Pirate System

Chapter 318: Pirate Admiral

Chapter 318 The Pirate Admiral

Under the impetus of the dark sea, the Black Pearl advanced rapidly. \u0026t;

Tang Ke sat upright on the deck, in front of him was Kylo who was lying flat. On the side, one ear is also looking after Master Garvey. The stupid monsters around were more interested in Andre's corpse, showing greedy eyes and wiping their saliva from time to time.

After Kylo drank the blood, ten minutes had passed. Although he hadn't changed back to his original appearance, he had stopped aging and his breathing hadn't stopped.

Through observation, Tang Ke felt that his blood seemed to have some effect. He was overjoyed and decided to feed Kylo some more blood.

"Bring me something to eat, the more the merrier"

After giving the order, Tang Ke drew out his dagger again and aimed at his arm.

Seeing this, one ear hurriedly stopped and said, "Commander, you have already shed a lot of blood, so you can't do this again."

"It doesn't matter, this man is worth saving with my blood." Tang Ke resolutely cut the wound again, and under the flow of blood, his complexion that had just recovered turned pale again.

"If you want to feed blood, use my blood. I didn't participate in the battle, and my body is unscathed, but you are already bruised all over, Captain." Yi Er still doesn't know the truth about the resurrection spring.

"Haha..." Tang Ke was still able to let out a hearty laugh at this juncture, "Aside from making people sick, what else can your blood do. Don't worry, my body won't collapse so easily .”

"But what's the use of this? Master Kilo has become like this."

Tang Ke looked at Kylo again, he didn't know what to do, if his blood could make people younger, it could be canned and sold as holy water.

Stupid monsters, brought the food, there is a whole box full of pickled meat, pickled fish, dry bread, and five bottles of wine.

Tang Ke didn't have the ability to be picky, he grabbed a large piece of meat, opened his mouth and began to gnaw. He bled profusely, needed a lot of nourishment, and recovered more quickly with food in his stomach. One ear on the side took a few glances, picked up a piece of bread, and began to gobble it up. Under the wind and clouds of the two, the box was soon empty.

"Huh? Master Kilo seems to have changed a little bit." One ear was flapping the bread crumbs on his hand, and he suddenly screamed.

Tang Ke took a look,

Kilo's body is indeed quite different from before. The folds of those gullies have become smoother, and the shrunken skin has also bulged, as if seven or eight years younger.

"Haha my blood works"

Tang Ke cheered, and fed Kylo his own blood again, as if his blood was inexhaustible.

Under the feeding of a large amount of blood, Kilo's body absorbed the remaining power of the resurrection spring, gained new vitality, and his body began to slowly recover, as if a rotten tree meets spring and green leaves grow again. By the time the first ray of dawn appeared in the sky, Kilo had already changed back to the appearance of a strong man in his forties.

"My stomach is so full..." Kilo woke up leisurely, and said the first sentence.

Tang Ke laughed and said, "I hope my blood doesn't taste bad."

Kilo opened his tiger eyes, sat up, looked around for a while, gradually came to his senses, and shouted anxiously: "What happened to Little Pirate City?"

Tang Ke's face froze, and he replied gloomily: "It is estimated that it has fallen now. The Cormanthor Empire has a ninth-level powerhouse sitting in it, and there are so many magic ships. It is too powerful."

Kilo stretched out his iron-claw-like hands, clasped Tang Ke's shoulders, and asked, "Have the magic ships of the Golden Beard Pirates escaped?"

Tang Ke was very relieved that Kilo's strength was still as strong as ever, and he continued to answer: "I don't know. I pulled you to escape through the bottom of the sea, and then I got on this ship. Those ships of yours came through secret The way to escape is not the same route as mine."

Kilo's brows were tightly furrowed, and he saw Garvey again, paled and said: "Why is Garvey here, shouldn't he escape with the fleet?"

"His boat sank, and he was almost stoned to death, but I rescued him easily..."

Without waiting for Tang Ke to finish speaking, Kylo rushed to Garvey's side and searched eagerly, as if he had lost his soul.

Tang Ke saw that something was wrong, so he watched silently without asking any further questions.

"I found it." Kilo found a simple stone tablet from Garvey's body.

The stone tablet is hexagonal in shape, small in size, covered with notches, and there are blue rays of light swimming in it, which is full of spirituality and extraordinary.

