Pirate System

Chapter 275: The Faceless

Chapter 275 The Faceless Man

Tang Ke lowered his waist and ran around the enemy, swift as a leopard, squinting his eyes, as keen as an eagle, catching the enemy's imperceptible flaws. Among these true and false flaws, there are also intentionally set traps, if you attack them, you will be frustrated, so you must be extremely careful. One of the flaws seems to be worth a try. The Ningying Evil Sword he wore on his wrist emitted a purple light, and three sword qi condensed out, shooting at the enemy suddenly.

Three sword qi flashed past with extraordinary strength, but they were completely crushed by a pair of double knives. The energy scattered in all directions caused the weeds in the crevices on the ground to dance wildly.

This is an empty courtyard, the ground is covered with thick stone slabs, and there are no extra decorations around it, except for a stone table and four stone chairs in the distance. Tang Ke was wrestling with another burly man. He surrounded the big man in the center, wandered around, and waited for an opportunity to attack. The two fought together, like a whirlwind that was hard to see, leaving only afterimages.

"The effect of this sword of yours is quite good. When you face an enemy of the same strength, you can release a large amount of sword energy and win by numbers. If you are facing an enemy stronger than you, you can use a Two sword qi for a sneak attack. For this treasure, you must know how to use it flexibly."

Kilo, the admiral of the Little Pirate City, was speaking with ease while dealing with Tang Ke's attack.

If it was an actual battle, Tang Ke would have died countless times.

With a wave of his arms, Kilo slashed at the ground with both knives, surging like waves, one wave higher than the other, and rushed towards Tang Ke with the momentum of the stormy waves hitting the shore.

"I lost, I lost." Tang Ke laughed, put away his sword and jumped back, spun a few times in mid-air, landed on the stone chair, took a few gulps from the kettle on the table.

As a seventh-level swordsman, Kilo could send and receive energy freely, and when he withdrew his swords back, the energy like waves was withdrawn, but a cold wind remained on the field.

After the two had finished their discussions, they sat down at the stone table to rest for a while, holding tea and drinking each other.

Tang Ke came to Little Pirate City this time to repair Cang Tian and take over Turtle Island, but neither of these things should be rushed. While waiting, he sent people around to inquire about useful news, including the whereabouts of Zela and the movement of the Sycammon family.

The Battle of the Turbulent Sea was the largest maritime robbery in five years. The amount of money involved was huge, and the forces involved were complex, causing a shock. After this battle, the aftermath was uneven. The cannibal pirate group broke with the Dragon Tooth Kingdom, and Sikamon and the Knight of the Waves disappeared.

At that time, Tang Ke snatched the Knight of the Waves by accident, and got great benefits.

But after that, he was tricked by fate and teleported to the sea of ​​clouds. After Cyclops took over the pirate group, he refused to share the spoils before Tang Ke came back. In order to keep a low profile, he brought both the Knight of the Waves and Sycamon to Dragon's Nest Island. There is only one person on this boat, and they are still imprisoned on Dragon Nest Island, unable to go anywhere.

No one in the outside world knows the exact whereabouts of Sycammon, and they all suspect that it is the hands of the Ghost Card Pirates or the Huayu Pirates. The voice of the suspected dragon pirates is relatively small, because among the pirates involved in the robbery, the evil dragon Pirates have the fewest ships.

Simon is a big fat sheep, and if he takes it for a ransom, he can make a fortune. If it weren't for other things that were entangled, Tang Ke would have been happy to exchange Simon for money earlier.

Apart from inquiring about news, Tang Ke spent every day in Hao Zhan Kendo Gym, practicing hard every day, and occasionally asked Kilo for advice. As his strength improves, the reward points required for leveling up will also decrease. Even if he improves through the system in the future, these efforts will not be wasted.

After he had almost rested, Tang Ke planned to devote himself to his new practice, but just as he stood up, someone from outside reported that someone from the Dragon Pirates came to him, which seemed to be something very urgent. Tang Ke bid farewell to Kylo, ​​immediately went to the outer courtyard, and walked quickly to the door.

