Pirate System

Chapter 300: Zero Claw Fish (Medium)

Tang Ke didn't bother to use the system's port map, so he let the newcomer lead the way. After only ten minutes, he found the Eternal Night Tavern.

This tavern is a three-story building, made of bricks and tiles, the walls are deliberately painted black, a moon is drawn in the upper right corner, and a wooden sign with a wine glass is hanging under the eaves. On the pointed roof Flying a skull pirate flag. The appearance of this house is very suitable for the appetite of the pirates, and the owner obviously put a lot of thought into the decoration.

Entering the main hall, a lot of pirates gathered in the space of more than 100 square meters, some with missing arms and tuǐ, some with various blindfolds, and all of them were armed. The room was noisy, and the pirates exchanged glasses, told their own stories, or were bragging.

The arrival of the two of Tang Ke did not attract much attention, because it was too luàn.

"These are the minions of the various pirate groups. The real pirate leaders are all on the third floor. I'll take you up there." The newcomer said enthusiastically.

Tang Ke nodded, passed the noisy wine table, passed the fireplace where the pig was being roasted, climbed the ladder, and reached the third floor. In front of a door, there are two burly men guarding.

"This is where the pirate captains are having a meeting. You are not allowed to enter casually." The burly man said in a low voice, his chest mask exuded a strong body odor.

"This is the leader of the Dragon Pirates, and he is qualified to enter here." The newcomer spoke for Tang Ke.

The burly man was obviously aware of Tang Ke's prestige, his tiger eyes lit up, and he looked Tang Ke up and down a few times. He had no good way to verify his integrity, so he could only open the door and let him go. "Okay, you go in. But your servant can't go in."

Of course, Tang Ke couldn't let the newcomer lead the way for nothing. He took out a handful of gold coins and gave them to the newcomer casually.

"You should report back to the Black Pearl. You have nothing to do here." After finishing speaking, Tang Ke walked in with his head held high, looking at the situation in the room. This room is much cleaner than the one downstairs. There is a long table in the middle with a dozen people sitting around it.

"This is Captain Tang Ke of the Dragon Pirates." The burly man shouted into the room, and then closed the door.

The people in the room became agitated, cast shocked eyes, and talked a lot. All the people present here are the heads of small pirate regiments, and Tang Ke stands out from the crowd here.

"How could such a celebrity as the head of the Dragon Pirates come here? Isn't he an imposter?"

There are still a few skeptical voices among them.

Tang Ke didn't explain either,

With one hand, a stream of red sword energy was created, allowing the sword energy to swim flexibly between the five fingers, like a little red snake. It is not an easy task to control the sword energy so freely, at least it must be a fifth-level swordsman to do it. This is more convincing than any proof, and those who expressed doubts changed their faces. Group 2∴

"I just arrived here today. I heard that you are studying the matter of dealing with the centaurs here, so come and have a look." Tang Ke walked to the long table and grabbed a chair, but this is the lower position, and the upper position is in front. He casually walked around to the other side, put the chair in his hand on the upper position, and sat down carelessly. He is quite high-minded now, and it is impossible for him to sit next to these third-rate regiment leaders.

The pirate captains present did not have any objections, only the mouth of the other pirate captain who was sitting in the upper position moved, showing displeasure. Just now, he was the only one sitting in the top position, as if he was the leader of all the villains in this meeting. The captain of the pirates was about forty years old, with a fierce face, and he was dressed in tight and neat clothes. He carried a gun on his back and waist, and also carried a short dagger.

"Don't be cold. Keep talking. I want to hear what your plans are." Tang Ke said with a smile, picked up an empty wine glass bluntly, poured rum into it, and drank it himself.

The atmosphere on the court was still awkward, falling into a weird silence. The current situation is equivalent to a tiger breaking into a pack of wolves, and it is really difficult for the two sides to get along.

The captain of the pirates who was also sitting at the top spoke and broke the deadlock.