Kilo hesitated for a moment, and whispered a few words to the stone tablet, but Tang Ke couldn't understand it at all, it seemed to be a spell. The stone plate was induced and became brighter and brighter. After a few flashes, a blue light shot out, soaring into the sky, and flew directly to Little Pirate City. After that, the stone tablet seemed to have lost its vitality, turning into powder, and its brilliance was gone. Kilo stood up, looking in the direction where the blue light disappeared, in a daze.

"What's the matter with this stone tablet?" Tang Ke asked.

"This is the activation token of the 'Thunder of the Divine Tribe'. As long as the corresponding spell is uttered, the 'Thunder of the Divine Trial' hidden at the bottom of the Great White Shark Shipyard can be detonated and cause an earth-shattering explosion. Its power is enough to blow up half a small pirate city. "Kiro replied in a deep voice.

Tang Ke suddenly changed color, the scene of the atomic bomb explosion flashed in his mind, and he said in surprise: "Can you blow up half of the little pirate city? So powerful?"

"The 'Thunder of God's Trial' is an epic treasure, the only one in the world, and it is left over from ancient times. You don't have to doubt its power, it is recorded in the annals of history." Kylo was still looking at the distant Sky.

"If it is really that powerful, Cormanthor's fleet will be wiped out together with the little pirate city." Tang Kelu gave a complicated look. It is a good thing to be able to severely damage Cormanthor's fleet, but it also means that, People in Little Pirate City will die. This is the practice of killing each other.

"In the original plan, I was supposed to stop the Cormanthor Empire, and then protect Garvey from escaping. Once he escaped, he would activate the 'Thunder of God's Judgment'. However, things were beyond our control, and he failed to escape in time. I was also defeated. After such a long delay, Cormanthor's fleet may have left a lot."

"Don't worry, it's only been one night. Even if the Cormanthor Empire takes down the little pirate city, they have to send people up to kill the remaining pirates. They won't go far."

"Even if it is a weapon like the 'Thunder of God's Judgment', it can't destroy a fifth-level magic ship or a ninth-level powerhouse. However, it can blow up hundreds of ordinary ships and a few low-level magic ships. It can offset the losses suffered by the Little Pirate City. The Cormanthor Empire dares to attack the Little Pirate City, so they will naturally have to pay the price in blood," Kilo said angrily.

Compared with Tang Ke's last battle against the clover caravan, this time's battle in Little Pirate City was more tragic and had a greater impact on the maritime situation, enough to be recorded in history. Even Tang Ke's victory over Catherine will be recorded in the annals of history.

"The tsunami is coming." Tang Ke said with burning eyes.

"Well, the Golden Beard Pirates will go to war with the Cormanthor Empire, never ending. In fact, we had conflicts with the Cormanthor Empire before. That long war ended with the Cormanthor Empire raising the white flag. It's over. But this time it won't be so easy. The Cormanthor Empire came prepared."

"The sea will become more lively."

Kilo nodded, and then asked: "I was attacked by Sam, and I felt as if my body was emptied. Something was missing, and then I fell unconscious. How did you save me? As far as I know, it is not easy to save people from the hands of eighth-level druids."

Tang Ke smiled, corrected Kylo's misunderstanding on Sam's level, and briefly talked about the ins and outs of owning the resurrection spring and saving Kylo with blood.

After hearing this, Kilo said with emotion: "With your blood in my body, we will be brothers from now on. I lost a lot last night, but I gained you as a brother."

"Then I'll call you brother from now on."

"Haha, at this moment, you and my brother should really have a drink."

"What's the problem? I don't have anything else here. I have as much wine as I want." Tang Ke was about to send the monster to fetch the wine.

Kilo hurriedly stopped Tang Ke, waved his hand and said, "I don't have that time anymore. I have to confirm whether the magic ships in the pirate group have escaped, and also confirm the damage of the Cormanthor fleet."

"Then how do I do it? The current Little Pirate City is extremely dangerous. As you said, the explosion is not enough to kill a ninth-level powerhouse. If Sam is still alive, he will definitely kill you when he sees you." Tang Ke said in surprise. He just rescued Kilo from the ghost gate and changed the fate of Kilo, but now, Kilo is going to die

"Brother, there are many things in this world that are more important than life." Kilo smiled indifferently, "If I don't do these things, I will feel ashamed to live in this world."