The person who came was very familiar, and he was a very experienced pirate in the Dragon Pirates. The man looked panicked and sweating profusely, as if something terrible had happened. On his left arm, there was still a wound, and blood dripped down.

"Captain, something is wrong. Our people had a quarrel with another pirate group on the street. There was a fight, and we suffered a lot and died. If you don't help , the rest of the brothers have to explain where they are.”

"Which pirate group is the opponent?"

"It's from the Old Gun Pirates."

Tang Ke felt at ease. The old gun barrel pirate group was a new pirate group established last year. It was not well-known, and he only heard it mentioned once. It's strange that there are frequent frictions between the pirate group and the pirate group. He followed the subordinate to the location of the incident, and asked what happened while running. It turned out that the fight was over a trivial matter of women's jealousy. So far, the cause of the conflict is not important, what is important is how to deal with the aftermath.

After running for two streets and turning another corner, we arrived at the fighting place. The two sides were still fighting. There were more than 30 people in total. The scene was very chaotic. There were pools of blood on the ground, and there were seven or eight people lying here and there, some of them seemed to be dead.

Tang Ke glanced at the crowd. Five or six of his own sailors were killed, and several people who were fighting were injured. He suppressed the anger in his heart, and used the investigative technique on the most skilled of the enemies, which was also a habit cultivated for a long time.

Name: Moon Mouse (a pseudonym in the Thousand Faces Knife Organization)

Occupation: Swordsman (Tier 1) Assassin (Tier 4)

Race: Human.

Title: Faceless (It is a collective title, all the people in the Thousand Faces Knife organization are called Faceless, and the assassins of this organization have to shave off the excess meat and bones of their faces, so that they can wear Put on various human skin masks, deterrence +3, latent ability +2)

Features: Deadly (every attack is aimed at the enemy's vitals, critical hit rate +2) waiting for an opportunity (the first hit rate in a sudden attack +2) imitation (highly imitating someone's movements and voices, used to deceive enemy)

Physical attack: ★★★★

physical strength:

Latent ability:

One of the equipment: phantom mist powder (wrap it in a cloth bag, spread it to confuse the people around, and create illusions, lasting for 30 seconds)

Strongest skill: Throat lock (extrude a thin metal wire from the sleeve to wrap around the enemy's neck, causing a fatal blow, or tighten and chase after attack, combat power +3, physical strength -1) ghost flash (use ghost General movement dodge attack, speed +1, evasion rate +3) Human skin mask (made of human flesh, can imitate anyone's face, combined with falsetto, can be used to deceive the enemy)

Language: Common language of the Alliance of Light. Orcish. Goblin language. Elvish.

Physical condition: healthy.

Affiliation: Thousand Faces Knife (a secret assassin organization, the outside world knows little about it, in recent years he only likes to assassinate pirate leaders with high bounties)

Reward amount: 1000 gold coins (unified pricing of Faceless)

Thousand Noodles Knife

A flash of lightning flashed through Tang Ke's mind, and he realized that it was a trap. He glanced at the person beside him from the corner of his eye, and found that although the person looked exactly the same as his subordinate, there was a slight difference in hair color and texture. The facial muscles are also slightly stiff. It seems that everything is fake. The messenger is an assassin wearing a human skin mask, and the two groups of people fighting with weapons are just pretending. Even the corpse lying on the ground is a silent assassin. Ready to kill.

really dangerous

Tang Ke was so shocked that he was sweating coldly. If he hadn't used his investigative skills and rushed over blindly, he would definitely be in an ambush. These assassins are powerful, and he is very likely to die here.

"Without my protection, the navy and bounty hunters will find you soon..."

Golden Beard's warning a few days ago was fulfilled so quickly

Tang Ke's thoughts changed. It is of course the safest way to turn around and run away now, but it will leave troubles in the future, and these faceless people will not let it go. If he wanted to eradicate the future troubles, he had to kill this group of people. He made up his mind, walked over slowly and calmly, and used investigative skills in secret to find out the details of the assassin who was acting.

