Pirate System

Chapter 268: Reward (Part 1)

Chapter 268 Reward (Part 1)

The morning sun climbed through the portholes and cast a warm glow in the captain's cabin. Gemstone Sea is already very hot even in the morning.

Tang Ke twisted his body and looked at his back through the mirror. There was a bumpy scar on it. Although it was ugly, it had recovered somehow. The reason why he was able to recover the next day was thanks to the priest sent by the golden beard. Tang Ke has met many priests before, but priests are different from priests. The priests he met before only knew how to read the scriptures while holding the "Holy Words". , the spiritual temperament is full of a sense of holiness.

Thanks to this, Tang Ke's system was expanded again, activating the recruitment of priests.

After these days, Tang Ke's reward points have rolled to more than 2,000 points, which is enough to recruit a first-level priest. His current strategy is to take a long-term approach to catch big fish. First, recruit more talents such as warlocks, druids, and priests. After a few years, these potential stocks have appreciated in value, and the strength of the Dragon Pirates will also snowball.

The several priests listed in the system are different, and the points required for summoning are also different. Among them, there are two more notable ones, one is a female priest with outstanding figure and attractive bumps, and the other is a good gentleman male priest with high ability.

Tang Ke hesitated for a moment. Obviously, the female priest was very seductive and seductive. He almost clicked on the impulse, but he held back.

It's really not appropriate to have women on board.

It is conceivable that a ship with dozens to hundreds of old men going out to sea for a long voyage will not be able to reach the shore for ten and a half months. If there are all men on board, it is okay, at least the eyes are out of sight and the heart is pure. But if there is such a woman on board, and she is a beautiful woman, what kind of torture will this be for the bloody crew and sailors? It's just inhumane

Tang Ke laughed, but chose the male priest. He turned off the interface, walked out the door, and went to meet the priest named Zach.

Soon, Zach, dressed in white and with a solemn expression, appeared on the sea, with the raft floating under his feet, and he shouted for the blessing of the Lord.

Tang Ke sent someone to take the priest to the Purgatory.

"Brothers from all over the world, peace in the Lord." The pastor held the thick "Holy Words" and bowed his head slightly.

Tang Ke did not answer the Lord's blessing, but enthusiastically patted Zach's spotless shoulder and said: "From now on, you will be a member of the Dragon Pirates, and you will become a dragon claw, dragon scale or dragon tooth, and become this A part of the evil dragon, help the evil dragon take off and defeat the enemy."

"But I only know how to treat minor injuries and pains.


"That's enough. I think you and Sebastian can have a common language. Let someone introduce the two of you later."

Tang Ke had a brief chat with Zach, and then handed Zach over to One Eye, who asked him to settle in Zack's place. Then, he went to the Sea King City alone, to meet the golden beard. Although there were people in the Golden Beard Pirates who wanted to deal with him, it would be useless to bring more guards to deal with those strong men. He was alone and could easily get away if something happened to him.

Although the coastline surrounded by Duel Island is long, the pier is too small, and a fleet as large as the Golden Beard cannot accommodate it at all. Golden Beard blocked the entire pier, leaving thirty ships on the shore, and the rest of the big ships were still parked on the sea, gathering together, and the scene was spectacular.

When Tang Ke walked into the golden beard's sphere of influence, it felt like he had entered a military camp, with malicious eyes everywhere, very depressing. He sent the golden-bearded pirate to report. The man with the golden beard didn't make things difficult for him, and took his orders and left. Those who stared at him did not dare to do anything to him. He waited where he was, with his hands in his pockets, looking at the dawn in the sky, turning a blind eye to the hostile minions around him.

At this time, a white figure came over.

Tang Ke turned his gaze over, and at a glance, it turned out to be Mallory, the first shooter of the Golden Beard Pirates. The other party was calm and composed, as if there was no hostility. Tang Ke took the initiative to say hello, politely.

"You are very brave. You dare to win Lord Goldbeard. Although he doesn't care about winning or losing, many people in the pirate group are very dissatisfied with you. Did Hogan go to you last night? He is a troublesome man." Guy." Silver Archer said straight to the point.

Tang Ke weighed the matter and felt that there was no need to hide it. He nodded and said, "Yes, he looked for me and threatened me to destroy my pirate group."

