Pirate System

Chapter 266: Two Ships Duel (Part 2)

Chapter 266 Duel Between Two Ships (Part 2)

There is only one chance to turn defeat into victory

As soon as Tang Ke closed his eyes, his thoughts sank into the Pirate King system. He entered the [Exchange] list, searched with [Ship Items] and [Consumables] as keywords, and in the pop-up list, devil fish oil was impressively listed. . Moreover, the devil fish oil exchanged by the system is of the highest quality and the effect is excellent. As for how many reward points are needed, Tang Ke didn't even bother to look closely.

When he opened his eyes again, there was already a small wooden barrel in his hand. There is a stopper at the top of the barrel, which is full of stingray oil.

"Frankie, this is the real devil fish oil. You go and take it to the power room and pour it all into the magic furnace." Tang Ke held the barrel in one hand and handed it to Frankie.

The undead was puzzled and said, "This is devil fish oil, so what are the ones I used before?"

A new round of gunfire sounded, and the shells with blue light hit the hull of Cangtian, leaving more holes.

Tang Ke said in a deep voice: "There is no time to explain, you should hurry up and come back immediately, and witness the victory of Cangtian with me."

Frankie seemed to understand something, glared at Tang Ke bitterly, then glanced at the Neptune on the opposite side of the port side, and without further ado, turned into a real body, and flew straight into the gangway with the small wooden barrel in his hand. gone.

Tang Ke strengthened his determination to win, and focused on the helm, while yelling and commanding the sailors on the deck.

Although the Cangtian can no longer fly, the propeller at the stern can still run, and under the effect of the devil fish oil, the speed of the ship can be improved by leaps and bounds. Although this is not enough to sink the Neptune, it can take advantage of the speed to swim around the Neptune. Then find a way to hit the five red dots on the body of the Neptune with cannonballs, and win by scoring

During this period, the red dots on the bow, stern and sides of the Cangtian were all hit, and only the red dots on the canvas remained. Although the Cangtian has been at a disadvantage, it is also actively counterattacking, hitting the red dot on the starboard side of the Sea Emperor.

In the power room of the Cangtian, Frankie flew all the way with a small wooden barrel, and knocked down a stuffer who was in the way. Like a gust of white wind, he flew to the front of the magic furnace, raised his hand and pushed away the shield of the magic furnace, and the magic power burst out. Without saying a word, he pulled off the stopper and poured the golden-yellow thick liquid from the small wooden barrel into it.

Pandora's box was opened, and the devil fish oil gave the magic furnace a new power. Originally, the magic power in the magic furnace was all impurities, the fluorescent colors were different, and the melting speed of the magic stone was also very slow. But with stingray oil, things are completely different. The magic stone seems to have touched the corrosive liquid,

It began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the variegated magic fluorescence was scattered, and a hot red light filled it, as if it came from the holy fire of heaven.


The magic furnace let out a roar like a sleeping dragon waking up, and trembled violently. The Cangtian regained its vitality and supplied magic power to the channels extending in all directions. These magical powers are simply blood full of tyrannical factors

The surging magic power quickly passed through the pipe, and the outer wall of the metal pipe began to turn red and hot. In the blink of an eye, it was already hot to the touch. Several people in the room were dumbfounded.

Under the urging of the devil fish oil, the magic furnace's consumption rate of magic stones has directly increased several times, and one-third of the magic stones left just now have been burned.

Frankie was not afraid of the heat of the magic power, and he didn't give up until he poured out the last drop of devil fish oil, and then floated back.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and fill the magic furnace with magic stones." The undead roared, and floated to the wooden basket containing the magic stones, grabbed pieces of magic stones that were shining brightly, and threw them into the magic furnace. , to feed the dissatisfied magic furnace.

Seeing this, several other people came back to their senses and helped.

"If this continues, the magic furnace will explode due to overload," one person shouted profusely in sweat.

Frankie hesitated for a moment, and then said firmly: "The Cangtian has already made up his mind to risk his life. No matter how much the price is paid in this battle, we must win this battle. I want to witness this glorious moment with my own eyes."

