Pirate System

Two hundred and sixty first chapter reunion

Chapter 261 Reunion

Knowing that the entanglement would anger the golden beard, One Eye still gritted his teeth, and pleaded: "Please, the governor, have a lot, and let Commander Tang Ke go. If Commander Tang Ke returns in the future, he will definitely go to you to plead guilty. When the time comes Whether it is scolding or amputation, it is up to you. I just ask you to save his life and not ruin his future as a pirate. If Captain Tang Ke is gone, this dragon pirate group will also be destroyed. On behalf of All the pirates of the Dragon Pirates, kneel down and beg you."

The golden beard raised his eyebrows, his face was covered with overcast clouds, he exuded a cold aura like heavy snow, and the temperature of the hot air around him plummeted, making one's heart chill.

One-eyed's words infected other members of the pirate group, and everyone was unwilling to be silent, and pleaded for Tang Ke.

"Please, don't kill our leader"

"If you feel unhappy, take my life to vent your anger."

"I kowtow to you, as long as you agree to this request, I will be fine even if I kowtow ten thousand times."

Moths to the flame, there is a moth's determination, as long as the flame is bright and warm, it is worth sacrificing your life to rush to it.

It's a pity that these begging for mercy will not only not move the golden beard, but will make the sea king furious. King's Wrath, Blood Flows Thousands of Miles

"It's really noisy, just shut me up"

The golden beard yelled angrily, his voice was like thunder from the sky, his beard and hair were all spread out, and the majestic fighting spirit burst out in all directions, blowing everyone on the deck down, even the one-eyed man staggered and retreated a few steps.

"Isn't what I just said clear enough? Or you bastards can't understand. If this is the case, I don't think you are even qualified to help me complete the agreement. Since you never forget your leader, I simply fulfilled your dreams, gave you a death sentence, and let you reunite with the leader."

Under the awe of the golden beard, all the members of the Dragon Pirates were speechless, and fell to the ground, with fear written all over their faces. Relying on Golden Beard's strength and status, these words are equivalent to a death sentence for the entire Dragon Pirates.

"My lord governor, please calm down." A kneeling young elf on the deck stood up hastily, with a wooden staff on his back, and he was a legal profession. It turned out to be the druid Carroll recruited by Tang Ke last time. He is poetic and picturesque. He likes poetry and beautiful women, but he acts quite calmly.

Carol walked up to the golden beard in two steps, knelt down again without raising his head, and quickly said: "The head of the one-eyed group was confused for a while, and offended the lord, and hope that the lord will forgive you. We will not bother you anymore,

You can wait quietly for Mr. Frankie to come out. As for the engagement between the Neptune and Cangtian, we will do our best to complete it, so you don't need to worry. "

One-eyed stood behind, feeling extremely depressed. He has always been desperate for face, but today he knelt down and begged for mercy, in a low voice, in an extremely humble manner. It would be fine if he could save Tang Ke in this way, but now he has ended up being banned. He thought to himself: Tang Ke, I have tried my best. If you are still alive, go to the shore and become a bandit in the future. Don't go back to the sea again. This way you can save your life.

The golden beard glanced at Carol up and down, and said coldly: "It's quite interesting. But unfortunately, what I said will not be taken back. The king's order is irreversible."

As soon as the words fell, Cyclops and the others showed signs of despair. Carol's lips trembled slightly, but he didn't dare to confront the golden beard with words anymore.

In the king's heart, there was no place for a trace of displeasure. Jinbeard was about to execute Cyclops and the others with his own hands. He shouted in a low voice, his veins burst out, and there were continuous explosions in his body. He raised his big hand like a dragon's claw, and with a firm grip, the world changed color and the air around him surged. Move, quickly condense together. The dou qi released by the golden beard formed a mask, and the dou qi that should have been nothingness has now condensed into substance. The whole body of the mask is golden, dazzling. The mask was quickly retracted, and when the mask shrank to a certain range, Cyclops and the others would be crushed to death.

This mask is the execution ground

Cyclops was crushed to the ground by an invisible force, he couldn't breathe, his bones were about to be crushed, and he was in excruciating pain. He took a last look at the brothers around him, and found that everyone was in the same difficult situation. His eyes became blurred, and he simply closed his eyes and waited for death.

