Pirate System

Chapter 271: Thunder Wrist (Part 1)

Chapter 271 Thunder Wrist (Part 1)

Several days have passed, and the fleet is still within the Gem Sea, and there is still a considerable distance to reach Little Pirate City.

Not long after Tang Ke got up, he was strolling on the deck, feeling the warm morning light, when he heard a bird singing overhead. He looked up and saw that it was an albatross.

Dragon Eagle was flying high in the sky, saw a bird approaching, flew to the low sky, and flew around the bird twice, but did not embarrass the bird, just playing with it. The pirate regiment was divided into two groups, each with a dragon eagle, and the one that Tang Ke brought was an older dragon eagle.

"Let it down" Tonk yelled.

The Dragon Eagle had played enough, it shook its wings, set off a huge air current, and soared into the sky.

Only then did the albatross land and fly to the guardrail, its pure white head twisted and turned, and its dark eyes blinked. Around the neck of the albatross, hung a cloth bag with two compartments, one for newspapers and the other for coins.

The albatrosses in this world are like peddlers moving on the sea, whenever they see a ship, they will descend to sell newspapers to the sailors.

Tang Ke fumbled in his pocket a few times, but it turned out that there were only gold coins in his pocket. He simply stopped looking for it and stuffed the gold coins into Albatross's bag. This one gold coin is enough to buy thousands of newspapers.

The albatross has a certain degree of wisdom, and its eyes light up when it sees the gold coin. If there is a lot of money to bring back to the port, the food it gets will naturally be better.

Tang Ke opened the cloth bag, which contained several recent issues of newspapers. He rummaged for a while, his hands trembling, and finally found the newspaper about the duel between the two ships.

"The battle of the magic ship was a big upset, Dongfanglong Tangke defeated the Governor Golden Beard"

The course of this battle is recorded in detail under the title, and the writing is good and vivid.

Tang Ke put away the newspaper, zipped up the cloth bag, and patted the albatross' furry back. The albatross fluttered away. He stood where he was, and only then read the content completely. These newspapers did not dare to speak nonsense, and the description was very detailed, but after it spread to all places, the news must be out of shape.

"Dongfanglong, this title is not bad."

Tang Ke rubbed his chin, playing with the title the newspaper gave him. Although the system has not yet recognized this title, it might be activated after the news has spread. After experiencing this duel between the two ships, his reputation has risen, and he will be even more appealing when recruiting people at the port in the future.

When it was time for breakfast, the deck bells of all the ships rang.

Tang Ke likes to be lively and crowded, so today he specially notified people from other ships to get together for dinner, otherwise, during normal meals, each ship would have their own food. This time, he forced everyone not to be absent. He went to invite Elizabeth to have dinner together. Today she was wearing a white dress, which looked light and elegant. The lines of the whole dress were smooth and tight, outlining her beautiful figure, and every curve was enchanting. Tang Ke kissed her hand, and the two walked towards the ordinary boat opposite.

The banquet was held on an ordinary ship, because the Black Pearl was covered with black horns, giving off a strange and gloomy look, which was really a bit of an unpleasant sight.

On the way, the pirate couple ran into Hua Lu, who gave Tang Ke a hasty look, greeted Tang Ke vaguely, and quickly fled into the gangway.

"Ever since I came back from the sea of ​​clouds, she has been avoiding me." Tang Ke said with a wry smile. Hualu's alienation from him was probably out of the psychology of avoiding suspicion. This little girl is too simple.

"You didn't scare me away, did you?" Elizabeth smiled brightly, like a hundred flowers blooming.

"What am I going to do with her. What a headache."

"Don't worry." Elizabeth glanced at him with a smile. "I will pay attention to her in the future. If she is sincere to you, you can marry her."

Tang Ke was afraid that this was a temptation, so he didn't dare to accept it, so he just smiled and didn't answer.

"Why don't you talk? En?"

"Are you so confident in me? People may only regard me as an elder brother, but they don't mean anything to me at all."

"If someone is interested in you, you'll be happy, right?" Elizabeth smiled, but there was reproach in her beautiful eyes.

"How could it be?" Tang Ke said seriously, "Women all over the world confess to me, and it's not as important as your confession alone. There are thousands of beauties in the world, but you are enough for me."

"That's about the same." Elizabeth smiled sweeter and rubbed Tang Ke's hand lightly.

Tang Ke smiled, as a man, he should lie when he should

The two then walked to the dining room. Everyone was already there. Everyone sat around a long table, talking and laughing. The table was filled with various foods, including green beans, roasted onions, pumpkin soup and butter bread. This table is for the crew, and there are two other tables for sailors, with distinct positions. There are also many sailors who can eat anywhere they want, which is a common thing on sailing ships.

Carol read a poem with great interest, which was "The Life of a Pirate" by the famous poet Byron. In the poem, "Our flag is the king's wat, and we will do what we encounter." The words are quite domineering.

"Leader, what do you think of this poem?" Carol asked Tang Ke after finishing rhyming.

Tang Ke shrugged and said bluntly: "I don't like poetry, and I don't understand poetry."

Carol smiled wryly, and had no choice but to pull Sebastian beside him, and the two chatted in a low voice. Both of them were "literary youths" and had a lot in common.

Here Carol finished reading the poem, and there Zach began the pre-dinner prayer again. Not to mention, there were more than a dozen pirates praying together, and it seemed that they were all believers that Zach had persuaded in the past few days.

