Pirate System

Chapter 247: Penance

Chapter 247

Tang Ke just had a general understanding of the situation that day, and after saying goodbye to Dadarian, he returned to the Black Pearl. Along the way, the doors of the houses on both sides were still closed, and he encountered no obstacles. It can be seen from this that Daddarian is quite a threat to the entire Caiyun Village, and just a few words made the people in the village dare not embarrass Tang Ke anymore.

Tang Ke returned to the Black Pearl, told Elizabeth about what happened that day, and explained that he would leave for a while. He wants to practice tacit understanding with Dadarian, and he has to practice hard. He can't travel back and forth, so he can only live in Caiyun Village temporarily. After listening to Elizabeth, she told Tang Ke to be careful and take care of herself, and then went to prepare some clothes and food. In the evening, Tang Ke had a long talk with Elizabeth. Although the content was rambling, the two talked very enthusiastically.

The moonlight outside the window is curling and tingling, and the galaxy is shining brightly on the low-hanging sky, as if it is within reach. Against the background of this beautiful scenery, the atmosphere in the captain's room becomes romantic and ambiguous.

Tang Ke's topic was over, and he silently stared at Elizabeth in his arms. The other party was looking out of the porthole, as peaceful as blue, the edges of her beautiful cheeks glowed, and her eyes were surprisingly pure, more agile than the moon outside. There was the warmth of Elizabeth's body in the crook of his arms, and with a slight force on his palm, he felt the softness of the woman's waist.

Elizabeth was overwhelmed, and after being touched a few times, she turned her head, blushing and cast a reproachful look, looking charming and charming.

"Why are you so wounded and not honest?"

"A man who can be honest with you in his arms does not exist in the world." Tang Ke was deeply in love and had long been greedy for Elizabeth. Unfortunately, he was injured, so he couldn't mess around no matter how greedy he was. For Elizabeth's first night, quality and quantity have to work. But tomorrow is going to be a brief separation, and it is not too much to pay a little sweetness in advance tonight.

"You are injured, stop messing around." Elizabeth raised her round index finger and tapped Tang Ke's forehead lightly.

"The real nonsense is in the back." Tang Ke didn't retreat, but pushed forward even more. His left hand became even more dishonest, and he slid his left hand into the crevice of Elizabeth's clothes, touched the flat belly, and felt it was soft and smooth to the touch. strong.

"Hehe, take your hands away, it's so itchy..." Elizabeth giggled, her body arched, trying to avoid the ravaging hands. She has never been human, and her body is very sensitive, and it itches when she is touched a little.

Tang Keyu rushed into the flames, and was so hungry and thirsty, he raised his black right hand, carefully embraced Elizabeth's shoulders, and pressed down his entire upper body. He blocked Elizabeth's mouth with his lips to prevent Elizabeth from refusing, and took the opportunity to move his left hand up and down unscrupulously.

Elizabeth was so itchy,

His whole body was hot, and Tang Ke was allowed to mess around after half pushing and half letting go. However, in her mind, she always insisted on a trace of clarity, and would not let Tang Ke cross the last line of defense tonight.

The bed under the two of them made a "squeak" sound, which mixed with the sound of panting, breaking the tranquility of the night...

After tasting the short-lived sweetness, from the second day on, Tang Ke devoted himself to a life of penance in dire straits. He found Dadarian, and the two entered the Sword Hiding Tower side by side, ready to shed blood and sweat inside.

Regarding the first three floors of the Hidden Sword Tower, Tang Ke has completely mastered it. There is no change in the library and showroom on each floor, but the quality is getting higher and higher. Only the practice room is changing layer by layer, each one is different.

The training room on the first floor has a strange gravity. A swordsman will feel very strenuous even taking a step in it. If he stays in it for a while, he will be half-tired, which is very good for honing his physical strength; the training room on the second floor False fires will appear in the training room. If there are more than ten virtual fires, they will condense into a pillar of fire, so it is necessary to destroy them before they condense. In the subsequent practice, Tang Ke once stayed too long, and the virtual fire appeared faster than his speed, causing the number of false fires to reach ten, and he was punished. Fortunately, he dodged in time and was not pierced by the finger-thick fire pillar. In his opinion, it was not so much a pillar of fire as a red laser ray. From then on, when he practiced in the practice room on the second floor, he became more attentive.

