Pirate System

Chapter 297: Unfilial Daughter

Text] Chapter 297 The Unfilial Daughter——

"Take a breath of the air in the new home." Elizabeth walked into the living room of the new house and turned around lightly, her white skirt fluttering like a dancing white swan. She lifted her nose and smelled it, and the smell of paint still remained in the new house, which was not very pleasant. She stuck out her tongue, "Okay. It's a bit disappointing, but I want to clean up. After opening the windows for a few days, it should be much better."

After she left the pirate city, she rushed to an island of the Greenland Empire, where there were regular high-end passenger ships and naval escorts. She rushed to the Greenland Empire on a passenger ship, which was safer than taking a pirate ship to the Greenland Empire, and it was also the plan Tang Ke carefully chose.

After arriving in the motherland, she ran around and successfully rescued her father through legal procedures, and 50,000 gold coins were also fed to the big mouth of the imperial judiciary. The reunion of father and daughter is naturally tearful, with endless sadness and endless lovesickness.

After that, she started to settle down with her father, searched and searched, and chose such a manor. There are green mountains and green waters here, and the scenery is pleasant. Several houses have just been built this year, and they have been newly decorated. They are perfect for retirement.

"Although it has been two weeks since I left that ghostly place, I still feel like I am in a dream. Everything is so unreal, as if in the blink of an eye, everything will disappear, and I will return to that cold cell again." Elizabeth's father , Robert then walked in, he looked around the new home in a trance, expressing his heartfelt emotion.

For those who have just been released from prison, a simple wooden house is as good as heaven, at least it has a taste of freedom.

Elizabeth put down the two big suitcases and walked in front of her father with a smile. She put her hands on her father's skinny shoulders and said, "This is not a dream. You will get used to it over time. It's just a little uncomfortable now."

She had also discovered long ago that after her father was released from prison, he had always seemed very dull, unresponsive, and even his words were clumsy, which was very different from a few years ago. She guessed that people who have just been released from prison are in this mental state. She believes that time can dilute everything, and her father will definitely be able to return to his previous mental state. All he needs now is sunshine and a new environment.

"This time in prison is the biggest setback I have experienced. No matter what setbacks I face in the future, I will never be afraid again. There is nothing worse than being in prison." Robert waved his hand, as if wanting to recall the nightmare drive away.

"Dad is the best." Elizabeth blinked playfully, gave her father a thumbs up as a sign of encouragement, and then tapped her head, "However, I think such a peaceful manor will never be brought to you again." What a setback. You can spend your old age here peacefully."

Robert married very early, but had no children with his previous wife,

After the death of his ex-wife, he married Elizabeth's mother, and Elizabeth was born later. At that time, he was more than four years old, and now he has reached the age of huajia, so it is not too much to spend his old age peacefully. Moreover, he has been suffering in prison for several years, and his aging has become more serious. His face is full of furrowed wrinkles, he walks shaky, and his whole body is skinny, and he will probably break wherever he hits.

"Hey, businessmen who used to be from all over the world can only settle down in one corner now." Robert sighed.

"You can still use your lofty ambitions in this manor. I think it is very challenging to reclaim the land and build a cowshed." Elizabeth pointed to the window, and there was a fertile green field outside. There is a large circle of wooden fences. There are too many things that can be done in this large area, including keeping livestock in captivity and growing crops.

Elizabeth felt that these farm jobs that cultivated temperament were very suitable for the old people who had just been released from prison. Milking the cows and clearing the bugs in the grass were all very pleasant things.

Robert nodded with a smile, "Well, from now on, we father and daughter will live happily in this manor."

When she heard "we", the smile on Elizabeth's face froze. She couldn't live here with her father, and she still had her own promise and pursuit of love. But in the past few days, she can't show it, and she must cherish this hard-won reunion. She sorted out her emotions and restored a relaxed smile when she turned her head.

In the following days, Elizabeth began to arrange various tasks in the manor, trying to make it lively. She hired sweepers to clean up the entire manor, and hired gardeners to plant huāhuā grass in front of and behind the house. In addition, she also bought a group of chickens and a few cows, and put them in the chicken shed and cowshed. The manor suddenly became much noisier, but the calls were not annoying. She and her father planted crops on a piece of land by themselves. Although they don't know whether the harvest will be good, the whole planting process is very interesting.