Tang Ke, who was at the helm, finally waited for this moment. He heard the roar of Cang Tian and felt the tremors from the deck. In his heart, he cheered for Cangtian, encouraging the ship to persevere. He handed over the rudder to others, walked to the stern, looked down, and saw the propeller turning at an unprecedented speed, sending out a deafening scream, sweeping the waves, and the gushing air formed a storm.

The speed of the Cangtian suddenly increased to about 21 knots, the stern sank slightly backwards, breaking up the waves, and the hull swooped forward. The Cangtian finally surpassed the Neptune in terms of speed, and was far ahead, and immediately got out of the predicament, like a wild horse that had run off its rein.

Witnessing such a scene, the golden beard on the Neptune was slightly stunned, raised his eyebrows and said, "How can the speed of the Cangtian increase so much? But this is good, so as not to let me be too disappointed with the Cangtian."

The Neptune also speeded up, adjusted the water element, and the waves seemed to come alive, pushing the ship forward and chasing after the Cangtian.

The Cangtian killed a beautiful carbine. Under the propulsion of the propeller, not only the speed was greatly increased, but also the agility became like a fish.

"Push the small cannon to the bow, and hit the red dot on the bow of the Neptune no matter what, I beg you, make sure to hit it!" Tang Ke roared with his eyes bare. He was no longer an order, but is request

The sailors responded loudly, and their eyes were also reddened. Regardless of the pain and everything, they ran to the starboard and starboard sides together, pushed the small cannon to the bow, and worked together to point the muzzle at the front.

The Cangtian and the Haihuang charged head-on, like two angry knights, wrapped in the momentum of breaking through the battlefield, with the determination to win. The Neptune once again released the magic circle that could create a water column, but the Cangtian avoided the oncoming magic circle by virtue of its sensitive dodge. The Neptune played tricks again and put on the water shield again.

The two ships were within four hundred yards of each other, and were about to collide.

"Fire!" Tang Ke roared.

The cannons erected on the dilapidated bow competed to light up red, illuminating the night sky, and fired shells one after another. These cannonballs passed by the other side's cannonballs. They lived up to Tang Ke's expectations and successfully tore through the water shield. One of the cannonballs hit the red heart on the bow of the Neptune and scored a point.

The bow of the Cangtian was damaged again, and the damage continued to accumulate, and it was on the verge of being sunk. Under the infusion of sea water, it was only a matter of time before the ship sank. However, even if the ship does not sink, the stingray oil will consume the life of the Cangtian.

"Tang Ke, we hit and I saw a wound on the red spot of the Neptune" Frankie shouted excitedly, with only half of his body left, flying with the bow of the Cang Tian.

Tang Ke didn't answer, he was busy turning the rudder to let the Cangtian avoid the collision with the Neptune, and let the Cangtian pass by the port side of the Neptune when there was no time left.


The siren sonic cannons on the starboard side of the Cangtian fired. With the help of devil fish oil, the power of these cannons was strengthened. The shells carried sonic attacks. At close range, they pierced through the water shield and hit the Neptune. On the port side, hit the red heart again.

The score reached three to four, and the Cangtian had already hit the heart three times, leaving only the heart on the stern and sail of the Neptune.

Seeing the hope of victory, Tang Ke couldn't help feeling overwhelmed.

"Frankie, do you see that we can win? If the Cangtian wins, you must try your best to stay in this world. Even if the Cangtian turns into a pile of broken wood, you must stay by the ship's side, because she It's your child, you can't abandon her"

Compared with victory, what Tang Ke really cares about is Frankie's life.

Frankie was greatly moved, and his crippled body showed signs of recovery, which proved that he had new concerns and nostalgia for the world. He looked at Tang Ke gratefully, moved his mouth a few times, but his words were drowned in the sound of the guns.

The Neptune didn't give them a chance to talk, and started bombing with the water element cannon at the stern. It was also fortunate that Cangtian was turning to the right, otherwise the propeller at the stern would have been blown to pieces.

