Pirate System

Two hundred and fifty ninth chapter miss

Chapter 259

Tang Ke looked at the slave ship that had been stained red, and there was a strong sense of death on the deck. Even he felt deeply uncomfortable seeing the scene of purgatory. He deliberately used the dark sea to pull the other four slave ships nearby, and invited the people on the slave ships to watch this killing scene. The people in the other four boats were all terrified, some prayed, and some jumped into the sea in fright.

The killing was over, and the blood-stained Daddarian came up from under the gangway with a contented smile on his face. He jumped back on board the Black Pearl, leaving bloody footprints with every step he took.

"How do you feel?" Tang Ke asked.

"I found my own way of swordsmanship in the killing. I can feel that after this battle, I am much stronger." Dadarian urged, "Quickly drive the boat to the other boats, let me kill again .I'm far from killing enough."

But Tang Ke couldn't let D'Addarian continue to mess around. He had killed enough people in one ship, and it was still useful for him to keep the other four ships.

"Go to the side and rest first."

Tang Ke pointed to the side, and Dadarian walked over with a lot of enthusiasm. Tang Ke then walked to the bow and shouted to the people in the other four boats: "There are two roads in front of you, one is death, and the other is death. The second is to submit to the Dragon Pirates. Those who choose to submit must raise the white flag within three minutes, otherwise they will be killed without mercy."

The people on the other four ships witnessed the process of Dadarian's massacre with their own eyes, and they were already terrified with fear. They had seen a lot of killings, but they had never seen this kind of killing machine. Before three minutes had passed, the other four ships raised their white flags.

Tang Ke ordered the other four ships to lay down their weapons, and everyone stood on the deck. He drove the Black Pearl to the first ship, to board to take over.

D'Addarian noticed something was wrong and asked, "Are you going to spare them? I haven't killed enough yet."

Tang Ke said seriously: "Daddarion, this killing party is over."

D'Addarian raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "Hmph, are you trying to order me?"

"As long as you admit that you are a member of the Dragon Pirates, you have to obey my orders, because I am the leader of the pirates." In this first battle, Tang Ke must make sure that he can restrain Dadarian. However, he would rather part ways with Dadarian. Although the Dragon Pirates are an illegal organization, they also have their own rules and regulations.

"I thought we were on equal footing, isn't that how brothers should be?" D'Addarian was obsessed with being restrained.

"Brother to brother,

The pirate group belongs to the pirate group, which is two different things. "

"Hehe, in other words, whoever is the captain of the pirates will be able to command everything? If that's the case, I'd like to be the captain too." Dadarian stared. Drenched in blood, his expression looked extremely frightening.

"Yes, but first ask the tens of thousands of pirates in the Dragon Pirates if they agree." Tang Ke didn't mean to scare Dadarian. Currently, the Dragon Pirates have twenty-seven ships, and the number of pirates has also increased to tens of thousands. Man, the Pirates haven't stopped growing during his absence

"There are so many people in your pirate group?" Daddarian was slightly surprised.

"Dadarian, a lone wolf can only roam the world, but a pack of wolves can form a whole while hunting around. They will not be lonely or cold. You should join us, I will not give you too many constraints. You like to kill people, no problem, we pirates just want to burn, kill and loot everywhere, which is exactly what you want. But I hope you can have a limit, you have to learn the law of the jungle in this world, otherwise this game called 'life', you must It won't last long." Tang Ke said with sincerity.

Killing people everywhere without restraint, sooner or later they will stumble. Even pirates have to pay attention to the way of piracy and have their own restraint.

Daddarian's eyes flickered, as if he was touched, he was silent for a long time, and finally moved his feet, leaving a sentence: "I'm going to take a shower, and you can play next."

Tang Ke was overjoyed when he heard the words, and smiled at the elf boy's back and asked, "Dadarian, are you going to choose to be a pack of wolves?"

"Hmph, you wolf king just don't get too complacent." D'Addarian waved his hands behind him.

