Pirate System

Chapter 317: Feeding Blood

Chapter 317

The jet stream on the bottom of the sea was coming towards him, Tang Ke was exhausted, he could only grab the claws of the naga murlocs and move forward to renew his sides, there were two naga murlocs on each side. The murlocs struggled to swim, grabbing One Ear, Garvey, Kylo, ​​and the headless Andre.

Everyone got close so that they could be in the bubbles that avoided the water droplets, but Andre's body was not treated like this.

These five naga murlocs were all recruited by the system, which was more reliable than finding slaves on the bottom of the sea with the fishbone imperial order.

Thanks to the pull of the murloc, Tang Ke was able to rest for a while. He looked around to check the situation of one ear and others.

With an expression of shock in one ear, he pursed his lips tightly; with the help of holy water, the wound on Garvey's head had solidified and stopped bleeding; It was crumpled, like rotten wood that had lost its vitality; the blood in Andre's neck had already drained, and the edge of the wound was soaked in water and turned a little white.

Although the Little Pirate City has been left far behind, people still can't rest assured, the rumbling cannons can still be heard.

Fortunately, the Black Pearl is not far from here.

Through telepathy, Tang Ke changed the course of the Black Pearl and controlled the ship to come to meet him.

In the middle of the night, the black magic boat finally rushed over.

When Tang Ke saw this ferocious looking ship, he immediately felt relieved. He was on the bottom of the sea, tying up the unconscious bodies of Garvey, Kylo, ​​and Andre with ropes from the boat. The monsters on the boat shouted "Hey Yo Hey Yo" and hoisted the three onto the boat.

Tang Ke and An Er then climbed up to the side of the ship through the rope ladder, and both of them lay on the deck, too tired to get up.

"I can't believe that we managed to escape alive." One Ear turned his head and looked at his captain, "The people who chased us down were the fleet of the entire Cormanthor Empire."

"The danger has not been lifted, and the noose of death is still around our necks. Do you remember, I asked you if the gate can stop the ninth-level powerhouse. In fact, the commander named Sam has already been promoted to Ninth-level druid. Fortunately, druid is not a fighter or swordsman, so the speed should not be fast." Tang Ke adjusted his breath, sat up from the ground, and the resurrection spring in his belly moistened his whole body throughout.

"Druids' physical strength is indeed not very good, but they can transform into all things in nature. With his ninth-level strength,

It's probably going to be a dragon. It would be bad if he came after us at the speed of a dragon. "The voice in one ear was a little bitter.

"Let's resign ourselves to fate." Tang Ke smiled wryly. He earned more than 10,000 reward points during this trip, but even if he squeezed out these reward points, it was still not enough to fight against a ninth-level powerhouse.

Under Tang Ke's control, the black tentacles spread all over the Black Pearl's hull, spreading the sails, untying the ropes. The hull turned a corner, and sailed north through the pitch-black sea.

Tang Ke consciously regained a bit of strength, and immediately got up from the ground, and went to investigate the situation of Garvey and Kylo.

Garvey was just unconscious, but he was still breathing, so it wasn't a serious problem. In contrast, Kilo's situation is much more dangerous. He is not only comatose, but also his body is aging rapidly. Now he only has a weak breath left, and he feels like he will run out of fuel at any time.

Tang Ke used the investigative technique, and on Kilo's status bar, it was marked as dying, but did not specify the specific injury. He remembered Ivy's prophecy. Ivy once said that Kylo would die in a catastrophe. Now it seems that this prophecy is so accurate.

"This is going to be difficult."

Tang Ke was so anxious that his claws scratched his heart, and he frowned tightly, thinking about the countermeasures.

In this case, even recruiting a doctor is useless. The priest is a bit hopeful, but the low-level priest is also useless, because Kylo possesses the spell of a ninth-level druid.

The spring of resurrection in the abdomen continuously provided vitality, turning into streams of warm currents, swimming in Tang Ke's body.

Suddenly, Tang Ke burst into a fire of inspiration.

Kylo was deprived of vitality by spells, and the resurrection fountain can provide unlimited vitality. If you can inject the resurrection fountain into Kylo, ​​you can bring the dead back to life

The hope is there, but problems ensue. Tang Ke has a way to take out the resurrection spring, but this requires a lot of processes, and even if the resurrection spring is taken out, there is too little time. Kylo is already dying, and he can't wait to absorb the entire resurrection spring.

This method is not feasible.

Tang Ke's eyes dimmed again, and he continued to think, filtering the hole cards he had in his mind. Just when he felt that he was at the end of his rope, he thought of another method, which was more feasible.

The power of the resurrection spring is everywhere in his body, whether it is bones, skin or blood, if he feeds his blood to Kilo, Kilo can indirectly absorb the vitality contained in the resurrection spring.

Of course, this is just his whimsical idea, whether it is feasible is still unknown.

"Take a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

Tang Ke immediately drew out the dagger, and with a flash of cold light, there was a gash on his wrist, and the blood flowed continuously. He pried open Kylo's parched mouth and dripped blood from his wrist into it.

