Pirate System

Chapter 301: Zero Claw Fish (Part 2)

"It's not a problem to wear this thing all the time. *E-book reader: no advertisements, full text, fast update* In the future, we need to find a solution once and for all. It's best to make a set of fish skin clothes or something." Tang Ke looked at With a body covered in aquatic plants, he sighed helplessly. After he returned to the pier, he immediately began to dig a large pile of water plants, and tied them on his body indiscriminately. This time, he didn't bother huālù to do it anymore, because the waterweed clothes woven by that little girl were too delicate and time-consuming.

"Leader, thank you for being so reassuring to me and giving me such an important treasure to use." The pollack on the side grabbed the fishbone imperial token with both hands and said excitedly. The fishbone imperial order exudes wisps of blue elements, highlighting the nobility and extraordinaryness of the royal family.

Tang Ke laughed and said: "The people on the shore can't enjoy it at the bottom of the sea. It will be more convenient for you to mobilize the sea beasts for me. This is not a big deal. Do you need to make such a fuss?"

"Can I not move, this is the Emperor's Order of the Fishbone! With the order in hand, the whole world surrenders. The seabed is so big, which sea beast tribe doesn't want to have the Emperor's Order of the Fishbone? Although I just mōmō, this is already What a great honor." The pollack looked so happy that he almost cried.

"Today, I will let you be majestic enough to enjoy the feeling of surrendering to your feet. My water plant suit is ready, let's go." Tang Ke didn't wait for the pollack to react, and grabbed the pollack with his big hand. Shoulders, both jumped into the sea. He then let go of his hand and let the pollack swim by itself.

Although Tang Ke had just drank a lot of wine, but after running the resurrection spring for a while, all the alcohol was dispelled. He has to hurry up tonight, first find out the details of the hundred-clawed fish, and then look around for several sea beast tribes, ordering these tribes to be used by him with the Fishbone Emperor Order. Although the Thunder Scroll is his trump card, he is only willing to use it when it is absolutely necessary. This time, he wanted to use his sword to kill monsters and use the power of the sea beast clan to attack the hundred-clawed fish.

The Fishbone Imperial Token is equivalent to a tiger talisman, anyone who takes it can command the world. However, if it is held in the hands of the races on the shore, even if the sea beasts obey orders, they will feel conflicted. In order to avoid trouble, Tang Ke asked pollack to come forward to hold the fishbone imperial order.

Normally speaking, the Fishbone Emperor's Token, a treasure with such wide implications, cannot be left in the hands of the races on the shore. It all depends on Princess Warsaw crying and fussing to get this amulet for Tang Ke. In the long run, Tang Ke would not use the Fishbone Imperial Order indiscriminately. He is mobilizing the sea beast clan to conquer sea monsters this time, which is a legitimate thing, so he dared to use this treasure.

"It's not far from the Dream Sea, and the surrounding tribes are under the jurisdiction of the Crystal Palace. This Fishbone Imperial Order will definitely order them to do things." Pollock said excitedly.

"If you run into walls everywhere, you won't be able to use anything, so it's nothing like a treasure." Tang Ke reminded, "Be careful, I've already seen the shadow of the hundred-clawed fish."

"Where is it? Why didn't I see it.


In terms of eyesight, Tang Ke is now sharper than birds and beasts. This is only the effect after absorbing one resurrection fountain, if he absorbs a few more, his eyes will become more powerful than a telescope. He looked far into the distance and saw the hundred clawed fish hiding in the ravine on the bottom of the sea.

"It's really a big guy." Tang Kela held the pollack, and a few glances here are enough, and it would be dangerous to get close. This hundred-clawed fish is also on the list of evil animals. It is a sea monster of the same level as the magic eye devouring fish. Even Charlemagne and a team of elites are hard to deal with. The strength is very terrifying.

The hundred clawed fish is huge, just like a big mountain, every tentacle can set off a huge wave, let alone sink a ship. It moved suddenly, its big head lifted and squirmed, and more than thirty tentacles swiped back and forth, stirring up the bottom of the sea and stirring up billowing sea sand. ^Electronic available for free^^

Tang Ke was very far away, but Haisha still rushed over and submerged him, which shows the power of the hundred clawed fish. He secretly used investigative techniques to get to the bottom of it first.

Species: Octopus.

Attribute xìng: water...

Racial skills: Death Coil (entangle the prey with huge tentacles, the power depends on the size of the tentacles) Tsunami breath (open your mouth to suck sea water fiercely, it can set off a tsunami after spitting out, it can also be used to assist acceleration, combat power +4, Speed ​​+7) Anesthesia ink (a skill used only in times of crisis, the ink spit out can confuse the line of sight, and has a certain paralysis effect) color change (a skill often used when young, used for self-protection, when it grows into a giant , it is rarely used) contraction (curl the soft body into a ball, or other shapes, which can penetrate into some narrow gaps) iron wall (tighten the muscles of the body, and it can become as tough as a copper wall and an iron wall)

Physical Attack: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

Living area: Black Sea.

