Pirate System

Chapter 245: Guardian Spirit

Chapter 245 The Guardian Spirit

Although it is a high-quality building stone, after thousands of years of wind and frost, there are many mottled marks on the gray-black tower body. Tang Ke stood at the bottom of the tower, and couldn't help but look up a few times. There was an invisible pressure coming from the huge tower.

After Tang Ke learned all the truth about the sea of ​​clouds from D'Addarian, he came back to the tower under D'Addarian's suggestion. The round trip was not short, and after such a toss, it was already afternoon.

D'Addarian was already used to this tower, no matter how majestic it was, he would no longer have any special feelings, so his attitude was much calmer than Tang Ke's. He said as he walked: "There are quite a few barriers in this sword hiding tower, each of which is set in front of the door. The barrier at the entrance is called a 'strength barrier', which can only be entered with a certain level of physical strength. But for you and me, getting through here is a piece of cake."

The two walked closer, and the entrance of the tower was large enough for eight horses to pass side by side, and it was seven yards high, very wide. Tang Ke noticed that there was a circle of black grooves on the stone door frame, which reminded him of a device like a security scan.

Sure enough, as soon as the two of them approached the gate, there was movement in the black groove, sparking a layer of yellow light. This should be the so-called power enchantment. Daddarian swaggered in without encountering any obstacles.

Tang Ke then went in, and when his skin touched the power barrier, he felt as if he had touched a layer of cool water, and he didn't feel uncomfortable, it was quite cool. This feeling was only fleeting, and he then entered the front hall of the Sword Hidden Tower.

The front hall still carries out the simple and rough style of the tower, surrounded by towering stone pillars, but there are only some uneven folds on the stone pillars, and there are no redundant carvings. The huge space was empty, except for the stone pillars, there was basically nothing left.

It's just that there is a pile of rotten iron lying on the front leading to the entrance of the passage. Tang Ke took a closer look and found that the rotten iron pile was some armor parts, including helmets, wrist guards, gauntlets, and breastplates.

"There is an enchantment at the front door, called the 'Victory Barrier', and you must defeat the 'Guardian Spirit' in front of you to enter. Shall I deal with him first, or will you come first?" D'Addarian then asked lightly road.

Tang Ke didn't answer, and continued to walk forward. After reaching a certain range, the pile of rotten iron on the ground started to move.

The iron boots stood up first, as if stuck together by magnets, followed by calf armor, knee armor, thigh armor... In a very short time, the original pile of rotten iron became a tall man. In the empty eye sockets of the helmet, there is still a faint blue will-o'-the-wisp glowing. He swung the sword in his hand a few times, posing in a very standard bull position,

Silently waiting for the intruder to come forward and lead to death.

Tang Ke first used the investigative technique.

Name: None.

Occupation: Swordsman (Level 1)

Race: guardian spirit (a kind of undead, with a nihilistic mind, who only knows how to protect something important, divided into two types: natural formation and man-made. If some people have a strong desire to protect something after death, they will There is a certain chance of turning into a guardian spirit. Artificially created guardian spirits are generally the masterpieces of necromancers. Necromancers create guardian spirits to protect their treasures or guard the gate)

Title: None.

Features: Undead. Loyal guard (guard something important with absolute loyalty, unless the body is destroyed, or will never give up half a step, willpower +2) death red dot (red on his head, neck and chest) Point mark, as long as he is hit, he will admit defeat, this is the "setting" made by the necromancer for him)

Physical attack: ★★★★

Physical strength: ★★★

One of the equipment: Handed down - Regenerated Armor (made of special "regenerated metal", if damaged, the metal will slowly fill up the damaged part according to the original appearance, defense +4)

Strongest skill: triple slash (do your best to perform three consecutive slashes with selflessness, simple sword skills can sometimes achieve unexpected results, combat power +2, physical strength -1), basic sword skills, sword skill combos.

Language: None.

Physical condition: None.

Affiliation: None.

Reward amount: 0 gold coins.

