Pirate System

Chapter two hundred and sixtieth obliteration

Chapter 260

Duel Island is in the shape of a crescent moon, with an opening in the south. The sea around the island is as smooth as a mirror. The climate on both sides of the island is pleasant, but most of them are high mountains, barren land, and lack of green vegetation. Duel Island originally had another name, but there was a duel between a navy ship and a pirate ship here, so it became famous in the world, and it was later renamed Duel Island, which is still in use today.

Today is the twenty-fifth day of the Rainy Moon, counting it, it has been half a month since Cyclops arrived here, and there are only about ten days left before the date of the battle with Golden Beard. After Tang Ke left, he temporarily took over the big and small affairs of the pirate group. First, he went to Dragon's Nest Island, took control of it, and avoided chaos. Then he went to Duel Island. He only made two cases in the middle and made a small sum of money.

During this period, Cyclops has been living a distracted life, feeling unable to calm down in doing anything, as if a big rock is hanging in his heart, and it is difficult to settle down. He was looking forward to Tang Ke's return as soon as possible, because the longer the time dragged on, the more uneasy factors in the pirate group would become.

For example, in the morning, another despicable villain found One-Eyed, blowing wind in his ear, causing One-Eyed to usurp power and take the position of pirate captain.

In the evening, One Eye hangs up the villain and wants to execute him as a punishment to deter the whole pirate group.

One-eyed said that he would be loyal to Tang Ke, and he would never regret it. A man is full of grace and pride, and those fame and fortune are as light as a feather compared to the word loyalty.

"Open your eyes and watch, this is the fate of betraying Tangke"

The one-eyed eyes were fierce, and the right eye was full of red bloodshot eyes. Without looking back, he "flicked" the shot behind him. The bullet drew an arc and smashed the head of that despicable villain. The thousands of pirates present all changed their faces.

"Who will say that Tang Ke won't come back in the future, that's the end, he'll give me a little memory, my bullets don't like to hit my brother's head." One-eyed roared angrily, his chest heaving like a bellows He said, "I've made it clear to you today that even if Tang Ke hasn't returned after ten or a hundred years, he's still the leader of the Dragon Pirates. Unless the pirates are disbanded, it's an ironclad matter." Did he hear it? If you hear it, let me know."

"I heard it!" The crowd of pirates standing shoulder to shoulder broke out in loud shouts.

One-eyed put the pistol back into the holster around his waist, and walked straight to the path on the island, intending to go back to the hotel. As soon as he left, the pirates naturally dispersed, leaving only the fresh corpse exposed to the sun.

There is also a port on Duel Island, but the scale is very small. This island is rarely visited by people on weekdays. The people who live on the island are fishermen. Because the duel between Cangtian and Haihuang attracted many people to Duel Island, making the island very lively,

As if the iron tree is blooming, it is full of vitality. Of course, the two largest groups are naturally the two related pirate groups. The Golden Beard pirate group came earlier, but all of them were small fleets that came to explore the road, and the Golden Beard himself hadn't arrived yet.

For this duel, Cyclops is full of worries. He is not worried about winning or losing. He can guess the result of this battle with his eyes closed. If so, who can withstand the anger of the golden beard?

The golden beard is the king of this sea area, and the other pirate groups are all subordinates, the king wants the minister to die, and the minister must die

What Cyclops was really worried about was Tang Ke's missed appointment. According to the agreement, Tang Ke should personally pilot the Cang Tian to fight, but who the hell knows where Tang Ke was sent by Turbulent Sea? Tang Ke's inability to come is a missed appointment. Once he gets angry with Jinbeard, Tang Ke's fate will be miserable, and he is likely to be blocked, and he will no longer be able to gain a foothold in the sea.

One-eyed brows were tightly furrowed, thinking about this over and over again in the past few days, as if he had already got a knot in his heart.

"One-eyed regiment leader Jin Huzi has come to Duel Island, and he is currently on the Cangtian, so hurry up and preside over the big event."

Duo Yan kept walking forward absent-mindedly, the man yelled twice, Dui Yan came back to his senses, and said in surprise: "What?"

"Golden Beard's fleet has arrived at the pier. After Golden Beard himself went ashore, he went directly to the Cangtian, saying that he wanted to meet his old friend Frankie. That's true, but you have to go there too." The person who spoke was evil The members of the Dragon Pirates were supposed to guard the ship at the port, but now they ran here, panting from exhaustion.

One-eyed sank in his heart, stopped asking any more questions, changed direction, and hurriedly ran to the pier where the boat was parked.

From a long distance, you can see the shadow of the Golden Beard fleet. There are five Golden Beard fleets, and this is the largest of them. The fleet is like a herd of beasts returning home, one by one showing their majesty, entrenched on the sea. The legendary Sea King City is the most conspicuous. Its size is comparable to a small island. As trackers, twelve dragon king whales spit out water jets, and the water mist filled the sky, causing a gorgeous rainbow to open on the sea. These 500 ships are gathered together, possessing the combat power to conquer all directions, enough to stand out from all the heroes in the sea, no one dares to raise their heads in front of this fleet

This is the Golden Beard Pirates, whose strength is enough to deter the surrounding empires and keep the commanders of the imperial navy awake at night. This is Tianwei as the pirate governor, and it is only the tip of the iceberg, the golden beard has other fleets, and territories as numerous as stars.

