Pirate System

Chapter 269: Reward (Part 2)

Chapter 269 Reward (Part 2)

"Thank you, Mr. Governor, for your support and kindness. I will never forget it." Tang Ke said respectfully without daring to overstep.

But the golden beard waved his hand, and said mercilessly: "It's bullshit to forget anything. In order to fulfill my agreement, I played you around and almost killed you before. You don't know in your heart. You will hate me so much. If you had the conditions, you would have stabbed me to death with a sword."

Tang Ke hurriedly said: "I dare not"

The golden beard interrupted: "What can you do if you dare? Well, listen to me first. You are right in saying what you say and doing. No matter how much you hate me, you have to pretend to be like a little mouse. The rule of survival for young people is to talk less and think more. When you are weak, it doesn’t matter how humble you are. A truly strong person must be able to bend and stretch. Those who lose their minds and lose their lives on impulse , not considered strong, just a reckless man. Being able to survive in a difficult environment, continue to grow, and eventually avenge your shame, this is what the strong do for you, boy, you have a little shadow of the strong, otherwise , I am too lazy to tell you this."

Talking less and thinking more is indeed a golden advice for young people. If you talk too much, you will lose, and if you think less, you will make no progress.

Tang Ke chewed on the golden beard's definition of a strong man, his heart was ups and downs, just like the waves of the sea.

"There's too much gossip, let's talk about the business now. I promised before that as long as you help me complete this agreement, I will give you some rewards." Golden Beard finally got to the point.

Tang Ke's heart was beating wildly, and he was very excited. He couldn't sleep last night because he was thinking about this reward, and now he finally got it. Seeing that the golden beard was quick to speak, he omitted the annoying excuses, and said bluntly: "I don't know what the governor wants to give me?"

"Have you heard of Turtle Island?" Golden Beard asked lightly.

Turtle Island

Tang Ke's eyes are bright, that's an amazing thing

As the name suggests, Turtle Island is an island with a giant turtle on its back. The island covers an area of ​​about 5 square miles. Despite its small size, it has all internal organs, high mountains and flowing water, as well as houses and farmland. There are 10,000 mu of fertile land, pens and fruit trees on the island, enough to provide food and drink for tens of thousands of people. There is also a "bukuquan" on the island, which gushes clear spring water all year round, so the most important water source is not a problem.

The giant tortoise carrying the island is extremely old. It is said that it has lived for a thousand years. Another theory is that it has lived for tens of thousands of years, but there is no way to verify it. Turtle Island was created by the strong in ancient times. First, they tamed the giant turtle with tyrannical strength.

Then the land was laid on it, and the "bukuquan" was transplanted, and it was gradually perfected. Turtle Island has changed hands several times, served for many owners, and is now owned by the Golden Beard Pirates.

The beauty of Turtle Island is that it is a small island that can move. Although the speed of the giant tortoise is slow, it can play a huge role if it is used properly. For example, let Turtle Island guard a certain route, which plays a commercial or strategic role. Some routes are too long because there are no supplies along the coast, and navigation is difficult. If Turtle Island is located in that kind of place, it will be able to attract ships to land all year round and make a lot of money. In some remote supply ports, prices can be set very high. For example, if you set ten gold coins for a bottle of wine, if a passing navigator is greedy for this wine, he will have to buy it knowing that he has been blackmailed.

Taking into account the commercial value, the combat capability of Turtle Island is also very impressive. After so many years of construction on Turtle Island, many forts have been erected along the coast of the island, and its defense capabilities are very strong. Moreover, the giant tortoise itself is also the overlord of the sea, shaking its head and tail, it can set off a huge gun, open its mouth, and tear apart warships

If what Golden Beard rewarded was Turtle Island, it would be really developed

Tang Ke swallowed, nodded dryly, "I know."

"I have already issued an order to let Turtle Island go to the vicinity of the Little Pirate City. You can take over when the time comes." Jinbeard said lightly. In Tang Ke's eyes, Turtle Island is a great gift, but in his eyes, Turtle Island is dispensable.

"Thank you, Governor, for your generous gift," Tang Ke happily saluted and thanked him.

"Don't rush to say thank you, it's not over yet."

Tang Ke's eyes were rounded, and he said in surprise: "Why are there other rewards?"

The golden beard snorted and said, "Do you dislike too many rewards?"

"Not much, not much" Tang Ke waved his hands again and again, how can anyone dislike treasures biting their hands?

Jin Huzi couldn't be in the mood to make fun of the junior, and immediately took out something from his arms. He was as tall as a mountain, and that thing was like a small toy in his hand, but it was not small in front of Tang Ke.

This is a scroll with a simple and elegant appearance, the whole body is black, with a leather texture. There is no text on it, but an ancient pattern is drawn, which is the image of a man holding a lightning bolt. Although the scroll looks ordinary, the things taken out of the golden beard are naturally extraordinary, and the scroll is very reminiscent of a magician

Tang Ke felt itchy, but he knew that Jin Huzi would definitely explain something, so he didn't rush to use the investigative technique.

