Pirate System

Chapter 244: Hidden Sword Tower (Part 2)

Chapter 244 Hidden Sword Tower (Part 2)

D'Addarian disliked that it was not easy to express clearly with his mouth, so he simply picked up a stone and drew on the ground. He ignored the wound he had suffered just now, and concentrated on painting. If you don't look at the big sword in his hand, others will be deceived by his appearance as a beautiful boy, thinking that he is a good young man. He drew the positions of the four floating islands, and marked the names of the different islands. His handwriting was crisp and neat, just like his own personality.

"This is Luoyun Island. This island was originally designed to leave the sea of ​​clouds. The whole is like a cave in the sea. The sea of ​​clouds flows into it, and there is a way to leave the sea of ​​clouds in the depths. But if you want to reach the depths, you have to face Two difficulties. The first difficulty is the blood master bird living in the cave. This bird flew here three years ago and has settled down since then. The blood master bird likes to suck blood and has killed many people on the island. villagers, but it is not picky eaters, and often eats ordinary celestial beasts and big birds."

"I've seen that strange bird once. That time it killed several people and took away two corpses." Tang Ke interjected. The blood-lord bird that the villagers talk about here is actually the earl's red bird, but the elves here don't know the scientific name of the earl's red bird, so they came up with a name for themselves.

D'Addarian looked up at Tang Ke and asked, "Isn't that strange bird difficult to deal with? I can't beat it, at most I can only hurt it. I have proposed to my father many times to collectively conquer the blood lord." Bird, but he didn’t agree, he’s as cowardly as a mouse.”

"That bird poses such a great threat to the village, no matter how timid you are, you still have to find a way to kill it?" Tang Ke asked puzzled. The feeling is very strong, it stands to reason that the existence of Earl Redbird should not be tolerated.

"Didn't I just say that Earl's red bird also eats heavenly beasts and big birds. Although it has hurt the villagers in the past few years, the situation is not serious. In addition, I have fought with it a few times. Although I didn't win, but It also made it suffer a little bit, and then it restrained a lot, and only attacked the village once in a long time. My father tolerated its existence because of these reasons." Dadalian showed displeasure, "That monster The bird is flying around, it is too difficult to get rid of it, if it is really impossible, we will wait for it to leave the nest before entering the sea cave, so that we can avoid fighting it."

"That's a good idea."

Gritting his teeth, D'Addarian said angrily, "I'm really not reconciled, if only I could kill that strange bird with my own hands."

Tang Ke endured the strong killing intent emanating from D'Addarian, and changed the subject: "Then what about the second difficulty?"

D'Addarian suppressed his killing intent, and replied: "The second difficulty is another enchantment, which we call the 'gate enchantment', which is also left by Artorius. If it is a sixth-order sword If you are a warrior, you can cut the barrier with one knife. If you cut the barrier,

You can reach the end of the sea cave and leave this ghost place through there. The 'shackles' I mentioned earlier refer to this 'door enchantment'. "

Tang Ke changed his color slightly and said, "Only a sixth-level swordsman can cut it open? In that case, neither you nor I can do it."

"This gets to the point. I am a fifth-level swordsman myself, and I am still one step away from breaking the barrier. However, if I want to cross this step, it will take at least three years. I can feel Got it, I'm still a long way from the sixth-level swordsman. I really can't wait to leave. I can't wait for a second every day. If I stay for another three years, I don't know what I will become Look. I thought of a way later, since I can't cut through the barrier by myself, I just need someone to help me. That person must be at least a fourth-level swordsman." Dadarian Shrugged, "The person who helped me should be that boring guy, but he didn't agree at all. Now this burden is on your shoulders."

"How do you want me to help you?" Tang Ke asked seriously.

"To open the gate barrier, you only need to cut a knife on it. As long as the power of that knife reaches the sixth-level swordsman, the gate barrier will be broken. My own strength is still a little bit short, so I hope you can borrow it. Give me a little strength, the combined strength of the two of us should be able to cut through that barrier." Daddarian looked eager to try.

"How can I lend you my strength?" Tang Ke continued to ask. He didn't know how to attack two people in martial arts novels. Infused into someone else's body.

"It's simple, as long as the two of us wield our swords together, and let the sword energy fall in the same place, it will be enough to deceive the door barrier in this way. With the strength of my fifth-level swordsman and your help, With a powerful slash, it should be able to reach the strength of a sixth-level swordsman."

Tang Ke nodded and understood Dadarian's method, but there are still many hidden dangers.

"How do you know that as long as you are a sixth-level swordsman, you can remove the gate barrier? Is your method feasible? After passing the gate barrier, how should you leave here?"

"You really have a lot of questions. What I said today is more than what I usually say in a month." D'Addarian looked like "I really want to kill you", but he still replied obediently, "Ato Lis, the tenth-rank swordsman, initially only treated the elves on the island as his servants. But later, he gave the elves on the island certain authority and allowed the elves on the island to practice sword skills. I don’t know why he did this Do it, maybe just because you are bored. The tower you have been paying attention to has some special facilities for cultivation. Apart from allowing the elves on the island to practice, Artorius also promised one thing, That is, once the elves on the island have cultivated to the sixth level, they can leave on their own and get rid of their status as servants, and they can also take away a sword of Artorius as a gift."

