Pirate System

Three hundred and twentieth chapters

Chapter 323

above the sky

The Cangyan spewed out pillars of fire, releasing red elements visible to the naked eye. Like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, she stared down at the Messenger of Wind in front of her with her newfound sharpness. A black pirate flag fluttered in the wind from the top of the mast, and the evil dragon on it jumped out, as if roaring towards the sky. Above the flag, there are two fiery magical weapons floating, and the muzzles of the two weapons shoot out columnar fire elements.

Two crimson elemental pillars āo are woven together to form a magic circle. This magic circle is quite different from ordinary magic circles. It is not flat, but a three-dimensional magic circle extending around, like a mysterious machine. The machine communicates with the nature of the world and sparks the original fire.

Under the condensation of the magic circle, the blazing fire element simulates the image of the fire elf Salamander

The volume of the Fire Elf is more than ten times larger than that of the Blue Flame. It looks like an extremely strong warrior. The lower body is made of void elements, while the upper body is a crimson entity. Every muscle is full of strength. He has four arms in total, with fire dragons wrapped around his arms, and only one arm is empty. The remaining three fire dragons shook their heads restlessly, looking extremely irritable.

"The world begins with destruction, and fire is the source of destruction. It is respected by all generations. The power of supreme purification burns away all filth, burns out all disrespect, and burns up all enemies. His wrath will surely cause red lotuses to bloom all over the earth, and make heaven and earth weep for it."

The fire elf's face remained motionless, but the sound of prayer-like incantations sounded around him. This sound echoed between the heaven and the earth, directly hitting people's hearts, bringing endless shock.

The Cangyan showed an invincible momentum, but the Windbringer on the other side was no less inferior

The two mechanical arms of the Messenger of the Wind also pointed directly at the sky, and under the infusion of wind elements, another elemental elf figure was condensed.

Elf of the Wind - Sylph

"If it's the wind of freedom, it's unrestrained, roaming in all directions. If it's the wind of harvest, it will pollinate and sow seeds, and it will be fertile. If it's the wind of courage, it blows the sails and pushes thousands of miles. If it's the wind of destruction, it sweeps across the world and destroys everything. "

The image of Sylph is a beautiful girl with four transparent thin wings, wearing a green dress, holding a windmill high in her hand. The jīdàng gale spread around her centered on her, the clouds in the sky were shattered, and the sea below was forced to set off monstrous waves.

The fourth-order magic ship Cangyan.

The fourth-order magic ship, the Messenger of the Wind.

Two equally well-matched magic ships are about to start an endless fight on this sky stage

"The navy of the dog, dare to hurt our captain, I will never end with you"

"Wash your necks and wait for the scimitar in my hand"

"Today next year is your memorial day, hurry up and pray to the gods in the last few minutes of your life"

"Captain Tang Ke, we are with you"

"Captain, you must be careful, we will kill these marines immediately, and then go to the sea to fish for you"

The pirates on the Blue Flame held up their forest-like weapons and howled sincerely, like a pack of wolves united in the jungle

Tang Ke landed on the sea, stepped on the sword energy, looked up at the familiar hull, listened to the familiar voice, and felt the familiar pulse in his heart. He experienced the endless coldness in death, and felt the warmth of fire from the bodies of many companions. That coldness was nothing compared to the heat.

"The greatest wealth in my life is having you. God is so kind to me."

Tang Kelu smiled. The fiercely colliding battlefield became an unparalleled beauty in his eyes.

But he was happy, and when he calmed down a little, he suddenly remembered Ivy's reminder.

"If you go forward with a large number of people this time, you will definitely lose important people. To put it bluntly, if you save one ear, other people around you will die."

Tang Ke's face tightened, he couldn't stand here stupidly, he had to do something. The rivalry between these two ships is no small matter, and if there is a slight difference, the whole game will be lost. He doesn't want to see important people die in front of his eyes.

"Little ones, here I come"

Tang Ke waved his claw-shaped black right hand, and the purple light of the Congealing Evil Sword on his wrist flashed, and a row of ladders made of sword qi lay in front of his eyes. He stepped on the sword qi and ran into the air, breaking through the The hot mist of the fire element fell on the deck of the Blue Flame.

When the pirates on the deck saw Tang Ke's appearance, they were both surprised and happy, and immediately surrounded him. Among them were Huālù, Erwin, Zach, Sebastian, Norman and others, and every face was familiar.

Norman was so close that he was the first to pounce on him, hugging Tang Ke's tuǐ, crying and crying, "Captain, it's great that you're fine."

"What do you mean it's okay? Come down quickly, the commander's injury is serious and needs to be treated immediately." Sebastian grabbed Norman's nest-like hair and pulled it back.