"This stupid beast." Mallory sighed helplessly. "If he kills you, it will appear that our Golden Beard Pirates can't afford to lose. It will be more embarrassing than losing this duel. Even if If you want to destroy you, you have to find someone else to do it, and you have to design a trap and find a good excuse."

Tang Ke changed color slightly.

Mallory continued nonchalantly: "However, it's boring to do this. You are just a small group of harmless pirates. It's meaningless to kill or keep, and it will make Lord Goldbeard unhappy. You know, Lord Goldbeard’s old friend is still in your pirate group. Although Hogan is very loyal to Lord Goldbeard, he doesn’t think through his brain when doing things. Rather than destroying you, it’s better to let you jump on the sea more Bump, Mr. Golden Beard occasionally hears about your pirate group, but he still misses his old friends, so why not do it."

"Master Admiral, it's clear." Tang Ke breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Mallory came here for his own good.

"Hogan is not the only one who will be against you in the pirate group. It is very troublesome to convince them, and they are all one-sided guys." Mallory shrugged, "I just came to tell you, see you today Remember to mention this matter to Mr. Golden Beard, lest he forget. You ask him to forgive your sins and provide you with a little means of self-protection."

"Thank you for reminding me." Tang Ke smiled wryly in his heart, he knew this kind of thing early on.

"Well, I'm just talking too much." Mallory shrugged, brushing past Tang Ke with steady steps, and the two guns at his waist gleamed with silver light, "The person who sent the message is back, you can go there by yourself. "

At that moment, Tang Ke felt the pressure of Mount Tai, which was the majestic power emanating from the strong man himself. His heart skipped a beat, he stabilized his mind, and walked forward. The messenger came and led him on to a small boat. They took a small boat and took the wind to come to the Sea King City.

Twelve Dragon King Whales were floating on the sea, playing and shouting, slapping the sea surface with their fish tails as big as dragon wings, and the waves they turned up were enough to overturn the boat. There are metal hoops around the necks of these twelve big guys, and iron cables are welded on them, and they are always connected to the giant steel ship. The Sea King City is the largest and longest ship in the world today, and it is powerful in all directions. There is a castle built on the deck, which has more than 20 floors. Although this is the pirate flag, it is as sacred and inviolable as the flag of the Imperial Navy.

The small boat crawled on the port side of the huge ship. Tang Ke on the small boat could only see the top of the ship by looking up. It felt like standing under a cliff. The messenger communicated with the people on the ship, and a long ladder automatically extended from the side of the ship, and went straight to the deck after several twists and turns. Tang Ke went up the stairs, silently counting the number of decks he passed, and reached the highest deck.

The deck of the Sea King City does not look like a ship at all. It looks more like a city. The two sides are like battlements. There are powerful cannons erected. The road under the feet is made of stone, and there are many guards. Patrols back and forth, heavily guarded. In the front of the middle part of the hull, there is a large flat open space, there are groups of flying creatures rising and falling, the scene is extraordinary. This ship is simply a military fortress at sea.

Tang Ke had no right to walk around. Under the leadership of others, he went straight to the towering black castle. He passed through the city gate, entered the interior of the castle, crossed the hall, and climbed up the spiral staircase. As the height increased, the wind blowing from the window gradually became cooler. In the end, he stood in front of a tall golden door. The handle of the golden door was two shining lion heads. The gatekeepers on both sides were silent, like statues that have not changed for thousands of years.

The golden door opened automatically, and the sound was very small, but it seemed that the door was exquisitely designed and noble.

Tang Ke took a deep breath and walked into the room. Under his feet was a soft and clean red carpet with golden lace on both sides.

At the end of the carpet was a tall and majestic figure, with beautiful loose blond hair, each of which was like a golden thread, shining with dazzling brilliance. He stood in front of the window, casting a huge shadow that blocked the light.

Tang Ke walked towards that figure, the closer he got, the more pressure he felt. He strenuously walked to the feet of the golden beard, and gave a respectful salute.

"Come here. Watch the sea view outside the window with me. Standing on a high place overlooking everything, the feeling is completely different from standing below." The golden beard rumbled, his voice was like thunder.

"Of order." Tang Ke got up and stood on Jinbeard's left hand. He felt the heat hit his face, and Jinbeard's body temperature was like magma.

The golden beard was silent and motionless.

Tang Ke waited for a while, but did not hear the next sentence, and then really began to appreciate the scenery. He looked down at the sea, and because of the altitude, those waves couldn't be seen clearly, and became smooth like a mirror. All those boats shrunk, like little shoes, as if they could be grabbed and crushed as soon as they reached out. Standing on a high place naturally gave birth to a feeling of being in charge of all beings.

