Pirate System

Chapter 270: The Dark Priest

Chapter 270 The Dark Priest

After the duel between the two ships came to an end, the Dragon Pirates had no reason to stay any longer. They only stayed for five days, repaired the Cangtian, and then sailed away from Duel Island, returning the tranquility to this land.

The pirate regiment was divided into two groups. Tang Ke took the Black Pearl, brought two additional ordinary ships, and the dilapidated Cangtian, and rushed to the Little Pirate City. First, he took over Turtle Island, and second, he went to repair the Cangtian. . And Cyclops led the other ships, headed by Purgatory, to Dragon Nest Island.

Dragon Nest Island is no longer what it used to be. There are continuous groups of houses built on the shore, which can accommodate thousands of people. There are mighty cannons on the periphery of the buildings, deterring all kinds of monsters on the island. It was a busy scene, with boats coming in and out every day.

The Dragon Pirates, based on Dragon's Nest Island, often go to the two nearby routes to plunder and make a lot of money. Iona also used several resources on the island to do some serious small business, taking both black and white. In addition, the tobacco that Tang Ke has always valued is about to mature. The tobacco production of several large plantations is not small. This novel consumable may bring new opportunities to the pirate group.

After listening to other people's description of Dragon's Nest Island, Tang Ke really wanted to go there to see it, but this idea could only be postponed. Only after killing Zela can he be in the mood to hang out on Dragon's Nest Island. He has been cursed for a long time. Although it is more than a year before he turns into a sea monster, his body has been eroded by the curse, and there are already signs of turning into a sea monster. He found that pools of sea water would occasionally emerge from his body, which was wet and salty.

The Curse of the Fish is a life-threatening talisman. He doesn't want to become a sea monster, so he must eradicate Zela as soon as possible to lift the curse. Now that he has the Thunder Scroll, he has great confidence to accomplish this matter. However, it is not an easy task to find a murloc in the vast sea.

The waves are long and the sun is scorching. The small fleet of four ships is sailing leisurely in this sunny day.

A table was set up on the deck of the Black Pearl, and Tang Ke wanted to entertain several new members of the pirate group to cultivate their relationship and deepen their understanding. Among the important crew members who accompanied him were the watchman Hualu, the doctor Sebastian Stephen, the big toad Cross Scar, the goblin Norman, the repairman Luban, the druid Carroll, and the priest Zack.

As for Dadarian, he has already followed Cyclops to Dragon's Nest Island, where looting operations are often carried out, and wars are frequent, Dadarian can kill a lot there. D'Addarian is too murderous and has a perverse temper. Before leaving, Tang Ke had a long talk with him and told him not to mess around. Dadarian agreed at least. According to his personality, when he got to a place where he could flex his muscles, his temper would settle down instead. The more he held back, the more violent he became.

Tang Ke had almost prepared the dishes, and sent someone to invite the important crew members, but the goblin Norman dared to refuse to participate.

He got a little angry and closed the door himself.

"You said Zach's broken mouth would come too? Captain, please forgive me." The goblin shook his head like a rattle, "I won't sit and eat with him."

"Why?" Tang Ke was slightly stunned, "Zack looks very good."

Tang Ke hasn't spoken a few words to Zach, but in his impression, Zach is a nice guy, why is he so disgusting?

Only then did Norman tell the truth. Zac was a pastor, and within a few days of his arrival, he preached to people everywhere, persuading the pirates to believe in the Holy Cross. You must know that pirates are bloodthirsty masters, how many people can like what kind of shit Holy Cross. Zach ran into walls when he preached, but he was very patient, and anyone who didn't believe in Holy Cross would talk endlessly behind him.

There was a tireless pirate who jumped into the sea because he couldn't stand Zach's long-winded words, and would rather jump into the sea than listen to Zach's long-winded words. Zach's long-winded magic skills can be seen.

"Zac still has this eloquence? It seems that I have to talk to him alone. It won't work if all my pirates believe in the Holy Lord." Tang Ke couldn't stop laughing. Although he believes in the existence of ghosts and gods, he doesn't like belief very much. He is uninhibited by nature, so he is naturally at odds with the old-fashioned religion.