Others also came up and asked questions in a hurry. Tang Ke also wanted to know why these people came, but now is the time to talk.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and restrain me, your snot is all over my body..." Tang Ke laughed and pushed Norman away, and immediately showed a serious expression, looking forward and agitated Tornado's Messenger of the Wind, "Let's leave everything to the celebration banquet after this battle."

"Captain, our magic stones are not enough. We used magic devices to fly continuously yesterday, and today we released a powerful attack like Salamander, which consumes a lot of magic stones." Erwin said hastily The biggest problem right now.

Without further ado, Tang Ke closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, there were already several boxes of extremely high-quality magic stones in front of him. He ran out of points before, but after killing the group of tiger shark people, he has been replenished.

The pirates were overjoyed, and rushed up to lift the box, as if they were going to move it away.

"Wait." Tang Ke flipped his hand, as if by magic, a small bottle appeared in his hand, "This is devil fish oil, which can strengthen the horsepower of the magic furnace. Although it will cause damage to the magic device, the Cang The Flame is a new ship, if only a little is used, it can be held. This battle is evenly matched, and the victory or defeat is all tied to this little advantage."

Devil fish oil, the top-secret forbidden yào of the magic boat

The pirates nodded, took the vial, and carried it away together with the magic stone.

"Okay, give me the rudder." Tang Ke strode towards the stern, and the pirates on the deck immediately separated to both sides. He is a sword fighting captain of the fifth rank. He is not only skilled in swordsmanship, but also in sailing skills.

The elves phantoms condensed by the two magic ships are fighting with all their strength. The flames collide in the sky, and the hurricane sweeps through, painting an image of doom.

Salamand opened his hand, and another fire dragon was released. The fire dragon flew into the storm with a high-spirited figure, and then the dragon's head pressed down and went downstream, trying to break through the defense line from below the weak defense. A murderous intent appeared on Sylph's stunning appearance, and with a wave of her plain hand, the windmill flew down, spinning rapidly, and smashed the fire dragon into pieces. Broken fire rained down one after another. Salamander took the opportunity to attack, pushing and pulling with his bare hands continuously, shooting large balls of fire from his palms. Seeing the move, Sylph spread her wings and threw out storms, engulfing the fireball and throwing it elsewhere.

"I bid farewell to you with the wind of destruction. This road to the underworld has been opened for you. The song of farewell in the wind is like crying, singing softly for you. The nine elements, all retreat , only the wind can carry through the end of time and space.”

Sylph took the lead in launching a powerful blow, her hands swung downward as if dancing, and the huge windmill turned into light and dispersed.

Then, the storm

The wind formed a huge vortex, enveloping the Blue Flame, and the storm rolled up the sea water from below. The thick wind layer quickly turned black, and several large fish could be seen spinning inside. Under the ravages of the storm, the flames around the Blue Flame were blown away, and the fire was greatly reduced.

In less than ten seconds, the Blue Flame will be torn apart by the storm

"I rule the world with flames. If there is any dissatisfaction, I will burn them with fire. Since the flames are my thousands of troops, wherever the hooves of fire pass, gods and ghosts will not stay."

Salamand crushed the last two fire dragons, with four arms, a large number of flames turned into thousands of horses, and rushed to the surroundings violently. The direct destructive power washed away the storm, and the flames that rushed out rushed in all directions indiscriminately, dyeing the sea and the sky red.

The strongest weapon of the fourth-order magic ship, the power is equivalent to the full blow of the eighth-order magician, this is the power of a demigod

The two ships were tied again. Under the intense consumption, the two elemental elves became blurred, and the two elements were dissipating.

Seeing a stalemate, Salamander gained a sliver of vitality. A red light injected into his body, turning him into a real body again. Under the new power, he opened his mouth wide and spit out a fire dragon. His arms curled up. , holding the fire dragon in his hand.

The source of this power is naturally that little devil fish oil.

Desperate screams, prayers, and cries of long live the Empire erupted from the Windbringer.

The fire elf didn't know what pity was at all. Relying on a slight advantage, he rushed forward and punched condescendingly. Sylph was neither sad nor happy, she folded her arms to resist, forming a solid wind layer in front of her. The fire dragon slammed into the wind layer, smashed the wind layer fiercely, and then entangled the body of the wind elf, devouring it heartily.

The huge elf phantom gradually dissipated, turning into beautiful elemental light spots. The power of the fire dragon was exhausted, and Salamander continued to attack violently with his own body. Four fists slammed into the hull of the Windbringer from four different directions, and each fist was bigger than this ship. Last lap, unstoppable.


