Pirate System

Chapter 276: Secrets of Spring Water

Chapter 276

Tang Ke returned to the hotel and asked his subordinates to organize a meeting and call several important figures in the pirate group. Not long after, Carol, Norman, Zach, Hualu, Elizabeth and others arrived at the hotel one after another. Everyone sat around the long table and asked questions in one go. Tang Ke waited for everyone to arrive, and told about the attack. After everyone heard it, they were all furious and threatened to punish the Thousand Faces Knife organization.

But the problem is that the Thousand Faces Knife is like a cloud of fog, invisible, intangible, even if you hit it with a fist, you can't find a point of strength at all.

Of course, it's not enough to just swallow your anger.

"Under the premise of ensuring safety, you go to investigate the traces of the thousand-faced knife. They may not have left the Little Pirate City. Find out more information. If anyone can provide clues about the thousand-faced knife, there will be a reward. If you find the thousand-faced knife People with swords should do what they can, and don't act rashly if you are not fully sure. Also, you must be more careful in your actions in the future. Now it is not what it used to be, and your heads can be exchanged for money, not only to beware of the assassin of the thousand-faced knife , and beware of others."

Tang Ke adopted a compromise counterattack strategy so that there would be no big commotion. Regarding this matter, he only wanted to use his own strength to fight back, but he didn't want to ask Kylo for help. He doesn't like to owe favors, and it is very common for pirate leaders to be attacked, so there is no need to be surprised.

"Okay, the meeting is over."

Tang Ke settled all matters, got up and went back to his room. He glanced down at the red-stained boots, ready to go back and change a pair. When he was walking up the stairs, he could smell the fragrant wind from behind, which was the familiar scent of his lover. He enjoyed the aroma, his mood suddenly became brighter, a smile appeared on his mouth, and he had a bad idea.

As soon as he entered the room, Tang Ke slid behind the door, and when the figure entered the room, he rushed forward and hugged him, and spun around a few times, causing the delicate and infinite body in his arms to fly in the air.

"Hehe, put me down quickly." Elizabeth thumped Tang Ke's solid back.

Tang Ke had had enough, he paused, and when she just stood still, he bit her, violating her lips, snatching her tenderness. After the kiss was separated, he looked at her flushed face. This face is really something that people will never tire of seeing.

"Are you hurt?" She asked panting, the intense kiss was like a sea wave, it was hard to calm down.

"No, they are just a group of rats crossing the street, how could they hurt me. Don't worry. I will be fine." Tang Ke held up her soft face, "It's you, you must be more careful in the future. I will Send some more people to protect you."

"Well, I promise you, I will protect myself.


At this time, what is most needed is commitment.

Tang Ke lowered his head again. Elizabeth closed her beautiful eyes, opened her mouth slightly and waited, delicate and charming, like a baby waiting to be fed.

The two had been intimate for a while before they separated, and Tang Ke didn't have much interest in cultivating, and spent the whole afternoon drinking and chatting with his subordinates. During the period, I also waited for two news about Qianmiandao, including a place of residence. But when Tang Ke went to that house, it was already empty, without even a trace of people living there. Maybe it's just fake news, maybe the Faceless Ones have escaped.

In the evening, Tang Ke was lying on the bed in the hotel room. Although he drank alcohol, he was still full of energy and didn't want to sleep for the time being. He suddenly remembered the ancient book he got today, so he stretched out his hand and turned it out from his pocket.

"The Secret of the Resurrection Spring"

What is written here?

Tang Ke turned over and sat up, moved to the bedside position, put the book under the dim light, and opened it page by page. The pages of the book are old, like pieces of yellow leaves, which will shatter with a little force.

The first few pages of the ancient book introduce the origin and use of the resurrection spring, which are no different from the legends.

Tang Ke already knew these things well, and hurriedly flipped through them. The following content has changed, and it talks about several battles for the resurrection spring, which is quite soul-stirring, as exciting as the novel. Only then did he arouse his interest and looked at it carefully.

The resurrection spring was born very early, dating back to the ancient times, and has been passed down to the present, passing through the age of Shenyao, the age of twilight, the age of stone age and the age of civilization. Although the old gods were eliminated in the twilight era and the ancient races perished one after another, the resurrection spring did not disappear.

In ancient times, the Goddess of Life created the Resurrection Spring, which triggered the first Resurrection Spring War. A Titan warrior's beloved wife died of illness. He felt very sad and decided to collect all the resurrection springs to revive his beloved wife. He left his hometown and embarked on a journey to find the Spring of Resurrection.