Next, Tang Ke decided to attack the red dot on the stern of the Neptune, and put the most difficult sail at the end. The Cangtian continued to turn right, made a 180-degree turn, and chased after the stern of the Sea Emperor. The Cangtian raced all the way, stepped into the range again, and started bombing with the cannon at the bow.

Seeing its tricks, the Neptune Emperor condensed a special water shield. This shield is no longer in the shape of a dome, but like a wall, erected on the sea. After the area of ​​the water shield was reduced, its defensive power also became stronger. Ordinary shells hit it, but failed to penetrate it.

Tang Ke was burning with anxiety, he was racing against time, and the explosion of Cang Tian could not last long. The Cang Tian dodged the water shield and bit the stern of the Neptune again, but a new water shield appeared again, which was very annoying.

The Cang Tian originally had a siren sonic bow cannon that could tear through the water shield, but that layer is now full of sea water and cannot be used. And ordinary cannons can't penetrate the water shield, so they can only rely on the sonic cannons on both sides of the ship to attack.

Tang Ke noticed that the Neptune demons on the enemy ship had begun to condense water elements again, and the Cangtian was already in jeopardy and could not withstand the second attack of water elements.

The Cang Tian crushed the star-studded sea and caught up with the Sea Emperor again. At the same time, the water shield that got in the way also appeared. The Cangtian was ruthless this time, making a sharp turn, and directly hit the water shield. With the strength of a bull, it smashed the water shield directly, and the wood chips and the falling sidelights were submerged in the waves. The Cangtian's hull turned sideways so that it could attack with the sonic cannon on one side.

The rumble of the cannonball exploded, resounding through the night sky, a row of shells flew over, one shot hit the red heart on the stern of the Neptune, and the rest of the shells disappeared into the night.

four to four

Tang Ke raced against the clock to turn the rudder sharply. Cangtian, like a hungry beast, pounced on it again, never giving up until it shredded its prey.

The sails are high above, so the red dot here is the hardest to hit.

The Neptune tried its best to get rid of the entanglement of the Cangtian, and waited for an opportunity to conduct a confrontation. The two ships began to compete for positions again, drawing twisted waves on the sea surface, just like the dancing posture of sea elves. The Cangtian avoids the risk of confrontation, but it cannot let go of the Sea Emperor. Even though the speed is superior, it is still very difficult, and if it is not careful, it will lose.

The outcome will be known immediately.

The water element of the Neptune can shoot in all directions, and the accuracy is very high. Once the water element is accumulated, the victory can be established. If Cangtian wants to win, he can only find a way to hit the red dot on the sail of the Sea Emperor before the Sea Emperor shoots out the water element.

During the entanglement between the two ships, the sailors of the Cangtian have been attacking with small mortars that can shoot at an elevation angle, but the elevation angle of the mortar is also limited. The two ships are too close, which exceeds the shooting of the mortar. scope. If the distance is widened, precious time will be wasted, and the Neptune will complete the accumulation of water elements during this period.

Because Tang Ke knew early on that there would be shooting at the sails, he loaded Cangtian with five small mortars. Now, the mortar has really come in handy and has become the key to the outcome.

But now, even if the mortar broke its neck, it still couldn't aim at the red dot on the sea emperor.

Tang Ke glanced back and forth between the mortar and the red dot, and a crazy idea came to his mind. He handed over the rudder to the sailor who knew how to steer it, and jumped onto the deck in two vertical leaps.

"Remove the mortar quickly, and then put the barrel on my back, let me use my body as a cannon," Tang Ke shouted, while dismantling it by himself, and quickly unscrewed a large screw cap. Of course, ordinary people can't do such things as dismantling cannons, but his hands are like iron hoops, and his bones are stronger than gold, so he managed it with brute force.

The sailors ran down to find boards and other tools, and helped Tang Ke dismantle the mortar, but they tried to persuade Tang Ke not to take such a risk.

Using the body as a fort, when firing the cannon, it will inevitably receive a violent impact, ranging from injury to muscles and bones, and severe damage to internal organs. Tang Ke this time, but he gambled his life in exchange for victory.

Frankie might have been angry at Tang Ke for messing with the devil fish before, but now, that resentment has dissipated long ago, leaving only gratitude on his face.