The mask closed halfway in an instant, making the sound of lightning and torrenting. Only Jinbeard himself is still standing in the mask, showing the king's supreme power. He pursed his lips tightly, and the lines of his face were as if cut out by an ax and a knife, extremely rigid.

The lives of Duyan and others were hanging by a thread, at this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "My old friend, please forgive me, if you still miss my friendship, please forgive them."

The golden beard's iron body was shocked, he reacted so quickly, he cut off his strength in an instant, and waved his hand instead, smashing the mask easily. The mask exploded with a bang, making a loud bang, and the piercing vigor was scattered in all directions, shocking the surrounding sea.

When the mask was shattered, Cyclops felt light all over. He struggled to get up and found that he was not bad. Some people even vomited blood and suffered internal injuries from being crushed. He looked forward, and there was an ethereal undead standing by the gangway. The undead kept his youthful appearance and was still handsome. He was the original owner of Cang Tian.

"Frankie. You're out at last."

There are very few people in this world who can treat the dignified golden beard with such a peaceful tone, and Frankie the Undead is one of them.

"It's getting dark, but it's my morning now." Frankie looked up, the sky was dark, and he begged lightly, "It's these people who took the risk to go to Snake Cave Island, so that the sky that has been dusty for many years I will see the light of day again. I am grateful to these people, and I hope you will be lenient and let them go."

"If it's you who interceded, there's no problem." The golden beard agreed immediately, and the aggressive aura of the vanguard disappeared. The speed at which the king changed his face was comparable to flipping through a book.

Hearing this, Cyclops breathed a sigh of relief, at least the Dragon Pirates were saved. He thought of Tang Ke again, and hurriedly made a fool of Frankie.

Frankie continued to beg: "There is also that boy named Tang Ke. He has maintained the Cangtian very well. He fought beautifully in a few battles and showed the world the majestic and high-spirited demeanor of the Cangtian. For this reason Now, I have to ask for a favor for him."

"Okay, I'll pardon him as well." Jin Huzi agreed happily. He looked at the crowd disdainfully, frowned, and said, "You bastards, stand down. Friends, have a good chat, you are too intrusive here."

Cyclops and the others supported each other, as if retreating bravely in a torrent, they all got off the boat in a short while, and no one dared to disobey the order. One-eyed was depressed, with a sullen face, looking at the deck of Cang Tian from a distance. With such a distance, the sound of the golden beard like a bell can still be clearly heard. Gold Beard and Frankie talked about their youth experiences, because the undead have no memory, so it is Gold Beard himself who is talking about it.

No matter for anyone, the experience of youth is a precious memory.

One-eyed was not interested in Jinbeard's experience, and didn't bother to listen. Neither he nor the people around him dared to make a sound, so they could only keep silent and stand there. Some pirates who suffered internal injuries had to force themselves to endure the pain. One-eyed was thinking wildly, feeling grateful for Tang Ke's life for a while, and feeling ashamed and indignant for his groveling just now, his mood was extremely complicated, and he was in a mess. When he came back to his senses, it was already dark.

The conversation between the golden beard and Frankie came to an end. The pirate governor walked down the gangway under the light of stars and lights. Every step was clanging and powerful, as if to sink the earth.

The members of the Dragon Pirates knelt down on one knee again, respectfully sending Golden Beard away.

One-eyed lowered his head, his face extremely ugly.

Before Jinbeard left, he stood still in front of Cyclops and said, "Boy, let me tell you the rules of the battle on Fengyue Ninth Day."

One Eye couldn't show any dissatisfaction, and said respectfully: "I will listen carefully."

"The duel time is set for that night, because Frankie can only come out at night to witness this battle with his own eyes. This old friend of mine is full of expectations for this battle. At that time, you and I will each drive the Sea King The ship and the Cang Tian are fighting head-on, and the two sides must start from the side air vent to ensure absolute fairness. In addition, the two ships can only bring a maximum of 500 people, and they must be ordinary people. What we want to compare is the firepower of the ship, not the strength of the people, so it is strictly forbidden to fight on board. Naturally, I will not use the big to bully the small and bombard the Cang Tian."

