Pirate System

Chapter 296: Recruiting a Magician

Main Text] Chapter 296 Recruiting Magicians——

"Keep your eyes bright and find our new partner in the sea. There are three people in total, one old and two young, all wearing robes."

After Tang Ke finished yelling, his own eyes widened, and he searched the sea with a gaze farther than a telescope. He had just recruited three magicians through the system and squandered more than a thousand reward points. The points paid are huge, but worth the money!

After he met Warsaw, he automatically activated the magician profession, but unfortunately his career slots were already full, otherwise, becoming a magician would be the best choice. Although his occupation position was occupied by the warlock occupation, he did not regret it. In those few battles, if it weren't for the help of Warlock skills, it would be impossible for him to win. He couldn't be a magician himself, but it would be nice to recruit a few magicians. Search for the latest updates in


bsp;The power of a magician is self-evident. After reaching the seventh level, the magic released is enough to destroy a town. Tang Ke used the Thunder Scroll to taste the taste of a magician, but that was only a fake seventh-level strength. A real seventh-level magician is enough to defeat a high-level fighter like Agula.

The points required to recruit a magician are very high. If you spend a thousand points, you can only recruit two first-level magicians and one third-level magician. Magicians of this level have limited combat power, but they have great potential. In time, they can become strong with one enemy against ten thousand.

Tang Ke intends to take a long time to catch big fish. During this period of time, he will recruit more first-level magicians, at least a few more. In the future, when this group of magicians grows up, the Dragon Pirates will be able to look down on the world and the world!

The number of magicians owned by the major empires is only three or five, and these magicians are enshrined as gods, high above them. With the power of the system, Tang Ke can organize an army of magicians, and the five empires will only be greedy by then.

It didn't take long for the sailors to discover the figures of the three magicians one after another and took them to the ship.

The three magicians wore robes of different colors. The old man in the gray robe is a third-level magician of the wind attribute. His name is Erwin. The young man in the red robe is a fire attribute magician, first rank, named Andre, with a broad forehead and a lively smile on his face. Another young magician was wearing a blue robe, also of the first order, named Gore, an elf, with a Confucianism and gentleness.

The three met Tang Ke and saluted politely.

"Gentlemen, welcome to join the Dragon Pirates. We will be a family from now on." Tang Ke swept around the faces of the three of them, then turned and walked towards the gangway, "Come with me. I have already prepared a banquet, although you are sure not hungry,

But I want to have a drink or two with you guys and talk about something. "

Tang Ke brought the three magicians to a restaurant. The food on the table was simple, but the drinks were all old wines. Just like the crew members recruited before, these three people were full of doubts and were full of curiosity about their origins.

During the dinner, Tang Ke briefly explained everything, which reassured the three of them. He has received so many new crew members that he already has a template for answers.

"It's not bad to be a pirate. You can be free, burn, kill, and loot. It's just what I want. As for the origin, it doesn't matter." Andre shrugged his shoulders and drank a glass of transparent vodka.

The wine in front of Gore has never been touched, and he held his sharp chin: "Although things are unbelievable, I believe what Captain Tang Ke said. I am willing to accept this status and work for you."

"Me too." The old mage with brown spots on his face nodded.

Tang Ke smiled, raised his glass and said, "Thank you for your trust in me. For this trust, let us drink this glass of wine together."


The wine glasses of the four collided together, and even the water mage Goyle drank half of the glass.

"Originally, I just wanted to clean up the dust for you today. I didn't plan to do anything more. But this matter will have to be with you sooner or later. Why don't you take this opportunity to tell you directly." Tang Ke didn't want his mother-in-law anymore. Several of them are magicians, and they are the best in the world. The Dragon Pirates and I need your strength very much. You have just come to this world, and I asked you to work hard. It is really unkind. But people are alive, Isn't that the word struggle?"

"If Commander Tang Ke has any orders, just let them go. I, Andre, will go through fire and water, and I will do whatever I want." Andre said quickly.

The other two magicians also looked at Tang Ke and nodded, expressing their determination.