Another shell with water elements tore through the guardrail of Cang Tian, ​​flew past the people, and almost hit Tang Ke.

Tang Ke was stunned for a moment, then continued to carry out the demolition work, throwing all distracting thoughts out of the blue. In such a state of full concentration, his movements became very fast, and the barrel of the mortar was about to be dismantled.

"Captain, even if you want to resist the barrel, let us replace you."

"Unfortunately, I am the only one on this ship who can do this now"

Tang Ke made up his mind, and ignored the sailors' persuasion. As soon as the mortar barrel was removed, he immediately knelt down on one knee and faced the Neptune on the opposite side. The four sailors worked together to lift the mortar, holding back tears, and put the cannon on Tang Ke's shoulder. Tang Ke propped up his body a little bit and adjusted the angle. He seemed like a living fortress. Only in this way can the mortar hit the red dot at close range. If you use an object as a backing, it will be difficult to find the angle, and you can't find a suitable object for a while.

"Their water elements have finished condensing, and the Tin Woodman has raised his arms, and is about to launch," Frankie shouted anxiously.

Tang Ke held his breath and concentrated on carefully calculating the ballistic angle of the mortar based on the distance from here to the red dot on the canvas. He is not a gunner, so this is a very difficult task. He can only rely on his keen senses and take a big gamble.

It's now

His heart pounded and stopped, and he yelled for a fire. Time stopped, and space also stopped. The next moment, there was a sharp pain in his back, and the whole internal organs were impacted, and the pain was so painful that he coughed up a mouthful of blood immediately, but his eyes did not move, and his body was even more motionless. He watched the cannonball arcing into the air, very slow, and he prayed, saying that as long as he could hit it, he would do whatever he was asked to do. The emperor paid off, the shell hit the target as expected

Almost at the same time, the water element of the Neptune also shot over, but it was a beat slower. At a critical moment, a jittery sailor made a trick and cut off the canvas rope with red dots, causing the canvas to fall. The water elemental only blew up the mast in the end. The last red dot of the Cangtian was finally preserved.

The Cangtian took the lead in hitting the five red spots of the Sea Emperor and won the final victory.

The corners of Tang Ke's blood-stained mouth raised, and he laughed out loud like never before. He pushed the heavy mortar away, and the mortar rolled a few times, knocking out several depressions in the wood. His clothes were torn, and his entire back was dripping with blood. Fortunately, the tattoo on his right shoulder was not injured. That evil dragon stretched out from the bloody mud, baring its teeth and claws, majestic and majestic. He grabbed the tattered clothes, tore them apart, and threw them aside. He stood alone on the spot, a spark flew out from nowhere and hit his tough chest.

The pierced sail of the Neptune was rattling under the blowing of the night wind.

"we won"

The sailors on the Cang Tian raised their arms and shouted, some embraced each other and cried, and some threw their hats into the sky. Defeating the Neptune is not only the glory of the Cangtian, but also the glory of the entire Dragon Pirates. For this honor, the sailors of Cang Tian also paid the price in blood.

The Cangtian, which had completed all its missions, made a muffled sound, as if it was returning to light, and then gradually slowed down, and the blades stopped moving.

Frankie was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and floated to Tang Ke's side, looking at the Neptune on the opposite side together. His body has been reunited and is stronger than ever. He has made up his mind, just like what Tang Ke said, even if the Cangtian turns into a pile of rotten wood, he will stay by the side of this ship and never leave it.

The outcome has been decided, the two ships stopped attacking, and the Neptune moved closer to this side. Two old friends, facing each other across the sea.

"Old friend, you won." Jin Huzi said with a smile, and he was not as angry as people expected. Of course, tomorrow's newspapers will definitely make a big fuss. His defeat will inevitably cause him to lose face and provoke ridicule from some hostile forces. But in this duel, the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom. Some people will also raise their thumbs up because of the golden beard's commitment

"I didn't win, but the Celestial won," said Frankie contentedly.

Lost a magical ship and suffered various degrees of serious injuries, but Tang Ke and the sailors were all laughing. For pirates, they should laugh as long as they win.

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