One Eye listened silently.

Jin Huzi continued: "As for the outcome, it can be judged by the following points. One is that the magic ship loses power, and the other is that all the people on board died. But I have also considered that the Cangtian is my friend's ship after all. , It would be inappropriate to destroy it for a duel. So I thought of another way to determine the outcome, which is milder. We drew one on each side, bow, stern and sail of the two ships. If you hit all the red dots on the enemy ship, you win. In short, whether you sink or hit those red dots, it is a victory."

"Okay, I've written it all down." One-eyed lowered his head even lower.

The golden beard nodded, as if satisfied. "Let me remind you again, I planned this battle to fulfill the agreement I made back then, and at the same time to show my respect to my friends. When you fight on your behalf, you must do your best, and don't deliberately admit defeat just to please me, understand? ?”

"I understand."

"Remember, you must bring out the full strength of Cangtian. Otherwise, I won't spare you lightly."

"I understand." The one-eyed voice was bitter, and repeated.

Only then did Jinbeard stride away, with his head held high and his chest held high, in a heroic manner. His red flannel cloak fluttered in the wind, casting a huge shadow on the ground. His traveling, sitting and sleeping are all based on the standard of the imperial king, and there are still two rows of guards standing on the road, and the pomp is extremely grand. It wasn't until he was gone that the members of the Dragon Pirates stood up again.

One-eyed stared deeply at the cliff-like back of the golden beard, and thought to himself: Tang Ke, it would be great if you could replace him

The loyal pirates began to congratulate in low voices, all happy to save their captain's life.

With a sullen face, One Eye walked into the port.

The pirates froze their smiles, and someone asked, "Commander, where are you going?"

One-eyed didn't look back, he waved his hand and said, "Leave me alone, watch the boat at the pier, don't make any trouble. I'll be at 'Neve's Tavern', call me if you need anything."

Many pirates offered to accompany Cyclops, but Cyclops refused. He walked alone on the night road, alone, with desolate steps. He recalled the pitiful appearance of today, and felt humiliated, life would be worse than death. He missed the days when he was free with Captain Cam. At that time, the Purgatory sailed aimlessly at sea, and there was no happiness. But today, in order to save Tang Ke's life, he had to bow his head to plead with the other strong men and lose face.

Although he is in pain, he has no regrets. Even if time goes back, he will still intercede for Tang Ke. All he wanted now was a glass of ferocious vodka, and a couple of sips would make him feel better. If he had another sleep with the strength of alcohol, the humiliation and pain he suffered today should be much lessened.

The path from the wharf leads directly to the port. The road surface is dirt road, not paved with stones, but it is very dry and hard, but smooth. There are small houses on both sides of the road, with strings of dried fish hanging on the wall, exuding an unpleasant fishy smell.

The port of Duel Island is very small, and Neve's Tavern is already the largest local tavern. Cyclops came here twice during this period, relying on his vague memory, he sleepwalked all the way here, and he didn't even remember who he met on the road. There was a lot of noise in the tavern, and there were more than fifty people gathered in the front hall, some were sitting around the table, and some were sitting in front of the bar.

Cyclops ordered vodka with the bartender at the bar, but didn't ask for the quality of the drink. The bartender looked at his words and saw that the guest was not feeling well today, so he didn't ask any more questions, and directly took a bottle with a moderate price, and pushed it over together with the wine glass. One-eyed filled a large glass, and took a sip as if drinking water. The transparent wine entered his throat and turned into a scalding knife, tearing at his internal organs. He enjoyed the feeling of alcohol hitting the top of his head, which made him feel a lot better. He was drinking alone, all kinds of unhappiness were replaced by the chaos brought by alcohol. He wanted to get half drunk and get back on the boat to sleep.

At this time, a blind guy sat aside with a wine glass.

"One-eyed, I've heard of you before." The person who came spoke, his voice was hoarse, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

The one-eyed glanced at the person next to him unkindly. Although he met this person for the first time, he recognized the person's identity.