"We are discussing to form a coalition of pirates to jointly attack the hundred claws near the port. The evil dragon pirate group is strong. If we join us, our chances of winning will definitely increase."

Tang Ke used the investigative technique, and the person talking beside him was Alor, the leader of the Death Bullet Pirates, a fifth-level gunner, and his strength was not bad, no wonder he was able to sit in the top position. The Death Bullet Pirates have thirteen ships, which is quite a number, but there are no magic ships, and even ordinary ships are small boats, incomparable to the well-equipped Dragon Pirates.

"How many ships and people can you dispatch together, and what are your chances of winning?" Tang Ke asked again and again.

Alor replied: "Together, we can produce at least thirty-five ships. There are several pirate captains who are unwilling to give their best. I am trying to persuade them that if everyone is willing to work hard, we can get together five ships." Ten ships. As for the manpower, there are nearly 6,000 people. With such strength, I feel 90% sure."

"Oh? If the odds are so great, I won't be needed." Tang Ke smiled.

"Then why can't it be used? If Captain Tang Ke can take the lead, it will be easier for us to win, and this will also reduce a little loss and casualties." Alor changed the subject, "I don't know how Captain Tang Ke is How many ships and people did you bring with you when you came here?"

"One ship, six hundred people, that's all." Tang Ke shrugged, and took another sip of the sweet rum.

When the other pirate captains heard this, they all expressed disappointment. They had expected Tang Ke to bring a few more ships and be of great help.

"That's a pity. If Commander Tang Ke brought a few more ships here, he would be able to become a leader, but with only one ship, he can only be inferior to me." Alor said lightly, raising his head "Ming people don't say dark words. The hundred clawed fish is full of treasures, especially the skin. It is a rare material for making magic boats, and it is very valuable. Also, these days the hundred clawed fish has sunk no less than thirty Many ships were loaded with gold and silver treasures, and the sum is not a small amount. After our joint attack this time, after killing the hundred-clawed fish, we will naturally be rewarded according to meritorious deeds. The 'profit' is more."

Tang Ke nodded, paused, and asked lightly: "Then what if I kill it alone?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the pirate captains present were stunned and looked at Tang Ke in surprise. Someone raised his wine glass halfway and froze in mid-air.

"Captain Tang Ke, you really know how to joke." Alor said with a dry smile.

"It's not a funny joke. I don't know how to joke around. I am here this time mainly to say hello to you. We all ate and ate at sea. In my eyes, we are all friends. However, friends belong to you." Friends, I don't plan to join your coalition. I want to go it alone and eat this hundred-clawed fish. You are 90% sure, but I am 100% sure." Tang Ke said seriously.

The audience immediately caused an uproar. Their dozen or so pirate regiments, fifty ships, and nearly 6,000 people didn't have much confidence when facing the hundred-clawed fish. But Tang Ke has a boat with 600 people, and he is full of confidence, as if the hundred-clawed fish has become something in his pocket

"One ship, six hundred people, just want to kill the hundred clawed fish? This is talking in sleep."

"If it's a magic ship, maybe it can be done. I heard that the Dragon Pirates have three magic ships."

"The magic boat doesn't work either. This hundred-clawed fish is as big as a mountain, and it can pull the magic boat to the bottom of the sea with its tentacles. If the magic boat reaches the bottom of the sea, what kind of prestige can it play?"

"I heard that Captain Tang Ke is very powerful, so he probably wants to kill the hundred-clawed fish with his own strength."

"But if you want to kill a big guy like a hundred-clawed fish, even a fifth-level swordsman can't do it. A seventh-level swordsman is about the same."

Alor looked uncertain, and after clearing his throat, he asked, "Captain Tang Ke, are you so sure? Just like what you said just now, no matter whether it is a magic boat or a fifth-level powerhouse, it is impossible to kill him." Hundred claws."