"But to be a wolf king is to be proud." Tang Ke murmured, it is precisely because the wolf king has a proud character that he attracts the pack of wolves to come to him

Next, Tang Ke began to collect five slave ships, which were his spoils of war. The flagship of the slave ship has turned into a blood-red empty ship, and the remaining four ships are also crawling on the sea, trembling. Facing the sea, he shouted loudly: "Everyone kneel on one knee, don't raise your head, don't move around, or you will be killed!"

The Black Pearl glides with the wind and bumps into a slave ship lightly. The dumb beasts clattered onto a board, and Tang Ke stepped onto the slave ship with a grim expression. He stepped on the first step, and the system prompt sounded in his head.

"Ding, you have occupied a ship, which belongs to piracy, and you will get 250 reward points."

The system is still very smart, as long as no one continues to resist the enemy ship, it will be judged that Tang Ke has successfully robbed the ship.

In the past, Tang Ke would have to pay a huge price and endure many sacrifices to rob a ship, but now he can do it easily, and it doesn't cost a single soldier.

On the open deck, all the orcs knelt on one knee, lowered their heads humbly, not daring to offend. The orcs' weapons were all packed in wooden boxes and placed aside to show their absolute submission. Tang Ke was very satisfied with the performance of the orc and walked forward.

The kneeling orcs lined up on both sides, secretly looking at Tang Ke's boots, not daring to breathe.

Behind Tang Ke was a group of dumb monsters. In terms of physique, the dumb monsters were stronger than the orcs. He feels very good now, the lives of these orcs are in his hands, he feels that he is a master, and he can deal with these orcs as he pleases.

"Is everyone on deck?" Tang Ke asked.

Silence, still silence, the orcs didn't know who was worthy to answer Tang Ke's question. At last the orc captain answered gruffly, "The crew and sailors are here, but the slaves are still in the cells."

Tang Ke is not interested in the slave trade, and has no time to sell these slaves. He needs pirates more than slaves. He let the orc captain lead the way, went down the gangway, walked through corridors and decks, and reached the lowest cell. The cell was stinky and dark, and there were dozens of orcs imprisoned in it, and there might be more. It was too dark to judge.

The slaves all looked towards the door, filled with fear and despair.

"I am Tang Ke, the leader of the Dragon Pirates. I have killed the leader of the slave fleet. Whether you should continue to be a lowly slave or a vicious pirate. You can choose for yourself. I will give you this opportunity today" Tang Ke stood at the door, casting a dark figure like ink. What he gave these slaves was not hope, but a door leading to the abyss of evil.

The answer is a good choice, all orc slaves choose to commit themselves to evil causes, preferring to be pirates rather than slaves.

Tang Ke used the same method to control the other three slave ships, freed the slaves, and collected the weapons. It is worth mentioning that the weapons obtained from Dan Meng and Peel are of good quality. Although Tang Ke doesn't like it, he can give it to his subordinates for use in the future.

Through interrogation, he uncovered several backbones who were very loyal to Damon, and through systematic observation, executed all those with extremely low loyalty. In addition, he also killed all the sick slaves, and with this kind of thunder, he eradicated all future troubles.

After this battle, Tang Ke got more than a thousand reward points, and used these reward points to recruit several orcs.

Several orcs are capable, including swordsmen, fighters, captains and gunners, but the level of these people is only the first level. But even with such strength, it is enough to lead the slave ship. Tang Ke deliberately recruited orcs and used them to manage the orcs, so that the resistance of the orcs could be reduced.

Elizabeth had been a captain and was quite experienced in management. Since she was the ship's wife, she naturally wanted to help Tang Ke share some affairs. She came forward to count the personnel and the supplies of the slave ship, and made a lot of effort.

The slaughtered slave ship was full of blood and corpses, and the scene was terrifying. Thanks to the group of stupid monsters who are not afraid of getting dirty or tired, they cleaned up the ship after a lot of hard work. Even the corpses were not wasted. Except for the ones eaten by the stupid monsters, the rest were stuffed into the beast lair of the Black Pearl to make more stupid monsters.

After finishing these tasks, Tang Ke finally took full control of the five slave ships, and the time passed into the night.

The captain's cabin was filled with mist, which made the temperature in the room rise a lot. Tang Ke soaked in the big bathtub, leaning against the wooden wall, with his legs straight, and the skin of his whole body was unprecedentedly relaxed under the touch of hot water. After a busy day, there's nothing better than soaking in a bath. There are public washrooms on board, which is a privilege that only large ships can enjoy, but compared with washrooms, it is more comfortable to take a bath in your own closed space.

