Pirate System

Chapter 325: Reunion in the Wind (Part 1)

Chapter 325 Reunion in the Wind (Part 1)

"Don't be too simple when you use your sword. You must think comprehensively. When you stab with a sword, you will attack while defending, and defend while attacking. Use the body of the sword, the edge of the sword, and the guard. Hands, strike." Tang Ke said calmly. Teach and model. When the opponent stabbed with a sword, he blocked it with his guard, slid along the way, and stuck the opponent's sword with the ball at the end of the hilt, sealing the opponent's movement, and then stabbed with the sword.

The elite-level dumb beast glanced at the sword point in front of its neck, and nodded in conceded defeat. It cannot speak human words, but it can perceive the meaning of the master's heart.

"Very good. Do you also understand?" Tang Ke turned his head and looked beside him. Standing there are a few rookies in the pirate group, all of whom have good skills and can become qualified first-level swordsmen after a little training.

Everyone nodded in understanding.

"Aww!" The spooky monster hatched from Clyde's corpse stepped forward, expressing its desire to ask Tang Ke for advice.

Tang Ke smiled. Although the strength of this ghost-brained monster is low, its comprehension is very high, and it can often memorize sword moves just by looking at it once. He set up his posture, pinched his waist with one hand, and pointed the long sword at the ground.

The ghost-brained monster rushed forward, stabbing out with a sword, and its body was like a black smoke. Tang Ke repeated the old trick, blocking the opponent's sword with the hilt ball. A flash of light flashed in the ghost-brained monster's eyes, and it slammed Tang Ke's sword aside, and at the same time kicked violently, taking advantage of its long and narrow limbs.

Tang Ke's strength is hundreds of times higher than this monster, and it is very easy to win, but he is now a teaching demonstration, of course he cannot use sword energy, and can only deal with it with pure sword skills. He dodged that kick, rushed forward, turned the sword in his hand, and smashed the ghost-brained monster's face with the hilt, and then stopped in mid-air.

The ghost-brained monster looked at the hilt of the sword in front of it, and opened its mouth full of fangs.

"Every part of the sword has a great use, and sometimes the hilt can also be a weapon. In the situation just now, hitting directly with the hilt will be faster than slashing." Tang Ke slowly retracted the sword and stepped back. After taking two steps, "If a swordsman wants to be familiar with every part of the sword, he must get along with the sword in his hand day and night until the sword becomes a part of his body."

Everyone showed a thoughtful expression, reminiscing about these words and the moment just now.

Then, as usual, Tang Ke asked everyone to practice catching pairs, while he watched and gave instructions. He has already mastered swordsmanship, so it is no problem to teach these newcomers. These newcomers also admired him very much.

During the days when he was going to Baiyulan Port, Tang Ke would spare time every day to teach everyone, not only about swordsmanship, but also about swordsmanship.

He also taught the helmsman and the captain the skills of sailing.

Although the daily schedule is full, Tang Ke still misses Elizabeth often. As the saying goes, a little farewell is better than a newlywed, he has been separated from Elizabeth for a long time.

Because of the delay in the Battle of Little Pirate City, he will not be able to reach Baiyulan Port until the end of this month. By then, Elizabeth may already be waiting impatiently. He really wanted to have wings, fly directly to Baiyulan Port, and hug Elizabeth together.

Among several lovers, Elizabeth is the one Tang Ke loves the most.

"Captain, the Iron Anchor Port has arrived," the watchman from above shouted in a hoarse voice.

Before arriving at Baiyulan Port, the food and water of the fleet will be exhausted, so they must find a port to resupply. Moreover, Iron Anchor Port is a pirate port, and some news can be obtained. Tang Ke wanted to know the reactions of all parties after the battle in Little Pirate City.

After docking and entering the port, it was already evening, and the seaside was coated with a layer of orange.

Tang Ke found that the place was much colder than expected. There were only thirty or so ships parked at the pier, and only two ships had pirate flags flying above them. The other ships seemed very low-key.

"The news about Little Pirate City must have reached here." Tang Ke said sullenly, his voice slightly depressed.

Every time a port is attacked, the news will be written on the letter immediately, and then the message eagle will be sent out to take the letter out. So the news at sea still spread quickly.

Tang Ke took the noisy Norman and an ear that had just finished drawing, and the three found the largest tavern in the area. As soon as they entered the door, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the tavern.

"I seem to have seen this face in the newspaper... Could it be Captain Tang Ke?" A drunk man who reacted quickly called out first. These words immediately caused a great uproar, and people stood up from their seats one after another, staring at Tang Ke in surprise.

"I'm Tang Ke, the leader of the Dragon Pirates. I'm here today just to have a drink and chat. Don't be nervous." Tang Ke looked around the room calmly, then found a seat in the middle, and sat down with two of his subordinates. down.

As soon as Norman sat down, he clamored for drinks. Tang Ke sat quietly without expressing too much.

The shop owner held the tray and brought up the wine and glass, and when he put it down, he gave Tang Ke a few extra glances.

