Pirate System

Chapter 277: Absorption

Chapter 277 Absorption

"You guys failed to kill Tang Ke?" Alec gritted his teeth angrily, the scars on his face squeezed together, like a zigzagging centipede. He stared at the Faceless Man in front of him, wishing he could kill him with a single blow.

If Tang Ke cannot be killed in time, the Turtle Island owned by Alec will have to be handed over. Although Lord Goldbeard will have new arrangements for him, even if he is given a fleet, there will be no Turtle Island Great annual income. If Turtle Island is guarded on the important route, it will get a lot of money every year.

The faceless man wears a white mask, with black lines drawn on the eyes and mouth of the mask, forming a smiling expression, appearing unfathomable.

"This assassination failed. Our existing manpower has been severely damaged. It will take at least half a month if we redeploy manpower from within the organization. If you give us time to deploy manpower, this assassination can be reduced to half the price." .If you cancel this assassination operation, we will refund you double the deposit, which is 30,000 gold coins." The voice of the Faceless Man was emotionless, like a machine.

"Master Jinbeard set a handover date for me. If it is overdue, I will be punished. I can give you ten days at most."

"No, the time is too short, and our people can't arrive in such a short time by boat. It seems that you should return double the deposit." The faceless man put a deposit slip from the Goblin Bank to the table.

Alec didn't even look at the deposit slip. Although he earned 15,000 gold coins without doing anything, he would rather use the money in exchange for Tang Ke's death.

The reward promised by Lord Golden Beard is only given to individuals. Once Tang Ke dies, there will be a reason to suspend the handover. Although the outside world will definitely suspect that it was the lord with the golden beard who assassinated Tang Ke out of embarrassment, but no one will suspect Alec, and that's okay.

There is a "money way" to hang out with the golden beard, and Alec has deeply felt it over the years. As a sixth-level swordsman, he obtained the management rights of Turtle Island. He has made a lot of money in these years and lived a happy life. However, even if he has received so much favor from Jin Huzi, in his heart, Jin Huzi is just a boss and has no feelings at all. So he didn't care about Golden Beard's reputation at all.

Keeping the management rights of Turtle Island and keeping the annual income is the most important thing

"Go away and kill Tang Ke, I will do it myself. The outside world has made you faceless people legendary, and in my opinion, it's nothing more than that." Alec showed contemptuous eyes without concealing it.

The Faceless Man didn't make any defense, and after nodding in salute, he backed away slowly.

"Then I wish you all the best,

As an extra reminder, in the loser's letter, Tang Ke's vigilance and observation skills are very strong. The killing scheme set up by our people was obviously foolproof, but he still saw through it in the end. Although you are very dissatisfied with our work, in fact, we have not missed a job for nearly three years, and Tang Ke is the first person to break the record. "

"Security? Don't put gold on your face. If it is security, Tang Ke's head should be in front of me."

"The manpower we sent can definitely kill Tang Ke. The reason for the failure must be that something happened that exceeded our expectations. However, a failure is a failure, and no matter how you explain it, it seems weak. Before I leave, I wish you again All is well." The Faceless Man exited the room.

Only Alec was left alone in the small black room, and he stared at the empty door with hatred. The dazzling sunlight outside the door seemed to be mocking him. With a flick of his thumb, the sword popped out of the scabbard, making an ear-piercing rubbing sound. Waves of light rippled from the sword body, which shows that this sword is absolutely extraordinary.

"Tang Ke, this time I will personally deal with you, you are a little fourth-level swordsman, you will not escape my hand"


The goblin almost broke his leg. It took him two days to collect a whole set of medicine refining materials. He got a lot of other materials, but he only found one colorful fish bone. He swore that this was the only one in the whole island. There is one. If you want to find more colorful fish bones, you can only find a way in other ports.

Fortunately, Tang Ke only had one resurrection spring, so he was not in a hurry to get too many materials.

Norman is an alchemist, so the work of refining medicine naturally has to fall on his head. He carefully brewed a few drops of silver-white potion, which indeed contained a few wisps of thin blue threads. From the surface, it seemed that the brewing was successful.

The next step is to formally absorb it.

Tang Ke found a secret room that night and prepared a large bathtub and a heated stove. Under his money offensive, these were easily prepared.

The huge room was empty, except for Tang Ke, Norman and Sebastian were also there. Sebastian is a doctor and should be able to help in case of any accident. This matter is still quite risky, after all, it is just a record in a book, and no one can guarantee that it is 100% true.

Tang Ke stood in front of the table. On the table were a metal can and a vial, which contained the Rainbow Fountain and special potions respectively. He stared at it for a moment, his expression became firm, he reached out and grabbed the vial, uncapped it, and poured the silver-white potion into the resurrection spring.

