Pirate System

Chapter 265: Two Ships Dueling (Part 2)

Chapter 265 Duel Between Two Ships (Part 2)

The Cangtian flew high, its propellers roared, and it rushed to catch up, but the distance from the Sea Emperor was getting bigger and bigger. The speed of Neptune soared to 16 knots, and it took the lead in this race. If the Cangtian can catch up, it can use the bottom blade to severely damage the Sea Emperor. If they fail to catch up, they will face the Sea Emperor's water elemental counterattack. Therefore, victory or defeat is all about speed.

Tang Ke deeply understands the importance of speed, but he has no way to change the current decline. He can only watch the distance between the two sides widen. He deliberately didn't think too much about it, as long as he played step by step, the result he got would be the best.

The golden beard will be very happy to win, and then he will be rewarded heavily. The Cangtian can also avoid being burned by the devil fish oil, and can continue to serve the Dragon Pirates in the future. Isn't it all good?

Tang Ke held the rudder in his hand, stared blankly ahead, listened to the lookout's report, and fine-tuned the rudder. Suddenly, the Cang Tian shook slightly, and there was a violent roar from the iron pipe leading to the inside of the ship. The speed of the propeller climbed steadily, and the speed of the whole ship followed suit.

Frankie must have injected devil fish oil into the magic furnace, bringing new explosive power to Cangtian.

Tang Ke had tampered with devil fish oil, so this banned drug would also cause considerable damage to Cang Tian.

The devil fish oil quickly took effect, like a shot in the arm, and Cangtian's speed increased by three knots. However, this speed of improvement was still not enough, and the Cangtian was about a section slower. Just this section is enough to determine the result of the outcome.

If you can't catch up, you can only watch the water element keep getting bigger.

The undead pierced through the planks and flew onto the deck, asking anxiously, "How is the battle going?"

"Our speed has improved a lot, but we are still a little behind them. According to the report of the lookout, the water elemental is already the size of a human head, and the situation is not optimistic." Tang Ke said with a somber face.

"How could this be?" Frankie floated to the port side resolutely, watching the lights on the sea from a distance, "I obviously used devil fish oil, why am I still slower than them? If we can't catch up now, we will be beaten later "

Tang Ke had expected Frankie's reaction a long time ago. He said: "When they attack with water elements, they will definitely slow down a little, so that it will be easier to aim. If we really can't catch up, we can only attack at that time." It’s time to confront them head-on.”


"what why?"

Frankie flew up to Tang Ke in a flash,

Roaring: "I heard many people talk about the effect of devil fish oil, they said that this kind of thing can increase the speed of the magic ship by three times, that's three times! Logically speaking, after we use devil fish oil, the speed should be faster than Much faster now"

Of course, this triple refers to the increased speed of the magic device, which has nothing to do with the speed brought by the sail. If the perfect devil fish oil is used, the speed that Cangtian can really reach should be between eighteen and twenty-two knots. In that way, of course it will be far better than the Neptune

"Sailors always like to exaggerate." Tang Ke prevaricated, "Besides, we don't necessarily need devil fish oil. Even if we face head-to-head, the strength of Cangtian is not weak."

"If it's head-to-head, the chance of Cangtian winning is too small." Frankie pressed Tang Ke's shoulder with a transparent hand, "I love Cangtian, but this love has not made me dizzy. Neptune's firepower , is stronger than Cangtian. Our greatest advantage is the ability to fly, and only by using this advantage can we win. If we compete in firepower, we cannot win."

Tang Ke had a lot of words blocked in his throat, unable to speak out, and unable to open his mouth. His face was like a shady scene, and he murmured: "Frankie, let everything take its course."

"I can't just go with the flow, I just have to fight to win." Frankie's body began to flicker, his face contorted in pain, "Why? Why is the effect of devil fish oil so small?"

Tang Ke didn't answer.

In the front, the watchman frequently reported the situation of the Neptune, the blue light of the water element became brighter and brighter, and the situation was precarious. The Neptune suddenly slowed down, which was a dangerous signal.

Tang Ke didn't have time to pay attention to Frankie any more, he pushed the rudder down with his hands hard, and controlled the Cangtian to lower its altitude.

"Prepare to face the gun door that opened the bottom of the ship, and show the siren sonic cannon"

There are twenty-three cannons that Cangtian can attack downwards, one of which is a medium-sized cannon, and the rest are small cannons. As the gun doors were pulled open, the gun barrels carved with banshee sirens stretched out, pointing obliquely at the sea.

The Neptune put away most of its sails, leaving only a few small triangular sails to assist in steering, and it lay directly across the sea, using the side of the hull to meet the Cangtian. The Neptune demon standing on the top of the ship building moved, its mechanical joints made a "clang clang clang" sound, and a pair of iron hands were pushed back to the back of the head, like a tight bowstring. The water element is shining, the light is pure and soft, it has condensed into the size of a watermelon, surrounded by water vapor, it becomes blurred.

