking a stone at his feet into the void.

Tang Ke originally thought that this stone would provoke a fierce reaction from the Sword Shadow Barrier, but the result was beyond his expectation, the stone flew outside without hindrance. His eyes widened, and he turned to Dadarian.

"This is the power of this enchantment. It seems to be able to make judgments. It specializes in defending against living people and will not stop all kinds of dead objects. It will only counterattack when people approach. It's useless. In this way, if you want to consume the power of the sword and shadow enchantment, you can only rely on manpower. Even if it is me, it is impossible to fight against the sword and shadow enchantment all day long, and the sword and shadow enchantment seems to be powerful enough , showing no sign of being exhausted, so this path will not work."

"Then if you throw poultry or birds at the barrier, won't it also consume the power of the barrier?"

"Why are you so obsessed with horns?" D'Addarian frowned, "This enchantment only reacts to living people, even if a bird passes through it, it will not activate the sword-shadow enchantment. Because of this characteristic, birds You can fly around freely, so Caiyun Village has more rations."

"Isn't this enchantment too clever?" Tang Ke couldn't help being surprised. If it only reacted to living creatures, it would be okay, but if it only blocked living people, it would be a bit scary.

Daddarian said enthusiastically: "This is the power of tenth-rank swordsmen. They have surpassed the concept of normal swordsmen. If you only use sword energy, no matter how powerful you are, it is impossible to create this knot." From this point of view, a tenth-rank swordsman possesses unimaginable special power." He faced the void with fiery eyes.

Tang Ke is also very yearning for the tenth-level swordsman, but creating such an enchantment is far beyond the scope of the swordsman's ability. It is estimated that the tenth-level swordsman and those warlocks and druid friends created it together. Three thousand years ago, there should have been a lot of powerhouses of the tenth rank, and those people's abilities must have been terrifying, even if they could create such an enchantment, it would still be possible.

However, there are no tenth-level powerhouses in the world now, and there are no tenth-level powerhouses regardless of any profession.

Tang Ke didn't tell this matter, lest D'Addarian be disappointed with the outside world. Dadarian, apart from his passion for killing people, also has the desire to fight against the strong. Reducing Dadarian's yearning for the outside world does no good.

"In short, it's impossible to get out through this barrier, right? So, what is the way to get out of here?"

Daddarian was still standing there, immersed in the fantasy of the tenth-level strong man, his eyes seemed to see the shadow of the tenth-level strong man. It wasn't until Tang Ke yelled several times that D'Addarian came back to his senses and replied: "This has to be said slowly. There are four islands in the sea of ​​clouds. This island is specially used for living and raising poultry, and there are The two islands are used to cultivate 'sky rice', which is a crop, and you should have eaten it from the food given to you last time. As for the way to leave, it is on the last island, which is called 'Luoyun Island' .”

Tang Ke recalled that the head of the elf village once mentioned the place "Luoyun Island", but did not elaborate.

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