Pirate System

Chapter 302: Darkness

In a private room of the Eternal Night Tavern.

Alor, the leader of the death bomb, was sitting there drinking a lot of wine. Even though he was accompanied by two beautiful women, he still couldn't make a smile on his face. However, the other three pirate captains beside the table were having a great time, drinking and at the same time laying hands on the woman beside them. The room is filled with a wild smell, which outlines a picture of extreme depravity.

"***, I don't know how much money I will lose because of being blocked in the port by a hundred-claw fish these days." A pirate captain said angrily, then buried his head in front of *nv's ōng, biting hard, *nv let out a choking sound.

"Today is the third day, and I don't know if Tang Ke can kill the hundred clawed fish." Another pirate leader said. Two yù arms stretched out from behind and wrapped around his neck.

"Nòng shit, why did he kill the hundred-clawed fish?" Alor spat, "He's not an eighth-level powerhouse, he doesn't have artifacts, he doesn't have a magic boat capable of diving, and he doesn't even have enough people around him. I I don't believe he can kill a clap. He's just blah, blah, blah, blah. If he could kill a clap, I'd eat my pistol."

"That's right, that's right, I think he's just bragging there, or he burned his head from drinking too much alcohol. Wait until tomorrow, and I'll see how he will explain it to us. It won't be long, he this time The embarrassing story about you has to be spread thousands of miles, and everyone knows about it." The third pirate leader echoed with a smirk.

"A brat with a stinky stinky smell dares to show his prestige in front of me. He really doesn't know what to do. This time, he will either be killed by a hundred-clawed fish, or he will get a bad reputation for bragging. I see him How can I gain a foothold in the pirate circle in the future." Alor cursed viciously.

The drunken woman next to Alol raised her ears and asked, "Are you talking about Tang Ke? I saw him on the street two days ago. He looks quite masculine, and it made my heart beat." Trembling. Hehe, I don’t know if he has anyone to accompany him these two days.”

"Fart don't praise him in front of me again" Alor squeezed *nv's chin.

*The girl was so painful that she burst into tears and yelled at her, she was actually a brat.

Just when Alor and others cursed Tang Ke secretly, the war on the bottom of the sea had reached the point where it was about to break out.

Tang Ke was in the upper layer of the sea, with the rippling sea above his head and a huge hundred-clawed fish under his feet. He didn't wear the water plant suit again today, so as not to hinder his movement. Beside him, there were ten naga murlocs including the pollack, and a full forty thorn galls. Although he still had two water-repelling beads free, he didn't bring any extra people. This is a pirate port with a lot of fish and dragons, so we can't take it lightly, we have to leave two strong men to sit on the Black Pearl.

Before the battle, pollack had already prepared the deployment with the Fishbone Emperor Order. When the attack time came, the nine sea beast tribes would attack at the same time. If any tribe was late or did not work hard, they would be punished. Violating the order of the fishbone emperor is equivalent to violating the order of the mermaid royal family, which is a serious crime.

"It's time" the pollack suddenly reminded, as a sea beast, it has a way of judging the time on the bottom of the sea. The joint attack of the nine tribes this time also took the time at the bottom of the sea as the standard. After all, not every tribe can afford high-end waterproof watches.

Tang Ke's eyes narrowed, and he waved his hand and said, "Spike the cowardly team, launch an attack."

The Explosive Stingers followed the orders and sank downward. Although they were afraid of the huge monster below, they would not run away. They rolled in the sea, maintaining the same falling speed and the same distance. This formation is like a square chessboard, each of which has a point.

When the group of explosive thorns fell halfway, the hundred clawed fish was startled, like a waking demon, raised its head, and more than thirty tentacles shook violently, and its body rose upwards. The bottom of the sea suddenly shook, there was a rumbling explosion, and smoke and dust rushed to the top.

