Pirate System

Chapter 264: Two Ships Dueling (Part 1)

Chapter 264 Duel Between Two Ships (Part 1)

On the ninth day of Fengyue, the night fell to the west, and the sea breeze was strong and fast, like a knife, cutting the sea surface layer by layer.

Tonight, the eyes of the entire sea are focused on Duel Island, paying attention to this duel that spanned forty years.

A man's promise, no matter how many years have passed, must be fulfilled with both fists

The peace of Duel Island has been broken. As far as the eye can see, there are a sea of ​​people along the coast. There are as many as 100,000 people, most of them are members of the Golden Beard Pirates, accounting for more than 90%, and the rest, including the Dragon Pirates. people, as well as some of the audience who join in the fun. Many people came to this barren and desolate island because of the reputation, just to see the two magic ships and the golden beard.

However, the pirate group is not a circus, and they don't like to be watched, so even good-natured people dare not bring a large-scale fleet over. Most of the audience who come here are alone or with a few people. There are also quite a few journalists among them. The reporters came from various countries. They had to witness the whole process of the duel with their own eyes. The headlines of Tomorrow Ocean Daily will definitely be filled with reports of this battle.

Among the audience, there were many famous people, and even the heads of a few big pirate groups came here, planning to join in the fun. Among the pirate captains who rushed over, Tang Ke also met someone he knew well.

Christine held Tang Ke's shoulders with a prosthetic arm, and said with a strange smile: "Brother Tang Ke, you have made a big splash today. What an honor it is to be able to fight against the majestic pirate governor? It’s a grand thing to be promoted. As soon as tomorrow, snowflakes of newspapers will float to various ports, and your face will be printed on the headlines. Tsk tsk, you won’t need to spend money to visit brothels in the future, right?”

"I'm afraid not. As far as I know, women don't like newspapers very much." Tang Ke shrugged.

"That's a problem." Christine scratched her chin, "Why don't you take this issue of the newspaper with you and use it when you go shopping?"

"Come on you."

The two laughed and joked as they walked towards the pier. Tang Ke is about to go to the Cangtian and sail to participate in the duel. Christine came here this time with only a boat, just to watch the excitement.

Christine conjured a gold coin out of nowhere, flicked it hard, and the gold coin spun countless times in the sky, and he caught the falling gold coin with his hand. "There are so many smart people in the sea who know how to fit in every corner. Some people use this duel to start a bet on who will win, you or the pirate governor."

Tang Ke has heard about this a long time ago, and the odds of Jinbeard are extremely low.

And his odds are ridiculously high, which shows that everyone thinks that the golden beard is sure to win. He smiled wryly, "Have you bet?"

"I bet 5,000 gold coins and bet you to lose. Unfortunately, the odds are too low, and I can only win about 200 gold coins."

"Hehe, five thousand gold coins is not a small amount. Are you not afraid of my upset?"

"As long as you don't burn your head because of a fever, I'm not afraid." Christine stretched out his finger and drew a few circles around his head, his voice suddenly dropped, "Brother Tang Ke, the apparent winner this time It's Goldbeard, but the real winner is you. I heard that Goldbeard will give you a reward after he promises this. The reward for the dignified pirate governor must be a big gift. As for winning or losing, it really doesn't matter, anyway, it doesn't matter if you lose to the pirate governor. Shame, don’t you think so? Besides, you got a chance to join the Golden Beard Pirates, but according to your personality, I’m afraid you won’t be willing to live under others.”

Tang Ke glanced at Christine, the analysis of this sea loach was really thorough.

"If you lose, you win. If you win, you lose. It's ironic."

"Please, why do you say such emotion when you are a winner?" Christine laughed and patted Tang Ke on the shoulder several times.

Before they knew it, the two had reached the pier. On the Cang Tian, ​​500 ordinary pirates were already waiting for Tang Ke to board the ship. In addition, the remaining ten Dragon Pirates ships were also full of people, not even leaving space on the girders. As for the telescope, it has become a hot commodity.

Cangtian cannot carry outsiders in this battle, so Christine stood where she was, watching Tang Ke leave with a smile.

Tang Ke walked up to the board, stopped in the middle, turned around and said, "Christine, you can make a bet for me too. It doesn't need much, just a thousand gold coins, and I will lose."

"No problem, I wish you a happy loss." Christine blinked, looking cunning.

Tang Ke smiled wryly and shook his head. He never thought that he would say such depressing words one day.

On the deck of the Cangtian, the pirates who didn't know the truth shouted and threatened to win, they were full of energy. Tang Ke breathed a sigh of relief, forcing himself to think about the rewards he would get after failure, so that he could be happier so that he could respond to everyone's smiling faces.

Tang Ke passed by his subordinates, walked all the way to the bridge, and held the familiar rudder. The thick spokes gave him a sense of power, which is the power of Cangtian. He suddenly felt a little sorry for Cangtian. If Cangtian was spiritual, would she want to fight to the death, or would she want to protect herself?

"I'm thinking too much. I just need to complete this duel. There's still a big gift waiting for me. Why should I think about winning or losing?" Tang Ke shook his head, talking to himself.

