Pirate System

Chapter 248: Double Swords and Double Swords

Chapter 248 Double Swords and Double Swords

Tang Ke put aside the entanglement in his heart, and first used an investigation technique to obtain various values ​​of the other party. In the end, a comparison showed that the strength and physical strength of this guardian spirit were stronger than him. In terms of skills, the skills of this guardian spirit are only strong but not weak, and he is an out-and-out rival. And this guardian spirit, like him, has the attribute of two swords, and is an expert in using two swords.

Although Dadarian can first exhaust the physical strength of the guardian spirit, the guardian spirit can quickly recover its physical strength through the magic circle under its feet. After the guardian spirit is defeated by the previous person, if it consumes too much, it will automatically decompose and return to rest above the magic circle. Only after the Guardian Spirit has returned to his full strength will he accept the next challenger. Of course, during this period, other people will also be blocked by the barrier and cannot pass through.

In addition to physical strength and skills, Tang Ke felt more concerned about the weapons of the guardian spirit. The two long-handled swords were completely different from ordinary swords in terms of attack and defense. When fighting like this, there would be a feeling of strangeness. It is very easy to be caught off guard.

Despite all his worries, he had no room to retreat, so he could only fight boldly.

As the intruder approached step by step, the guardian spirit took a very unique posture. He pointed the long knife in his left hand at the intruder, and the long knife in his right hand was behind his back. The posture formed by the two long knives was like a wild goose. Open wings. The long knife in the front is obviously used to force the enemy back and sweep, while the long knife on the back is both offensive and defensive, and will attack according to the situation. It can be seen that these two long knives do have unique ways of using them.

Tang Ke also pulled out his sword halfway, and walked forward with concentration, taking every step extremely slowly. He estimated that the opponent's long knife greatly increased the killing range, but the shortcomings were also obvious. Such a long handle is not conducive to turning and shrinking back when used. So the best way to attack is to rush forward and attack. Once close, the two long knives will be useless. As long as it can break through the defense around the long knife, it can hit the red dot on the guardian spirit.

He made up his mind, roared, and rushed over with the sword in his hand. In the process of running, the cold body of the sword surged a burst of air.

Unexpectedly, in the face of Tang Ke's ferocious momentum, the guardian spirit did not react at all, and still maintained its original posture, pointing its long knife at Tang Ke.

If Tang Ke rushed forward, he would hit the long knife. Due to the venue, if he went around, he would be blocked by the wall, so the left and right sides had been sealed, so he had to attack straight. He raised the Xingyue scimitar and pushed aside the guardian spirit's long knife. At the moment when the two swords collided, sword energy suddenly burst out from the silent long knife, which greatly increased the power of the long knife. When the two knives collided, Tang Ke only took advantage of it a little bit. Although he knocked the long knife away, his hands were also numb from the shock.

The investigation technique can only set out the three strongest skills of the enemy,

But the guardian spirit obviously has more than three skills, such as the ability to arouse sword energy without moving, Tang Ke has no way of knowing.

Tang Ke pulled the long knife away, but his body staggered a bit because of this, revealing flaws.

The blue light in the eyeholes of the guardian spirit's helmet was shining brightly, and he swung the long knife behind his back with extraordinary momentum, with a whistling sound like a galloping horse. Don't look at the clumsiness of these two long knives on the surface, but when used by the guardian spirit, the speed is not inferior to Tang Ke at all.

Tang Ke leaned over to dodge the knife narrowly. Although there was no frontal friction, his back was hurt by the strong wind. He took another two steps forward while leaning over, and this way he got a lot closer. He thought it was an opportunity, so he secretly used his strength, and the two swords in his hands were burning red.

But the guardian spirit didn't give Tang Ke this chance. He quickly withdrew the long knife in his left hand, stretched the whole handle back, held the root of the blade with his hand, and stabbed towards Tang Ke suddenly.

Tang Ke had no choice but to raise his sword to block, the blades of the two sides collided, and the strength he had accumulated was also released, and the red color on the sword quickly faded.

The guardian spirit carried out an alternate attack, each time it swung a knife, the other knife was retracted, and the two knives were swung continuously, forcing Tang Ke out of the circle. This time, it was the guardian spirit's turn to fight back. He swung the two scimitars away completely, like a propeller, forming a circular killing area. This is a powerful sword technique called "Sweeping Thousands of Armies". Once touched, either death or injury. His attack was originally strong and heavy, and with the help of inertia after he swung it up, his strength was improved again.

Tang Ke weighed it up. If he relied on hard work, he couldn't block the guardian spirit's knife, so he could only temporarily avoid the edge. He dodged all the way and fell into a passive decline.

The guardian spirit's sword technique is not only special, but also extremely exquisite. In addition, he has no fear or other thoughts, and fights without distraction, which makes him stronger than ordinary fourth-order swordsmen.

Tang Ke dodged all the way, and used the terrain to counterattack twice, but both failed. He flew up the stone pillar and stabbed the guardian spirit from a high place, but the guardian spirit slammed up with the knife, and he had to jump aside. Another time, he used the stone pillar as a shield, and then went around to sneak attack, but this time he was once again blocked by the guardian spirit's long knife, unable to advance an inch.

The point of view of winning at close range is absolutely correct, but the problem is that it is too difficult to get close. As a result, the battle situation has reached a stalemate.