Norman raised his ugly green head and looked at Tang Ke with pity. "I wish you a safe return. If Zac mentions any ear problems, you can go to Sebastian for treatment."

"Is it that exaggerated?" Tang Ke shook his head indifferently. He bid farewell to the goblin, ordered the Black Pearl to stop, and moved side by side with another ordinary ship. He walked over through the bulwarks.

Tang Ke crossed the deck, entered the gangway, and found Zac's room. A wooden sign was hung on the door, and it was engraved with a knife: God bless. He knocked on the door, which was quickly opened.

When Zach saw that it was Tang Ke, his spirits lifted, he took a step back, and respectfully invited Tang Ke into the room.

Tang Ke walked in and looked around. The light in this room is not bad, and the decoration is simple. On the table in the corner, there is a statue of the Holy Lord. There are some red candle tears at the bottom of the white stone statue, because of the adhesion of candle tears , so that the statue of the Holy Lord will not fall down when the ship tilts.

"Commander, may the Lord be with you." Zach saluted while holding the "Holy Words". He was wearing a white cassock with a holy cross on his chest. He had a kind expression, kind eyes, and a face that was very suitable for a priest.

Tang Ke glanced at the pastor and said calmly, "Only the pistol and the sword are with me."

Zach closed the door and smiled like a spring breeze: "Everyone is under the gaze of the Holy Lord. The Holy Lord's eyes are as gentle as a mother's caress, and they never leave our bodies for a moment. Therefore, compared with swords, the Holy Lord and We get closer."

Tang Ke smiled contemptuously, and teased, "Did he stare at me when I went to the bathroom? It's disgusting."

"Our filth is invisible in the eyes of the Holy Lord, but we don't need to be ashamed, because the Holy Lord will forgive us. After we die, faith will guide us and throw ourselves into the warm embrace of the Holy Lord. At that time, we You will abandon this filthy flesh and gain true holiness." Zach's words are poetic and picturesque.

Tang Ke nodded in praise and said, "The eloquence is really good."

"Respected leader, if you speak out to persuade people to be kind, even a stutterer can become eloquent."

"Just a few words, you've confused me." Tang Ke walked to the window and leaned against the wall casually, "I'd better tell you straight. I don't like my little ones. There are many reasons for this. One is that I am afraid that the pirates will become soft-hearted if they have faith, and the other is that I personally hate faith. Do you know how faith feels to me? I feel that faith is rigid, contrived, and stubborn No change, I really hate it."

Zach, still suave and unflappable, asked, "How much do you hate religion?"

Tang Ke scratched his chin and said figuratively, "It's as annoying as elves hate orcs."

The elves are beautiful and noble, knowledgeable and polite. This race has always hated the stinky, simple-minded, warm-blooded and warlike orcs. This kind of hate is the hate of standing on the opposite side, the tip of the needle is right.

"Leader, it turns out that you hate religion so much. In fact, I hate religion as much as you do." Zach said surprisingly.

"Did my ears hear me right?"

Zac's smile suddenly changed, the gentleness disappeared, replaced by a sinister grin full of evil, like a hungry wolf who had taken off its sheep's clothing. He walked to the altar, grabbed the statue of the Holy Lord, and threw it on the ground. The stone statue shattered and shattered into countless pieces. The head of the shattered icon, maintaining a constant smile, looked at Zach with empty eyes. Afterwards, Zac stomped on the head of the statue of the Holy Lord, doing all the blasphemous deeds.

Tang Ke was puzzled, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where are you playing? That's the statue of the Holy Lord."

Zach spread his hands and said with a wicked smile: "The statue of the Holy Lord? Don't be ridiculous, it's just a stone, carved by humans one by one. Since it was shaped by humans, what is sacred?"

Tang Ke became interested in Zach, playing with his taste: "I really didn't expect that such words would come from the priest's mouth."

"The so-called pastor is just a weaver of lies. The illusion is like a big net, wrapping all living beings in it, and deceiving them around. Heaven? Heaven? That's all nonsense." Zach's eyes sank, like obsidian As pure and dark, "Because I am a pastor, I am closer to the truth of faith."