Tang Ke felt hot all over, he could understand Kilo's thoughts, this man lived for the word "righteousness", this huge word "righteousness" was deeply hidden in this man's soul, but if you understand it, he really It was unwilling to watch Kilo plunge into danger again.

"The divine thunder must have exploded. No matter whether those magic ships escaped or not, you can't change it. Why did you take the risk?"

"You don't need to persuade me. There is no one in the world who can persuade me." Kylo looked around, "Have you lost my double sword?"

Tang Ke heaved a long sigh, maybe Kylo's fate is beyond his ability to reverse. He went to fetch Kilo's two knives and handed them to Kilo. The two knives have their own characteristics, but the same thing is that they are of excellent quality. The Dementing Soul Knife, which is the evidence of crime, is at the legendary level, while the other knife is slightly worse, it is at the handed down level.

Kilo only took over the handed down sword, and pushed the soul-destroying knife to Tang Ke.

"This knife is yours. From now on, you are the pirate admiral."

Tang Ke was taken aback for a moment, but he wasn't too surprised. He saved Kilo, this is a great kindness, of course Kilo would like to repay, but he didn't need any repayment, so he immediately declined and said: "You are going to Little Pirate City next, it is too risky, I really need this handle knife."

"Don't be long-winded, just hold it if you tell me, don't worry about my strength will drop." Kilo pointed to himself boldly, "Your brother, my one-sword style is better than the two-sword style."

Tang Ke was also straightforward in his actions, and he would only say things like refusal once. Moreover, Kilo's temper is even more stubborn than him. Once a decision is made, even nine cows can't pull it back.

"Well, I'll accept it. As for thank you, I won't say anything. There is no need to say thank you between you and me."

"This is my good brother." Kilolu showed a warm smile, "I see unlimited potential in you, and you will definitely accomplish a lot in the future. The future of pirates is up to you, if you want Let this ancient profession be passed on. Let those passionate youths who want to join the pirate group have a pirate group to go. You have to compete with the gang of hún navies."

"I won't let you down. My real goal is the Pirate King." Tang Ke's eyes shone like stars.

admiral, governor, king

With the evidence of guilt, Tang Ke has taken a big step towards the pirate king. This treasure is not something that any pirate can get, even pirate captains like Eunice and Christine can't do anything about it. Possess evidence of guilt.

According to the ancient tradition of pirates, when ordinary pirates saw the admiral who held the evidence of crime, they would all salute. Tang Ke has become an existence like an official among pirates.

"You don't need to say, I also know that your goal is the Pirate King, because your eyes have already told me. This kind of eyes is very similar to the golden beard. Okay, I'm leaving, take care of Garvey for me, Then send him to the port of the Golden Beard Pirates." Kilo strode towards the bow of the ship with a single knife in his hand, "Don't forget, the real name of this soul-destroying knife is 'Kulka'" You have to call him to use his real name. "

Tang Ke watched as Kilo jumped up and flew towards the tiger in Little Pirate City, and he shouted: "I'll drink with you next time!"

"Haha, good." Kylo's figure gradually shrank.

Tang Ke held the chilly soul-absorbing knife, and couldn't help feeling ups and downs. In one life, one must live according to one's own will and pursue what one thinks is worth pursuing. He waited until Kylo disappeared from sight, then glanced at the Dementor Knife in his hand.

This knife is dark blue, with a sharp edge and a cold light. There are ferocious ghost reliefs on the body of the knife, and there are wolf-like sawtooths on the back of the knife. I don't know how many powerful people have been beheaded and how much resentment has been absorbed by this evidence of crime

Tang Ke used his investigative skills to learn the specific effect of this knife. As long as he called out the name "Kulka", he could make this knife recognize himself as the owner. After recognizing the master, he can use the 361 sword skills stored in the blade at will. With this knife, Tang Ke doesn't need to learn any sword skills before the eighth level. He can use the sword skills in this knife to his heart's content, and he can slowly learn it when he meets one he likes


Tang Ke uttered a word to the blade, and the soul-destroying knife immediately produced an excited humming, and a faint blue ghost fire glowed in the air, and the usage of a total of 361 sword skills formed a huge data stream. Injected into his mind vaguely, he felt the peerless demeanor of hundreds of swordsmen

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