"What did you see?" the golden beard asked after a long time.

"Sea, small boat." Naturally, Tang Ke couldn't talk nonsense.

"Tell the truth."

Tang Ke took a deep breath, and replied truthfully: "The supreme power."

"Very well, young people should be courageous and ambitious. How long have you been a pirate?"

"Almost three years."

"It took three years to develop to the current field, which is considered very fast. The waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead. In the future, this sea will be your world." Golden Beard said with a burning gaze.

When it comes to the speed of development, Tang Ke remembered the experience of the golden beard. When he was young, Golden Beard joined Tom, the master shipbuilder. After he was in his thirties, he went to sea and became a pirate. Later, he joined the Monkey Pirates. The Golden Beard Pirates regrouped and became the pirate governor of the Dream Sea area. The whole process took only thirty years.

Jinbeard came to the sea with his blood, and fought hard for the territory with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers. Time flies, and now he has achieved great success and laid a great foundation. Those who are qualified to inherit the legacy of the previous generation of pirate kings are naturally dragons and phoenixes.

A generation of pirate kings established the Pirate City, giving pirates all over the world a home and a belief.

The second-generation Pirate King organized a huge fleet, and after his death, he still favored the descendants of pirates. It is precisely because of the checks and balances and weakening of the Golden Beard Pirates that the many small pirates in this sea area can survive. Otherwise, how could the pirates sleep peacefully under the eyes of the empire?

Tang Ke opened his mouth, and wanted to say something like the governor's praise, but he swallowed it back. He didn't want to hide his ambition. Before he shakes the power of the golden beard, his ambition is not big enough to cause death, so there is no need to hide it.

"Tang Ke, the tsunami is coming, do you smell the tsunami?" Jinbeard asked again

Tang Ke heard that this sentence was a metaphor, and he seemed to have heard this sentence once before.

The tsunami is coming.

"No, I couldn't smell it."

"You don't have a good nose, that's not okay. The development of the five empires is too fast. No matter how many pirates there are, no matter how much they cannibalize whales, they can't stop the growth of the five empires. The number of ships they build every year is doubled. Doubling, their naval power is getting stronger and stronger. And there are fewer and fewer white lands around the world, and fewer and fewer lairs for pirates to live in. The empire becomes stronger and the pirates become weaker. This is a tsunami. Sooner or later One day, I will join hands with Pirate City to fight the five great empires. At that time, the forces of Dream Sea will have to be reshuffled." Jin Huzi said calmly.

Tang Ke was terrified when he heard it. It turns out that the situation in the world has become so turbulent.

"The ups and downs of all things are like the ebb and flow of the tide. The opening of the age of great voyages has ushered in the spring for pirates. However, with the consolidation of the empire, the survival of this mob of pirates will be challenged. If we fail to survive This tsunami will bid farewell to the stage of history and make room for the empire that represents 'justice' and 'imperial power'. Rise and fall, honor and disgrace, are all in this battle. The burden on my shoulders is heavy. You only see what I have Supreme power, but the higher the position, the heavier the burden on the shoulders. If you want to stand tall, you must have shoulders and a spine that can carry the heavy burden."

"Thank you, Mr. Golden Beard." Tang Ke felt a sense of awe. Golden Beard, a peerless powerhouse, used his wings to protect the safety of all the pirates, dealing with the five great empires.

The golden beard ignored the compliment and continued: "The Captain Monchi, who has been dead for many years, is an amazing person. He is not only powerful, but also far-sighted, and has won many important islands. The existence of these islands made the empire feel like a thorn in his throat. It hindered the development of routes. He also paid special attention to the cultivation of pirate successors, and he chose me. He passed the baton to me. What he did before, I will do now. Pirates are a group of people All the actions of a lost dog are burning, killing and looting. But I, like Captain Monkey, want to let the pirates continue to develop."

Tang Ke heard the seriousness of these words, and he asked dryly: "What are the chances of winning or losing when you fight against the five great empires?"

"Haha," Jin Huzi laughed boldly, "I didn't say this to make you worry about it. I just saw that you still have some potential, so I just encouraged you. The tsunami is coming, before that , you have to find a way to continue to grow, otherwise it will be difficult to survive in that tsunami."

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