Elizabeth tried to take care of everything in the manor. She questioned every servant strictly, for fear that any servant would make her father unhappy in the future. As the day of parting approached, she became more and more eager to do these things. She was busy all day long, and she only slept a little time every day. Whenever she had free time, she would stay and chat with her father, although some chatting The content is repeated without noticing.

Both father and daughter knew each other very well. Robert found that there was a problem here, and he found Elizabeth beside him, and asked worriedly: "Elizabeth, something is wrong with you recently. What's on your mind?"

Elizabeth flatly denied: "No, there is nothing wrong with me. Well, maybe there is a little bit. But it's just because we have not seen each other for a long time, and I am so happy."

"If you have any concerns, you can follow me. I think I still have some wisdom of the elderly."

"Of course, but I'm really fine." Elizabeth concealed the truth and made excuses to avoid her father's questioning. She covered her mouth when she left the house, and her eyes were already wet.

What should come is still here. If Elizabeth doesn't leave, the date may be delayed. She has to arrive at Baiy-lan Port in the harvest month. She swore that this was the most difficult night in her life. She came to her father's room, opened a gap, and stared at her sleeping father for a long time. The traces of vicissitudes on her father's face made her feel worried. She really wanted to split into two, one to stay and take care of her father, and the other to return to her lover as promised.

But this is impossible, she has to make a choice, life is to do a series of multiple choice questions, choose one answer, you have to give up the other answer. She has always been decisive in doing things, but this time, the things placed on both ends of the scale are too heavy, making it difficult for her to let go. She went back to the room and wrote a farewell letter in tears. She put the letter together with a deposit slip and stuffed it in the m-n of her father's room.

Elizabeth left the manor with tears in her eyes, turned her head three times at a step, and finally became cruel and rode away overnight. She felt that every step the horse's hooves made would slam into her heart, making her heart ache. She could feel that family affection that blood was thicker than water was fading away, and she might never feel it again.

"Father, my daughter is not filial, so I can't stay with you anymore."

She murmured, her voice drifting in the night wind.

In the early morning of the next day, Robert found the farewell letter next to m-n. As if he had a premonition, his withered hands trembled violently, and he opened the letter paper with difficulty.

To father.

I'm really sorry for leaving without saying goodbye. But I can't say good-bye to you face to face, it would be more sad, and you won't let me go after you have heard my reasons for leaving.

During the time you were in prison, I traveled around the sea, making money by doing business, and accumulated these 50,000 gold coins. Under the arrangement of fate, I met a pirate. He was like a prince who fell from the sky and rescued me from danger. If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't have seen you.

Just like the plots in other stories, I like him, because a woman in deep danger is always easy to have a good impression of the man who saved her. The man at that time was the most attractive.

And he saved me not just once, but a total of three times. Of course, I love him not to repay a favor. I won't sacrifice myself because of kindness, I really like him, that's why I decided to go d-ng with him all over the world, and be his shipwreck lady.

I know you hate pirates, so I won't say much about him. And it won't do you any good if I can't tell you his name.

The daughter is about to get married, but the father does not know the identity of the son-in-law, this is really ridiculous. I am deeply sorry for this, this is the most unfilial thing I have ever done in my life. I don't have the face to beg your forgiveness, but I hope you won't get angry because of me.

After I leave, I hope you can take care of your health, don't worry about me, and don't look for me, it's best to stay in this manor and live comfortably.

This is a bit of an idiotic dream. I know that after I leave, you will definitely be hit hard, and you will probably abandon this manor and do some impulsive things. But even so, I'm leaving. I have already made an agreement with him, whether it is you blocking me or the whole world blocking me, I will fulfill this agreement and meet him.

Father, I have found my own happiness, and I hope you can fulfill it.

Yours sincerely.

Unfilial daughter Elizabeth Taylor.

After Robert finished crying, the big tears wet the beautiful handwriting on the letter paper. He said bitterly, "Elizabeth, I have really made things difficult for you these years. You must have sacrificed a lot to save me. It's all because of my father's uselessness. You. You are not an unfilial daughter. You are the most filial daughter in the world. I am proud of you. I believe that you have indeed obtained happiness, but the happiness you get with pirates is short-lived. Hey, we Taylor People in my family just like to do stupid things. I was a guarantor for a friend back then, borrowed so much money, and ended up like this, and you chose to marry a pirate."

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