Pirate System

Chapter 326: Reunion in the Wind (Part 2)

Chapter 326 Reunion in the Wind (Part 2)

On the last day of the Harvest Moon, Baiyulan Harbor was extremely empty, because today was the day when the predicted tsunami would come. The empty port exudes a depressing and dead air, like a secluded city in the underworld.

Contrary to the atmosphere of the port, the weather was unusually clear and the sun was blindingly bright.

Elizabeth stood at the end of the wooden bridge, holding a parasol to keep out the strong sunlight. She looked peaceful, holding a glass huā bottle in her left hand, inside which was a lonely white yù orchid huā. There was a hint of hope in her lowered eyes.

"Tang Ke..." A name was spat out from the thin pink lips, but no response was received.

The ship that was supposed to appear still did not appear, the sea was rippling with the wind, and the tsunami also disappeared.

Time passed, the sun moved overhead, and Elizabeth stood motionless until now, neither eating nor drinking, the only thing that changed in her body was the growing worry in her eyes.

Time continued to implement the ruthless style, tick-tock until night, the sun sank completely, and the world was reduced to darkness. Elizabeth closed the parasol in frustration, holding the umbrella and huā bottle in front of her.

A white-haired old lady came from the darkness and stood beside Elizabeth. She only appeared at night, and like Elizabeth, she was waiting here.

"Little girl, don't you go to escape the tsunami? I heard that this port will be submerged today." The old woman asked.

"As long as the agreed date is not exceeded, I will wait forever. I believe he will come." Elizabeth said firmly.

The old lady was very short, she raised her head and squinted at Elizabeth, showing a kind smile.

"You are waiting for your lover, right? The only thing in the world that people are willing to wait for is love."

Lisabeth nodded, "Grandma, is the person you've been waiting for a lover too?"

"Hehe, of course."

"How many years have you been waiting?"

"I'm getting old, I can't remember clearly. I just remember that when I first waited for him, I was as tall and pretty as you."

From being young and beautiful until the years have passed,

This should span at least forty years or more. Anyone can guess that the old lady will definitely not be able to wait for her lover.

Elizabeth's eyes flickered, and she opened her mouth in surprise. She cared about Tang Ke in her heart before, and she never had a deep talk with this mother-in-law. Only today did she know that this mother-in-law is so affectionate.

"Do you have an agreement with him?" Elizabeth's voice was dry.

"Of course there is an agreement. He went fishing that day. Before he left, he waved to me and said that he would definitely come back, and he would marry me when he came back." The old woman was filled with incredible joy.

"God is so cruel." Elizabeth's expression darkened, and she couldn't bear to continue asking. The mother-in-law's self-deceiving bubble is too beautiful, why bother to burst it.

The sound of staggering footsteps came from behind Elizabeth, followed by another belching voice: "Is it my eyes? Why is there still someone here? She's still a pretty girl. Hey, the tsunami is also It's coming, we all have to die, why don't we have some fun before we die."

Elizabeth was immersed in the previous emotions, turning a deaf ear to the voice behind her, and still staring at the black làng billowing sea ahead.

"Hey, did you hear me? You're going to die in the tsunami anyway, why don't you come and have fun? Uncle, I'm pretty good." The drunk approached step by step, breathing heavily, indistinctly explain.

"A man like you will be hated, don't bother her, get out of here quickly." The old lady turned around and advised.

"Damn old lady, get out of here"

"What a rude drunk. That's why I don't let my guy drink because of drinking."

"I'm not interested in the old lady. Even if the tsunami comes, I won't touch you." The drunk was talking nonsense.

Elizabeth heard the sound of approaching footsteps, which exceeded her tolerance limit, she closed her eyes, and pulled out the sword of the Servant's Oath from her waist. As soon as the crisp voice fell, two third-tier sword spirits appeared around. The sword spirits flashed past without waiting for the drunk to make a sound.

The drunk man who had been cut into several pieces fell into the icy sea water, only the blood-stained wine bottle was spinning on the wooden board.

"Little girl, you are so gentle, you are really ruthless when you move your hands." The old lady opened her eyes slightly and said in surprise.

"I'm sorry to surprise you. But the foul language he said just now is really unbearable, and I'm really not in a good mood right now." Elizabeth apologized, sheathed the sword, and the two sword spirits disappeared into nothingness .

The old woman smiled and waved her hands and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm the sailor's fiancée, I'm not afraid of anything. However, even if you didn't do anything just now, I will protect you."

Elizabeth reluctantly responded with a smile, taking what the old woman said as a joke. No matter how you look at it, this old woman is vulnerable.

"Boom..." A low-pitched roar sounded from a distance, like a galloping horse, calling soldiers on the battlefield.