A few steaming, greasy grilled chickens were brought up. It is already a heavenly enjoyment to eat grilled chickens at sea. Tang Ke sniffed the aroma of roasted chicken, and moved his index finger.

The dishes were all served, and everyone picked up their knives and forks, ready to eat. At this moment, there was a thunderclap from the sea: "Tang Ke, you little bastard, hurry up and lead me to death, let me tear you into pieces!"

Tang Ke's face changed suddenly, and he immediately recognized that the voice belonged to Hogan

A powerful crew member of the Golden Beard Pirates, seventh-rank fighter, Ripper Hogan

Hogan had threatened to deal with Tang Ke before, and although he suddenly killed him now, it was not abrupt. The strength of the seventh-order strongman is self-evident, and he can completely destroy the four ships of Tang Ke by himself. But when Tang Ke heard Hogan's voice, he was only slightly taken aback, but he was not afraid of danger.

Tang Ke stood up abruptly, pressed Elizabeth's soft shoulder lightly, and comforted him: "You wait here for me, I'll come as soon as I go."

Elizabeth stood up together, worried: "Who is the enemy outside? Do you know?"

Tang Ke didn't tell anyone about Hogan's threats before, so others didn't know about it. With a calm expression, he forced Elizabeth back into the seat, and then strode out of the dining room, followed by the other crew members in the room. Elizabeth still failed to be obedient and followed out.

Although he only heard his voice but did not see his person, he could tell that this was a peerless powerhouse just by his voice, and a layer of cloud was shrouded in everyone's face.

"Tang Ke, you coward, do you want to run away with your tail between your legs after committing a heinous crime? Get out of here quickly. If you don't come out, I'll smash your boat with one paw right now."

On the sea to the south, a light boat was approaching at high speed, with a propeller installed at the stern, which acted as a booster. This ship is a Tier 1 magic ship. Although it is small in size, it is superior in its fast speed, which is especially suitable for pursuit. On the bow of the boat, stood a furious man. His thick hair is spread out, his muscles are tense, like a stone sculpture, his fists are covered with iron claws, and the blades of the iron claws are cold. The man was Hogan.

After the duel between the two ships, Jinbeard held a meeting and ordered the backbone of the regiment not to trouble Tang Ke again.

Huo simply didn't want to disobey the orders of Lord Golden Beard. In his eyes, Lord Golden Beard was equivalent to his father, but he really couldn't swallow this bad breath

How could a mere ant offend the might of the Lord Golden Beard?

He couldn't tolerate this kind of thing that humiliated the lord with the golden beard. When he saw the reports from various ocean newspapers, he became even more angry and lost his reason. He came this time to destroy Tang Ke and the ships under his control. Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be alleviated.

He came alone this time, alone, and the other people on the boat were just ordinary sailors, without much fighting power. But to deal with Tang Ke, he alone is enough, no, not even one person is needed, to pinch an ant to death, just one finger is enough

The sea is vast and boundless, and a few small boats are insignificant on the sea. Even if they sink, who knows what he did, so he has no worries, and can fight as much as he wants, smashing Tang Ke and these boats to pieces

This is Hogan's wishful thinking.

"Shut your stinky mouth." Tang Ke walked up the gangway quickly. Although his steps were fast, he didn't look flustered at all, giving people a sense of calmness. He came to the deck and looked towards the opposite side. There was a shadow of a small boat on the sea, which was moving as fast as lightning.

Tang Ke touched his waist and pulled out the Thunder scroll that was stuck in the button of the leather bag. The scroll is very light, but it feels reassuring to hold it in his hand. The man holding the thunderbolt painted on the outer layer of the scroll exudes a simple and majestic aura. Thinking that he was about to transform himself into a seventh-level magician, he felt his blood boil.

"The whole ship is on guard. There is no need to take any measures. Everything is left to me." Tang Ke gave the order lightly, and his fingers deftly picked up the rope tied outside the scroll, ready to unfold at any time.

Hogan laughed angrily and said, "You are an ant, you dare to tell me to shut up, you really don't know what to do. I've decided, I want to break your limbs, but I'll leave you breathless, let you look at your hand. Your subordinates will die before your eyes one by one, taste the greatest pain in the world, and then kill you."

This cruel and bloody threatening speech enraged all the members of the Dragon Pirates. Everyone jumped into a rage, their veins bulged out of anger, and they pulled out their weapons one after another, preparing for a bloody battle. But when he saw the golden bearded pirate flag floating on the boat, the surging anger was extinguished a lot. It's just because the deterrent power of the Golden Beard Pirates is too great

But Tang Ke remained calm, and the golden beard let go of his words, and would not settle accounts after the fall. Hogan must have acted in disobedience when he came here today. Even if he cut Hogan into pieces, the golden beard would not say a word.

"Master Golden Beard is a dragon and phoenix among men, a hero of the sea, and the spiritual leader of thousands of pirates. He is so honorable in the hearts of fellow pirates, representing the highest authority of pirates. Your clown behavior is tantamount to Leave him in the dark. Today, I will replace Lord Jinbeard and teach you a good lesson so that you will remember it long."

"What did you say?" Hogan couldn't believe his ears, "Let me remember it? I think you were scared out of my wits, so you must be talking nonsense."

"Is it nonsense, you will know right away." Tang Ke clasped the Thunder scroll with both hands, and slowly pulled it away to the two sides, revealing the hidden pattern inside, which is extremely magical, implying the laws of heaven and earth, exploring the truth of all things, and the sound of thunder is faint It came out, like a dragon roaring.

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