The Messenger of the Wind was knocked down by the monstrous flames, and the violent flames instantly swallowed the life on the deck and the fragile sails, and the hull gradually disappeared in the flames. The huge fireball landed on the surface of the sea, exploded with a bang, and continued to sink into the deep sea with such force that it was unbelievable. White mist rose into the sky, forming the shape of a mushroom.

The outcome has been decided, this magical ship is completely scrapped, and there are at most a few scraps left.

The Windbringer is the most famous warship of the Cormanthor Empire. After the victory of the Blue Flame this time, it will definitely become famous all over the world. On the contrary, the Cormanthor Empire will be damaged and furious. In addition, destroying the fourth-order magic ship also brought Tang Ke a high reward of 6,000 reward points.

The fireball smashed into the bottom of the sea like a red-hot meteorite. Suddenly, a gap burst out from one side, and a strong wind rushed out with difficulty, tearing a passage in the bottom of the sea. Immediately afterwards, a figure in a white uniform shot out from it.

"This must be a nightmare, this must be a nightmare..."

Catherine still can't believe what happened in front of her eyes. He feels like a monarch who has fallen from the throne, and there is a huge gap, which makes him feel heartbroken. He was still occupying the position of the victor just now, firmly grasping the power of life and death of the enemy, but in less than five minutes, the Blue Flame brutally shattered all of this.

The Messenger of the Wind was destroyed in his hands. After the news was sent back to the country, he would become the laughing stock of many princes and nobles. In addition, he would be scolded by the king, and his status would also decline accordingly.

These are nothing, the most unbearable thing for Catherine is the humiliation of failure.

He is one of the Three Heroes, the proud son of the sea, with a golden halo above his head. The battles he participated in before have always been smooth sailing, and he has never suffered such a setback.

The first time they met, he was defeated by Tang Ke.

The second time he tried to save face, he was defeated again.

Catherine couldn't feel anything but pain, she had no fighting spirit, and her mood dropped to freezing point. With a desperate heart, he took out the teleportation amulet and pressed the button. This amulet carried a precious teleportation magic circle, which could send him to the safest fifth-order magic ship.

"Catherine, I know you must still be alive. It is not difficult for you to escape from that kind of explosion. Just now you had the advantage. At that time, I invited you to a duel, but you dared not accept it. Now our situation is reversed. But I will still give you a chance to fight a fair duel with me." Tang Ke issued a red *luǒ*luǒ provocation, "Do you dare to agree to this duel? Don't worry, I will never cheat from it, and I will only fight against you with my own ability. You fight. And I still have serious wounds left by the wind blade on my body, you know that. I only ask you, do you dare to fight!"

Catherine's eyes trembled, and her heart was greatly shocked. If he said such words, he must be setting a trap to lure out the fleeing enemy. But when Tang Ke said this, he was determined not to be a trap, but to have a duel sincerely.

But this fair duel, Catherine did not dare to take it, because his fighting spirit had been defeated, like a frightened bird, leaving a considerable shadow in his heart, even if he thought he was stronger than Tang Ke, he did not dare to take the risk .

Lost, completely lost.

In terms of courage, he also lost to Tang Ke.

Catherine showed a miserable smile, and decided to take off the titles of "Smiling Death" and "Three Heroes" in the future. He didn't deserve such titles.

"You don't need to fight anymore, I'm resigned."

The sound rushed straight up from the bottom of the sea and gradually weakened. Catherine's people had entered the space channel and disappeared.

"Haha a big win"

The Blue Flame suspended in the sky erupted into cheers like a chao. Although the battle just now was short, it was extremely intense and exciting, making everyone wipe off their sweat.

"Leader, let me hug you again." The ugly Norman rushed forward again unwillingly.

Tang Ke blocked it with his palm, and refused with a smile: "Forgive me. I have to wash my kù after being hugged by you."

Everyone roared with laughter, and the elf ship doctor came out, pushed his glasses, and suggested: "Captain, the battle has been won, you should treat the wound."

Tang Ke's mouth really hurt, but he waved his hand and said, "It's okay, don't worry about this wound, it will heal itself after a while."

"Captain, the armor you are wearing is really handsome." Another pirate praised with a thumbs up.

Tang Ke glanced at the extremely damaged armor. Although the hands and feet of this armor are still intact, they will not be able to be worn in the future. As a fifth-tier swordsman, he was a top-notch master. How could he wear such tattered armor when fighting with others? It would make people laugh out loud.

It's a bit funny to say, this obsidian magic armor, Clyde was fine after wearing it for several years, but Tang Ke was scrapped after wearing it for a day.

"By the way, why did you come here?" Tang Ke asked.