This man was about thirty years old, with a strong figure, his muscles looked extremely explosive, his face was cold and fierce, his eyes were frigid, and there were several scars on his face. The most characteristic part of his body is the tattoo, which extends from his neck to all parts of his body, even covering the back of his hands. His tattoos are flowers and cobras. The snake protrudes from the flowers. The head of the snake is tattooed on the chest, with its mouth wide open and its fangs exposed. He wore open clothes, deliberately revealing the snake head tattoo on his chest. He seems to have a soft spot for snakes, and even the hilt of the sword at his waist is a snake head sculpture.


This special tattoo and the presence of the Golden Beard Pirates, the two elements pointed directly at this person, absolutely unmistakable.

One Eye had heard a little about this man.

Of course, Snakeskin is just a nickname. This person has a very bad reputation. He is not only cast aside by businessmen and navy, but even in the circle of pirates, he is not well received. He is a fifth-level swordsman, and his skills are good, but he is as poisonous as a snake and only cares about profit. He has betrayed his relatives and friends many times because of profit, and even committed treachery such as killing his master in order to seize his master's sword. He is now the captain of a small fleet of the Golden Beard Pirates. He pretends to be a tiger on weekdays, and no one dares to provoke him. He is very dignified.

One-eyed people value loyalty the most, so naturally they are deeply disgusted with people like Shepi Ke.

"You must have bad eyesight. You didn't even notice that I wanted to be quiet for a while." One-eyed turned his head and drank the wine on his own.

The Snakeskin had no intention of leaving. He stretched out his callused hand, tapped his forehead, and said in a strange voice, "Brother, I can see that you are not going well. Why are you depressed? Let me guess, is it because Tang Ke disappeared?"

One-eyed heard that the snake skin guest wanted to find fault, and he felt a little surprised. He had nothing to do with the snake skin guest, so why did the other party come to him? He was in a bad mood and didn't want to cause bad luck, so he said lightly: "I don't want to mention this matter now, so I invite you to find someone else to drink. If you are really bored, why don't you go find a fishing girl or something? I You are not welcome in the seat next to you."

The Snakeskin stared at One Eye, his expression cooled instantly, and he said coldly, "Since you are so straightforward, I won't beat around the bush."

Cyclops swirled the vodka on his tongue, and ignored it on the surface, but he knew that the snakeskin must have something to say.

"The smooth development of your pirate group is all due to the blessing of Lord Goldbeard. If he hadn't let you go, those imperial navy and bounty hunters would have targeted you long ago. It is said that you There are now three magic ships, but one was lost by Tang Ke, and there are two remaining, one is the Cangtian and the other is the Purgatory. If there is no blessing from the golden beard, do you think you can keep these two ships? A ship? There is a saying that Huai Bi is a crime, just because of these two magical ships, you will cause trouble."

One Eye heard something was wrong, knocked the wine glass on the table, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean?"

Snakeskin looked arrogantly at One-Eyed, raised his hand and pressed it, and replied: "I'm analyzing the situation for you. Don't look at me like a mad dog. I came to you today for your own good. Yours After the pirate group finishes this ship-to-ship duel, they will lose their protection. At that time, your pirate group will definitely be finished. Don’t you have any plans for the future?"

"Don't worry about it"

"Ghosts will worry about you. I feel sorry for those two magic boats. I will feel bad when I see those two magic boats fall into other people's hands."

One-eyed anger rushed up, the other party's intentions were obvious, they were threatening him, and his words were beyond words, as if he described the Dragon Pirates as a paper tiger that anyone could bully, of course, the purpose of saying this was malicious.

"Hey, are you scaring me? I'm so scared. If you want to turn your back on me, I'll fight you to the end." The Snakeskin said pretendingly, not paying attention to the one-eyed man at all.

Cyclops can't stand this kind of provocation, coupled with the effect of alcohol, he does things even more regardless of the consequences. He moved with lightning, grabbed the body of the gun he was carrying, and slammed the butt of the rifle at the snakeskin man next to him. It's a pity that his rifle is too long to shoot at close range, so he can only force the snakeskin back first.