"Of course I have my trump card, so you don't have to worry about that. I am determined to win that hundred-clawed fish." Tang Ke relaxed and leaned back in his chair, "But you have already formed a coalition. It also took a lot of effort. In order not to hurt peace, let's discuss it. You should deal with the hundred-claw first, or I will go first. We have a first-come-first-served one. Whoever kills the hundred-claw will belong to the one who kills the hundred-claw , so fair and reasonable, no one bullies anyone."

Tang Ke was just stating the facts, but hearing this in other people's ears, he felt extremely arrogant

"Haha, well, since Commander Tang Ke is so capable, how dare we beat you. Within five days, you can do whatever you want, and we are waiting for the good news of your triumphant return." Alor narrowed his eyes and smiled. ròu said without a smile.

Although the other captains of the pirates didn't say anything, they shook their heads slightly, expressing their disbelief in Tang Ke. After all, it sounded too nonsense.

"Okay, then it's settled. It won't take five days, and I will definitely get things done within three days, so as not to delay everyone's fortune at sea." Tang Ke knocked the drained wine glass on the table, as if The final word. He could hear the insinuation in Alor's words, but he didn't mind.

"Ding, you have initiated the mission of hunting sea monsters. The mission objective is to kill the hundred clawed fish near Magic Horn Port. The mission reward is 10,000 reward points and 1 gold coin."

Tang Ke was slightly taken aback, then raised the corners of his mouth, and closed the prompt box calmly.

"Captain Tang Ke is indeed an extraordinary person, even more powerful than the rumors outside. One of your ships, with 600 people, is worth as much as our fifty ships, with 6,000 people. It's amazing, it's really amazing." Er Yinyang said strangely.

"I'll take all of your compliments." Tang Ke's tolerance is getting bigger and bigger, and he won't blush just because others are running on a few words, he spread his hands and said, "Everyone, continue to discuss. If you have finished discussing, I will open the table and invite you to drink, I hope you will appreciate your face."

Tang Ke had already promised to kill the hundred-clawed fish, so there was nothing for others to discuss. It would be ridiculous to continue the discussion, and it seemed that he didn't believe Tang Ke. Who would dare to cause such trouble. The meeting broke up unhappily. A total of more than a dozen pirate captains gave Tang Ke face, and went downstairs to drink with Tang Ke. The captain of the pirates named Alor didn't appreciate him, so he found an excuse and left the tavern with a gloomy expression.

"Captain Tang Ke, that bastard Alor seems to have a problem with you." After drinking for three rounds, one of the pirate captains was drunk, his face was flushed with Chinese characters, and his mouth was not closed.

"I don't like that person, don't mention him, spoil the fun." Tang Ke said, waving his hands. He sat around with several pirate captains, drinking and chatting, very comfortable. He has a high regard for the heads of all the pirates. These people can become the boss of a group of thugs, and they are all heroes.

"Alor is notoriously narrow-minded. If you sit in the top position without authorization today and steal his prestige, he will definitely hate you. Captain Tang Ke, you must be careful about this person in the future, so as not to overturn the boat in the gutter." The unshielded pirate captain made a gesture, which was in the shape of a pistol, "He is the best at making cold shots."

The two pirate captains who were still awake hurriedly blocked this man's mouth, for fear of being overheard and causing trouble.

Tang Ke has many enemies, and this one is not bad. He grabbed the man's shoulders and said, "Thank you for your reminder. Based on your heartfelt words just now, if you encounter trouble in the future, just look for me. I will help you." Definitely help.”

"Captain Tang Ke is really bold." The man was overjoyed when he heard that, and he clinked a glass with Tang Ke heavily.

The meal lasted until midnight, and Tang Ke felt that there was no longer any delay, so he bid farewell to everyone present. He boasted that he wanted to kill the hundred clawed fish within three days, and naturally he would do it as promised. Although he has a lot of cards in his hole, he has to hold on tight.

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