Pirate System

Three hundred and nineteenth chapter inventory harvest

Chapter 319

It's a pity that Tang Ke's physical strength is running out, otherwise he must try the sword skills in the Dementor Knife. He held the knife backwards in his hand, turned around, and his eyes fell on Black Sir Clyde, his eyes became hot again. Clyde is a seventh-rank swordsman and occupies a high position, so he must have treasures on him. He had been running away before, and he still cared about Kylo's comfort in his heart. He didn't have the heart to collect and count the treasures on Clyde. Now he can do these things.

"For the first time in my life, I was so excited when I stripped a man's clothes."

Tang Ke approached with bright eyes, examined the black armor on Clyde's body, and learned the information of the armor with investigative techniques. This armor is called the Obsidian Demon Armor. It is legendary grade. It is very hard and can withstand the ordinary attacks of seventh-level swordsmen. If Tang Ke had punched the armor back then, there would be no way to kill Clyde.

The defensive power of this pair of armor is very satisfying. The only disadvantage is that it is inconvenient to wear. No one can wear this armor all day long. They can only wear it temporarily when going out for battle.

If he wore this armor, Tang Ke could fight even with a seventh-rank swordsman. Although he couldn't win, he could guarantee that he would not be killed by a single sword.

Tang Ke whistled, and took off the obsidian magic armor one by one, and put the arm guard, tuǐ, ōng armor, plastron and other parts aside. He thought about it, and suddenly felt that the black sword matched the black armor very well. He ordered the monster to take the black sword, and then used the investigation technique.

Sword of the Black Widow:

Level: Legendary items.

Type: character equipment.

Description: Refined from the venom and body of ninety-nine kinds of poisonous spiders, it is extremely poisonous.

Effect: poisoning (the sword is highly poisonous, after injuring someone, even a seventh-level powerhouse will die within five minutes of poisoning) poisonous mist (the tip of the sword has a fine hole that can spray poisonous mist, and Not fatal, but can make people dizzy, nauseated) detoxification (there is often a mechanism in the hilt, which can be opened after being pressed, and a small bottle of antidote is hidden in it, and only one drop can remove the poison on the sword)

Combat power: ★★★★★

"It's a sinister sword. Fortunately, Brother Kilo was not directly injured by this sword, otherwise he would have been poisoned to death."

Tang Ke was speechless secretly, and at the same time he was glad that he was not injured. He looked at the sword, the sword body was streamlined, simple in shape, with exquisite hua patterns on the sword body.

Although this black widow's sword is sinister,

But he is not against this kind of sinister weapon. In this battle, he lost his usual Scythe Moon Scimitar, but gained two better weapons. Even the curse blade can be replaced and given to others for use.

Tang Ke felt that Clyde's body would never be as simple as just a sword and a piece of armor, so he stripped Clyde naked and turned all the objects on the body out. Only three things are treasures.

One of them is three small yào bottles, which contain yàoxìng extremely strong toxin, without any medicine, even the eighth-level powerhouse will die on the spot, it can be said to be extremely vicious and fierce, but if you want to fight again It is not an easy task to spread poisonous yào on the eighth-level powerhouse. This kind of sinister poison is still more effective when dealing with enemies of the same level.

The other thing is a thumb-sized fruit, golden in appearance, as smooth as jade, shining brightly, like golden beads.

Tang Ke couldn't see why, so he had to resort to omniscient investigative techniques.

Quenching fruit:

Rating: None.

Type: Consumables.

Description: The miraculous spiritual fruit that grew under the world tree in the ancient times, has the effect of cleansing the body and renewing the body after taking it. However, a person can only take one in a lifetime, and if he eats too much, he will explode and die. This fruit is also known as the "Gift of the God of War" because it greatly improves the strength.

Effect: Combat professionals who pay attention to physical strength can obtain a substantial improvement after taking it. For example, after a fourth-tier swordsman takes it, he can be promoted to a fifth-tier swordsman in one fell swoop.

How to use: Swallow directly.

Tang Ke yelled in his heart, this kind of thing that directly improves his own strength is the most real. He is now a fifth-level swordsman, and with the help of the resurrection spring, he can barely reach the sixth-level level. After taking this fruit, his strength will increase again, and he should be able to defeat the sixth-level enemies.

The small golden fruit exudes a charming brilliance, and its round and cute appearance seduces the gluttons in the stomachs of the viewers.

Tang Keqiang suppressed the urge to swallow immediately and set his sights on the third treasure.

The last treasure is another round thing, but it is no longer a fruit, but a red orb with a whole body, very similar to the Orb of Power and the Orb of Avoiding Water, with flame-shaped patterns on the surface.

Fire avoidance beads:

Level: Heirloom-level items.