The magician Erwin looked embarrassed, and the atmosphere of the others was also slightly discounted.

"Captain, I violated your order. Three days after you left, I opened this letter myself." Erwin sighed, and took out the letter paper that Tang Ke had given him earlier from his arms. Covered with powerful characters, "When you left, you behaved so strangely, as if you were going to die generously. I was so worried about this matter that I couldn't sleep well every night. I think the letter must be Some important information was written, so I took it apart."

Tang Ke suddenly realized that it was not a coincidence that everyone came here, but because of reading the letter. He took the letter and scanned it with emotion.

"I went to the Little Pirate City to save an ear this time. It was very dangerous. If I die in battle, I will pass the position of head of the pirate group to One Eye, and all my rights and belongings will be handed over to him. In addition , Say goodbye to Elizabeth, Iona, and Warsaw, my three lovers. I will not say sorry to my lovers, but I have to apologize to you. I am sorry that I did not reach the summit with you, at a glance Great views of the sea.”

The words in the letter are very short and clear, this is basically a suicide note

This trip is extremely dangerous, and Tang Ke can't guarantee that he can come back alive. If he dies, the pirate group will have no leader and may be torn apart. In order to prevent this situation, he decided to leave a suicide note, in case he was killed, the pirate group could continue to operate stably. If he is not killed, he will notify everyone within a month and return the letter. It's a pity that this wishful thinking didn't work out. Erwin opened the letter ahead of time. Fortunately, everyone was fine.

Tang Ke went to save an ear out of responsibility, and it was also out of responsibility to leave a suicide note. In his heart, the most important thing is the pirate group, even his lovers and even his own life have to stand aside

"Fortunately, it wasn't too rough." Ke laughed lightly and shattered the suicide note. If possible, he really hoped that he wouldn't have to write such depressing things again.


Tang Ke was startled when he heard the strange choking sound, looked around, and found that several pirates were crying, wiping the tears, their broad shoulders trembling.

"Leader, please, don't do such stupid things in the future. If there is any danger, please let us go first."

"How can there be a king in this world who goes everywhere to save his subjects?"

"It's all because we are so useless, that's why the leader doesn't trust us."

"Leader, if you can sacrifice your life for us, we can also sacrifice your life for you."

"I beg you, please use us like swords in your hands, don't leave all the dangers to yourself anymore"

All kinds of iron-clad oaths burned like wildfire on everyone on the deck, and everyone stared at Tang Ke with starry eyes.

Listening to the sincere words of these subordinates, Tang Ke's heart was filled with great pride, and his whole body was hot. He saw everyone's determination, this bumpy road must be full of blood and tears, if you are afraid of injury and pain, you will definitely not be able to go on. His eyes froze, and he shouted: "Okay. I promise you that I will never take risks without telling you in the future. No matter what dangers we face in the future, we will face them together. Let me join hands and walk on the road." Throne of the Sea"

"Hand in hand, take the throne"

The pirates raised their weapons and roared.

Tang Ke stood in the middle of the crowd, like the heart of a flame, feeling the hottest passion.

A bustling celebration was held that day. Everyone drank, sang and danced happily for a long time. But the celebration was the celebration, and the trip was not delayed. The two ships sailed side by side, and the speed was not slow. As for the other two ordinary ships, they were also coming here. Although they were tasked with meeting Elizabeth, they were obviously more important than the ship's lady, the captain.

In the evening, Tang Ke got drunk and walked out of the dining room of the Blue Flame, planning to go back to the captain's cabin to sleep. On the way, he passed by the room where he met Ivy last time. He stopped in his tracks, pushed open the door, a gust of wind blew in his face, the room was empty, and there was no one there.

"I thought she would stay."

Tang Ke rubbed his nose, turned around and was about to leave, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a white shadow on the table in the dark cave. He walked over and found that Shirai Shadow was a letter. The letter left by Ivy is no small matter, and it may be some guidance for fate. Tang Ke called an elf and hurriedly opened the letter.

"Tang Ke, I hope you can live to read this letter, because you are an important existence to me and even this world. I am gone, you don't have to look for me, and you can't find me. I like to be attached Live around people with good luck, but your luck is mixed, it doesn't meet my requirements, I have to find other people with good luck."

"Actually, this battle is not a real tsunami, at best it is a wave blown by the majestic wind. The real test is yet to come. Take your pirate group and continue to march forward bravely. Because the real tsunami comes Sometimes, you will find that no matter how strong your strength is, it will not be enough.”

Tang Ke smiled, shook the letter into pieces, and threw it to the ground.

"You don't need to say, I will work hard. Because I have promised everyone that I must sit on the throne of the king."

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