When the surrounding pirates saw a legendary figure like Tang Ke, how could they remain calm? After holding back for a while, someone finally broke the calm and asked: "Captain Tang Ke, how is the little pirate city now? We recently got News, some people say that the little pirate city has been captured by the Cormanthor Empire, is that true?"

"That's right, the Little Pirate City has fallen." Tang Ke took the wine glass from one ear and shook the drink in it, "Because of the news of the fall of the Little Pirate City, all the pirate ships in this port have escaped. Is it?"

Among the pirates, some sighed and snorted.

"Many people say that the five empires are about to start a war, and the pirates will have nowhere to go. It's better to break up the gang and sell the ship."

"Those cowards don't deserve to be pirates at all, it's just right to get out, lest I see disgusting"

"Even if you are a pirate, you can't give up your life. The Cormanthor Empire has already fought here, and our little pirate group is the opponent of the Imperial Navy."

"Meimenghai and Gemsea are not good at all. I think it is better to go to the New World to develop. There, the sky is high and the earth is far away. The empire's garrison is limited. It will be safer for us to 'do business'."

Everyone gradually opened up the conversation box, talking about the news they knew and their own views on the battlefield.

Tang Ke listened carefully and occasionally answered everyone's questions.

The sea is about to change. This is the consensus of everyone. Many small pirate groups have learned from it and plan to avoid the limelight first, or even disband directly.

It's not just the pirates who are highly nervous. Greenland and Longya have also strengthened their maritime security and tensed their nerves.

It is rumored that the purpose of the Cormanthor Empire this time is to get a piece of the pie from the west route. In this way, a series of ports and small islands must be occupied to ensure the smooth passage of the route. Such behavior is undoubtedly robbing the other two empires of this cake, and disputes are inevitable.

According to the development of this situation, it is very likely that an epic war will break out between the five empires, the Golden Beard Pirates, and the Pirate City's seven forces

Under the remainder of this great war, it will become very difficult for those small forces to survive.

"The sea is a dangerous chess game." Tang Ke said suddenly, and the surrounding area immediately became quieter, "The cowards dare not play, and the incompetent cannot afford to play. I am too lazy to point out other people's practices. Anyway, I personally and the dragon pirates The regiment will never quit this chess game. No matter how fierce the battlefield is, I will still fight with the Dragon Pirates. If any of you have dreams, want to get rich, or seek protection, you can feel free to join the Dragon Pirates Pirates. Our hatches are always open for you."

As soon as these words came out, the room became completely quiet, and it became audible. All eyes focused on Tang Ke alone.

The dragon pirate group has been in the limelight recently, owning many magic ships, and there are rumors that Tang Ke defeated the three masters, Catherine. Such a pirate group is very attractive to some wandering pirates. Someone in the tavern immediately agreed to join the Dragon Pirates.

Tang Ke took the opportunity to win over some people, and decided to leave a ship, stay in this port for a while, and then rejoin when returning home. In addition, the people on his ship are already full, and I am afraid that the empty ship stored in the warehouse will have to be taken out before the newly recruited people can be loaded.

"I don't know where Captain Tang Ke is going next?" asked a strong man who had just agreed to join the Dragon Pirates.

"Bai Yulan Port." Tang Ke replied.

"Are you going to Baiyulan Port?" The strong man changed color slightly. Everyone else in the room also became tense, and the atmosphere became very delicate.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Tang Ke frowned.

"It seems that you must not know the news. No one dares to go to Baiyulan Port now, and everyone can't hide. The royal fortuneteller of the Greenland Empire predicted that a tsunami would flood the three major ports along the coast. There is Baiyulan Port. The people there have already evacuated, and now it is a dead city." The strong man explained.

Tang Ke looked at the other pirates, and everyone agreed that Bai Yulan Port would not be able to go in the near future. He was worried. If this was the case, it would be very troublesome to pick up Elizabeth.

"Is that fortune teller reliable?"

"She is a fortuneteller of the royal family, and she is good at divination of catastrophes. She predicted the tsunami in 1735 in the Golden Sea calendar in advance, and avoided 100,000 casualties." Someone next to him replied seriously.

Tang Ke nodded. If such a fortune-teller made a prediction, he would have to believe it. He frowned and looked forward, the sky was completely dark outside the field-shaped window.

"Leader, Mrs. Yau must have evacuated ahead of time. Let's wait until the tsunami passes before going to Baiyulan Port." One Ear suggested kindly.

"That's not necessarily the case. If you were an ordinary woman, you wouldn't dare to wait for people in the tsunami. But she is not ordinary. She is a person with great promises. Even if the tsunami comes, she will definitely wait for me in front of the pier. This is us I believe she will keep the agreement."

"This, this is unlikely, right?" One Ear said in amazement.

"Even if the tsunami comes, I will go to Baiyulan Port as promised. If she is not there, I will be very disappointed in her. Similarly, if I don't go, she will also be very disappointed in me. So I must go."

"But the tsunami is terrible, let alone an ordinary ship, even a magic ship will capsize if it hits a big tsunami."

"Then I won't sail, and I'll swim directly to Baiyulan Port." Tang Ke said firmly, and drank the wine in one gulp.

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