"What does truth mean?"

Zach recited the "Holy Words" in a low voice, and a soft and holy white light emerged from his hands. His expression was strange, but his figure was shrouded in the holy light, which seemed extremely uncoordinated.

"I have divine power in my body, and this power is borrowed from the Holy Lord. The more pious my belief is, the faster the divine power will grow. Although I just did something that blasphemed the Holy Lord, as long as I If my heart has not changed, this power will not dissipate. This power is great, but I know that this power also has a limit."

Tang Ke has been exposed to many professions, and the sources of power of each profession are different. For example, the sword spirit of the swordsman, the fighting spirit of the fighter, the shadow power of the warlock, and the natural power of the druid. These powers have nothing to do with each other. As for the source of the pastor's strength, he hadn't explored it yet.

"What is the limit of a priest?"

"The power of the Holy Spirit lent to us by the Holy Lord can only be used to repair the physical body and treat diseases." Zac shook his head darkly, "There is no heaven, no paradise, and no paradise after death. Whether you are an emperor or a commoner , after death, ashes will return to ashes, and dust will return to dust. This is the truth."

Although Zach looked disappointed, Tang Ke didn't care. He shrugged and said, "Isn't this great? No matter what, as long as you label it as 'eternal', it will lose its color. Even if God gave me A peerless beauty, let me live forever, keep doing it for a moment, and I will categorically refuse."

Tang Ke's example is very vulgar, but it directly punctures the soap bubble that the Holy Cross promised to believers. According to the Holy Cross, believers can live in heaven after death. There is no sorrow, only happiness. But eternal happiness is no longer happiness.

"Leader, you are indeed an extraordinary person. That's right, what does it matter if the kingdom of heaven exists or not? It's ridiculous that people who are not living well right now put their hopes in the afterlife." Zach said to the world. believers laughed.

"Since you see it so clearly and don't have a good impression of the Holy Cross, why are you pretending?"

Zach waved his hands again and again, and corrected him: "No, no, no, I respect the Holy Lord very much, otherwise, my sacred power will be dissipated. Although it is fake to be able to go to heaven, it is real to heal the wound. This kind of power alone is enough to convince me. The reason why I behave sacredly and solemnly to the outside world is just to make the work go smoothly, so that the pirates will believe in the Holy Cross."

"I just said, I don't like faith."

"Captain, although faith cannot send people to heaven, it has a very important meaning. According to my observation, the pirate group needs faith."

"Why?" Tang Ke felt that faith and pirates could not compete with each other.

Zach talked eloquently: "Faith is indispensable to a wise race. It is of great significance to both those in power and the common people. For those in power, faith is a tool. It can be used to consolidate the rule, proclaim justice, and appease the hearts of the people. Because of this use value, the regime tolerates the existence of faith and vigorously supports it, because it is beneficial to the rule. It is better to rule a group of sheep than to rule a group of hungry wolves Much easier."

"As for the common people, they also need faith. The common people are ignorant, empty-hearted, standing at the two ends of the balance of good and evil, wandering back and forth. After the common people have faith, they are active in doing good, willing to suffer and suffer, and even take all kinds of suffering as a reason. The suffering that should be suffered. The common people have become poor and happy, and they are at the mercy of those in power. Even if they suffer, they will pin their hopes on the afterlife. The common people think that no matter how much suffering they have suffered in life, they can get happiness as long as they die. This It is the meaning of faith, which is helpful to people all over the world.”

"That's a lot of nonsense, but I like it. Faith, to put it bluntly, is just a tool and a sponge to fill the void in the heart. But what does this have to do with the Pirates?"

Zach's emotions rose, he bent slightly, stared at Tang Ke with fiery eyes, and opened his hands, as if he wanted to play with others in the applause.

"Faith is a tool. If you make good use of it, it will become a grinder to change people's thinking. Don't worry, leader, I will not turn your minions into lambs. On the contrary, I will turn them all into unscrupulous hungry wolf, I will twist the teachings of the Holy Cross and lead them into a pitiless abyss"

"I'm a little interested, you continue to talk."