Among them were a Tier 4 assassin, two Tier 3 assassins, and more than 30 Tier 1 assassins, none of whom were ordinary people. The Thousand Faces Knife organization really took great pains to kill Tang Ke. So many masters were dispatched to plan this foolproof killing.

Tang Ke's heart beat wildly. He was alone, but it was extremely difficult for him to kill so many assassins. If it fails, he will have to use the power of the Thunder Scroll for the second time. He let out a breath, discarded distracting thoughts, and stepped into the trap designed for him step by step. The assassin beside him kept urging him forward, fanning the flames, obviously wanting Tang Ke to panic more.

"You guys from the old Gun Pirates don't think about your own weight, you actually start a war with my people, you really don't know how to live or die!" Tang Ke pretended to shout, and rushed into the crowd of fighting with weapons angrily, as if to chop the four Tier Assassin.

"What the hell is Dongfanglong Tangke coming? We are not opponents." The assassin named Moon Rat pretended to retreat, attracting Tangke to chase after him.

Tang Ke rushed forward in this way, revealing many flaws behind him.

The assassins in the back all stared fiercely at Tang Ke's back, and stabbed Tang Ke's heart with their weapons. The corpse lying on the ground also raised its head, revealing the dagger in its hand. Even the assassin with the gun in the back pointed his gun at Tang Ke

Pretending to reveal his flaws, Tang Ke deliberately walked into the middle of the crowd, and secretly urged the Ningying Xiejian on his wrist, arousing all the remaining energy, creating more than thirty sword qi, which buzzed in all directions. He turned around quickly, and every time he caught a person's position, he shot out a sword aura.

Accompanied by the sharp whistling, the sword energy pierced the enemy, easily piercing through the enemy's body. Some people were killed by the sword, and some were hit to the point. Only a few skilled assassins escaped in time. Because the assassins of the first rank were too slow, all of them were hit by the sword, and none of them were caught.

Tang Ke's movements were extremely fast. After he finished a circle, there were more than 20 corpses on the ground, and more than a dozen wounded. People can win.

The leading assassin of "Mission Failed Withdrawal" made a decisive decision and ran forward without looking back, his speed was more than ten times faster than before.

The other uninjured assassins also scattered and fled in all directions, and someone threw a flare into the sky. The red flare made a warning scream and dragged a long tail in the air, which could be seen by anyone within a few miles. Obviously, there are still many people from the Thousand Faces Knife organization lurking in the Little Pirate City. After receiving this signal, I am afraid they will lurk deeper.

Tang Ke was greatly surprised, he did not expect that the group of assassins would act so decisively, and fled immediately after their deeds were revealed. You know, there are still more than a dozen assassins present who have not died completely, and those powerful assassins are even more intact. He chased forward and beheaded two more assassins, but the fourth-tier assassin , has escaped over the wall and disappeared without a trace. The assassins fled in all directions, and it was already impossible to kill them all. He gave up the pursuit and quickly returned to the scene of the incident, intending to capture a living person for questioning.

But those assassins who were injured and fell to the ground were all foaming at the mouth and rolling their eyes. It turned out that these injured assassins knew that they could not escape, and had committed suicide by taking medicine

Every time the assassins of the Thousand Faces Knife organization carry out their missions, they will hold poison in their mouths with shells in their mouths. Once captured or unable to escape, they will commit suicide immediately. The assassins did this not out of loyalty to the organization. They understand that after being captured, they will be treated worse than life, and it is better to die.

Tang Ke walked back and forth among more than twenty corpses, looking for survivors, but he was disappointed in the result, there was not a single one left to breathe. He bent down and tore off a dead man's mask, revealing the true face of the assassin. The excess flesh and bones on the face of the deceased were shaved flat, and reddish-brown scars were exposed from the wound. In this way, the lines of the face became very smooth, and no matter what kind of mask he wore, he could camouflage it well.

He looked at the human skin mask in his hand. This kind of mask is made from the skin and flesh of fresh corpses. It can only be used on the same day, and it will rot overnight. Every time the Thousand Faces Knife organization kills people, they will make a decision before making a move, or they will die if they don't make a move. This time, if it wasn't because he had a system around him, he would have died here most of the time.