D'Addarian, who was watching the battle from a distance, frowned and said: "Why is it more embarrassing than I imagined? Don't get killed. If you feel bad, you can exit this front hall. In that case, the guardian spirit will not be killed." I will chase you again."

Tang Ke said in displeasure, "Who would admit defeat?" Although his mouth was stiff, he was forced to back away as soon as he finished speaking, and his eyes were full of the gleaming knife light.

The guardian spirit is like a killing machine, mechanically choosing the most suitable method to attack. In his eternal memory, he has already counted all the fighting methods that Tang Ke can use, without missing any.

Tang Ke was annoyed at being ridiculed by Dadarian, and became even more eager to win. He gritted his teeth, and suddenly stopped in his tracks, and his aura suddenly rose. He raised his sword and pointed it straight at the ceiling, his eyes became extremely sharp.

Lion Triumph

When the long knife of the guardian spirit arrived, Tang Ke's eyes lit up, he blocked the long knife with his two swords, and then blocked it upwards, his whole body took advantage of the situation to bully him, but before he could get close, another long knife Already in front of him, he swung his two swords away again, and under the infusion of sword energy, he just blocked the violent attack of the guardian spirit. He was overjoyed that he was finally able to get close to the guardian spirit. With a roar, he slashed the two swords towards the guardian spirit's chest as quickly as possible, where the red dot was the easiest to hit.

At this critical moment, the guardian spirit played a trick. He slashed his two knives on the ground, like a pole vault, using the edge of the long knives as a fulcrum, and jumped upwards with his strength.

Fortunately, Tang Ke drew his sword earlier than the guardian spirit. Before the guardian spirit escaped, his two swords had already hit the guardian spirit's chest. After a round of slashing, he hit the red dot twice.

The guardian spirit's chest was torn apart, but his body continued to fly into the air. After reaching the highest point, he spun rapidly, swung the other scimitar towards Tang Ke, and performed an ordinary sword skill, hitting Tang Ke's back.

Although Tang Ke succeeded, he was also injured, so the loss outweighed the gain.

"No, you can't be so impatient. It's not worth fighting with a guardian spirit." To win this time, Tang Ke must hit the red dot at least six times. He had to be in the state of being seriously injured a while ago, which would slow down his cultivation speed, which would be very bad. What's more, with this head-to-head method, if there is a slight mistake, you will die on the spot.

The guardian spirit came over again, swinging a pair of long knives far away, and there was a sharp sword aura attached to them.

Tang Ke didn't fight recklessly this time, but wandered around calmly looking for an opportunity to take advantage of, and thinking about how to deal with the guardian spirit.

The biggest problem now is that the guardian spirit's attack range is too large. It would be great if there is a longer attack method than him... Wait, a longer attack method

Suddenly, he thought of his warlock skill. Although it is not very powerful, the small fireball he released just has a super long attack distance. And in the confrontation with the guardian spirit, he only needs to hit the red dot. The strength when hitting the red dot is not strictly required.

"The dark scene reappears in the world, and the fire of the nine evils destroys all living beings." Tang Ke dodged to hide behind the stone pillar, muttering, the stone pillar in this room is unbreakable, the guardian spirit can't be cut at all, so he can only go around and attack, he Taking advantage of this moment, the chanting has been completed, and black flames burst out from his hands. His eyes turned cold, and he threw the flame at the guardian spirit.

The flame hit the guardian spirit's face door, which beat the guardian spirit into a frenzy and opened the door wide.

Tang Ke seized the opportunity, rushed up with a single sword in his left hand, and stabbed suddenly, but the attack failed, because the guardian spirit would automatically turn defensive when facing a sudden attack, blocking any attack with an airtight defense. The snake-shaped sword finally collided with the hilt of the long knife and was bounced away.

Although the sword strike didn't work, the flame did indeed hit it, and it was already counted as a hit.

When he saw the black flame, Daddarian's eyes lit up, and he murmured: "Is this the flame you used to hurt that boring guy last time? It seems interesting. In the vast world outside, there will be More people like you."

"Dark Wonderland..." Tang Ke repeated his old trick, gathered another flame, and threw it at the guardian spirit. The guardian spirit was on guard this time, and avoided it in a flash. But this is within Tang Ke's expectations. A dignified fourth-tier swordsman will not be fooled twice in a row by the warlock's tricks. His attack this time is just to disrupt the attacking pace of the guardian spirit. He rushed forward, using the body of the serpentine sword to support a long knife, then took a step forward, and before the other long knife came over, he drew out the machete and stabbed continuously with "Mei Ting's raindrops" Stabbing at the guardian spirit, this fierce attack hit the red dot twice in a row.

The guardian spirit's blue will-o'-the-wisp dimmed, and its body collapsed, clanging to the ground.

Panting heavily, Tang Ke took two steps back, staring closely at the pile of metal on the ground, and slowly inserted the two weapons back into their sheaths. He had a hard time in this victory, and he was injured on his back. Fortunately, the inner armor blocked part of the damage. Because the guardian spirit is also a strong man, after he won, he also got some reward points, and now the reward points have increased to more than 5,500 points.

"That's right, the way you use fireball and sword skills to cooperate with each other is quite interesting." Daddarian clapped his hands and boasted. He stepped forward, waited for the guardian spirit to stand up again, and started a new battle with the guardian spirit, but won easily.

In this way, the fourth floor was completely opened to the two of them. What awaited Tang Ke was the sword waiting for his master and the endless sword skills.

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