"Damn it, the hundred-clawed fish reacted faster than I thought. The outcome depends entirely on the blow." Tang Ke frowned and said intently. He took out the power orb hanging around his neck, and it immediately glowed red. With this light, he could see the bottom of the sea clearly.

Hundred claws are not only big, but also have a keen sense of smell and vision. It sensed that a group of living creatures were approaching itself, and launched an attack first, raised its thousand-yard-long tentacles, and stabbed at the group of explosive thorns. With a vigorous stir, the group of explosive thorns were blown away.

Fortunately, the blasting gallbladders all have hard shells and are small in size, so there were no casualties. Although their formation was disrupted, they still gritted their teeth and sank downward.

"Remember, blow its head!" Tang Ke shouted, anyway, the hundred clawed fish has already done it, so there's no need to hide it.

Attracted by Tang Ke's shout, the hundred-clawed fish stabbed out again, like a long pillar reaching the sky, piercing all the sea water. Under the impact of huge force, the sea water was shaken away, and a vacuum appeared.

"Get out of the way!" Tang Ke reminded, and at the same time grabbed the pollack by the shoulder, and sprinted back. There were eleven ripples in the sea, and then the huge tentacle stabbed up, protruding out of the sea, stirring up a jet of water that soared into the sky.

This thick tentacle, surrounded by five people, whipped left and right, making the sea water crackle, and lànghuā splashed left and right. Fortunately, Tang Ke and the naga fish hid far away, and the tentacles of the hundred claw fish were out of reach. The hundred clawed fish let out a muffled snort, stretched out five tentacles one after another, disturbing the sea water, and the bottom of the sea became extremely dangerous, the sweeping power of the tentacles, even Tang Ke would have to die on the spot Provided this 1∴

Tang Ke knew how powerful it was, and continued to back away from the death zone where the tentacles ravaged. Because of the ravages of the hundred clawed fish, the current became very strong, sweeping in all directions, Tang Ke would sometimes be swept away by this current.


The long-lost explosion finally rang out. According to Tang Ke's previous instructions, the stinging gallbladder will not detonate unless it touches the head of the hundred-clawed fish.

Tang Ke saw the exciting firelight, the naked face of the hundred clawed fish appeared in the firelight, the eyes looked as big as millstones, and the huge mouth was more like a gate leading to another world.


A few more bursts of fire exploded, and the power of each explosion was enough to blow up a sailboat, which was full of power.

Tang Ke felt that the sound of the explosion was a very pleasant drumbeat. The corner of his mouth smiled, but it disappeared immediately, because the hundred clawed fish couldn't bear the pain, so it launched a fierce counterattack, shaking its head and tail, and more than thirty tentacles gathered together. This is the posture of walking.

"Don't worry about your head, it will explode without distinction!" Tang Ke shouted decisively. If the hundred clawed fish were allowed to swim away, the chances of the explosive thorn gall would be greatly reduced, and after the hundred clawed fish knew how powerful it was, it would definitely not let the explosive thorn gall approach itself again.

This sound is like the roar of a dragon, and the sound spreads all over the world, and anyone can hear it. After receiving the order, the explosive thorn gallbladder detonated immediately, and more than 30 flames joined together, as if a firework party was held on the bottom of the sea. The hundred clawed fish was seriously injured this time, and became even more irritable. Its eyes were red, its tentacles kicked fiercely, and it rushed up from the flames, and its huge body actually swam near the surface of the sea. It was injured, and blood was gushing out all over its body, especially the wound on its head was very noticeable.

Tang Ke narrowed his eyes viciously, and remembered the location of the wound on the top of the hundred clawed fish. Visually, the wound was big enough for a person to get into.

The aftermath of the explosion spread to the surroundings, so many explosive thorns exploded at the same time, equivalent to detonating more than 30 kilograms of explosives, this power, even a mountain can collapse , A thick white smoke rose.