From then on, another name will be added to his list of enemies—Thousand Faces Knife

Although Tang Ke didn't want to let this organization go, his system was not capable of investigating the location of this organization. Even if he sent people to search in Little Pirate City, the possibility of finding these assassins was extremely low, not to mention that Little Pirate City was not Where he can turn the clouds upside down.

"The cruelty of the sea is far more than that. This time it is the Thousand Faces Sword, next time it may be another group of bounty hunters, and the next time it will be the Imperial Navy. There is no end to it."

After Tang Ke finished speaking, he walked out from the pile of corpses, his feet covered in blood. He walked towards the hotel, wanting to inform everyone about this incident, and organize the aftermath work by the way. He walked to the intersection, looked up, and found that there was a peddler selling gadgets beside the road who had not been scared away by the battle just now. It seemed that this little pirate city was really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, even the peddler was so courageous. He became a little curious about the peddler, walked to the front of the peddler, and stopped.

"You are quite courageous. Aren't you afraid to see so many dead people?"

The peddler was a shrewd-looking young man with tanned skin, a floppy hat, and a red single-breasted sleeveless shirt. He raised his head and stared calmly at the murderer who had just killed more than twenty people.

"There is a definite number in life and death. Since even life and death are within the definite number, what is there to be afraid of in this world?"

Tang Ke raised his eyebrows, and his original unhappiness was diluted by this bold peddler. He extended an olive branch and said, "I like bold people. Are you interested in joining my pirate group?"

The peddler smiled and said, "I still prefer to set up a stall to sell things."

Tang Ke only asked on a whim. Since the other party didn't immediately agree, he didn't continue to pester him, and walked away.

The peddler stared at the back of Tang Ke who had not gone far, and showed a strange smile, but it disappeared immediately, and he said: "Sir, please stay. It is also a kind of fate that you and I can meet in the vast crowd. Why not come with me?" What do you want to buy here?"

Tang Ke stopped, glanced back at the peddler and said, "I don't like to talk about fate with a big man, and I'm not interested in those gadgets you sell."

"Hey, to tell you the truth. I've been a little tight lately..."

Without saying a word, Tang Ke took out a handful of golden coins from his pocket and threw them on the booth.

"Hehe, thank you for your kindness, but I never receive favors in vain, so I will give you this book. I think this book will definitely help you." The thin booklet was lost.

Tang Ke caught it and took a closer look. The booklet was very old and yellowed. It seemed to be broken anytime in his hand, and the handwriting in the middle was hard to read.

"Fu...huo...spring...the secret of the resurrection spring?"

Tang Ke was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the book that the peddler threw over casually turned out to be an ancient book related to this kind of old god supreme. However, this may just be an unofficial history fabricated based on the Fuxingquan. He shrugged and said, "Maybe this book will really help me, thanks."

"You're welcome, you deserve it."

Tang Ke always felt that the peddler's smile was weird, not like a man's smile. He was suspicious and used investigative techniques on the peddler, but the peddler had no special identity, just an ordinary person. He felt that he was worrying too much, shook his head, and left here.

After Tang Ke left, a sudden change occurred

The peddler's head suddenly drooped down, and he passed out. Then a puff of black air emerged from his body. The black air was like the dark wind blowing from the cemetery, and it blew into the middle of the road. A figure stood up from the black air. This person was wearing a concealed black dress, and the hood was lowered to cover his head and face, but judging from his figure, he could be sure that he was a slim woman. On her shoulder, crawled a black crow.

The woman turned out to be Ai Wei, a fortune teller who had met Tang Ke twice.

When we met for the first time, Tang Ke's investigation skills had no effect on Ivy, which shows that this woman hides unfathomable power.

Ivy's gaze was exposed in the shadows, like the gaze of an owl in the dark night, and she said meaningfully: "Tang Ke, you are the most important person in the tsunami. Keep going, marching towards the end of power, the tsunami need you".

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