"Captain, what are you doing?" One Ear asked in surprise when he saw this.

"My blood may be able to save Kylo." Tang Ke clenched his fist hard, and the blood was squeezed out, but under the repair of the resurrection spring, his wound stopped bleeding quickly, and he had to cut the wound again . He let out about a bottle of blood before giving up. At this time, his face was already as pale as paper.

Kylo drank so much blood, but there was still no change, and he still looked half dead.

Just when Tang Ke and others tried their best to save Kilo and Garvey, the people of the Cormanthor fleet were discussing the disappearance of Andre.

Inside the huge flagship, there is a special well-shaped room, the top of which leads directly to the sky deck, where one can have a glimpse of the star-studded night sky. The faint light cast by the vents illuminated Sam's outline.

The outline is extremely weird, only the head looks like a normal person, with gray hair and a stern face, but from the neck down, the body becomes dry and cracked bark, with branches and green leaves growing on it, as if comparing people with trees The fusion of people together is indescribably weird. In the deeper darkness behind him, there were still a few vines swaying, and there were shadows of small huā flowers on the vines, emitting bursts of huā fragrance.

Even the officers who were colleagues did not dare to look at Sam's current appearance, but stood in front of him tremblingly, waiting for Sam's questioning.

"Who can tell me who killed Andre?" Sam asked, holding out the trunk-like palm of Andre's head.

The bloody fragments included a scalp and eyeballs, which were staring at the officers in front. Several people trembled and their jaws were chattering.

"The Tiger Sharkman of the submarine team saw the lightning. The person who killed Chief Andre may be a magician."

"But as far as I know, none of the pirates is a magician with electric attributes."

"Maybe some treasure was used."

"Aren't there any witnesses?"

"The electric light is too strong to see clearly."

"When I went into the sea, it was already too late, and I only saw a single point of light."

The officers insisted on their own opinions and tried their best to maintain an atmosphere of heated discussions, although these conversations did not have any substantive effect.

"Enough is enough. I don't want to see you making big plays there. Is there anyone who can give an accurate answer? Andre is the deputy commander of the navy. He is dead. I want to know who I should target. "

Sam's wooden hand cracked a hole, and swallowed only a small part of Andre, and this piece of flesh and blood would turn into a nutrient in his body.

The sound of the jaws chattering in front became a little louder.

"Maybe Tang Ke did it." The person who spoke was Catherine, and anyone could hear the bitterness in his voice. He walked forward, the moonlight cast from above illuminated his pale face, the blond hair on his forehead was stained with blood, he was wearing a torn uniform, and there were several bandages on the open mouth. On the bandage, there are blessings written by the priest, and those words are emitting a soft light.

"According to the latest report in my hand, Tang Ke is only a fifth-level swordsman." Sam cast his cold eyes on the most outstanding young man in the Cormanthor Empire.

"Can a fifth-level swordsman defeat me? He is already a sixth-level swordsman, and he is also a warlock, who can release spells that attack spirits. I have fought against him. He has many means, and he is by no means a kind person. Those electric lights are probably emitted by him with treasures."

Catherine gritted her teeth and continued listing the evidence.

"Also, when Andre was attacked, he happened to be nearby. Someone saw him appear in the Great White Shark Shipyard, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye, and there was also an electric light at that time. Isn't this evidence enough? ?”

Sam paused for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, let's make him the murderer. I can tell that he fled to the north. Which of you is willing to hunt him down?"

Catherine took a step forward, bent her haughty waist, put her right fist in front of her, and said with awe-inspiring eyes: "Master Commander, please give me this chance to wash away my shame."

Seeing Catherine taking the initiative to invite Ying, several of the officers in the large row behind felt a lot more relaxed.

"You're injured, you're his underdog, you're not the right guy," Sam said.

"Under the blessing of the Holy Lord, I will recover within a day. Please don't worry about my injuries. Besides, failure can give me greater strength. This time, I have the confidence to cut him under the sword." Catherine raised her head and looked at the half-tree, half-human commander in front of her with strong eyes.

"Okay then. I'll leave this important task to you. I allow you to drive the fourth-order magic ship, the Messenger of the Wind, to pursue it. With the power of this ship, it is enough to kill a seventh-level powerhouse, or even an eighth-level powerhouse." In addition, you will lead a group of Tiger Sharkman elite teams to search at the bottom of the sea at the same time. If you find him, use the Messenger of the Wind to deal with him. Don't be aggressive and attack alone. I will send two lieutenants Supervising you, if you violate this order, the driving authority of the Windbringer will be transferred to two adjutants, and you will also be dealt with by military law after you return."

"Thank you, Commander, for fulfilling my mission. I will fulfill my mission." Catherine straightened her waist like a knife, "I'm leaving now."

"No. You have to wait until the four magic ships break through the Great White Shark Shipyard before you can take the Windbringer away. This ship is now the main force."

As soon as Sam's words fell, the horn of victory came from the direction of the Great White Shark Shipyard. The last line of defense in Little Pirate City was also breached.

Catherine let out a sneer.

"Just wait here for the news of my victory."

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