Pirate System

Chapter 258: Enemy's Narrow Road (Part 2)

"Whose child is so unlucky?" Tang Ke raised his eyebrows and showed a smirk. Dadarian, a bloodthirsty beast, has been locked in a cage for so many years, and the first thing he did when he came out of the cage was naturally to kill. The remaining suspense is, how many will Dadarian kill, a dozen people, or the entire ship?

Elizabeth's expression changed, as if to say, "It's time to come."

Tang Ke captures this change in her and feels helpless secretly. There is a big gap between his and her views on good and evil, which will become an obstacle to this love.

"Can you persuade him?" Elizabeth asked in a thin voice.

"No." Tang Ke shook his head.

Elizabeth paused for a moment, and finally sighed helplessly. How could she be used to this kind of cruel killing.

Tang Ke didn't know what to say to Elizabeth. He could neither persuade Elizabeth to be a bad person, nor could he lightly say that it was not a big deal.

D'Addarian couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted excitedly: "Tang Ke, quickly sail the boat towards them!"

Tang Ke put the entanglement just behind his mind, and focused on the battle in front of him. The first thing to do was to use the investigation technique to find out the details of the enemy ship, so as not to capsize in the gutter. The result came out quickly. The enemy had a total of five ships, and their combat power was mediocre, not even large ships. In terms of personnel... He let out a little surprise, and on the personnel list, the name of "Saliva Dog Peel" was impressively listed! This nickname is not very good, no one will pretend to be it.

"It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia." Tang Ke sighed with fate. Peel took the opportunity to blackmail him, and he fought back brutally, killing the Fang Fang Pirates. The feud between the two sides is not small. He glanced at the pirate flag on the mast, probably the other party came here after seeing this pirate flag.

"What's the matter?" Elizabeth asked, thinking something had happened.

Tang Ke estimated the strength of the two sides. Peel was only a fifth-level swordsman, and the other named Dan Meng was a third-level fighter. The other party only had these two strong men, so it was not a big deal. As for the sailboat, the Black Pearl was also enough to win.

Fortunately, this is a must-win battle.

"It's nothing, don't worry." Tang Ke smiled relievedly, stroked her pale face, and his hands were so smooth and soft that people couldn't put it down.

He then controlled the Black Pearl to turn around. This ship was connected with his mind, as if it was a clone of him. As soon as a thought passed, the sails turned around flexibly.

It's foggy now,

Dadarian saw the opponent's ship again with the naked eye, which shows how close the two sides are. Before the Black Pearl turned around completely, the five slave ships formed a beautiful encirclement. Dadarian laughed happily when he saw a few more ships.

The Black Pearl and the other's flagship were facing each other head-on, and the distance between them was only four hundred yards.

Tang Ke stood at the bow of the boat with a smile, and his attitude was calm. He waved at the ugly orc figure opposite him and said, "Long time no see, salivating dog."

The figure opposite was silent.

On the slave ship, Peel stared at Tang Ke, killing intent emerged, as if billowing black air enveloped his whole body. He trembled, trembling with excitement, trembling with anger.

Dan Meng on the side asked puzzledly: "The enemy is right in front of you, why don't you speak? He has already greeted you.

"I'm too excited to know what to say," Peel said, sounding like a whetstone sharpening a blade.

Dan Meng looked forward and said in surprise: "I think something is wrong. Although we surrounded him, he didn't seem to be afraid at all. Cousin, are you right? Is he really just a fourth-order swordsman? ?”

"Of course there's nothing wrong with it. He's just bluffing. I've already frightened my guts out!" Pierre roared.

"Okay. Hope so." Dammer shrugged.

Peel really didn't know what to say, there was no need for so much nonsense between enemies, he just wanted revenge, that's all.

"Tang Ke, I'm going to kill you!!"

Hearing the ear-shattering roar, Tang Ke chuckled a few times. The other party must have thought that he was sure of winning, but in fact, the balance of victory had already been crushed by the heavy pendant.

"Farewell, Peel. I'm not bickering with you, it's really goodbye."

The Black Pearl continued to move forward, trying to send Dadarian, the humanoid weapon, to the opposite side. At the same time, the dark sea is already brewing.

D'Addarian glanced around and said dumbfounded: "It's a pity, what a pity. I prefer to chop up some human-like guys, but these guys are a bit unhuman."

The slaves transported on the slave ship were orcs, and the slaves were also escorted by orcs. The same kind of murdering the same kind of people is not much worse than Tang Ke. The age of great voyages has always had a dark side.