The beauty of the water elemental is only on the surface, and its essence is as brutal as a powder keg.

The means of the Sea Emperor do not stop there. The sea surface around her became strangely agitated, and some waves seemed to be boiling water, scrambling to rush upwards, forming a perfect circle. The waves rose rapidly, forming a wall made of water, and quickly closed, turning into a large oval cover. The water light flowing on the cover reflects the starlight all over the sky, making it look beautiful.

Don't look at it as just a layer of water, but it can play a big defensive role. After the shell hits it, the force will drop a lot. If it is a shell from a small cannon, after passing through this layer of water, it will have little power.

This is another ability of the Neptune - Water Shield

The Sea Emperor is hidden in the impregnable water shield, and it will undoubtedly gain the upper hand in a battle.

"My old friend, you must be very happy to be able to carry out this battle, right? In the whole world, there are only five people who can treat me as a friend with a golden beard, and you are one of them. This battle, It can be regarded as a gift from me to you. I think you will be very satisfied with this gift." Jinbeard stood majesticly on the side of the Sea Emperor Demon, staring at the sky in front of him. Cang Tian.

On the Cang Tian, ​​Frankie looked down with a sad face, and asked, "Why didn't the devil fish oil work, why..."

Due to the extreme pain and disappointment, Frankie's already faint figure became more transparent, as if he was about to disappear.

Tang Ke thinks he has done the right thing, but his behavior can't help Frankie. He felt a little guilty in his heart, gritted his teeth, and shouted in a deep voice: "Don't worry about those. The enemy is right in front of us, let's have a good fight."

Frankie nodded with a bitter face and said: "Okay. Let's start the war like this. Maybe we shouldn't want to rely on external forces in the first place. This glory should be won by Cang Tian with its own strength."

The distance between the two ships was shortened to seven hundred yards, and Cangtian's bow gun fired a furious blow, and the shell penetrated the water shield and hit the Neptune's deck, but only dented the plank a little. When the distance reached 600 yards, the Cangtian continued to advance head-on, and only when it got closer could it turn the hull sideways and face the enemy ship in a "two" shape.

But the Neptune didn't give the Cangtian such an opportunity. The effective range of the water element was as high as 1,000 yards, and 700 yards was enough.


A cold light flashed in the eye sockets of the Neptune Devil, his hands increased strength, and the water element screamed. Like throwing a ball, it threw the water element towards the bow of Cangtian, with such force that it surpassed the cannon.

Frankie, floating in the bow, saw that the situation was not good, and loudly issued a warning. Hearing this, Tang Ke hurriedly lowered the rudder. In this case, the left and right sides cannot be dodged, and it is wise to lower the height.

The water element was like a shooting star, cutting through the night sky, reaching it in an instant, and slamming into the stone figurehead of the Cangtian. The water polo directly crushed the eagle's head, and then pierced through the bow of the ship. When it encountered enough resistance, it exploded, just like explosives made of water. The power of the water element is terrifying, even ten cannons combined cannot match it. The bow of the Cang Tian was blown out a gap, as if it had just been bitten by a dragon, and the wound on the plank was shocking.

The water vapor splashed in a divergent shape, and a shock wave was set off, which shattered the wooden boards, sending sawdust and stones flying in all directions. The impact was so powerful that it even knocked the cannon over. The sailors were unlucky, they were blown away by the blast, some fell from the deck, others were injured by sawdust and stones, and there were even bloody scenes of limbs flying across.

The water vapor carried wood chips and stones, and hit the propeller. One of the larger stones hit the blade, and a large part of the blade broke with the sound. The Cangtian fell from the sky. She didn't fly very high, and it was only a blink of an eye when she landed on the sea.

The Cang Tian lost the updraft created by the propellers, and the sixty-yard-long ship began to fall very quickly and tilted. Several lights were turned off, the pirate flag was wrapped in twists, and the sailors yelled in shock after tasting the feeling of weightlessness.

The sailors on the deck panicked and grabbed objects around them, and many of them fell down, and those who stood on the transom in charge of the sails fell directly.

Tang Ke was shocked, and he held on to the rudder tightly. He suddenly remembered the wide open gun port at the bottom of the ship. If it fell on the sea surface, the sea water would rush into the gun port crazily, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Quickly close the gun door quickly"

Tang Ke hurriedly raised the rudder, looked up at the propeller, hoping that the propeller could turn again. But his wish did not get a response from Cang Tian, ​​and the propeller was lifeless.

Although Tang Ke gave the order in time, the speed of Cangtian's fall was too fast, and those gun doors had no time to close. The Cangtian hit the sea surface with such holes on all sides, and made a muffled sound. The hull sank deep into the sea water, splashed towering waves, and was thrown up again by the buoyancy of the sea water. The sea water rushed into the gun port crazily, and all the sailors on that deck were knocked to the ground. The water level kept rising, and the speed was astonishing.