However, when it comes to close combat, it is a swordsman's forte, and a gunslinger is far inferior. What's more, the Shepier's strength has reached the fifth level, and his speed and reflexes are far beyond ordinary people, and his one-eyed head is stable.

One Eye only saw a black shadow flash by, and the Snakeskin's hand was already on the butt of the gun, and he couldn't get any further. Before he could change his move, the unsheathed snake-handled sword was already resting on his wrist. It seems to be saying that if you move again, you will lose your wrist.

The two moved quickly without making too much noise, so they did not disturb the guests and the bartender in the room.

In this instant fight, the winner has already been decided. The Snakeskin guest completely tore his face, and said leisurely: "Open your dog ears and listen carefully. I will analyze the situation in front of you, an idiot. Your Captain Tang Ke disappeared, this is a good opportunity for you. You and I both know what Feisuo Hailiu is, and the chance of him coming back is less than one percent. I heard that you are loyal to him, whether it is true or not, It's all a good thing, at least you have stabilized the entire pirate group and have not let this force lose. This duel between you and Lord Goldbeard is not as simple as it seems on the surface. First, you have to lose, Otherwise, it will make Lord Goldbeard unhappy. Secondly, after this duel, what do you think should be done? Should you pat your ass and leave? Don’t be stupid, after the duel, you have to kneel down like a bitch On the ground, beg hard to Lord Goldbeard, begging him to accept you and let you join the great Goldenbeard Pirates."

One-eyed was called by people like a dog, and he was furious to the extreme, as if a volcano erupted. His whole face was bloodshot and red, and the tendons on his neck were like a dragon. He gritted his teeth and said, "I. Want. Kill. You."

The Snakeskin snorted, and said in a raised voice, "What? Is my analysis wrong? Could it be that you really plan to turn around and leave after the duel? Don't tease me, okay, all the pirates in the world Sharpen your head and want to join the Golden Beard Pirates? After you join us, you don’t have to go around to grab ships. It’s dangerous and you can’t make much money. Our Golden Beard Pirates dominate hundreds of territories. There is no need to go to the big route to grab money, as long as you go to that stop, those people will obediently send the money up. As long as you join the Golden Beard Pirates, you can live such a paradise life."

The Golden Beard Pirates are indeed powerful, but no matter how good other people's pirates are, one-eyed ones are not rare

"You underestimate the Dragon Pirates too much. Even if we give up everything, we won't betray Tang Ke."

"Shut up, let me finish it for you. What I want to say next is no longer an analysis of the situation, but an order that cannot be violated. After this duel, you immediately begged the golden beard to accept the evil dragon and pirates." Group, remember to speak sincerely, shed some tears and so on. After the matter is completed, I will ask Lord Goldbeard to distribute your power to me. After you are under my command, I will still let you take charge of the Purgatory, and other The benefits are also indispensable to you. I will definitely give you a lucrative port."

The snake skin guest looked at Cyclops with a very contemptuous look, as if thinking that everything was under control.

The fact is indeed the case, does Cyclops have a choice? If you don't agree now, after the duel between the two ships, the Dragon Pirates will lose the protection of the golden beard, and the situation will become quite worrying. If Snakeskin took the golden bearded fleet to clean up the Dragon Pirates at that time, the Dragon Pirates would definitely lose.

"Let me think about it..." One Eye made a thoughtful expression, and his tense body loosened.

The Snake Skinner sneered, his eyes became even more contemptuous.

But at this moment, the one-eyed expression suddenly changed, and he jumped back suddenly, opened the distance, and quickly took off the magic rifle, aiming the muzzle of the black hole at the snake.

It's better to be broken than to be broken, Duoyan believes that Tang Ke will definitely support him in doing so. There are evil dragon pirates who are smashed to pieces, but there are no evil dragon pirates who are just trying to survive. One-eyed was bullied enough today, and broke out completely, no matter what happens, he decided to shoot the snake skin guest first.


A violent gunshot shook the tavern slightly, and dust fell from the roof. The guests in the room screamed and stood up suddenly, and more than half of them escaped in the blink of an eye. The bartender and the store owner hid behind the bar, yelling loudly, telling them not to fight in the house.