Encouraged, Zach became even more passionate, and quickly said: "It is inevitable that pirates will shrink back when they kill people, and they will bear psychological shackles after killing people. I will tell them that no matter how many people they kill and how many sins they bear, as long as they keep their hearts If you have faith, you can be redeemed after death, and all kinds of sins will be wiped away with death. In this way, people will not have a psychological burden on killing people. I will brainwash them so that they will treat killing as an understatement In addition, the pirates on the ship have nothing to do in their spare time, and there are often frictions and fights. If I organize these idlers and use their spare time to pray, that will give them something to do Do it, this is another benefit. Commander, this is how faith helps pirates"

This pastor is going to encourage pirates to be ruthless, to preach the innocence of murder, and that even murderers can be redeemed

Tang Ke narrowed his eyes and looked at Zach with new eyes. He thought he had recruited an ordinary pastor, but now he realized that this pastor was unusual, a hypocrite, and a real villain.

"You are simply a dark priest, but that's fine. How can an ordinary priest get along with pirates? Only a hypocritical priest can get along well with pirates. The two suggestions you mentioned are not bad, if you are willing to distort the teachings , I will allow you to spread faith among the pirates. But this scale must be mastered, no matter what, I don’t have a good impression of the Holy Cross, you are not allowed to force the pirates to believe in the Holy Lord.”

"Dark Priest? Hehe, I like this title very much. Thank you for your permission. I will not disappoint your expectations. I will definitely make the people in the pirate group more ruthless." Zach smiled more and became more malicious. Concentrated, "The day I was summoned by you, I began to think about how to help you, but I have no ability other than healing others. But after observing the things in the pirate group for two days, I had an inspiration Shem, thought of what I could do. I'm very happy to be of service to you."

"You are worrying."

Zach's body sank down, and he bowed his head and said, "I swear allegiance to you to the death. Even if I have to make a choice between you and the Holy Lord, I will never betray you."

Tang Ke knew that what Zac said was true, because Zac's loyalty was very high. He helped Zach up and said, "You are very loyal to me, and I will not treat you badly. If I recruit priests in the future, Let you lead everything. In addition, if churches are built in my territory in the future, those churches will also be managed by you."

Dragon Nest Island sent people to various places to recruit people, and Tang Ke recruited through the system, the number of Dragon Pirates continued to increase rapidly, and the number of captains, doctors, swordsmen, gunners and other talents continued to increase. For newcomers, they will be assigned to senior management. For example, Sebastian's subordinates are in charge of a group of doctors, and he often gives lectures to his subordinates. One Eye has a group of gunmen, Iona has a group of merchants and butlers, and so on.

Zach held Tang Ke's hand and said excitedly: "Just like what you said to me when we first met. Let me be a part of this evil dragon and help it take off."

Tang Ke smiled and said, "That's it, the Dragon Pirates need your strength."

The priest's ability is indeed very single, it can only heal wounds, but this ability is powerful enough to save the lives of many pirates, and it can also make the injured pirates recover quickly during the war, and participate in the battle again, improving the combat effectiveness of the whole regiment.

After this conversation, Tang Ke and Zac got to know each other better and became more harmonious. The two chatted for a while, and Tang Ke said his mouth dry, so he said goodbye and left.

But Zach stopped Tang Ke and said, "Commander Tang Ke, before you leave, I have something to ask."

"What's up?"

Zach returned to his previous amiable smile and reminded: "Don't reveal my identity as a dark priest, I still have to use this hypocritical mask to fool people."

Tang Ke smiled and said, "That's natural, and I don't have such a big mouth."


PS: Some views on beliefs in this chapter are the views of fictional characters in the book. Holy Cross has nothing to do with real religions, and there is no reflection. Please do not take it for granted. Another PS: Originally, fantasy novels like to use the Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness, but too many people use it, so I used the Holy See of the Holy Cross.

Originally, I was extremely reluctant to add redundant words to the text, but this time the situation is special and I made an exception.

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