"This scroll can be used immediately after unfolding. It can imitate the thunder and lightning magic of a seventh-level magician. It is so powerful that it can crack mountains and ground. This scroll is not used according to the number of times, but according to the magic reserve inside. According to my estimation, probably It can still be used for ten minutes. In these ten minutes, the holder can be equipped with lightning, imitating the lightning ability of a seventh-level magician. Of course, you can also use it in several times, each time for a minute or two. For a seventh-level magician, it only takes a minute or two to kill." Jinbeard really said eloquently.

another treasure

Tang Ke has seen the strength of a seventh-level strong man, let alone a seventh-level magician. With this scroll, he can help him kill several strong men. This scroll is excellent whether it is used for killing or protecting himself Treasures are of great use to him. Zela's shadow suddenly flashed in his mind, the murloc's icy grin, and the staff surrounded by black air, like a nightmare. He has the curse of Zela on him, and the next goal is to kill Zela. With this scroll, he is enough to complete this matter, and blast Zela into ashes with lightning

"Okay, you've got the reward too, let's go down." Golden Beard waved his hand and gave the order to evict the guest.

Tang Ke was very satisfied with this reward, but he couldn't turn around and leave. His face sank, and he said respectfully: "I have one more thing to ask. You have repeatedly told me not to stay behind in this duel." I have the strength to spare. I did as you said, took advantage of opportunities, and won by chance. Although you are very generous, you don’t care about this, but your subordinates are quite critical of this, and they are very dissatisfied with me..."

"These idiots don't understand what this duel means to me at all." Golden Beard frowned, "Did any of my subordinates ever threaten you?"

Tang Ke couldn't tell about Hogan. After all, there was a difference between closeness and closeness. Hogan was Golden Beard's capable subordinate. He could only shake his head and said, "No, but some people's eyes are really scary. I can't afford to provoke those powerhouses of the sixth, seventh, and eighth ranks."

"I can't let them mess things up. If my subordinates go to Qiuhou to settle accounts, there is no place for my face to rest. A duel is to be fair. If you lose, you lose. If you lose, you still go to trouble the winner. That's what the rats do. .Okay, I will go down and warn my subordinates. I can guarantee that my people will not trouble you." The golden beard took care of everything and smoothed the matter.

Tang Ke was not at ease with this kind of verbal promise, but if he continued to entangle with this matter, Jin Huzi would definitely be unhappy, and he himself would look small and boring.

"Thank you again, Lord Governor, for giving you the gift of continuing to enjoy the scenery here. I'm leaving." Tang Ke took the scroll, stuffed it into his arms, bowed goodbye, and slowly backed away.

"Wait a minute." Jin Huzi remembered something, and suddenly stopped Tang Ke, "I have one more thing to remind you. From now on, I will no longer be your umbrella. Whether you live or die at sea, It has nothing to do with me. Besides, you don’t want to use my pirate flag anymore. Otherwise, I will charge you with the crime of impostor.”

Tang Ke suddenly remembered this matter. He didn't pay much attention to it before, but after thinking about it, he was saved many times because of the blessing of the golden beard. If it weren't for that ordinary pirate flag, he would have been killed by Michael or Zela long ago. Now that Jinbeard is threatening to withdraw this blessing, he suddenly feels like a crab has been peeled off its shell, losing its solid armor, and his whole body is full of weaknesses and flaws

"Under the wings of the eagle, the young eagle will never learn to fly. It is not a good thing for you to be under my protection. With the current strength of your pirate group, you should also feel the cruelty of the sea." The golden beard looked into the distance and high in the sky , said Yoyo.

cruelty of the sea

Tang Ke knew that this matter was irretrievable, so he simply faced it calmly and said with a smile: "To tell you the truth, Governor, I have also fought many tough battles, and I have experienced the test of life and death. I have already seen the cruelty of the sea."

"Without my protection, the navy and bounty hunters will find you soon, and then you will know what cruelty is. Death will follow you like a shadow, and you will encounter countless enemies. Trials, bloody battles with the enemy. Only through the tempering of blood can a strong heart be honed. After experiencing these, you can truly grow up and become a strong pirate captain. The tsunami is coming, you can do it yourself " Golden Beard said meaningfully, and before Tang Ke could answer, he had already waved his hand, indicating that Tang Ke could back down.

Tang Ke stepped up again, and slowly exited the empty hall. He is now mixed with joy and sorrow. He is naturally happy to have received such a generous reward, but hearing the alarmist words of the golden beard also cast a layer of worry on him. The tsunami is approaching, sooner or later there will be a great battle between the imperial navy and the pirates.

However, there is pressure to be motivated

In the days to come, he will devote all his energy to strengthening the pirate group, not to reverse the tsunami, but at least to survive the catastrophe.

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