"Houhou" the hundred clawed fish twitched with anger, its head and tentacles kept shrinking and expanding, and it looked down angrily, looking for the enemy that injured it. But the thorns are too timid, and they are all shrunk into a ball, just like stone bumps, it is not easy to distinguish. Even so, the hundred-clawed fish still grabbed the two stinging guts, wrapped them around with its tentacles desperately, and continued to exert more force, as if crushing a walnut, crushing the stinging guts to death, just to vent their anger.

Tang Ke's heart is like a rock, and this casualty can be ignored in his eyes. He measured the safe distance, making sure that he would not be hurt by the hundred clawed fish, and spared no space to protect the pollack around him. Pollock is now the backbone of the entire sea beast clan coalition force, and it is the top priority.

The first sea beast army finally arrived, more than a thousand tiger sharks, this is a new force, their claws and mouths are the sharpest weapons. The leader shouted the battle cry, aimed at the wound on the hundred claw fish, and led the people to charge up. They look so small in front of the hundred clawed fish, just like ants eating an elephant.

The hundred-clawed fish was already extremely angry. When it saw a living creature rushing towards it, it immediately stretched out its tentacles and swept across, killing more than 50 tiger sharks in one fell swoop. Those tiger shark people who were swept away either had their tendons and bones broken, or their brains were cracked, and they died in a terrible state. Fortunately, the tiger shark people are a group known for their bravery, but they are not timid when they see casualties, and they still rush forward one after another.

Tang Ke couldn't help but feel ashamed, what a terrifying destructive power. That guy named Agula had been honed to be as powerful as he is today by fighting against such a big monster, and it was even more terrifying than monsters. He suddenly remembered that Zela was going to provoke a sea and land war. With Zela's power, it was still a bit unrealistic to provoke a sea and land war, but if Agula did it, things would be completely different. Sooner or later, there will be a bloody storm in both land and sea.

The hundred clawed fish let out another deafening roar, and Tang Ke's heart was beating wildly. He closed his eyes, suppressed his distracting thoughts, and focused on the battlefield.

Two more sea beast troops arrived, one was from the Tiger Sharkmen, and the other was from the Steel Armored Shrimpmen. These humanoid prawns are covered with hard shells, like heavily armored troops. Their large pincers are constantly opening and closing, making a "da da da" sound. These sea beast tribes were already on standby not far away, and when the time came, they would naturally rush here, but there was a slight deviation in time.

The number of sea beasts has increased to 3,500, this huge number, even if the hundred clawed fish keep waving their tentacles, they can't stop them all. More and more sea beast warriors rushed towards the hundred clawed fish, scratching and biting the bright red wounds, and the wounds continued to expand. As long as there are enough ants, it is not impossible to kill an elephant

Tang Ke just watched quietly, now is not the time to make a move, it will depend on thousands of sea beasts to drag down the hundred clawed fish first, then he will give the fatal blow.

The tribes that followed were all small tribes. They still kept some eyes open and deliberately arrived later. But no matter what, the momentum of this group attack was very strong.

All eight tribes had arrived, but the giant blue whale did not come, probably because they changed their plans temporarily. Even without the giant blue whale, the eight tribes together would have reached more than 6,000. These sea beasts gather together, densely populated, and a large black mass, if they swim together, they can even stir up a storm

The hundred clawed fish danced wildly with its tentacles, and each sweep could take away dozens of lives, and its fighting power was still terrifying. As its injuries intensified, its attack methods became more diversified. Its body turned crimson, which was used to intimidate the enemy and hide the wounds on its body. It also opens its mouth to spit seawater to assist in the attack. The strength of the sea water was so great that it was enough to smash rocks and hit the sea beasts, and they were naturally killed on the spot.

The casualties of the Sea Beast Alliance Army were very serious, and a quarter of their efforts had been lost in such a short period of time. After sacrificing so many people, it is natural to make some decent military exploits. More than three hundred sea beasts stabbed the hundred-clawed fish, and a dozen more ferocious ones simply got into the hundred-clawed fish and wreaked havoc inside. Only such a trauma can be expected to consume the vitality of the hundred clawed fish.