In this relaxed state, Tang Ke's mind was emptied of all the messy thoughts, like the surface of calm water. There are many wounds on his body, and the wounds from the last battle with Earl Redbird have just healed.

There was a knock on the door, and a musical female voice asked, "Can I come in?"

Logically speaking, it is inconvenient for a woman to visit when a man takes a bath in the house. But when Tang Ke heard that it was Elizabeth, he smirked and said, "Of course."

When Elizabeth walked into the room, she was stunned when she saw the water mist all over the room, and then saw Tang Ke who was soaking naked in the bathtub, covered her mouth, and almost turned around and left. But she stayed, blushing and looking at Tang Ke reproachfully.

Tang Ke enjoyed the delicate appearance of this blonde beauty, which made him feel better, and secretly felt that women are the best gift God bestows on men.

Elizabeth stood at the door for a while, neither moving forward nor retreating. Apart from resentment, there was also a hint of ambiguity in her expression, which made people confused.

This is the northern sea area of ​​the world, and it is very cold. After opening the door, the temperature in the room plummeted. Tang Ke's exposed skin clearly felt the cold wind blowing from the door. He smiled and said, "Can you close the door? The cold air from outside is coming in."

Elizabeth took a deep look at Tang Ke, then turned around and closed the door.

Tang Ke saw that there was something going on, and said further: "It's lonely to take a bath alone, come and accompany me."

She walked over as she said, so well-behaved that it made people feel sweet. She sat down behind the bathtub, stretched out her white and tender hands to rest on Tang Ke's broad shoulders, stretched her head forward, poured out the fragrance, and blew air like orchids. "Do you like entertaining guests in the tub?"

Tang Ke felt the tenderness from Elizabeth's hands, and her nails pierced his skin, shallow and itchy. He turned his head sideways, facing her beautiful face like an angel, and said with a smile: "You are not a guest. You are my boat lady."

Elizabeth's expression darkened, she nodded and said, "Yes. I will be your shipwreck lady from now on, and I will be the worst and worst woman in the world from now on. I am no longer a businessman, but a pirate."

Tang Ke was very distressed, and comforted: "Elizabeth, what I forced on you is not only sin, but also glory. After I become the pirate king, I can guarantee that no one in the world will dare to say no to you again. They Everyone has to look up to you and worship you. You will be proud to marry me in the future."

"You, you want to become the Pirate King?"

"I don't want to be a general, but a soldier is not a good soldier. Since I became a pirate, I naturally want to aim at the king's throne." Tang Ke raised his wet hand and shook the air suddenly, showing his determination that was hard to catch.

Elizabeth looked like this, nodded with a smile and said, "Very well, I like ambitious men, and I will support you."

Tang Ke and Elizabeth looked at each other for a while, and they kissed each other naturally. It was a sweet kiss. Under Tang Ke's training, Elizabeth's kissing skills became better and better. Her tongue was like a hungry fish, licking around his tongue a few times, making him itchy and comfortable. She sucked for a while, and then she withdrew contentedly, her lips and teeth parted, and let out a "sizzling" sound. Her face became even more flushed, with a lingering crimson color.

"Are you really not going to take a bath with me? I want to bring you a little happiness." Tang Ke asked in a magnetic voice.

Elizabeth shook her head sweetly and said, "Tang Ke, I won't hand myself over to you until that matter is done."

"Achieve what?" Tang Ke thought for a while, "Does it mean the matter of redeeming your father? That matter is no problem, it's on me."

She stretched out her thin fingertips, tapped Tang Ke's forehead and said, "That's your job, I mean another thing. Want me to give you a hint?"


"Reminder 1, a lifelong event. Reminder 2, the clothes you only wear once in your life. Guess for yourself. Even pigs and beasts should be able to guess what it is." After finishing speaking, Elizabeth stood up and left, leaving only her naked body Light aroma.