The practice room on the third floor is used to cultivate the strength in the body, and the ground in the room will emit bursts of air, which can cultivate the control of strength.

After the energy in the body is released outside the body, it becomes sword energy. Sword Qi directly affects the strength of a swordsman, and it is also the basic condition for performing various sword skills.

Tang Ke and D'Addarian are one step behind in strength, but in terms of the quality and scope of the sword energy, the two are completely different. Last time, D'Addarian deliberately gave in, otherwise, with D'Addarian's five-yard range of sword energy, Tang Ke wouldn't even be able to get close.

"Concentrate on feeling the energy flow in your body, guide it, and then release it." Dadarian reminded leisurely on the side.

Tang Ke was in the training room on the third floor. On the ground under his feet, there were many fine holes from which air flowed upwards.

This kind of air flow is called "soft qi", and its characteristics are very similar to the "strength qi" in a swordsman's body. It can be absorbed by the body itself, and can even be infused into the meridians in the body to run as strength. The strength in the swordsman's body is only a little bit, and it will be gone when it is used up, and he has to rest for a long time to recover. So in this aspect of cultivation, I really feel powerless. But with the help of this kind of "soft qi", you can use this kind of qi as strength, imitate the process of running strength, and then improve the skill of running strength.

Although "soft qi" is much softer than real qi, if luck goes wrong, it will still damage the body and be dangerous. But having said that, Tang Ke has been with the sword all day long, and he has long been used to danger.

Tang Ke stood in the soft qi, letting the soft qi flow into his body. He closed his eyes, carefully felt everything in his body, guided the movement of the soft qi with his heart, and then expelled the soft qi from his open palm. Whenever he made a mistake, the soft energy would scurry in his body, and then rush out from other places, causing severe pain in his body. He recalled how Daddarian demonstrated just now, and couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart. If Daddarian stood in the soft air flow, he could train as many as a dozen soft air currents to be honest, but he still can't do it for the time being. less than.

"If we want to cut through the 'door barrier', we not only have to keep firing the sword at the same time, but also have to move the sword energy in exactly the same way. Only in this way can we imitate a blow that is comparable to a sixth-level swordsman. So, you Luck also needs to be tempered, this place is just right for you. You work hard. I can't wait to break out of this cage." Dadarian rubbed the scabbard boredly.

"Don't worry. I'm more eager to leave here than you are, because I still have a lot of unfinished business outside." Tang Ke had an agreement with Jinbeard, and he had to find a way to lift the curse on him. matter of vital importance.

"Oh? Really. Your life in the outside world must be very interesting, right?"

"It's really interesting, I have a lot of brothers out there, and we're never lonely when we're together. We take risks in the vast world, fight enemies together, live and die together, and never give up. Let me tell you about the outside world Is it?" Tang Ke just finished speaking, because he was distracted, another soft energy strayed out of his chest, and he grinned in pain.

"No, you don't need to tell me, I want to see the outside world with my own eyes. Well, you can concentrate on practicing. I won't bother you." Dadalian smiled and glanced at Tang Ke in pain expression, and then he also walked into another soft air current, closed his eyes and practiced.

In this way, the two people's practice life kicked off quickly. From then on, the two stayed in the sword hiding tower every day, went to practice when they opened their eyes, and fell asleep on the ground when they were extremely tired. With the two of them occupying this tower, no other swordsman dared to practice here, which seemed to be occupying the magpie's nest. Even when they are sleeping, they are very vigilant. If they hear the sound of fighting, they will wake up immediately, and they don't have to worry about the villagers daring to attack at this time, so they can practice with peace of mind and don't have to worry about anything.

The two of them have not yet started the practice of cooperation between the two, so the main content of the practice is aimed at Tang Ke, and Dadarian is just accompanying him. D'Addarian claimed that as long as Tang Ke's heat is high enough, he will start practicing two-person cooperation, and there is a training room suitable for practicing this content on the fourth floor.

Tang Ke began to shuttle back and forth between the first, second, and third floors, practicing his physical strength on the first floor, his speed and accuracy on the second floor, and his control of sword energy on the third floor. He put in a hundred and twenty minutes of hard work, and all he thought about every day was the word cultivation, and put everything else aside for the time being.