Type: character equipment, material.

Description: It belongs to the same type of treasure as the Water-Repelling Bead, which can block flames and prevent all fires from invading it, even if it jumps into magma, it will not be injured.

Effect: fire attribute xìng defense +20, flame breathing (can breathe freely even when surrounded by flames)

How to use: Wear it on your body to take effect.

Tang Ke read the information twice, and at first he didn't think much of it, but then he had a flash of inspiration and thought of collecting the resurrection spring. There are seven resurrection springs in total, among which there is a spring of fire. The birthplace of this spring water is all extremely hot places. With this fire-avoiding orb, it is much more convenient to collect the fountain of fire.

This fire-avoiding orb is also very helpful to him, and it may be useful in the future.

That's all the treasures on Black Sir's body, one piece of armor, one sword, several bottles of poisonous medicine, one body quenching fruit and one water-proof bead. Adding these treasures together, the total value can reach around 400,000, which is quite a harvest.

Tang Ke glanced at Garvey who was lying not far away. The master shipbuilder didn't know when he would wake up. He thought about it, and decided to take the Body Tempering Fruit first.

"Bot, take care of things on board, I have something to eat."

One ear heard the order, and agreed without asking too much.

Tang Ke sat down on the mast, and the morning light hit his face, which was warm. He stuffed the body-hardening fruit into his mouth and swallowed it forcefully, only to feel the foreign object enter his throat, which made him very uncomfortable. It was not until the fruit entered the stomach that it was relieved a lot. He closed his eyes and felt that the fruit in his abdomen melted extremely quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was no longer spherical and shriveled. At the same time, the resurrection spring also came to join in the fun, sending out a stream of heat, splashing on the fruit and breaking it down.

After about a minute, the fruit had completely melted and turned into a warm liquid. Tang Ke felt that the liquid turned into countless thin threads, swimming around his body.

This body quenching fruit originally has the effect of washing the impurities in the body. After the impurities are removed, the remaining yào power will be used to moisturize the muscles and bones and improve the body. But Tang Ke's body has been washed twice by the resurrection spring, there are very few impurities, his body is transparent, and his bones are comfortable. In this way, the Body Tempering Fruit saves a lot of medicinal power, and the effect can be used to improve the body. This greatly improved the effect of the Body Tempering Fruit.

Tang Ke only felt tingling pains all over his body, but the degree of pain was much smaller than that of absorbing the resurrection spring. The pain subsided quickly, and what followed was a feeling of fullness that one was eager to try. The yào power of the Body Tempering Fruit is poured into the muscles and bones, turned into eternal power, and stored inside.

This feeling of improvement is amazing, Tang Ke felt that he had grown up by several years in a short time, his body was full, his energy was strong, and he even had a sense of aura rushing to the top. He was so happy that he couldn't help standing up, his eyes were bright, and his whole body seemed to have been completely reborn.

This Body Tempering Fruit is a sacred fruit of the same era as the old gods. In terms of history, it is many years earlier than the resurrection spring, so the effect is naturally good.

Tang Ke only felt refreshed. The exhaustion from last night was swept away, and he returned to the state of complete victory. Even if he fought Catherine again, there would be no problem. Now he is confident that he can defeat Catherine alone, and he won't fall into a bitter fight like last time.

"Leader, you seem to have become stronger!" Seeing this, One Ear shouted in surprise.

"I ate a mysterious fruit from Clyde, and my strength has improved a lot." Tang Ke laughed.

"Congratulations, leader. Only when you become stronger can the Dragon Pirates gain a firm foothold in the sea." One ear said happily.

"It's a pity that there is only one fruit, otherwise I will share one with you and other members of the pirate group."

"That's not necessary. If there are a lot of them, you can eat them all by yourself as soon as possible, leader." One ear is not greedy, shrugging and said, "I am more interested in shipbuilding than practicing swords. It doesn't matter at all."

Tang Ke smiled and didn't answer. Even if there are many fruits, he can't eat any more. This kind of quenching fruit can only be eaten once in a lifetime. It is estimated that it was for this reason that Clyde kept the fruit by his side and did not eat it.

Next, Tang Ke sank into the system, and first checked the points required for upgrading. With the help of the Body Tempering Fruit, his body was greatly improved, and the points required for upgrading dropped a lot. More than sixty thousand. It's a pity that his current points are only over 13,000 points, and he is still short of upgrading to Captain Sword Fighting.

But he wasn't discouraged, these points were not enough to upgrade the Sword Fighting Captain, but it was more than enough to upgrade the Warlock. With the help of Fear Art, he has won several battles and tasted the sweetness of mental attack, so he decided to develop this profession vigorously. turn an advantage into a greater advantage

Tang Ke's warlock profession is only at the second level, and he is still a fledgling. To advance from the second level to the third level, the points required are only more than 3,000 points.