Tang Ke stood firm and glanced at the chaotic deck in a hurry. The sailors fell down, and the splashed seawater fell on it, making the ground extremely wet and slippery. Half of the dozens of sidelights on the ship were extinguished after this ordeal.

so embarrassed

This was Tang Ke's first feeling. In the first round of fighting, Cang Tian was defeated. This was within his expectation, but he didn't want to lose so badly, at least he couldn't collapse at the touch of a button

"Wherever you are, Frankie, hurry up and close the watertight doors on the gun deck, this ship will sink if you let the water come up, I don't want to play with mermaids. The sails are lowered, and without the propeller, we can only move forward on the sea. The watchman widened his eyes, stared at the situation of the Neptune, and hurriedly reported. Everyone stood up for me, there is no lying down in the world. Any pirate who fights on the ground is slow, I will chop off his ears tonight"

Tang Ke's rude voice shocked the sailors who were in a mess, they calmed down a lot, and their movements became more agile. Everyone returns to their respective positions, hurry up to clean up the mess, and prepare to deal with the next difficulties.

While the Cangtian was busy making a mess, the Neptune raised its sails, stepped forward on the waves, took advantage of the situation to turn the bow, made a circle, and pointed the side of the hull at the Cangtian. This small movement of advancing and circling is to shorten the distance between the two ships. The closer the distance, the greater the destructive power of the shells. The gun ports on the starboard side of the Neptune opened one after another, and the frequency was uniform. The sailors were obviously well-trained. Two rows of solemn and orderly muzzles, with a strange blue light, is the power of the water element.

At the same time, a light lit up on the bottom of the Neptune, and a bright magic circle slid out from the bottom of the ship, and the magic circle moved quickly towards the Cangtian. Although it was dark night, the magic circle was bright and very conspicuous.

This magic circle is another ability of the Neptune, which can create a large water column that rises into the sky, specially used to overturn enemy ships.

Seeing this, Tang Ke felt anxious, grabbed the rudder tightly, and controlled the steering of the Cangtian to avoid further damage to the bow. This round of shelling cannot be avoided, but the Neptune must also taste the shells

The golden beard's sailing skills are so superb, coupled with the superior speed of the Sea Emperor, he didn't give the Cangtian a chance to turn around, and clung to the bow of the Cangtian. The magic circle aroused the water column and almost overturned the Cangtian. The Neptune then launched the first round of shooting, the cannons exploded, and the shells wrapped in water vapor roared out, forming a barrage of barrages, and hit the bow of the Cang Tian sparsely. Among these shells, one hit the red spot on Cang Tian's bow, and the other grazed the red spot on Cang Tian's port side.

If the outcome is judged by scoring, the Neptune has already scored two points.

Tang Ke checked the damage of the Cangtian through the system. In the first round of fighting, the durability of the Cangtian dropped by more than sixty points. He was in a very contradictory situation. He could neither win nor lose. Too miserable. He decided to hold on for a while no matter what, at least to have a few confrontations with the Sea Emperor. The most urgent task is to avoid the fierce magic circle. For the shell attack, the Cangtian can still resist it.

"Frankie is going to check the maneuvering gear and the propeller and see if it can be fixed. If we can fly, we still have a chance"

Tang Ke's voice seemed to sink into the sea, and Frankie did not respond. He spat, spitting out the sea water that splashed into his mouth.

The Cang Tian couldn't fly, so it could only try to avoid the battle by sailing with wind power. The two ships began to compete in speed and position. The Sea Emperor performed perfectly, always occupying an excellent position, and the shells were fired round after round, constantly weakening the vitality of the Cangtian.

"My old friend, are you so good at building a boat? This really disappoints me." The golden beard stood on the deck like a towering and immobile statue, with his arms folded around his chest, letting the red cloak blow in the wind Hunting and moving.

The sound passed through the artillery fire and waves, and reached the Cangtian. Not to mention Frankie, even the sailors were so angry that they gritted their teeth when they heard about it.

"I can't make the world's navigators laugh their ass off when I'm not losing." Tang Ke roared red-faced, and his hands were about to crush the rudder. Only now did he realize how ridiculous his original worries were. He thought he was going to lose on purpose, but the real situation was so cruel that the Sea Emperor didn't need others to give in on purpose.

Another round of shells flew in and hit the stern of the Cang Tian, ​​another red spot was hit, leaving a bullet mark. Relying on the advantage of speed, the Sea Emperor was really unreasonable, constantly using its running positions to seize favorable positions, and fired shells while walking.

If this continues, the Cang Tian will be defeated.

