Pirate System

Chapter 322: Flame and Wind

Chapter 322 Flame and Wind

"Watching the enemy fall into the icy sea with blood flying is the greatest pleasure in life, and it is more satisfying than fine wine." Catherine closed her eyes and enjoyed it deeply, with a bewitching arc on the corners of her mouth , "It's time to end the curtain. Prepare to launch the wind blade, and next time he must be completely beheaded. He is wearing obsidian magic armor, and the few wind blades just now may not be fatal. Dealing with such a dangerous person, you can't be careless. "

The two metal arms of the Messenger of the Wind rotated mechanically, coldly aiming at the sea surface, catching the sinking figure on the bottom of the sea. The continuous firing of the wind blade just now had a huge consumption on the magic device, and it took a short rest before firing again.

Once the next wind blade is shot, Tang Ke will undoubtedly die.

At the same time, on board the Black Pearl.

"Captain Tang Ke" clenched one ear and both hands, as if he wanted to crush the telescope. The scene he saw through the lens was more painful than a knife in the mouth. He closed his eyes heavily, threw the binoculars on the ground, and shouted, "Zuo Manruo turns back, let's go back and save Captain Tang Ke."

The monsters obeyed the order and began to turn the rudder, but no matter how hard they tried, the rudder did not move. It turned out that the tentacles on the ship extended in all directions, firmly controlling the entire ship. This ship can usually be controlled by manpower, but the heart of the magic ship can use its tentacles to take control away at any time.

The Black Pearl is controlled by the Heart of the Devil Ship, and the Heart of the Devil Ship is controlled by Tang Ke

"The leader must be afraid that I will sail back to rescue him, so he ordered the ship to go straight." After one ear figured this out, his eyes turned red, "Captain, your heart is too heavy I will. I will not let you down. I must escape, go back and tell everyone about these things, and let everyone avenge you."

One ear called the three dragon eagles down, and ordered the monsters to lift Master Garvey to the deck, put them on the dragon eagle's back, and tie them tightly with ropes. He took out the water-proof bead from his arms, checked it, and stuffed it back.

If you want to escape safely, you can only take the Dragon Eagle. If you are caught up, you can jump into the sea to escape.

"I must survive and bring the captain's news back to the pirate group. Whether I go to the sea or abandon the Black Pearl, I must survive."

With tears streaming from one ear, he turned over and rode on Long Ying. Long Ying planed the deck twice, flapped his wings and flew into the sky. While flying, the three dragon eagles created a large amount of smoke to míhuò the enemy. One ear was lying on Longying's back in pain, tightly grasping the feathers on Longying's body, and looking forward with tears in his eyes, he didn't expect to see anything at all, but within his sight, there appeared A strange red dot.

The time has passed almost,

The burden of magic on the device has subsided. The Windbringer can release the wind blade at any time.

"The head of Tang Ke should have been waiting impatiently, send him to the underworld." Catherine smiled and ordered, just like a smiling death.

The metal arms on both sides of the ship glowed brightly, and the two magic circles shining with gray light quickly enlarged, like a crossing to the underworld. A corner of the wind blade has been revealed.

"Report...there is an enemy attack in the direction of Zhong," the lookout shouted dutifully.

Catherine's smile froze, and she looked towards... the direction of the clock. The watchman saw the enemy's attack through the telescope, but in the blink of an eye, the enemy's attack could be seen with only the flesh and eyes.

A slender fire dragon was galloping towards it, and under its raging, the temperature of the air skyrocketed. This fire dragon is not a fire dragon with four legs and scales, but a dragon formed of pure flames.

Catherine felt the powerful pressure from the fire dragon, her face changed, and she shouted anxiously: "Immediately adjust this ship to a defensive state, and use the wind blade to block that flame."

The two metal arms originally aimed at the sea surface pointed their spearheads forward, and the hull, driven by the wind, also quickly turned towards the fire dragon. There was a strong wind blowing around, and the wind formed a barrier to protect the hull. After finishing these tasks, the fire dragon has already reached the front, and opened its mouth aggressively

Two wind blades shot out, hitting the fire dragon, one cut off the dragon's waist, and the other cut off the fire dragon's head. The broken flame lost its spirituality and fell to the surface of the sea.

"Huh, it's dangerous." Catherine breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as the nerves of the crew relaxed, the remaining fire dragon shook its body, regrown its head, and continued to kill the Wind Envoy.

"What? Quickly control the wind blade and come back." Catherine noticed that the attack was unusual, and it might have been released by the fire mage.

The two wind blades circled in the air and slashed at the fire dragon again, but no matter how fast they were, they couldn't catch up. The Messenger of the Wind had to release the wind blade again, and the two new wind blades cut the fire dragon into three sections.

The fire dragon has been beheaded so many times, its body keeps shrinking, but its length is still thirty yards long No. deck.

People on the deck showed horror and shouted loudly.

At the critical moment, Catherine jumped into the air, and started working together with the gun and sword. In a very short period of time, hundreds of sword energy and bullet energy were released, smashing the fire dragon into a sieve. However, the scattered flames still fell on the deck, causing combustible materials such as ropes, wooden barrels, and triangle sails to burn. Some people who were burned by the fire uttered heart-piercing yells.

"This is not an ordinary flame." I don't know who shouted this voice.