Explanation: Among all kinds of octopus-shaped sea monsters, it is the second largest in size and is famous for its many tentacles, so it is called a hundred-clawed fish.

Bonus points after kill: 5000.

Tang Ke's expression became serious. The physical attack of the hundred claw fish surpassed the magic eye swallowing fish, and its destructive power was equivalent to that of a seventh-level swordsman. However, the actual combat power of the Hundred Claw Fish far surpassed that of a seventh-rank swordsman, because of its size, it could sweep away a piece of land with a single swing of its big tentacles.

If it is not so strong, it is impossible to have such a high reward point. The task rewards, plus the hundred claw fish's own rewards, are quite generous, which makes Tang Ke very excited.

"Let's go. I've already figured it out."

Tang Ke swam away with pollack, and went to search for the sea beast tribe. They were not familiar with this place, so they stopped to inquire about the sea beast tribe passing by. Only then did they learn that this hundred-clawed fish not only brought troubles to Magic Horn Port, but also had a great impact on the seabed, and several sea beast tribes were forced to relocate. After asking the addresses of the relocated tribes, Tang Ke and pollack immediately got up and first found the nearest tiger shark tribe.

Under Tang Ke's urging, pollack put on an arrogant attitude, and asked the tribal leader to come out to greet him.

A tiger sharkman swam out of the cave on the sea mound, staring at the pollack angrily.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for me? You prevented me from eating, and I won't forgive you without a good reason."

Pollock resisted the ecstasy, and revealed the fishbone emperor order.

"Look what this is."

When the leader of the tiger shark man saw the Yubone Emperor, his color suddenly changed, and his eyes almost popped out. He wiped his eyes in disbelief, and stammered: "The Fishbone Emperor, you are from the Crystal Palace."

"Knowing that this is the imperial decree of the fish bone, why don't you pay homage quickly." The pollack raised his head triumphantly, his eyes forming a right angle with the sea.

The leader of the tiger shark people immediately bent down and lowered his height. This posture is a unique etiquette at the bottom of the sea. When a subordinate meets a superior, he must lower his height in the sea.

Tang Ke nodded slightly, deeply satisfied with the deterrent effect of the Fishbone Imperial Order.

Next, pollack was invited into the tribe, into the largest dòngxùe on this sea hill. It didn't dare to go too far, and after putting on airs, it talked about business, expressing its desire to organize a coalition of sea beasts to conquer the hundred clawed fish.

When the tiger shark man heard this, he immediately agreed, and it also wanted to return to the old residence. What's more, with the order of the fishbone emperor, it can't resist it even if it wants to.

During the conversation, the tiger shark man also asked about the details of the pollack, and even expressed doubts about Tang Ke, who was covered in aquatic plants, but the pollack's face tensed, and the tiger shark man didn't dare to ask more questions.

With an idea, Tang Ke whispered a few words to the pollack. After the pollack nodded, he said to the tiger shark man: "I came here first, and the other tribes haven't informed yet. You send your men to replace me. Run tuǐ, inform the surrounding tribes, and let their leaders come here to meet me. We must unite at least a few tribes and gather more than 7,000 sea beast warriors to kill that hundred-clawed fish."

The tiger shark man looked embarrassed, and said: "It's no problem to inform some tribes, but there are still a few tribes that have a bad relationship with my tribe. If I send people over, they won't buy it. I'm lying to them."

"If that's the case, then you should only inform the tribes you have good relations with. Then tell me the locations of the other tribes, and I'll go there myself."

"Okay." The tiger shark agreed immediately.

Tang Ke and pollack set off again, rushing to those tribes. The trip this time is not close. After they were notified, it was already dawn.

The sea beasts of these tribes are different, including tiger shark people, naga fish people, steel armored shrimp people, tide crab people, and even a tribe of blue whale giants. It is the largest among the murlocs, but the number is very small, only a dozen in the entire tribe. In terms of combat power, giant blue whales are impressive, and they are strong and healthy, even if they are entangled by tentacles, they will not be strangled to death on the spot.

It's a pity that the giant blue whale's intelligence is very low, and its memory is very poor. It doesn't even remember that there is such a thing as the Fishbone Emperor Order. However, Tang Ke did not give up, and let pollack express his idea of ​​uniting to conquer the hundred clawed fish in sea animal language. When the giant blue whale heard this, he expressed his willingness to help, because they were the bosses in this sea area before, but now they are occupied by the hundred clawed fish.

With the help of the giant blue whale, the odds of winning this conquest have increased by one point.

After running this lap, let alone pollack, even Tang Ke was a little out of breath. The two found a coral grove on the seabed, lay down and fell asleep for two hours, and returned to the tiger shark tribe after waking up. The reason why Tang Ke has been running around is mainly because he is worried about the Fishbone Emperor's Order. If this treasure is going to go wrong, he will feel so sorry for him to death.