In doing so, his hometown lost a great general, and suffered a disastrous defeat in the war that followed. In order to revive his wife, the warrior bears the infamy of treason.

The warrior is the peak powerhouse of that era, as long as he does not encounter the obstruction of the gods, no one can defeat him. The warrior successfully collected the first few springs of resurrection, and his fists were stained with the blood of many innocent people.

The sixth spring of resurrection is on the opposite side of the sea. Warriors have no tools to cross the sea, so they stand helpless on the shore. At this time, the God of the Sea appeared and promised to use his divine power to send the warrior to the opposite side, but he had to do one thing. The warrior readily agreed. The God of the Sea made a very cruel request, and he asked the warriors to destroy his hometown. It turned out that the residents of the warrior's hometown believed in another god, and even disrespected the god of the sea, which angered the god of the sea.

The warrior hesitated all night, and finally agreed to God's request, returned to his hometown, destroyed all the cities in his hometown, and the blood of the villagers flowed all over the place. After the warrior left, a three-headed bird symbolizing curse and resentment was conceived in the blood.

The God of the Sea fulfilled his promise and took the warrior across the ocean to find another spring of resurrection.

The last remaining fountain of resurrection is the most difficult fountain of death. To go through a maze-like passage and fight many monsters inside, the Fountain of Death is hidden in the deepest part of the maze.

The warrior was victorious. Wearing an armor made of blood, he reached the finish line and collected all seven resurrection fountains. He was so excited that he took out the remains of his beloved wife and prepared to perform the resurrection ceremony.

At this moment, the three-headed bird appeared. It scolded and insulted the warrior. Its shouts turned into the voices of thousands of dead villagers, including the warrior's neighbors, his former comrades-in-arms and his relatives. The sound was like a curse.

The warrior was desperate to catch the three-headed bird, but the three-headed bird was as fast as lightning and could not be caught. Because of his guilt towards the people in his hometown, the warrior finally died of shame under the scolding of the three-headed bird, bleeding from his seven orifices, and fell to the ground to die.

The three-headed bird took revenge, picked up the corpse of a monster at random, and threw it on the resurrection spring, which revived the monster, and the resurrection spring disappeared afterwards.

This story seems to be full of tragedy, but also has a strong mythological color.

After reading it, Tang Ke felt that this warrior pursued perfection too much, and that he could not have it both ways. Since he decided to save his beloved wife, even if he was against the whole world, he should not look back and forth, procrastinating, and in the end he would end up with nothing. It's better to be desperate, resurrect your beloved wife, and then find a place to live happily, and don't care about other things.

He continued to read, and the story transitioned from the ancient era to the Shenyao era.

I don’t know how many times this is the resurrection spring war. The monarch of a country vowed to collect all the resurrection springs, but he didn’t want to resurrect anyone, he just wanted to keep the resurrection spring by his side for later use, in case one day he If you die, let your subordinates help you resurrect yourself and gain a second life.

Relying on his strong national strength and strong military skills, the monarch has collected several resurrection springs by means of plundering and plundering. But his next goal is very difficult, because this spring of resurrection is in the hands of another monarch, whose country is far away and powerful. The monarch negotiated with the other party through a messenger, and sent gifts in exchange for the resurrection spring, but the other monarch's attitude was very tough, and he refused to give in, and even wrote back with sarcasm. The monarch had never received such an insult, and he was furious. He decided to send troops to fight all the way to conquer all the lands he passed.

When depicting the battle along the way, some weapons are mentioned in the story, including steam ships, heavy machine guns, and even tanks

Tang Ke couldn't sit still when he saw this. It turned out that the technology in the Shenyao era was so advanced that there were even military weapons such as tanks. However, these things no longer exist, and even the method of making them has been lost. He thought that this ancient book might be made up, but now he believes in the authenticity of this book. Things like tanks cannot be made up out of thin air. He held back his excitement and continued to look down.

That monarch expanded the territory all the way. Although he conquered a large area of ​​land, it caused people to die, the treasury was empty, and the people complained. Countless loyal and famous generals tried to persuade each other, but the monarch had already embarked on the road of no return and could not turn back. The monarch put all the power of the whole country, fought with his back, defeated that country, and snatched several resurrection springs from the opponent. The monarch finally realized his dream and collected seven resurrection springs.

Although this battle has been won, the country is already besieged on all sides, and people everywhere are rebelling. Several neighboring countries are also eager to try and fight each other.

The monarch didn't even have a chance to rest for a day, and continued to lead his army to quell rebellions in various places and fight against neighboring countries. He spent ten years like this, without even enjoying a single day of happiness. However, he still has no regrets. Whenever he thinks that he can have a second life, he feels full of energy. Every day before he goes to bed, he has to look at the resurrection spring in the container, only in this way can he sleep peacefully.