There are more than a dozen sea beasts in the body, and the pain can be imagined. The hundred clawed fish kept shaking its tentacles, trying to throw the sea beasts out of the wound, but with little effect. It also squeezed the sea beast in the wound by wriggling, and this force was enough to squeeze the sea beast to death.

"The strength of the Sea Beast Clan is still not strong enough. I'm afraid we'll lose both." Tang Ke shook his head worriedly. He hoped to win better, and if the Sea Beast Clan lost too badly, they would lose their fighting spirit if they fought again. In a great battle, if the fighting spirit is lost, the whole army will be defeated, which is the most terrible situation.

"We're late," a voice called. This voice is powerful and powerful, with the potential of thousands of troops, it makes people feel excited.

More than a dozen giant blue whales appeared, and they did not give up, but because they were too big, they came a little later.

Among the thirty-six sea beasts, Tang Ke valued the giant blue whale very much. This kind of big guy has the power to sweep away thousands of troops, and it is perfect for guarding small islands or ports. If there is an enemy ship coming, the giant blue whale can sink the enemy ship with just one punch upward in the seabed, which is more terrifying than bursting a gallbladder. It's a pity that the reward points needed by the giant blue whale are also frighteningly high, so we can only make plans when the reward points are sufficient in the future. Don't expect to organize an army of giant blue whales in the near future.

The arrival of the giant blue whale immediately turned the tide of battle. A dozen or so of them are bundled together, and their volume can reach half that of a hundred-clawed fish. With such a tall body, even if it is swept by tentacles, it will not be choked to death. They grab the tentacle's tentacles, punch them hard with their fists, and open their mouths to bite. Their mouths can even bite off half of a boat, and their bite force is amazing. Among the several sea beast races of the coalition forces, only they can directly injure the hundred clawed fish. There was also a giant blue whale that rushed close to the body of the hundred-clawed fish, and directly chased and punched the hundred-clawed fish's head. Every punch was extremely powerful, comparable to a fifth-level fighter.

The hundred clawed fish spit out a lot of ink, and it would not do so unless it was in a crisis. The ink muddied the sea, and the seabed became a deeper and darker world. It entangled several giant blue whales, threw them far away, moved its huge body, tore a hole from the siege, and killed them. It changed its fighting strategy and began to fight while wandering.

"Be careful yourself, you don't need to take action, just sit here. Pollack, if any sea beast tribe escapes, you will threaten with the Fishbone Emperor's Order. I have to go and help." Swimmed out.

"Captain, is it too early for you to take action? Let's wait until it is beaten to death." Ming Taiyu's expression changed, and he suggested.

"I think the hundred-clawed fish is about to escape. If it tries to escape, no one can stop it. I really can't afford to wait. I'll get closer and wait for the opportunity. If I'm not 90% sure, I will I won’t make a move.” As Tang Ke said, he had already swam far away, leaving a straight ripple. The red beads on his neck broke through the darkness and illuminated a large area.

Two brave giant blue whales threw themselves on the head of the hundred-clawed fish and beat them hard, causing the hundred-clawed fish to bleed profusely. Another crabman rushed to the hundred clawed fish by chance, and stabbed it with his pliers, blinding the hundred clawed fish's big eyeballs. This time, the hundred clawed fish saw that the injury was not serious, and stretched out seven or eight tentacles angrily, entangled a giant blue whale tightly, and kept tightening, even strangling the giant blue whale to death.

The entanglement of seven or eight tentacles naturally caused part of the hundred clawed fish's body to lose its cover, revealing its flaws. More sea beasts rushed forward, attacking the body of the hundred clawed fish.

The bottom of the sea was blackened with ink, and the hún was unclear. Tang Ke was struggling, and he didn't dare to dive into the ink rashly, so he could only walk around.