"One day I'll take you to a beauty pageant to hack people, and I'll make sure you pass." Tang Ke joked. He secretly laughed, Dadarian actually demanded quality when it comes to beheading people, this is not sex.

"Let the boat go faster!" Dadarian urged, not in the mood to entangle in the topic of the beauty pageant.

In a moment's time, all five slave ships were close enough. Tang Ke released the five dark seas in time and blocked all five slave ships. The black sea water is like a nightmare swamp, with its huge suction, it firmly absorbs the bottom of the slave ship. The five slave ships were under control, and the Black Pearl was now free to roam and ravage these ships. The Black Pearl has evolved for such a long time, absorbing the shadow power in Tang Ke's heart all the time, and now it has grown a lot, and the time for maintaining the dark sea has also been greatly extended.

This change caused the orcs on the slave ship to panic.

"What? Why can't we move?" Damon exclaimed, grabbed onto the side of the boat, and leaned over to look down.

"Magic boat! Damn it, Tang Ke is riding a magic boat! Aren't his magic boats Cangtian and Purgatory? Could it be that he has another magic boat?" Jiao's face was even more distorted and terrifying.

The orc sailors shouted.

"Look! The water below us has turned black!"

"It's scary, that ship is indeed a ghost ship!"

"Holy Lord bless! Holy Lord bless!"

The gods never answered the prayers of the good, let alone the prayers of the wicked.

Riding the wind and waves, the Black Pearl quickly approached the slave ship with a gift called "Death". Seeing that the situation was not good, the slave ship launched a bombardment with bow guns, but with only one gun, even if it hit the devil's figure on the Black Pearl, so what.

"I really want to fight back." Tang Ke said, licking his lips. He also had a bow cannon, and a devil ram, either of which could poke a hole in the paper slave ship.

"No! Don't fire, don't kill anyone, keep them all for me." Daddarian looked like a gluttonous child, guarding the candy he just got.

Before the slave ship fired its second shot, the Black Pearl had already pulled in to a distance of thirty yards. D'Addarian's center of gravity sank, his muscles contracted, like a leopard arched up, his body was like a bouncing spring, producing a terrifying explosive force, and he jumped directly onto the opposite ship.

D'Addarian, a beautiful elf boy, smiled and drew out his sword. The cold light illuminated the faces of Pierre and Damon.

On the Black Pearl, Elizabeth had already foreseen the tragedy that would happen next, she turned around and said, "I don't want to have nightmares tonight, so I'll go back to my room first."

Tang Ke rubbed against her shoulder, his heart trembled, and he couldn't help saying: "Elizabeth, there will be many such things in the future."

Elizabeth stopped and said without turning her head: "I know. You don't have to worry, I have the consciousness to bear the notoriety with you. But I don't want to see such a scene, and you don't want me to see it either?"

Tang Ke was a little relieved, the other party had already expressed his heart.

"Elizabeth, thank you."

"You're welcome. Just be your big villain. I don't expect you to change your mind. I only hope to be with you. Just being together is enough." Elizabeth walked away, because screams erupted on the slave ship Voice.

It's not easy for a pirate to find a wife! You have to be bold, you have to be a bit bad, and you have to be able to protect yourself... Tang Ke couldn't help but feel emotional.

On the other hand, Daddarian killed three people in a row, the blade was stained with blood, and three orc corpses in half fell from the bow, and two of them fell into the sea.

Damon showed fear and retreated step by step.

After all, Pierre was a fifth-rank swordsman, a man of high skill and boldness, and asked calmly, "Who are you?"

"Reaper." D'Addarian sneered, held the handle with both hands, and swung the knife to attack. The sharp sword energy lingered on the blade, like a white butterfly dancing.

Pierre hastily drew his sword to resist, and the blades of the two sides collided, and they were evenly matched.

"Not good! It's a fifth-level swordsman!" Pierre's expression turned ugly, and he lost another 10% of his momentum.

On the other hand, Dadarian, he never takes life and death seriously, and he will never get confused. When he meets a master, he will feel happy instead.

"This feeling is really great! I met a master for the first time! Come on, let me have a good time, otherwise, I will not spare you!"

Dadarian's offensive suddenly increased, one knife was faster than one knife, one knife was fiercer than one knife, and the knife rushed to the vital point, leaving no room for the knife! His knife collided with Peel's longsword, sending sparks flying and screaming. He attacked step by step, forcing Pierre to retreat steadily.

"Things like sword skills can only exert their greatest power when they are fighting for life and death."