One night, the monarch opened the container again, and saw the resurrection spring that haunted him, but then something desperate happened. The resurrection spring evaporated under his nose, leaving no drop. How could the monarch be able to bear such a blow, he went crazy on the spot, talking crazily, and shot the people around him with a gun, saying that they stole the resurrection spring. In desperation, his subordinates killed the monarch.

At this time, people learned that the resurrection spring cannot be stored forever, and it will disappear in about ten years.

Another story is over, also full of tragedy and irony. In fact, as long as it is a war, it is impossible to have a perfect ending, and it is destined to be full of blood and tears. Reviving one person often takes the lives of tens of thousands of people.

Resurrection spring war, so cruel

Tang Ke's expression became more and more serious. He has the Rainbow Spring in his hand, and he is already in the middle of this war. If he doesn't pay attention to it, he may not even know how he died. If he wants to get out of his body, the best way is to Throw the hot potato of Rainbow Spring to others as soon as possible, whoever wants to grab it

The Resurrection Fountain War continued, and then came the Twilight Era, and everything came to an end. In the stories of this age, the gods are no longer mentioned, validating the legend of the gods departing. In the process of fighting, it was also accompanied by various incredible natural disasters. A certain city will suddenly fall and be swallowed by the earth; people will suddenly lose their memory and forget everything; books will suddenly set themselves on fire, erasing history, technology, and magic knowledge.

All destruction is sudden, and there is no chance for people to avoid it. In such a harsh environment, no one can collect the resurrection spring. The resurrection spring wars in this era all ended in failure, and they were more tragic than ever.

The ancient book about the battle at the Resurrection Spring is only recorded here. The writing time of this book should be at the end of the Twilight Era.

In the twilight era, many things were destroyed, but there are still a few things left behind. For example, the demon treasure chest Tang Ke got was from the twilight period, and the sea of ​​clouds he had been to had also experienced the twilight period. All over the world, there are also some ruins of the twilight era.

To this day, people can still get inspiration from a certain ancient relic and develop something unique to ancient times.

From this book, Tang Ke not only learned about the War of Resurrection Spring, but also glimpsed the historical development of this world from the side. There have been ups and downs in the history of this world, just like the dinosaurs on Earth, they flourished for a while and then declined. After the decline, a new dawn shines on the earth, and everything starts all over again. He has learned some lessons from history, don't regret doing things, don't be biased, have your own core of doing things, and everything starts from the core. It is impossible for a person to do everything right, as long as he feels right in what he does.

Since he wants to be the Pirate King, he has to go on unswervingly. No matter what heinous deeds he commits, no matter how much pain he suffers, no matter who he loses around him, he must not give up. Without this determination, he would never be so proud at last

Tang Ke's heart was ups and downs, his mind was running fast, and he thought a lot.

That's all about the history, but there are several pages at the back of the ancient book. Tang Ke continued to scroll down, and a striking title came into view.

"Secret Method of Rejuvenation Spring"

The resurrection spring contains the power of the gods. This is the supreme power, the origin of all things, with infinite vitality, which can bring the dead back to life and reverse the cycle of reincarnation. The fourth source of the seven sources, the spring of the body, uses the body of a living being as a container, proving that the spring of resurrection can be compatible with the body. The owner of the Spring of Body will greatly increase his cultivation speed and physical strength, which proves that the Spring of Resurrection is very beneficial to the human body.

An alchemist was inspired to use a resurrection spring as a material to study the method of absorbing the resurrection spring into the body. After several years of unremitting efforts, he achieved a breakthrough.

The alchemist absorbed the spring water into the body with a secret method, and immediately all diseases disappeared, and the body was several times stronger than before, and the speed of cultivation was also greatly improved, and many benefits were obtained. Encouraged by his efforts, he continued his research and obtained more detailed results. After having the resurrection spring in the human body, the physical strength, five senses, cultivation speed and recovery speed will be improved. In addition, all diseases will be dispelled, and youthful vitality will be maintained forever.

Not content with this, the alchemist did everything possible to collect the second resurrection spring, absorbed it again, and further improved his body. According to his research, the more fountains of resurrection absorbed, the stronger the buff. After absorbing all the resurrection springs, the lifespan should be doubled or even longer.

It's a pity that the alchemist died unexpectedly, and the resurrection spring in his body was taken away by others, so he failed to absorb all the resurrection spring.