The days passed quickly like this, and a month passed in the blink of an eye. Tang Ke's strength was increasing day by day, and the wounds all over his body had recovered as before.

Tang Ke could last an hour in the training room on the first floor, he could block up to seven rounds of virtual fire attacks on the second floor, and he could evenly adjust eleven soft air currents on the third floor. These are all tangible results of cultivation, showing that he has improved in all aspects.

In addition, when he is too tired, he will go to the library to read books. He has the help of the system. Every time he sees an unfamiliar skill book, it can be automatically scanned into the system, and he can spend reward points to learn it. There is a large collection of books in the library of the three-story tower, which leads to an explosive growth of skills in the Tangke system. However, no matter how many skills he scanned, if he didn't have reward points to learn, he would just leave them there for greedy eyes.

The sword skills on the lower three floors are common, and Tang Ke won't waste reward points on them. As for learning in reality, he doesn't have enough time, so he hasn't improved in skills at all. Sword skills deepened some impressions. What he really looked forward to were the skill books on the fourth and fifth floors. If he encountered a good skill there, it would be no harm to learn one or two. But the premise is that the sword skill he has learned must greatly improve his strength

Regarding Tang Ke's progress these days, D'Addarian claimed that he barely met expectations and did not disappoint him too much. Tang Ke could only shake his head and smile at Dadarian's statement that he didn't suffer from back pain while standing.

Tang Ke estimated the time, and it was less than four months before the date agreed with Golden Beard, and it would take two months to get to Duel Island from here, which can only be done when the Black Pearl has the Dark Sea Acceleration. Calculated from this, Tang Ke has only two months left. Even if he leaves the sea of ​​clouds, he will face the wrath of the golden beard, and his life will be in danger at that time.

In order to get out of the predicament as soon as possible, Tang Ke took advantage of his body to be in a state of complete victory, indicating that he would go up to another level, go up and defeat the guardian spirit on the fourth level, and go there to practice the cooperation of the two as soon as possible. There is a rule in this tower, as long as you defeat the guardian spirit on this floor, as long as you don't leave the tower, you can move around freely on the upper and lower floors. So as long as you win this time, you can practice on the fourth floor to your heart's content.

"Although you are obviously weaker than the guardian spirits on the fourth floor, it's okay to fight. But you have to be mentally prepared, otherwise you will be hacked and seriously injured. At that time, I will not be able to rescue you , because the punishment for violating the one-on-one rule in the tower is very serious, if I help you, the two of us will never be able to enter this tower again." Dadarian replied after making a calculation.

"How powerful are the guardian spirits on the fourth floor?" Tang Ke raised his eyebrows. This was beyond his expectations. He originally thought that the guardian spirits on the fourth floor were only slightly stronger than him, but he didn't expect the gap to be so big.

"You won against the guardian spirits on the first three floors with absolute strength difference, but the guardian spirits on the fourth floor are at the same level as you. From my point of view, he is indeed stronger than you, and not only a little bit stronger."

Tang Ke's face darkened, and he said, "Even if he's much better than me, I still have to go up and give it a try."

"Well said, let's go up together. I still miss that guardian spirit, and it would be nice to slash him twice for fun." Dadarian laughed twice, resisted the knife, and swaggered towards up the stairs.

Tang Ke took a deep breath and followed with firm steps.

In the front hall on the fourth floor of the Hidden Sword Tower, a pile of silver-white metal blocks lay quietly on the ground. On both sides of the metal pile, there was a long-handled big knife on each side. The long-handled broadsword was five yards long, the blade was as white as snow, and the long handle was as black as ink, without any decoration on it, it looked plain and unpretentious.

When Tang Ke saw the two long-handled swords, the first thing he thought of was Guan Erye's Qinglong Yanyue Sword. The two on the ground are simply replicas.

The guardian spirit was approached by someone, and after a burst of combination, it quickly formed a humanoid armor, standing proudly in front of the opening, holding a long pole and a big knife in each of the two gauntlets. A burst of cold light and sword energy.

"Holding two such fierce long knives, is he still called a swordsman?" Tang Ke cursed with red eyes.

"He can stab you to death with sword energy, even if he uses a wooden stick, he is still a swordsman." D'Addarian patted Tang Ke on the back without any sympathy, "Don't hesitate, go ahead."

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