D'Addarian swung his sword several times, and his moves were superb and absolutely perfect. This move, which had been suppressed in the past, was finally able to be used today. Pierre resisted hastily, and with a set of moves, he was able to protect himself without any danger.

"Sword skills are designed to kill people. The point of the sword should hit the vitals of the person, not the scarecrow's chest.!"

Daddarian's sword stabbed forward fiercely, and the sword energy was like a sharp pile smashing through the city gate, blasting forward with the momentum of attacking the city and pulling out the stronghold. Pierre dodged, but his shoulder was scratched by the sword energy, and blood bloomed.

"Only, only in this kind of life-and-death struggle, can I feel my true self." D'Addarian instantly charged up and performed a heavy slash, forcing Pierre back abruptly. He said with a cold face , "However... You guy didn't make me happy at all! You give me a little more strength! Use your most powerful sword skills! Let me get hurt!"

"You lunatic!" Piel was forced to erupt, and fought back furiously. He spun around, formed a storm of sword energy, and slammed into Dadarian.

Even anger can hardly make up for the lack of strength, and the fifth level is completely different from the fifth level, and Dadarian is obviously superior in strength. What's more, the sword skills that Dadarian learned are all carefully selected excellent sword skills.

"The flaws you exposed are for me to chop, right?" D'Addarian jumped back and walked in all directions as light as a swallow, his eyes became as sharp as the edge of a knife, and when he drew the knife again, it was already Peel's storm was torn apart, and Peel fell backwards.

Peel didn't even have a chance to inspect the wound, so he bounced off the ground, looked at D'Addarian with terrified and inexplicable eyes, and vomited blood from his mouth.

"The game is over. It's a pity that you haven't even seen my strongest sword skills." D'Addarian's clothes fluttered in the wind. After he changed into the clothes of the outside world, his handsomeness increased by more than a star and a half.

"No...don't kill me! I can apologize to Tang Ke!" Pierre begged for mercy in despair.

There is no word for mercy in Dadarian's dictionary, he put the knife back into its sheath, and wanted to cut it with Iai.

Pierre cursed angrily, and began to accumulate strength, he must use the strongest sword skills to resist.

Dadarian's figure flashed past, and Peel, who had not yet fully charged, was mortally wounded, vomited blood, and fell down.

"There is no swordsman begging for mercy in the world. In the last second of your life, even the last bit of glory has been extinguished." Dadarian maintained the posture of holding the knife, and the figure trampling on life and blood was so handsome. thing.

The orcs on the slave ship had long been frightened by this lightning-fast and dragon-like confrontation.

"Evil, devil!" the orc sailors shouted in unison. Dadarian's figure had become the deepest impression on them before they died.

The orcs panicked and fired, but Dadarian dodged away when the gun was aimed at him.

"Do you want to hurt me with that kind of toy? It's ridiculous!" The elf swordsman sneered, and entered the crowd with a beautiful figure, with his sword up and down, his life withered, "You are just like flowers in my eyes , but you can only experience this kind of beauty if you cut it off. I love this kind of beauty deeply, so you all die to me!"

The feast of death has begun. D'Addarian was harvesting life at a high speed. He was so happy that he couldn't control himself. Every time he killed a person, he thanked the other person for bringing him such happiness in his heart.

If he hadn't encountered a master, Dadarian's killing actions would be indiscriminate. He killed everyone he could see, and danced happily in the sea of ​​blood.

Pierre's cousin Damon was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, his legs shook, and he stumbled into the cabin. His mind went blank, and he felt death behind him, so close. He hid in the deepest part of the cabin, where it was smelly, and there were mice running around. He used his huge body to get into the small space, curled up, and shivered.

It felt like he had waited an hour, and it could have been longer than that, but it was much shorter than that. But he found that what he was waiting for was precisely the person he was most afraid of.

That boy suddenly appeared, standing on the wooden box, his handsome face was covered with blood, his body was also covered with blood, the only thing that was clean was that strange thin machete. Those eyes are so cold, they are definitely not eyes that humans can have.

Damon used to think that he was a bad person, that he was synonymous with evil, but today he suddenly realized that the young man in front of him was the embodiment of pure evil. When a beast encounters a stronger beast, the only fate is to be eaten.

"You are the last one. The others were either killed or jumped into the sea." He responded with an incredible smile.

Damon yelled in his heart, he cursed himself for being so flustered that he forgot about jumping into the sea to escape!

"Please, don't kill me! I can give you all the money I made from selling slaves all these years!"

The boy shook his head and said, "Begging for mercy is useless in front of me."

The knife has been raised, white as snow, cold as cold wind.

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