Although the organization under the banner of the Golden Beard is still called the Pirate Corps, it has actually become a maritime regime with a well-established system and footholds all over the world.

Although it was not the first time he had faced the Golden Beard Pirates, Cyclops still felt it was difficult to breathe. The majestic and majestic aura emanating from the majestic sailboats on the sea made him feel small and overwhelmed by a sense of powerlessness.

"Tangke, during your absence, I will solve any problems for you"

One-eyed heart froze, regained composure, strode towards the pier, towards Cangtian.

A line of troops stood neatly on the shore. Although these people were actually pirates, they stood upright and kept their eyes on them. They seemed to be more qualified than the imperial army. This group of people was uniformly dressed, wearing a black uniform, with a machete on their waist, and a long gun in their hand, with the muzzle resting on their shoulders. The army strictly controlled the entire pier, leaving only one avenue, and the surrounding people and others have been driven away.

Fortunately, Cyclops was not a random person, so he showed his identity, was released, and boarded the Cangtian.

The situation on the deck further demonstrated the relationship between superiority and inferiority. The sailors and crew members on the Cangtian all knelt on one knee on the ground, lowered their heads, and knelt on the starboard and starboard sides. And Jinbeard himself, because he was too tall to enter the cabin, stood on the deck, enjoying the worship of others in the posture of a giant king.

Gold Beard was known to be domineering and domineering, and he was well-known at sea. People of low status had to bow down when they met him. However, all the empires only practiced the knight ceremony of kneeling on one knee, and the golden beard also followed this etiquette.

"See the pirate governor, I wish you good health." One-eyed did not lose his courtesy, and knelt at the foot of the golden beard. His heart was beating non-stop, hitting his chest painfully, and the moment he was most afraid of had come.

"How can you disturb my thinking? Didn't I let that boy Tang Ke come to see me? Why did you come here?" asked the golden beard, not arrogant, his golden hair was stabbed by the bristles of a gun, Like a majestic golden lion.

Goldbeard came here only to meet his old friend who is a ghost, but because it was evening and the sky was not yet dark, Frankie couldn't come out to meet him. Jin Huzi is very proud of his friends, so he decided to wait until dark to catch up with his old friends. During this period, he didn't talk to anyone except ordering others to find Tang Ke. Even though the pirates knew the truth and were very anxious, no one dared to stand up and tell the truth.

This burden naturally fell on Cyclops' shoulders.

"Reporting to the Governor, Captain Tang Ke passed through the Turbulent Sea when he went out to sea, and was taken away by the Feisuo Current. There has been no news so far. I am Cyclops, and I will act as the head of the pirate group on his behalf to manage the size of the pirate group. Captain Tang Ke may be able to Come here on the agreed date. If you can't, I hope the governor will forgive me, after all, the flying shuttle current is a natural miracle, and it cannot be resisted by human beings."

"Knowing that he has the mission to complete this duel, but still wandering around in the sea, such a felony is unforgivable. No matter where he goes, he is not allowed to appear on the sea again."

The two plain words of the golden beard are equivalent to giving Tang Ke a death sentence. The meaning here is to completely obliterate Tang Ke, unless Tang Ke can be a man with his tail between his legs, hide his name, and go far away.

Everyone in the Dragon Pirates didn't dare to do anything wrong, but their breathing became heavy, and many broad and powerful shoulders trembled from it, appearing to be in great pain. The one-eyed man felt as if struck by lightning, he felt unsteady and his eyes became dizzy.

"Governor," One-eyed changed from kneeling on one knee to kneeling on both knees, preferring to abandon his dignity and add some weight to his plea, "Commander Tang Ke respects you very much and regards you as a role model on weekdays. You often sing praises of your merits in front of us. The reason why he missed the appointment this time is purely accidental. As I said just now, no one can resist. The villain desperately begs you to take back your life and pardon Captain Tang Ke's life. On behalf of tens of thousands of pirates, I am here to thank you for your great kindness. If there is an afterlife, I would like to be a cow or a horse to repay this kindness. In short, I beg you to spare Tang Ke's life."

The last sound was the one-eyed kowtow. A man who puts dignity more important than life did it for loyalty and friendship.

If Tang Ke saw this scene, he would definitely feel that he would die without regret because of having such a brother. The weight of life is measured by emotion.

It's a pity that this act of sincerity couldn't move Jin Huzi. He waved his big palm and said impatiently: "Don't mention this matter again. This time the duel will be replaced by you. It doesn't matter whether he is there or not. From then on From now on, there will be no such person as Tang Ke in the sea. If anyone sees him, he can kill him and bring his head to me to receive the reward."

Golden Beard said don't mention it any more, anyone who dares to talk too much will kill himself.

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