After Tang Ke knew it in his mind, he said, "I'll come first." After he finished speaking, he drew out his scimitar, not even using the double sword style, and rushed over with just a single sword. He is full of confidence in this battle, this tin man is just a first-rank swordsman.

"Be careful to hit the red dot on his body, only in that way can you be judged a victory." Dadarian reminded leisurely from behind.

The will-o'-the-wisp in the guardian spirit's eye sockets lit up, and he stabbed the intruder. Despite his heavy body, his movements were as light as a human swordsman.

Of course, this lightness is only relatively speaking. In Tang Ke's eyes, the movements of the guardian spirit's three-legged cat are as slow as slow motion. He didn't even use any sword skills, he just slashed at the red dot on the guardian spirit's chest as soon as he walked by. The red dot was only the size of a fingernail, and it was very difficult to hit it.

Tang Ke floated to the entrance of the passage, and the enchantment there was activated. He thought he had won the battle, but when he turned around, the guardian spirit also turned around and killed him without fear. On the shining silver breastplate of the guardian spirit, there are still traces left by the knife just now.

"One cut is not enough. The guardian spirit on the first floor needs to be cut at least two or three times. Those guardian spirits upstairs need to be cut more times." Dadarian reminded.

Tang Ke would not be disturbed by this little change, he bent down and dodged a horizontal slash from the guardian spirit, and when he got up, he used the "Mei Ting Raindrop" sword skill, and the tip of the sword stabbed out like raindrops, In just a split second, the red dot on the guardian spirit's body was stabbed five or six times.

As soon as the will-o'-the-wisp in the guardian spirit's helmet was extinguished, the metal parts of his body fell to the ground with a crackling noise, and there was no movement.

The "Victory Barrier" not far behind Tang Ke automatically changed its color from light red to light yellow, acquiescing Tang Ke's qualification to enter. Tang Ke glanced at the rotten iron pile on the ground, and found that the damaged parts were slowly healing, which was very miraculous. If he could take away this armor, it would be a good set of armor. His pirate mentality was at work again.

But thinking about it again, if it could be taken away so easily, how could the people of Caiyun Village let this treasure go? It is estimated that if you pick it up, you will not be able to bring it out of the barrier. He figured this out, so he didn't ask any more questions, but just stood there quietly, waiting for Dadarian to come in.

Just as Daddarian approached here, the pile of rotten iron stood up again. It seemed that everyone who wanted to pass here had to fight this tin man. When D'Addarian approached, his expression suddenly became extremely ferocious, with a fierce look in his eyes, as if he regarded the Tin Woodman as a real person, and wanted to fill his inner desire by killing.

A few flashes of knife light flashed, and the Tin Woodman's helmet was chopped off completely, and flew to a distance, and a gap was cut at the red spot on his chest. If it wasn't the Tin Woodman who was cut down, but a real person, the scene must have been terrible.

The Tin Woodman lost his helmet, revealing his undead body. He looked like a blue flame, but he had no temperature and was lifeless. D'Addarian also hit the red dot many times, the guardian spirit no longer needed to exist, the body of the will-o'-the-wisp dissipated in an instant, and a set of armor was once again reduced to a heap of rotten iron. Then something surprising happened, the incomplete helmet that flew to the side moved towards the pile of rotten iron by itself, and the speed was not slow, as if being pulled by an invisible hand.

Tang Ke raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "Can it be restored after being cut like this?"

Dadarian swiped his knife several times without hesitation, chopped the rotten iron pile to pieces, and replied with a wicked smile: "When I'm free, I like to come here to amuse him. Back to normal."

"It's really funny." Tang Ke smiled and shook his head.

The people of Caiyun Village respected everything in the Sword Tower, and no one would do such a profane act except Dadarian.

The two walked through the passage and came to another hall. This is the first floor in the true sense. The space is large enough to accommodate hundreds of people to hold a banquet here. There are three doors and one staircase. The stairway leads to the second floor, and the three doors represent different rooms.

showroom. library. practice room. There are three rooms in total, and the name of the room is clearly engraved on the door plaque above the room. Although this is a text written three thousand years ago, this text is the predecessor of the common language of the Alliance of Light. The difference is very small, and Tang Ke can easily recognize it.