Catherine shattered the last ball of flames and landed on the deck. Looking around, those flames were like greedy beasts, rapidly devouring everything they encountered

You know, the hull of this ship is made of "Crystal Diamond Wood", which is not only strong in defense, but also invulnerable to water and fire. Ordinary flames cannot ignite this wood at all. But under this pure flame, the wood on the deck is actually melting

Not only that, after being cut off earlier, the flames that fell on the sea did not go out immediately, but struggled violently, and even started a confrontation with the sea water, evaporating a large amount of sea water

"Quickly release the strong wind to blow away the fire on the deck. The lookouts looked around to find the enemy who released the fire dragon. The tiger sharkman team on the bottom of the sea attacked immediately and killed the dying Tang Ke. The skilled boatswain on the ship also Jump down a few times, so that the tiger sharks will not miss." Catherine did not hesitate in the face of danger, and quickly gave orders. He was calm, but the smile on his face disappeared.


Tang Ke fell in a daze when he was on the verge of death, and his body strength couldn't be adjusted. He was basically waiting to die. But he waited for a while, but the wind blade didn't come down. Then, he heard a huge explosion and the screams of people from the Cormanthor Empire.

things have changed

His withered heart came alive, and he tried his best to move his limbs and swim up, intending to see what happened. What he got was indeed a fatal wound, but this wound was very shallow, and it had already healed under the efforts of the resurrection spring.

The Resurrection Spring was created by the Goddess of Life with divine power. It can reverse the laws of all things and even resurrect the dead, let alone heal wounds.

"Kill!" The team of tiger sharks from the Cormanthor Empire rushed over. There were more than 80 people in total, all of whom were well-trained and healthy.

Tang Ke frowned when he heard the movement. If he could mobilize his sword energy, let alone 80 Tiger Sharkmen, even 180 Tiger Sharkmen could easily be dealt with. But now, he could barely hold the sword in his hand, and he couldn't release a single bit of sword energy. His points were exhausted due to the recruitment of Dragon Eagles, so he didn't need to consider turning to the system, so he had to bite the bullet and fight.

The tiger sharks surrounded Tang Ke aggressively, and then launched an offensive together, very well-trained. They held the knives, forks, swords and halberds tightly in their hands, and they attacked extremely fiercely, aiming to assassinate vital points.

"It's a joke that I'm a majestic oriental dragon. It's fine to be killed by magic weapons. How can I be killed by you bastards?"

Tang Kehao was so angry that he fought the tiger sharks with the sharpness of his sword and the exquisite movements. His skin and flesh are tough as iron, but his internal organs are much more fragile, if those attacks pierced through the wound, he would die. He summoned up his 120-point spirit, dodged a series of deadly attacks, and used both swords to cut off the blade stabbed by the tiger shark man like cutting vegetables and melons.

A legendary weapon that anyone can hold in his hand.

"Change to Assassination Formation"

The leader of the Tiger Sharkmen yelled, and the whole team dispersed immediately, accelerated by swimming, and then stabbed Tang Ke from various angles. They are marine races, and they are good at using swimming to increase their strength and speed. Common attack method.

Tang Ke only used the sword to protect his head and mouth. As for the rest of his body, he didn't have to worry about it because he was wearing the obsidian magic armor. Relying on his excellent equipment and skillful skills, he survived the stormy attack

The Tiger Sharkmen failed to do anything to Tang Ke. After beating Tang Ke for more than a minute, five more skilled boatswains jumped into the sea and swam towards this side. Killing Tang Ke is a great feat, and whoever falls on it will rise to the top and jump a few levels in a row. These five bosuns all sharpened their heads and advanced rapidly, wanting to compete for this great achievement.

Tang Ke struggled to resist, the horizontal knife blocked the stabbing of a fork, his body was pushed back a certain distance, and then his back hurt, and he was slashed again. He caught a glimpse of another attack coming from the left, and hastily drew his sword to block it. At this moment, his broken meridian finally healed, the severed channel was connected again, and the surging inner energy instantly opened up, spreading out and wandering all over his body.

The sword that was originally ordinary suddenly became extremely sharp, and the sword swung across, sweeping away five tiger sharkmen, and immediately dyed the bottom of the sea red

Tang Ke regained his strength, a wicked smile appeared on his face, and launched a cruel counterattack. He took several steps in succession, shifted shape and position in the sea, unleashed his sword and sword, and took at least one Tiger Sharkman's life with one move. He saw five men in navy uniforms swimming up, their eyes widening.

"You guys also come over to join in the fun, do you think I, Tang Ke, are so easy to kill?"

Tang Ke called out a move that existed in the Dementor Knife, and used it. This move is not very powerful, but its advantage is that the consumption is extremely small, and the killing area is large, which is very suitable for dealing with a group of weak enemies.

Thousands of huā bloom

The sword moved in unison, shooting scattered sword aura to the surroundings, those sword auras were like withered petals, falling slowly, each piece was as thin as a cicada's wing, glowing with white brilliance. It was as if a huā rain had fallen on the bottom of the sea, and the huā petals were covered with red sè. When the huā rain fell, everyone around died.

Dozens of tiger sharkmen and the nameless boatswain fell lifelessly to the bottom of the sea, becoming the fish's lunch.

Tang Ke pointed his sword at the air, as if swimming a dragon out to sea, rushed out of the sea at once,

The sky was full of wind and fire, and a red ship was confronting a gray ship at a distance. Both sides exuded huge elemental energy and competed with each other.

"Blue Flame" Tang Ke yelled out.

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