"After the disappearance of Artorius, the elves on the island were in a state of confusion and had a very confused time. But after cheering up, the elves on the island began to practice their sword skills hard, eager to leave here one day. Although the sea of ​​clouds here The scenery is beautiful, and the food is not difficult to get, but no one can bear to be stuck here for a lifetime. Year after year, decade after decade, century after century... none of the first generation of elves can After reaching the sixth level, the second and third generations of elves will continue to work hard. But reaching the sixth level is too difficult, and only a genius who is one in a million can do it. As time goes by, the elves on the island are also Keep multiplying, and the population is slowly increasing.”

"In order to pass on the story of Yunhai and Artorius from generation to generation, the elves began to use bird skins as recording tools to write down the history of Yunhai. There is a library on the island, which contains many bird skin scrolls , not only the history of the past, but also some things about the outside world. As for the method of leaving, and the matter of the gate enchantment, of course it is also recorded. According to the wishes of the elves' ancestors, the elves in Caiyun Village should leave here. It is right to work hard from generation to generation. But after more than a thousand years, this wish was distorted by the elves of the descendants." Dadarian said here, showing strong contempt in his eyes.

"Each generation of elves must have a village head. Although the village head only controls a few thousand to tens of thousands of elves, he is equivalent to the king of this small world. In order to strengthen his own rule, dispel the elves' illusions about the outside world , and in order to make the villagers become muddle-headed fools and allow themselves to be manipulated by the village chief. Finally, one day, a certain village chief sealed up all the bird scrolls and prohibited the villagers from viewing them. Not only that, the village chief also decided to The rules were laid down, so that future village chiefs will do the same, and continue to seal the parchment. After several generations of village chiefs’ hard work, ordinary villagers have finally forgotten everything outside and regarded this small sea of ​​clouds as the real world. If it weren’t for Because I am the son of the village chief, I will also be kept in the valley. Because of my identity, I can freely read the books handed down by my ancestors and learn the truth about the history of Yunhai."

"In those books, there are detailed records about Luoyun Island and the enchantment of the gate. As long as you break this enchantment, there will be no more obstacles. As long as you step on a special cloud, that cloud will slowly Fall down until you reach the bottom. As for the way for the two of you to work together to cut off the barrier, I came up with it myself." After Daddarian finished speaking, he stared quietly at Tang Ke.

Tang Ke was lost in thought, and asked after a while: "How big is that falling cloud? Can it hold my ship?"

"The sea cave on Luoyun Island is very wide, and the falling cloud should also be very large. I think it should not be difficult to carry your boat. As for the detailed size, I don't know. Maybe it wasn't written in the book, maybe I forgot." D'Addarian shrugged indifferently.

Tang Ke heaved a sigh of relief. It would be a pity if the Black Pearl could not be transported. This ship is now the main warship in the pirate regiment. The whole matter was so important that he had to think about it in all aspects, and continued to ask: "I have one last doubt, what if your whimsical approach doesn't work? Faced with such consequences, what will you do?"

D'Addarian was taken aback for a moment, he never thought that he would fail at all, but after Tang Ke mentioned it, he was embarrassed, scratched his smooth chin, and finally replied: "If that's the case, I will definitely Crazy with anger. However, since I chose to unite with you, I will not take my anger out on you. I will do what I say. If it really can’t be done, I can only vent my anger on my fellow villagers and kill a hundred or eighty people Venting anger can always be more comfortable. As for the future, I can only break the barrier after I become a sixth-level swordsman." He waved his hand, as if to knock Tang Ke's deduction away, "But your Inferences are simply impossible, and my method will certainly succeed."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Tang Ke has no other way to go, he can only place all his bets on Dadarian, the beast. Out of a sense of seriousness, he stretched out his palms and said solemnly: "Let's make a high-five. You and I both use the sword in our hands as a guarantee that we will never betray each other."

Daddarian is wild by nature and doesn't like any restraint, not even a verbal oath. He chuckled and said, "There's no need to be so troublesome. I can do what I say. I'm very fond of things that help me." Cherish it, for example, this little Fox Maru Tai sword. You are as important to me as this sword now."

Tang Ke smiled helplessly, and withdrew his hand. Judging from the current situation, the two of them had a very strong cooperative relationship because they had a common goal, so it didn't matter whether they swore or not.

"That is to say, the only task left for the two of us is to cultivate a tacit understanding?" Tang Ke knew very well that if two people hit a place at the same time with their knives, it would take quite a while to hone. Moreover, they were going to sneak into Luoyun Island when the earl red bird was leaving its nest. That strange bird was very dangerous, so it was best to pass through it once.

"That's right, the two of us have to be in harmony, so that the swords are completely consistent, and the sword energy must be blended together. As for the practice location, I have already selected it, and it will be held in the hidden sword tower. Speaking of hidden swords Tower, this is a good place, I don’t have any nostalgia for the whole sea of ​​clouds, the only thing I don’t want to part with is the Hidden Sword Tower. It’s a good place to practice.”

According to the information Tang Ke knew, the Sword Hidden Tower was just a warehouse for swords and a place of practice. As for the details, he didn't know anything about it.

"What's the secret in the sword hiding tower?"

"Everything related to cultivation and kendo is there. You will know it when you go there. I guarantee that you will be surprised when you see it." Dadarian played with the big sword in his hand, "I That's where I got my little fox pill, and if you go, you can also get your favorite sword, but hey, you have to take a little risk."

Tang Ke's heart skipped a beat, where can he get a legendary sword? .

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