"Although there are some junk inside, it's still shocking to see it for the first time. Let me open your eyes." Daddarian walked towards the door of the showroom.

"Is there an enchantment here?" Tang Ke asked.

"No, no more. As long as you can defeat the guardian spirit on each floor, you can freely enter the three rooms on this floor. However, if you mess around, you will still be blocked by the barrier. For example, in this showroom, everyone After arriving here, you can only take away one sword, and if you take the second one, you will be blocked by the barrier. As for the library, the rules are even stricter, you are not allowed to take any books at all, and you are only allowed to read inside."

The two walked side by side to the door of the showroom, and the stone door automatically opened horizontally.

Tang Ke took a step forward, and what caught his eyes were weapons everywhere. These weapons were inserted into the stone ground. Under the light on the wall, more than 2,000 weapons shone brightly. Looking at so many swords, Tang Ke felt as if he was on the battlefield. He understood what the shock that Dadarian said just now was. First, it made people feel that Artorius had a lot of collections and a magnificent manner. Second, standing in front of so many swords, the swordsman could vaguely feel the shock. A kind of resonance, as if hearing the heartfelt voice of these swords. He walked forward involuntarily, stepping between the jungle of swords. He used several investigative techniques to peek at the quality of these swords, most of them were of ordinary grade, and a few of them were of fine grade.

Corrosion has already appeared on the common-grade sword, and the surface is full of rust, like an old man in his dying years. Even though they were forged, they were not used by swordsmen until they were destroyed. These swords are somewhat pitiful.

A small number of high-quality swords barely maintain their original appearance, and they can still be used only after being polished.

Tang Ke walked to the middle of the sword forest. There were several dark scars on the ground. The sword inserted here should have been pulled out by the previous people. He pulled out a long sword casually, and looked at the breath of time exuding from the blade.

"This place is full of junk, I advise you not to move, you'd better go to the top. There are really good swords." Dadalian said leaning against the door frame without following him.

Although there are many swords and swords here, they are all ordinary. Tang Ke became more interested in the upper showroom, inserted the sword in his hand, and walked out of this room.

"The situation in the library is similar to that of the showroom. On the first floor, there are only basic sword skills and training methods, but the training room is worth taking you to see. The training room on the first floor is not only useful for first-level swordsmen, any Swordsmen at the advanced stage can practice here." Dadarian said as he walked towards the training room.

"What's in the training room?" Tang Ke asked.

"The training rooms on each floor are different. There is a strange gravity in the training room on the first floor. After entering, even walking will feel extremely difficult. Therefore, practicing swords inside is very good for physical strength. And this kind of gravity will vary from person to person, the more physically fit the person, the stronger the gravity will feel after entering." Dadarian activated the door of this training room, but he didn't go in, but continued, " You just take a look inside, I plan to take you up a few more floors, so you know what's in your mind. Starting tomorrow, we will do formal training. There is no need to delay here today."

Tang Keyi said he didn't go in, but just stood at the door and took a look. There was still a lot of space inside, but there was nothing special about it. It seemed that the so-called gravity could only be felt after entering.

Then, the two of them walked up the stairs and arrived at the vestibule on the second floor, which was the same as the first floor, guarded by another tin woodman, and his strength was much higher than that of the first floor. Tang Ke and Dadarian easily defeated the guardian spirit on the second floor and entered the main hall on the second floor. There are still only three rooms here, exactly the same as the previous floor.

"Starting from this floor, if you are lucky, you can find a slightly better weapon, but it is still not enough for you. Therefore, you don't need to go to the showroom and library on this floor, just go to the training room to have a look Just do it."

Tang Ke felt that there was no need to rush for a long time, so he didn't look at the two rooms. He went straight to the training room and looked inside, only to find that it was pitch black without any light source.

"If it's this training room, if you don't go in and experience it, it will be a bit troublesome to just explain it." D'Addarian changed his mind, "Go in with me and experience it. Be vigilant, it's a bit dangerous inside. Even Even I dare not be careless."

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