The specific method of absorbing the resurrection spring:

The resurrection spring should be heated and vaporized, and then the gasified resurrection spring should be absorbed through the mouth, nose and sweat pores, and reunited into the resurrection spring in the body, imitating the state of the spring of birth. The resurrection spring cannot be vaporized by heating it with ordinary methods, and some medicine needs to be added to dissolve the resurrection spring.

The prescription requires dried nettles, daisy root, three-eyed snake teeth, leech juice, porcupine spines, mouse spleen, and colorful fish bones. Grind dried nettles, daisy roots, and snake teeth into powder first, then prepare 2 liters of water, throw the dried nettles, daisy roots into a crucible and stew together, and then add snake tooth powder. After boiling, add porcupine quills and mouse spleen, continue to boil for several hours, until the water is reduced to half, the liquid in the pot turns from bright red to light blue, and emits blue smoke, then add the crucial colorful fish bone.

After that, reduce the fire to a small fire, don't worry, boil the water in the crucible until there are only three to five drops left, then take it out and put it into a small bottle. If everything went well, the final liquid should be silvery white, close to mercury, with streaks of blue streaked through it.

Drop this liquid into the resurrection spring, and the resurrection spring will lose its original buoyancy and temporarily become ordinary water. Pour the resurrection spring in this state into the bathtub, add a lot of water, and continue to heat and boil. People are soaked in water and absorb steam through breathing and sweat pores, as long as they inhale a little. When the resurrection spring cools down to its original state, it will actively drill into the human body because of its automatic condensation feature. This process will be very painful, even taking painkillers is difficult to relieve, and its degree is equivalent to ten times that of women giving birth.

"This is a godsend opportunity"

After reading it, Tang Ke couldn't help shouting out, his eyes were burning, and he couldn't be more excited. He already had a resurrection spring, and then got these mysterious ancient books, as if someone was helping him in the dark.

Although the Resurrection Fountain is a treasure of the old gods, and he has activated the mission rewards, he still doesn't have enough motivation to join the Resurrection Fountain war, because the risk is too great. But now it's different, he got another usage of the Resurrection Fountain, a usage that is more beneficial than resurrecting people

His current strength is far from enough, and he has no way to compete with the strong men in the sea. Although he has systematic help, the process of becoming stronger is still long and cannot be accomplished overnight. According to his estimation, it will take three months to half a year for him to reach the fifth level, which is considered a rapid progress. This is only the fifth level, and it will be more difficult to enter in the future.

If he absorbs the resurrection spring with this secret method, his cultivation speed will be greatly accelerated. From the description, this improvement is very large. As for prolonging lifespan and dispelling all kinds of diseases, it is a side benefit. He is young and strong, and he doesn't take the length of life so seriously.

He is the core of the entire pirate group, if he does not become stronger, the entire pirate group will not be able to develop. Since he lost the protection of the golden beard, his sense of crisis has become more and more intense. He is afraid that he will not be able to keep a few magic ships. He is afraid that Dragon Nest Island will be taken away by others.

So, need strength

Although it is dangerous to fight for the Resurrection Fountain, he also decided that there are so many benefits in fighting for it, if he is still timid, he is not worthy of being a pirate

Tang Ke suppressed his excitement and read the rest of the ancient book, and then he talked about a method to take out the resurrection spring in his body. After reading the last page, he gently closed the ancient book. As if the ancient book had fulfilled its mission, it shattered page by page and turned into khaki fly ash, which fell to the ground. Tang Ke was taken aback, the ancient book turned into loess right under his nose, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was relieved, his mind is very clear now, he has firmly remembered what he just read, even if It doesn't matter if the ancient books disappear.

An ordinary book would dissipate on its own, which is strange.

Tang Ke didn't have time to think about it, so he immediately found a pen and paper, and wrote down the content about absorbing the resurrection spring. He couldn't wait to verify the effect of absorbing the resurrection spring, so he found the alchemist Norman overnight and asked Norman to refer to the formula.

"Dried nettles, daisy roots, three-eyed snake teeth...these are all common medicine refining materials, among which only colorful fish bones are relatively rare and expensive, about 500 gold coins per one." Norman said after looking at it .

Tang Ke waved his hand and said, "Five hundred gold coins is nothing. I'll leave this recipe to you. You can collect all the ingredients for this tomorrow. The more the better, I'll give you five thousand gold coins to use first. If it’s not enough, come find me again.”

Norman locked his green brows tightly, looked at this strange formula repeatedly, and asked, "This is the first time I have seen this formula. What is it for?"

"It is something that is helpful to my cultivation. After you find it, my strength can be greatly improved again."

"That's a good thing, I'll do it tomorrow." Norman seemed to be ignited, and his enthusiasm was ignited.

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