Tang Ke didn't come, but the predicted tsunami came as promised. A volcano erupted on the bottom of the sea, and the huge impact caused the sea water to set off a huge wave, one bō pushed another bō, gradually expanded, and moved to the shore. This is the wrath of nature, and the tsunami is powerful enough to sweep the land along the coast, destroying houses and uprooting trees.

"If you want to escape now, there is still time. You look very powerful, and you must run very fast." The old woman reminded kindly.

"What if he comes after I leave?" Eliza daydreamed in earnest.

"Without a boat that can navigate a tsunami, he wouldn't have come at all."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Elizabeth was anxious in her heart, and also anxious in her words, "Will the person you were waiting for come? I will wait until the tsunami is in front of me."

The old woman sighed, "I don't want you to follow in my footsteps."

"I won't be like you, I will definitely wait for him." Elizabeth said a little bit bravely.

The tsunami was so fierce that it reached the pier in a few minutes and was about to swallow the fragile wooden bridge. A huge boom resounded through the night sky, and the huge gun reached a terrifying height of thirty yards, like a wall of water.

Elizabeth closed her eyes resolutely. In a few seconds, she had to turn around and leave. Even if she wanted to wait until the end, she couldn't stand still in the tsunami. There was endless disappointment in her heart, why did Tang Ke miss the appointment? Although there was a tsunami today, the first twenty-nine days of this month were clearly sunny and sunny. It doesn't matter if he doesn't come, but why didn't someone come? Could it be that those people were shipwrecked, so they didn't come? Could it be that God doesn't want them to be together?

All kinds of questions hit her heart directly, causing waves of pain.

"Sorry, I'm swimming slowly." A long-lost voice suddenly sounded.

Elizabeth opened her eyes in surprise, only to see a figure leaping out of the dark water and jumping onto the wooden bridge. It was Tang Ke whom she had been waiting for. Are you dreaming?"

Tang Ke didn't answer, and gave a real hug directly, and he could still feel the fire-like temperature through his chilled body.

It was him, really him.

Elizabeth intensified the strength of her hug. Although she was extremely happy in her heart, she slammed Tang Ke on the back a few times and complained: "Why did you come? I have been waiting for you for a whole month, standing here stupidly every day." but day by day, you don’t even have a shadow.”

Tang Ke patted her on the back and comforted her: "Okay, okay, don't cry, I'm here."

Elizabeth pushed him away, angrily said with red eyes, "Who is crying, I am strong."

Tang Ke looked at her left and right, smiled and said, "I thought you would cry. It seems that the heat is not enough, I should come later."

"If you are later, see how I deal with you in the future."

"How can you deal with me? Your pair of small fists hit me without pain or itching." Tang Ke had the attitude of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"Hmph, I don't care about beating you. I have other ways to deal with you, which my mother taught me before, and it's amazing." Elizabeth rolled her beautiful eyes and gave him a blank look.

If the tsunami hadn't arrived, the unmarried couple would continue to quarrel. As the tsunami approached, some powerful water droplets hit the three of them.

Tang Ke glanced back and restrained his smile. When he turned his head, he took another look at the old woman and asked, "Who is she to you? Do you want to take her away?"

"You don't have to worry about me, just go now." The old woman said with a smile, showing envious eyes, "Little girl, congratulations, you have the person you are waiting for."

Elizabeth said anxiously: "Mother-in-law, if you want to wait, you can wait until the tsunami leaves. Come with us now."

The old woman shook her head with a smile.

Tang Ke was too lazy to persuade people, and didn't have time to ask more questions. He directly reached out to grab the old woman, but his hand passed through the old body. He and Elizabeth shouted in unison: "Undead!"

Elizabeth suddenly realized, no wonder the old lady said just now that she could protect her.

"So you can't take me away, and you don't have to worry about my accident in the tsunami. Well, let's go quickly. If you don't go, you will get wet." The old woman waved her hands with a smile.

Elizabeth bit her lip and chún, waved goodbye and said, "Grandma, I hope you can wait for the one you want to wait for."

"I wish you happiness too." The old lady nodded.

"It hurts to be hit by the tsunami, Elizabeth, let's go." Tang Ke pulled out his black sword, and wrapped his other hand around Elizabeth, and the sword pierced straight into the sky. He was looking for the commanding heights during the flight, as long as there is a mountain top, he can survive the tsunami.

Elizabeth couldn't help but look back and look down.

The tsunami has already opened the beast's mouth, and it is about to swallow this pier. The old lady looked insignificant in front of the tsunami.

In the midst of the tsunami, the shadow of an ancient sailing ship faintly sailed out. Judging from its appearance, it was at least 400 years ago. A young sailor on board was waving to the old woman.

The next moment, the tsunami washed away the dreamlike scene, and the old woman and the sailboat disappeared without a trace.

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