When they arrived at the Tiger Shark Tribe, six tribal leaders had already gathered, and there were more leaders coming here. Although everyone has not arrived yet, the discussion about the joint conquest of the Centaurus has already begun. The leaders of the several sea beast tribes insisted on their own opinions, arguing red-faced. Fortunately, pollack was present and used the fishbone emperor's order to suppress the anger of several leaders.

The people haven't arrived yet, so we can't find out why. Tang Ke thought for a while, gave the pollack a few instructions, then left the pollack and left. This is the tiger shark tribe, and the pollack is no danger.

The reason why Tang Ke wanted to leave was to recruit another batch of powerful Sea Beast Clan helpers. Although he has mobilized a large number of sea beasts with the Fishbone Emperor Order, and is about to organize a submarine army, among these sea beasts, there is no sea beast of the kind he wants.

Burst gallbladder

This kind of sea beast is only the size of a watermelon, without limbs, round and round, covered with an uneven hard shell, with crater-shaped holes on it. They have no other ability, they can only create explosions, spraying bursting flames from the holes. Although this effect is simple, it is very powerful. The explosive power of a mature adult is equivalent to detonating a kilogram of explosives. This power is very terrifying, enough to blow the bottom of an ordinary ship. Moreover, they can swim freely and have independent judgment, which is equivalent to fully automatic navigation mines

If you have a group of blasting gallbladders, it is no problem to blow up a fleet of ordinary ships. As long as you don't touch the magic ship, you can show your power by bursting the stabs.

However, it is not perfect and has its own shortcomings. For example, their lifespan is only eight years, and after five explosions, this lifespan will be reduced again. After each explosion, it takes a week to rest before it explodes again. Moreover, their swimming speed is relatively slow, and they cannot move forward with the boat. They can only be taken away in buckets and put into the sea when they are used.

These small shortcomings are all within Tang Ke's allowable range. As long as you can organize a blasting cowardly team, the combat effectiveness of the pirate group will be greatly improved, which is very cost-effective. And this time he had to deal with the hundred-clawed fish with rough skin and thick flesh, and he was worried that he would not be able to break through the hundred-clawed fish's defense. If a group of stinging gallbladders helped him, he would be able to explode the hundred-clawed fish's skin. Only by blasting the skin of the hundred clawed fish can it cause substantial damage.

It takes 300 reward points to recruit a mature adult, but the power is too small for juveniles and adults, so there is no need to recruit them.

A few days ago, Tang Ke killed 1,500 Naga murlocs in one fell swoop and got more than 10,000 reward points. With these reward points, it is enough to organize a blasting cowardly team. He made up his mind and directly recruited forty blasting guts. I heard a few muffled noises in the water, and dozens of bubbles popped out, and the explosive thorns swam out of it.

When the stingers saw Tang Ke, they felt very cordial, and they came up to ask this and that. Although they have no limbs, they can speak human words, and they also have eyes that can see in the gaps in the hard shell.

Tang Ke was also considered lazy, so he directly chose a set of names for the blasting guts, called "Thunder Star", the first one was called Thunder Star One, and the last one was called Thunder Star Forty.

This group of explosive thorns are not picky, and this name has already taken root in their minds, even if others tell them to change it, they are not willing to change it.

Tang Ke made a brief introduction to the blasting guts, and then devoted himself to training. On the same day, he took the blasting guts and swam back and forth in the sea to simulate the actual combat situation. He told them to act in groups, to keep their distance, and to explode together when the command was given. After training in the sea for half a day, he led the Striker Squad to swim near the Hundred Claw Fish, so that Striker could know in advance the enemies he was about to face.

"Did you see that big monster?" Tang Ke lowered his voice because he was very close to the hundred clawed fish.

"I see." The blasting thorns showed fear one after another, after all the hundred claw fish is too huge, thousands of times their size.

Tang Ke went on to say: "When the time comes, you are going to blow up its head. After detonation, you will have nothing to do, as long as you keep shrinking the shell. Only when you blow up its skin and flesh will I have a chance to kill it .In this battle, your role is very important."

"I'll do my best."

"Me too." Although the blasters were a little scared, they didn't flinch.

"Don't be afraid, we are not the only ones doing this, there are thousands of sea beasts."

Tang Ke said a few words of comfort, then took the team away from the stabbing cowards, and then trained for a long time. Time passed, two full days passed, and he only had one day left. He led the stabbing team to the tribe of the tiger shark people. After so long, the leaders of all tribes have arrived.

Pollock lived up to the entrustment. Without Tang Ke's company, he presided over the overall situation by himself, and the plan had already been made in a mess.

After listening to Pollock's report, Tang Ke clenched his fists and said sharply, "Very well, the army of sea beasts has also gathered. We will have a huge underwater party tomorrow."

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