Another giant blue whale had a sudden whim, swam to the bottom of the sea, lifted a boulder, swam upstream, threw the stone down, and hit the hundred-clawed fish. The sharp edges and corners of the stone scratched the skin of the hundred clawed fish.

The hundred clawed fish finally couldn't stand it any longer, gave up the fight to the death, spit out more ink, then sucked up the water fiercely, and spit out behind him, using his body to swim far away, he jumped out of the envelope of ink in one fell swoop. It is about to escape.

"Not good." This is what Tang Ke was afraid of. If the hundred clawed fish escaped, what face would he have and what would he take back to the Devil's Corner Hong Kong? He became ruthless, drew out his two knives, stabbed behind him, and a long dragon of sword energy gushed out. He was pushed out by a huge force, dragged his long tail, and chased the hundred clawed fish. This turned into a chasing battle. In terms of speed, the sea beasts couldn't catch up to the hundred-clawed fish, so they could only rely on him. He chased furiously, consuming enormous power every second.

The hundred-clawed fish was spitting out ink while swimming. This ink spread very quickly, and it could blacken a large area in one go.

Tang Ke was swallowed by the ink, and his vision was blocked. He didn't know where to chase him, so he could only move forward by feeling. In this way, the distance between the two sides has directly widened a lot. Tang Ke consumed half of his stamina in just a few moments of effort. This kind of rude way of accelerating consumes too much. He knew that he couldn't fight a protracted battle, so he secretly used the resurrection spring in his belly, and with the help of the spring water, he increased his speed. Like a cannonball, he suddenly pierced through the ink, caught up with the hundred clawed fish, and swam side by side with this big guy.

The hundred clawed fish slowed down and freed up its tentacles to sweep Tangke. With a move of Tang Ke's hand, forty sword auras immediately appeared in front of him, blocking the hundred-clawed fish. The hundred-clawed fish directly collided with Rulin's sword energy, and one of them sank into the wound, piercing deeply into the body. It roared and stopped.

Tang Ke didn't stop, but circled around and came to the Hundred Claw Fish. He raised his two sabers, held a saber huā, the sword aura enveloped his whole body, and created more than thirty sword auras with the Ningying Xiejian. These forces come together to make him look like a giant nail. With a kick of both feet, he stabbed straight at the biggest wound on the hundred clawed fish's head.


Tang Ke penetrated into the body of the hundred clawed fish with the force of a rainbow penetrating the sun, and used his sword energy to dig out layers of flesh and blood. These flesh and blood are as hard as stones, and they are also extremely tough. He rotated the sword energy at high speed to increase its destructive power. It is impossible to kill this hundred-clawed fish just by destroying the flesh and blood. Only by piercing the heart or brain can a fatal blow be achieved.

Ordinary octopuses have three hearts, which are located in the two gills and the stomach; there is one main brain and eight secondary brains. The secondary brain is located in the tentacles and can control the movement of the tentacles by itself.

The hundred clawed fish is even more terrifying, with a total of five hearts and more than thirty secondary brains. However, no matter how many brains and hearts there are, there is one main one. Just puncturing this main one kills the centaurs.

Tang Ke could remember the approximate position of the heart, and he fumbled forward, overcoming thorns and thorns, smashing flesh and blood. When he made such a fuss, the hundred clawed fish was naturally in pain, the inside of its body contracted violently and shook continuously. In this way, it was even more difficult for Tang Ke to distinguish the direction, and he could only move forward by feeling and luck.

He dashed forward for quite a distance, hitting the hard surface with one blow. He immediately changed his direction and charged bloody in another direction. He charged with all his strength, his physical strength was consumed rapidly, and even the sword energy of his body shrunk. If he didn't kill the hundred clawed fish, he would have to be trapped to death in this body.

The hundred clawed fish was squeezed hard, the pressure was comparable to that of an elephant.