The resurrection spring seemed to be polluted, the colorful light quickly dimmed, and the water waves flowing on the surface disappeared, turning into a pool of stagnant water, showing a faint milky white color. For a short period of time, the Resurrection Fountain will remain in this state.

Tang Ke picked up the metal pot and walked to the bathtub, which was full of scalding hot water. He poured the resurrection spring into it, and the spring water plunged into the white hot air and disappeared without a trace. Tang Ke seized the time and quickly took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of flat shorts.

Norman flattered and said that the head of the group had beautiful tattoos and a strong figure. Sebastian watched all this silently, hugging the medicine box beside him tightly.

Tang Ke didn't care to answer, and stepped into the bathtub, the temperature of the water was so hot that he was excruciatingly painful. In order to turn the resurrection spring into steam as soon as possible, the temperature is naturally higher, far exceeding the temperature of bath water, and ordinary people have to scald their skin off.

According to the description in ancient books, the pain of absorbing the resurrection spring is equivalent to ten times that of a woman giving birth. This bit of pain is just a prelude.

Tang Ke soaked his lower body in hot water and bathed his upper body in steam. The skin that came into contact with the hot water felt sharp pain. Looking at his red skin, he thought of steaming crabs for no reason. In addition to the unbearable heat, he also felt a slight pinprick. He speculated that the tingling sensation may be caused by the resurrection spring. As soon as he had this thought, he was very excited, but he hoped that the acupuncture would feel a little more. He opened his mouth wide and sucked in the steam in front of him. This time, he even felt a tingling pain in his abdomen.

This kind of pain is equivalent to a knife cut, but when you check the painful part, it is intact. Just the process of absorbing the steam is equivalent to being cut by a thousand knives.

"Hehe, if I yell in pain later, you are not allowed to spread this matter, it is too embarrassing."

Tang Ke was having fun in bitterness, and just smiled, his face twitched in pain, and the smile turned into a wry smile. The potion's effect was very short. After about five minutes, the resurrection spring burst out from the dirty bath water, and restored its holy and glorious state. It surged beautifully, and the colored light illuminated Tang Ke's glowing red face. .

Norman and the ship doctor stared at the resurrection spring dumbfounded. Because they didn't understand the inside story, they admired it and asked what it was.

Tang Ke breathed a sigh of relief, ready to face the pain far beyond a thousand cuts.

Datuan's resurrection spring felt the suction on Tang Ke's body and floated towards his chest. Every drop of the resurrection spring has to condense together, if dispersed, it will fuse by itself. The resurrection spring stuck to Tang Ke's skin softly, and penetrated into it.


There was a severe biting pain in Tang Ke's chest, as if a beast had torn his flesh, and then smeared salt water and chili oil on the wound. He had reached the limit when facing the pain, and now the pain has turned to a large The severe pain, the pain level has doubled.

"What's wrong with you, leader? Do you want to call someone else to help?"

"Hurry up and hold him down and give him painkillers"

Tang Ke was in a daze from the pain, he grabbed his chest, waved his hands and said, "You don't need to call others, this is the process of absorption." walked out. The scalding hot water gushed out, wet the ground, and made water and steam everywhere. Some water seeped into the stove, and the firewood gave out a thick "chi chi" smoke.

Norman and Sebastian rushed forward to catch Tonk.

"Don't come here, don't come here." Tang Ke pushed the two of them away, staggered a few steps and leaned against the wall, the Resurrection Spring stuck to his chest like glue. He thumped the wall so hard that it dented the wooden wall. He was exercising violently, venting his pain by stamping his feet and beating his chest. He struggled for tens of seconds, because the pain was too severe, beyond the limit of his body's endurance, and he passed out from the pain. It would be a good thing if he could sleep until the end of the absorption process, but under the tearing pain, he was awakened again.

He seemed to be in hell, accepting all kinds of torture, and the pain made him die. He asked himself in his heart, is he going to die? Is the content of this book a hoax? Every second he had the thought of committing suicide, he had to endure it with a strong will to stop biting his tongue. His vision blurred, and he fell to the ground, rolling back and forth. Although he was glued to the hot water, his body was still sweating, and the severe pain caused his body to collapse.


Tang Ke yelled in pain, his voice was as shrill as the wailing of an ape, piercing through the room and spreading far away. Trembling all over, he knelt on the ground with his head in his arms, and pulled out his hair in bunches.

Norman and Sebastian were both dumbfounded and confused. Even if Sebastian was a doctor, there was nothing he could do at this time.

Tang Ke was in a state of madness, shouting, crying, and hitting objects around him hard, more and more cracks appeared on the wall and the floor, and the whole room was almost torn down by him.

This hellish torture lasted for ten minutes. When the last drop of Rainbow Spring melted into Tang Ke's chest, he finally stopped shouting and lay on the ground in a daze, like a clay figurine.

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