Indeed, no matter how stupid you are, you can guess the answer. what elizabeth wants is a wedding

Tang Ke was used to being a pirate, and he was used to being casual. Only then did he realize that women care a lot about this. Only when you are married can you prove the relationship between husband and wife. It really doesn't matter if you just say a few words about Mrs. Yachuan. He is sincere to Elizabeth, and he is naturally happy to do this.

Get married first, then sow, and you will reap a basketful of little pirates in the coming year...

Tang Ke couldn't help having a sweet dream, and said with a silly smile, "Okay, I'm going to hold a super grand wedding, a pirate's wedding."

Although the idea is good, it cannot be done in a short period of time. This major event has to be postponed until after rushing to the duel island and lifting the curse of the fish.

In the dead of night, Tang Ke took a shower and lay comfortably on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep anyway, so he simply clicked into the system and looked through them one by one. He spent some points to recruit people during the day, but now there are more than 2,000 points left, and he can still do some things. During his stay in the sea of ​​clouds these days, although he didn't complete any tasks, his points were still rising steadily. Part of it was brought about by the expansion and development of Dragon Nest Island, and the other part was added during the operation of the one-eyed fleet.

Even if Tang Ke does nothing now, his territory and fleet can still bring a steady stream of reward points. As he became stronger and the pirate group grew stronger, the method for him to obtain reward points became easier.

Not only points, but money is also increasing. It seems that Dragon Nest Island and the One-Eyed Fleet are not idle, maybe they have done some cases, maybe they have sold some goods.

The Dragon Pirates are now like a rumbling machine, and Tang Ke is the most important part of this machine.

"What should I do with these points..."

Tang Ke finally clicked on his own upgrade option. It is not enough to upgrade a swordsman, but it only needs 800 points to upgrade a warlock. In terms of rarity and destructive power, warlocks are stronger than swordsmen. But Tang Ke still has swordsmen as his main force, and warlocks can only be supplemented.

"Ding, you are upgraded to a second-level warlock, with shadow power +3 and mana +3. Increase the characteristic [Doomsday Mood] and let yourself add an invisible mind. This mind is extremely dark, but it is only used to cultivate shadow power and has no effect on the main character. Influence, shadow power +1, pain spell effect +1. Acquire the skill of [Fear Art], create a terrifying illusion in the enemy's inner world, make the enemy fear, mana -2, and last for 10 seconds (the effect of this skill It will vary from person to person, and for those who are very firm and strong in heart, the influence will be reduced)”

After the upgrade, Tang Ke's body didn't feel much, but his mental world became extremely unstable, as if a tornado had blown up, subverting his memory and spirit, scenes from the abyss emerged one after another, and whispers of demons lingered in his ears. He seemed to be walking on a dark and gloomy staircase, and took another step downwards, and further down was a situation beyond redemption. He felt the majestic power transmitted from another plane. The power was pure and evil. It turned into black air with fangs, tearing open his flesh and injecting it into his heart. deeply rooted.

Everything comes and goes quickly, and all kinds of doomsday illusions follow one after another.

Tang Ke came back to his senses, with cold sweat on his face, he looked at his chest, although he also had freshly healed scars, but these were left from the battle with Earl Redbird. It turned out that those scenes of black air tearing through the skin were just illusions. Fortunately, the increase in strength is not in vain, he can feel more full of Warlock power.

This warlock profession is of great help to Tang Ke. Just releasing a small fireball can give him an additional attack method, and now he has the fear technique, which is even more powerful. Although the effect of the fear technique is only ten minutes, it is enough for a swordsman who is good at killing enemies instantly.

During the period when Tang Ke was separated from the members of the group, his strength improved with each passing day. But he was not the only one who improved, the other members of the pirate group also made great progress. Through hard work, Cyclops has mastered a new gun skill called "arc shooting". Sebastian, who loves to read, became a third-tier doctor. Wendy has become a fourth-tier captain, and she has the demeanor of a strong woman. The goblin Norman has dual professions, two flowers bloom, gunner and alchemist have both been promoted to one level... He sees all of these through the system. This aroused his endless thoughts about these people, and he wanted to meet them again. What a joy it is to laugh together, drink together, and do bad things together.

"One-eyed, Wendy, Sebastian, Cliff, Iona... I really want to see you soon."

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