Although after this battle, Tang Ke can get a great reward from the golden beard, but now he is not happy at all.

He would rather not have any bullshit rewards than let Cang Tian suffer a disastrous defeat. Why should he be manipulated by the strong and run around like a clown?

He was questioning in his heart, and he was also roaring, but the roaring shells covered his voice.

Frankie appeared at this time, he floated up like a piece of white paper. His expression was ashamed, and his eyes were dull, as if he had been reduced to a real nothingness and lost everything. Sadness is greater than heart death, this is the state we are talking about.

Tang Ke looked Frankie up and down, found something was wrong, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you?"

"The Celestial lost, and so did I," said Frankie deadly. He is an undead, so he can't cry.

"Frankie, don't care about winning or losing this time. I'm worried about you now. What's wrong with you?"

Frankie's body faded again, and his feet began to disappear like burning paper, completely disappearing. The undead reversed the laws of nature and forcibly stayed in the world. Once dispersed, they would break away from the cycle of life and death and come to a complete end.

"Tang Ke, it doesn't matter how I am. The Cangtian is everything to me. She is here, so I am here. She is dead, so I am dead. I have no relatives, no friends, no temperature, and there is only one reason for my existence." , that is to see Cangtian win. Now she loses, and the maneuvering device is broken. I feel great pain, this pain is extreme, enough to crush me. Tang Ke, you ask me what's wrong, I tell You, I am going to die, and I will die with Cang Tian."

The brutal flames had already burned Frankie's knees.

Tang Ke heard the indifferent system tone, indicating that Frankie's health status has become dying. His heart was in great pain, as if a knife had torn out a piece of flesh. He didn't expect this situation to happen, he didn't expect that this battle was so important to Frankie, and he didn't expect that Frankie had already bet his life and death on this battle.

For Tang Ke, what kind of existence is this undead? brother? men? The guard of Cangtian?

No matter what the answer is, Tonk doesn't want to lose Frankie.

"Frankie, although the Cangtian lost, it will not be scrapped. I will send the Cangtian to the nearest dock tomorrow and find the best craftsman to repair it." Tang Ke tried his best to save the dying souls who were on the verge of disappearing.

"The Cangtian, which has been burdened with disgrace, so what if it is repaired? And...the Cangtian can't be repaired anymore. A shell hit the Cangtian's maneuvering device, and the propeller was completely scrapped. This propeller was my pride in my lifetime. So far, no one has cracked it. That is to say, no one can make Cangtian fly again." Frankie said sadly, "Goodbye Tang Ke, thank you for letting Cangtian see the light of day again. Let her be buried in the It's better to be buried at sea than to be buried in a dark cave."

Tang Ke trembled all over, and asked in a trembling voice: "Can't the Cangtian fly anymore?"

Frankie shook his head and said, "No, the damaged part is the most important part of the entire maneuvering device. It is simply the heart of the Cangtian, more important than the magic furnace."

Tang Ke's throat was choked by something, he opened his mouth, but he couldn't make any sound. As he looked down, Frankie's legs were about to disappear, and his heart ached at the sight. He tasted the bitterness of losing someone important to him, and not only did he lose Frankie, but he also lost the ship under his feet. There is no longer a ship that can carry him to fly, and the Cangtian, which cannot fly, is no longer Cangtian. The Celestial was dead, and Frankie was right.

Pain grows like mold that devours goodness.

He felt that he had fallen into a vortex, sinking continuously, not only his body but also his heart lost his center of gravity. The gunfire was still going on, but he couldn't hear it anymore, he was preoccupied with suffering and seeing Frankie disappear.

Frankie grinned at the corner of his mouth, perhaps trying to smile, but obviously not succeeding. He simply didn't force it anymore, and returned to the previous expression of despair.

Tang Ke shouted, he wanted to hold back the pace of time and prevent this tragedy from happening. He can break a watch, but he can't change the time. For the first time, he felt that his arms were so weak, who could his two knives protect?

"It can't just end like this, I must do something, I want to save Frankie, I can't shame the Cangtian"

Tang Ke, like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, cheered up in the midst of destruction and despair. His eyes shattered the sadness, condensed his spirit, and his lost hands clenched again, regaining their original strength.

"It's over, Tonk." Frankie shook his head.

"No, we haven't lost yet." Tang Ke rushed up and grabbed Frankie's dim shoulders, "Frankie, as the captain of the pirates, I order you to never disappear and keep your eyes open. I will do my best to let you Cangtian wins, I don't care about bullshit golden beards, it doesn't matter if he is happy or not, I just want him to be defeated tomorrow's newspaper headlines, I want to use Cangtian's victory to occupy the entire page Since Cangtian is going to die, let her Die well, burn all your strength, and win the greatest honor in life"

Frankie was taken aback when he heard the words, gained the strength to live, and stopped the momentum of disappearing.

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