"Okay, I'll be straight. Now the world is in turmoil. The two Holy Sees in the East and the West are at odds. The five empires are in constant conflict. Sooner or later, there will be a battle between the navy and the pirates. Even the bottom of the sea will not stop. Many sea beasts Stirring around, everyone regards the shore as a f-ir-u, and sooner or later they have to take a bite. The dragon pirate group is trying to survive in the cracks. Although it has developed rapidly in the past few years, it is still a fish. In so many strong winds Under the impact of the big l-ng, it is in danger. The tsunami is coming, and the Dragon Pirates have to sharpen their claws and teeth." Tang Ke's gaze was fixed like a bright morning star.

"It's fine if I'm a m-o thief. With my current scale, I can get a share of the sea. When the tsunami comes, I can just walk away. But my ambition is great, and I will trample the sea under my feet." Only then can I be reconciled. Therefore, in the coming lu-n world, I must go for it. To compete with the major forces, it is natural to have some weight. No one can get rich without a windfall, and a horse can’t be f-i without night grass. Only by using strange tricks, bad tricks, and dangerous tricks, can I suddenly emerge and make the pirate group grow rapidly. And you guys are the key to this weird trick."

Tang Ke glanced at the three magicians, and continued: "You are newcomers, and you still don't know much about this world. There are very few magicians in this world, and there is no one in a million. Every magician is a key training object of the empire. It is very difficult for those old magicians to find apprentices. Whenever they find young people with magical talents, they will stay with them. So, as long as people with magical talents are born in this world, they will become the darlings of the world and reach the sky in one step. Gentlemen, This is an opportunity for us.”

"What chance?" Andre asked.

Erwin and Gore, the young and the old, have already guessed seven points, and their eyes are like mirrors.

Tang Ke became more and more excited.

"You are all magicians, you are all babies in this world, especially you two young people, who are only seven years old, as long as you are placed in those big empires, you will be taken away as soon as you show up. You rely on magicians You can directly enter the empire and become the apprentice of the old magician. Your status will also rise, and you can get in touch with the high-ranking officials of the empire and even members of the royal family. In this way, you will have excellent cultivation conditions, the empire I will give you the best treatment. And you can also become a nail for me to install in the empire. You can find out the most confidential news in the empire. Once there is any important news that is not good for me, you can notify me in advance. Let me be on guard."

"The benefits are more than that. After a few years, you will become powerful magicians, and you will be able to control some of the empire's rights when you sit on one side. At that time, as long as we have the opportunity, we can even bite the empire back and usurp the empire's political power! Of course, just a few of you are not enough. I will have to recruit some more magicians in the future, and let them all penetrate the interior of the empire, or even the interior of some medium-sized countries. As long as the plan goes well, the future of this world will be in control In my hand, and you are my fingers."

Tang Ke revealed his wolfish ambitions, and opened his mouth to devour the world. This is his most profitable plan, but also the most risky plan.

"You send so many magicians to the empire as espionage, once someone reveals their identity, you will be finished." Gore swallowed dryly and reminded.

"That's right, I'm making a big gamble, with the entire pirate group as a bet." Tang Ke said with a bright smile, "Bet on this world!"

"Wow! Captain Tang Ke is so courageous!" Andre jumped up from his seat and laughed loudly, "I like a leader like you, and I want to follow you for the rest of my life. This plan is really good, and I am willing to be your anchor Undercover in the empire, picking them up in secret. It's very interesting to think about it."

"But I'm old, and I have a certain foundation in magic. I'm afraid it's not that easy to gain the trust of the empire." Erwin in the gray robe said.

"Oh, you are an exception. I recruited you to consolidate the strength of the pirate group. I can't send out all the recruited magicians. You are very powerful, and you are a wind magician. You can also speed up ships on weekdays. It has a great effect on the pirate group." Tang Ke explained.

"That is to say, it is the two of us who will be sent out." Gore said.

"That's what I imagined. But this is not a mandatory order. The two of you can choose whether to accept it. If you don't want to accept it, you can stay on the ship, or go to serve on the two islands under my command. Twisted The melons are not sweet, let alone being an undercover agent." Tang Ke was kind to Gore, and this elf should calm down a bit. Although that Andre was very positive, his temper was too impetuous. You must know that this undercover agent will be acting as an undercover agent for several years or even several years, and for such a long time, someone with a calm mind is more suitable.