Tang Ke gritted his teeth and persisted, squeezing the remaining power of the resurrection spring. At the critical moment, a new power emerged and traveled all over his body. The Resurrection Spring is indeed a treasure created by God, and it saved his life at a critical moment. He felt that the chances of winning were too small for such an attack with his eyes wide open, so he simply changed his strategy and expanded the killing area. He stretched out his hands, and dozens of sword qi the size of palms exploded, piercing in all directions.

"It's over, the power is exhausted."

Tang Ke's heart darkened, he stepped on the split flesh with both feet, and reached out to grab the thunder scroll, ready to transform into a magician to protect himself at any time. The thick blood vessels around him were dripping with fresh blood, like a rain of blood. Tang Ke was dyed red, and barely stood firm, resisting the extrusion of the surrounding fleshy walls.

Not long after, the shaking of the flesh wall slowed down a lot, only slightly convulsed, and this huge space of flesh and blood began to fall downwards. Tang Ke's body swayed and almost fell, he raised the knife and stabbed to the side, piercing into the flesh and blood. More and more blood fell, and it quickly covered Tang Ke's ankle. He penetrated into the flesh and blood with a knife, and began to climb upwards. Another liquid poured down, different from blood, with a hint of coolness and the smell of the sea.

Tang Ke took a look under the light of the Power Orb and found that it was sea water. He was overjoyed, and the water poured in, which proved that the exit was not far from here. The inside of the hundred claw fish's body is like a maze, and the wound is the exit. Tang Ke went forward in blood, tired and difficult, he smiled wryly, and this time he had another incredible experience. Everyone else was taking a nap at this time, but he was climbing in the body of the sea monster.

"Ding, you killed a sea monster, which belongs to piracy, and reward points."

"Ding, you have completed the task of 'hunting sea monsters', and you will get 10,000 reward points and gold coins."

Tang Ke was stunned for a moment, and then cheered excitedly. The sword qi that was shot at the end must have hit a vital point. The hundred clawed fish struggled for a while, and now it is finally dead. He made a lot of money this time, and got a lot of reward points, 50,000 Gold coins, as well as the corpse of this hundred-clawed fish, and more than 30 sunken ships on the bottom of the sea. The hundred claw fish has been raging in Devil's Corner Port for so long, and it has long been offered a reward by the governor of the port. Tang Ke can get this reward in addition, which is not a small amount. With so many benefits, he can sleep secretly tonight.

In addition to these substantial benefits, Tang Ke can also establish a considerable reputation in the Magic Horn Port. The sea monster that has plagued the entire port for so long was killed by him alone. Such heroic deeds will definitely be widely spread. He fulfilled the agreement to kill the hundred clawed fish within three days, and after returning, the expressions of those pirate captains must be very exciting.

Tang Ke advanced in the blood and flesh, finally found the exit, jumped out, plunged into the sea water, and saw the light of day again.

"Brothers, let's call it a day. I killed the octopus. If you're hungry, you can go and get a box lunch." Tang Ke shouted loudly. He didn't intend to claim credit from the sea beast tribe, but he couldn't kill it for no reason. .

There are quite a few sea beast clans chasing this way, seeing this scene, hearing these words, they are all very pleasantly surprised.

"What? The hundred clawed fish was killed by a human"

"Was that lightning-fast white light just now created by him?"

"No matter who he is, as long as he can kill the hundred clawed fish, he is a hero under the sea"

The sea beast tribe talked a lot and cast awe-inspiring eyes on Tang Ke.

Tang Ke saw the figure of the pollack, went up to meet it, and ordered: "Let them help me transport the body of the hundred-clawed fish to the shore. Without their help, I can't move it. Also, these days, the hundred-clawed The fish sank many ships, and of course these sunken ships must not be let go, you take the sea beast clan to search it."

Pollock excitedly agreed: "Okay, I'll be the head of the regiment right away. This battle was really dark and dark, and I will never forget it in my life."

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