One-eyed was still not as skilled as others, and the shot of the rabbit and the falcon failed to hit.

Snakeskin stood intact on the side of the chair, glanced at the bullet holes on the wall behind him, turned his head with a smile, and said with a sneer, "I really don't know how to flatter you."

One-eyed scolded himself for drinking too much, because of the effect of alcohol, both his accuracy and speed were affected. He pulled the trigger again, but the snake was out of the way before he could move his finger. Another miss, and he was down to three bullets for instant fire. For other guns, reloading is too cumbersome, and the reloading time can kill a dozen times with only one eye.

The Snakeskin was slippery, approached Cyclops with weird footwork, pulled out his long sword, swung a blow with the side of the sword, and slapped Cyclops' shoulder. The atmosphere is very different.

One-eyed is the official candidate to complete the duel between the two ships. Naturally, the snakeskin guest is afraid and dare not harm him. He just wants to teach him a little lesson.

The sword energy was coming, and Duo Yan felt that the side of his face was being scraped so painfully, he dodged to dodge, intending to roll away on the spot. But the sword energy followed like a shadow, turned around and hit the back of One Eyed, causing him severe pain, and his body fell to the ground, in a state of embarrassment.

"Haha, with your little ability, do you still want to keep the two magic ships? What I said just now is for your own good. If your brain is half as smart as the pig beast, you should immediately agree." Holding the sword, he said gloatingly.

The fifth-order swordsman can flexibly control the sword energy, and blend the sword energy into various shapes and properties. His strength is so strong that it is definitely not something that one-eyed can compete with. One-eyed slapped the ground unwillingly, jumped up, and pointed the gun at the Snakeskin again.

The Snakeskin dodged with ease, raised his sword, and slapped Cyclops twice with sword energy, making Cyclops nearly faint.

Stimulated by anger, Cyclops became more and more courageous as he fought. Since the other party hadn't killed him, he kept pestering the snake crazily, aiming guns at the snake. However, even if he shot with the arc he had just practiced, he couldn't do anything to the Snakeskin.

The Snakeskin had played enough, his patience was exhausted, he knocked Cyclops to the ground with a heavy blow, and asked: "You mad dog, is there any end?"

One Eye lay on the ground panting heavily, his cheeks were swollen, his body and arms were red and swollen, and he was in excruciating pain. Although he suffered so many blows, his body was not cut, which also showed the Snakeskin's control over the sword energy. Knowing that he was invincible, he stood up again and raised his gun unsteadily.

"****, you can't be honest if I don't give you some flair." The snake skin guest stared and became ruthless. He raised his sword, and the nature of the sword energy changed accordingly, becoming enough to cut iron like a knife. mud

One-eyed aiming tremblingly, his consciousness is a little fuzzy, and only one firm thought remains, that is to shoot the Snakeskin

The clash of swords and guns is imminent. But there is no suspense about the outcome, and the Snakeskin has the absolute upper hand.

"One-eyed, you lost, back down." A gentle voice sounded.

One-eyed looks all too familiar, but who is it? He already has the answer, it's just hard to believe. He put down the gun in a daze, and looked sideways. The figure of the speaker was like a glimpse in a dream, and he couldn't see it clearly. He really felt like he was dreaming, maybe from drinking too much, or maybe from being beaten so badly.

"Tang Ke..." One-eyed Meng said.

"Good brother, it's really hard work for you. Leave the rest to me." Tang Ke pressed the one-eyed shoulder as a sign of comfort, and then strode forward, looking at the snake with eyes like falling into an ice cave. He drew out his two knives and stood in the middle, like an unstoppable mountain, majestic and majestic.

The one-eyed man who had been hanging for more than three months was relieved, and he smiled with relief. The person who came was really Tang Ke, and Tang Ke looked more reliable than before, exuding the aura of a strong man.

The Snake Skinner was taken aback by the sudden turn of events, he glanced up and down at the Easterner who had stepped in, and said, "You are Tang Ke?"

Tang Ke snorted, didn't bother to say much, and pointed the long knife at the opposite door.

"Swordsman Tang Ke, I would like to challenge you personally."

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