"I've decided to go." Andre rushed.

Gore sank slightly, and agreed: "I agree to go too."

Although these three were newly recruited, their initial loyalty was as high as nine or more. Don't be an undercover agent, even if they were to die, they wouldn't even bat an eyelid!

"Okay!" Tang Ke raised his glass, "Let's have another drink. I will remember you in my heart and never forget you for doing so much for me. In the future, after I rule the world, I will definitely not treat you badly. Regardless Whatever treatment the empire gives you, I will give you double the treatment in the future."

"Captain Tang Ke, you're being polite. I didn't assist you for gold and silver treasures." Gore said straightly.

"Yes, yes, money is nothing." Andre also waved his hand.

"I am able to come to this world thanks to the kindness of Captain Tang Ke, and I should serve you." Erwin nodded slightly.

Tang Ke smiled and had another drink with everyone. The four of them drank all the wine in their glasses. The elf Gore was overwhelmed by alcohol, his handsome face turned red, but the other two mages were quite strong.

This grand plan was finalized at the dinner table.

In the next few days, Tang Ke and the two young magicians refined the plan.

The identities of the magicians of several people are still kept secret for the time being, and no one knows except Tang Ke. Although all three of them were wearing robes, the robes were just ordinary clothes and meant nothing. If the two magicians want to lurk in the empire, it is necessary to keep it secret, otherwise the pirate group will be full of people and it will be easy to leak.

The two magicians are going to take a sailboat and rush to the country of Cormanthor and the Empire of Greenland respectively. The Cormanthor country that Gore is going to has a lot of elves, and it is easier for him to gain trust there. And Andre is going to the Greenland Empire. This island country started late and its national strength is slightly weak. It is rumored that there is a lack of successors for magicians in the country. When he goes there, it is like sending charcoal in a timely manner, and he will definitely be treated favorably.

Of course, the appearance of the two of them should not be too hasty. At least they should arrange a reasonable status for themselves in the country, buy some people with money, and live there for a period of time. Then at the right time, he showed his magical talent and attracted the attention of the empire.

If a person has a talent for magic, when he grows up, he will inadvertently communicate with the elements of the world and create some special effects, such as freezing, flooding, or lightning. As long as someone creates this effect, they will be imprisoned by the local government and sent to the Imperial City, waiting for the examination of the master magician. Every empire treats this kind of thing as a big deal, and even has a dedicated constitution, and the local government dare not neglect it.

You can use props to test magic talents, or you can judge through perception, but whether it is props or the magician himself, they are all scarce, and there is no way to conduct a large-scale search in the country. So they can only sit on the sidelines and wait for the young man with magical talent to appear by himself.

Magic talent will definitely be shown before the age of two. Gore and Andre are already too old, and they have not exceeded this age limit.

If all goes well, the two of them have successfully entered the empire, and then there will be a long study career. In recent years, they didn't need to take any extra actions, unless something important happened, they had to send a letter to Dragon Nest Island. The fewer movements, the safer the two of them will be. When the two of them became magicians of the fifth rank or higher, they would be able to help the Dragon Pirates some substantial help.

After sending off the two young magicians, Tang Ke drove the Black Pearl to the Black Sea alone, the purpose of which was naturally the "Fountain of the Sea".

In the Battle of Huazhigang, Zela revealed the exact location of the Sea Spring when he was seriously injured. Although the voice was extremely loud, it couldn't escape Tang Ke's ears tempered by the Resurrection Spring.

After Tang Ke absorbed the resurrection spring, his strength increased greatly. He estimated that if he absorbed another one, he would be able to reach the strength of a sixth-order swordsman. With such a huge y-uhu-, he naturally couldn't let it go. Although Agula should have also gone there, but it was seriously injured, it was not so easy to recover, and its strength was greatly reduced. There are still risks, but in Dahai h-n, zero-risk trading does not exist at all.

The sea breeze was blowing, and the Black Pearl cut l-ng against the wind, moving forward with its head held high. Tang Ke stood at the bow, muttering to himself.

"The second resurrection spring, here I come!"

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