"Ding, you are upgraded to a third-tier warlock, with shadow power +4 and mana +2. After learning the root of the magic heart skill, after releasing the skill, you can leave a wisp of consciousness in the abyss plane to absorb the shadow power of the abyss by yourself. Improve yourself."

A series of transformations took place in Tang Ke's mind. Both the autonomous consciousness and the branch consciousness specially used to store the shadow power have been refined and become more depraved and evil. In order to reduce the influence of the shadow power on himself, he pushed most of the power to that branch consciousness. All kinds of doomsday scenes and the devil's grin were injected into that consciousness, causing a qualitative change in that consciousness, as if it had become a bottomless quagmire, dark and rotten, and it would sink once it was touched.

The shadow force that forcibly entered this material plane gradually dissipated and returned to the lair of the abyss plane.

Tang Ke's temperament changed again. As long as he activated the shadow power in his body, he would become evil, and even the surrounding air would drop a few degrees. Only by forcibly restraining this power would it return to normal.

The group of monsters around felt the change in their master, and they were frightened into silence, and retreated a few steps, as if a mouse saw a cat and was much more honest than before. Even the heart of the magic ship of the Black Pearl jumped a few times, wantonly absorbing the shadow power emitted by Tang Ke, and indirectly followed it.

Tang Ke was full of curiosity, and used his newly learned "Demon Heart Root" skill to travel to the abyss plane with his mind, and was sucked in by the open abyss door. As his strength increased, the level he could reach became lower and lower, closer to the evil shadow power at the bottom of the abyss.

This layer of abyss is full of metal minerals, and it is bright and silvery white as far as the eye can see. The monsters living in this layer directly feed on metal, and their bodies are as strong as metal. In the upper abyss, there are some weak monsters, and it is extremely rare to see demons. But on this level, you can often encounter real demons.

After the warlock's mind reaches the abyss, he can seek the help of the devil and reciprocate with the devil. The mind of the warlock can enter the demon's body and help the demon to improve. At this price, the warlock can get some warlock skills from the demon.

Each profession has its own characteristics, its own system, and unique strength. This world is full of splendor, and Tang Ke has struggled here for several years, but what he sees is just the tip of the iceberg.

When Tang Ke first arrived, his thoughts could only be transformed into eyes. Now he has two eyes and half a head, which looks rather weird. He floated under the shadow of a piece of iron, and with a thought, he threw a "root of the devil's heart" on the ground. This "root of the devil's heart" is like a plant. It takes root and grows quickly, with many branches extending out, but there are no leaves, and the whole is translucent, which is an inconspicuous dark tone.

After finishing this work, Tang Ke's thoughts returned to the Black Pearl, and he did not stay in the abyss any longer. In the past, every time he practiced, he had to devote himself to the abyss plane. But with this "Root of Demon Heart" skill, a channel can be opened there to absorb the shadow power of the abyss and complete these things on his behalf.

Tang Ke felt that the power of the abyss was poured into his thoughts bit by bit, improving in a very subtle way. He nodded in satisfaction, then turned his attention back to the system, searching through the Warlock's skill list.

If you just level up, but don't learn any skills, you won't be able to reflect the strength after the promotion.

Tang Ke's goal is very clear, and he specializes in looking at spiritual spells. He is well versed in the truth that more expensive is not more expensive, and he has already formulated a clear promotion plan.

The swordsman profession should pursue speed and lethality, while the warlock profession, as a support, only needs to specialize in spiritual spells. When fighting, first use spiritual spells to assassinate the enemy, and then seize the opportunity to kill with sword skills

If the warlock career is fully developed, the points required are huge, and it is not something Tang Ke can afford now.

In the end, Tang Ke picked out two skills.

One is called the Light of Fear. This move is simply an upgraded version of the Fear Technique. It also increases the attack range and can release a beam of light. As long as the light hits the enemy, it can put the enemy into a state of fear.

The other is called Spiritual Chain, which is specially used to assist spiritual attacks. As long as an enemy is hit by a spiritual attack, this spell can be used to graft the mental state of the victim to other people. A whole chain can link up to fifty people, which is very impressive.

The two spells complement each other, and once cast successfully, they can achieve the effect of group attack

The skills are also there, and the next thing missing is the warlock's staff. Tang Ke rummaged for a while and found that good staffs were very expensive, so he gave up the idea of ​​exchanging them, and planned to keep the remaining reward points and use them to organize a special team like the blaster in the future.

After such a series of improvements, Tang Ke felt that his strength had skyrocketed, enough to rival the lethality of a Tier 3 magic ship. Now he has become the world's first-class powerhouse

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