The undead suddenly jumped up from below, and his figure melted into the darkness. He said excitedly, "Tang Ke, let us witness the most glorious moment of Cang Tian together and let us win."

Tang Ke nodded dryly.

"I just looked at the barrels of devil fish oil, and everything is ready." The undead said, turning around and looking at the sea on the other side, where there is a ship that looks like a galloping horse leaving the dock, it is the Sea Emperor, " They also set off, and this duel is finally about to kick off."

Tang Ke felt sad, those barrels of devil fish oil had been mixed with water, the effect was there, but it would be greatly reduced, at least the Cangtian would not be scrapped.

"Let's go to the battlefield as soon as possible, raise the sails of Cangtian, ignite the fiery magic furnace, and move forward at full speed," the undead said passionately.

Kerr responded, giving orders to the sailors, who threw themselves into their work with enthusiasm and fulfilled their responsibilities.

The Cangtian spread its wings, riding the strong wind, and rushed to the sea surrounded by Duel Island. The Cangtian is all in white, with an eagle-headed prow looking up at the sky. The mast is like a sharp blade, piercing the sky. The propeller at the stern stirs the sea water, tearing apart a large wave. A big red dot was drawn on the bow, sides, sails, and stern of the Cangtian.

The sea breeze was strong, blowing the hair of the pirates and blowing away the unnecessary troubles. Tang Ke's spirit was also lifted.

The Neptune on the other side did not give up much, with a high fighting spirit, stepped on the surging waves, and went straight to the center of the battlefield. The few red dots on the upper and lower sides of the ship are more like declaring war on the opponent.

Tang Ke had used investigative techniques early on to find out, and the Sea Emperor had indeed changed back to what it was 40 years ago. They were all known abilities. As for the abilities that were strengthened later, they had all been eliminated. He was still worried, and took advantage of the gap between sailing to use the investigation technique again, but the result was the same as before.

On the current Neptune, there is only one strong man, the golden beard, and the rest are ordinary sailors. In this duel, the competition is not about the personnel, but the strength of the two ships.

According to the agreement, the two ships sailed to the center of the sea, maintaining a distance of one nautical mile, which was equivalent to about two thousand yards. The two boats started circling at the same time, stopped in the crosswind position, temporarily stowed their sails, like two bulls blocked by a gate, although they stopped still, their hooves had already been kicked into the soil, and their storage capacity ready to go.

After the sun disappeared behind the mountains of Duel Isle, not even a ray of light disappeared, which was the silent horn before the battle.

"My old friend, let us fulfill the agreement made 40 years ago. You and I devoted our efforts to build these two ships when we were young. Who is stronger and who is weaker? We will see tonight." The voice of the golden beard is like a thunder god shouting , across the sea, shaking people's eardrums and hearts.

The promise spanning forty years is now time to fulfill it. The battle between the two magic ships has begun!

"Fly, Cangtian" the undead shouted excitedly, even though he died, he would stay in this world just for this battle

Infected by Frankie, Tang Ke clenched his hands and stared.

The sailors standing on the girder let go of the canvas, and the white canvas fell to the bottom with a clatter, and was immediately swollen by the wind. Cangtian took advantage of the situation and ran wildly, the middle mast stretched out the propeller, whirring and turning, as the propeller turned faster and faster, the hull gradually raised its head.

The Neptune on the opposite side fired, and the four bow guns burst into red light at the same time. This was a demonstrative attack. At such a long distance, the shells could only fall into the sea. The shells fired by the Neptune all have water elements attached to them, which are wet and shining with a beautiful blue light. After the first round of shooting, the Sea Emperor turned with the wind and launched a roundabout tactic.

Cangtian broke free from the sea surface completely, and flew up proudly, like a falcon screaming into the sky. Tang Ke turned the rudder violently, the mast of the Cangtian twisted, the hull turned, and killed in the direction of the Sea Emperor.

Sure enough, as Frankie had expected, the Neptune's means of victory can only be the most powerful water element

The Neptune was advancing with the wind, while condensing the power of the water element. On the top of the ship building at the stern of the Neptune, there is a strange human-shaped magical weapon. It has only half of its body, like a knight in armor. In the middle of a pair of big metal hands, there is a blue light ball rubbing. This light ball gradually Bigger, the blue light is beautiful and soft, but hides a terrifying destructive power.

This weapon is called "Sea Emperor Devil", and it is the most powerful killer of the Sea Emperor. It was as flexible as a real person, and could be rotated and raised, with a range of up to a thousand yards, enough to hit the Cangtian at high altitude.

"Tang Ke, the Neptune wants to escape all the way, and then bombard us with water elements. We must rush up before this to hinder the attack of the Neptune. I will go to the power room first. While the distance is not far away, I will quickly give Feed the devil fish oil to the magic furnace to increase our speed. You must steer the rudder and hold on to the stern of the Neptune," Frankie said, flying and sinking to the deck.

Tang Ke agreed without hesitation, steered the helm intently, and stared at the lights of the Neptune. In his heart, the ups and downs are inexplicable.

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