Pirate System

Chapter 327: The Royal Pirate

Chapter 327 The Royal Pirate

This is the highest mountain in the vicinity, and it is covered with tall oak trees. Tang Ke disliked the oak trees blocking his view, so he raised his sword and cut off all the oak trees in front of him. Broken logs rolled down the mountain, causing dust to fly. In this way, the line of sight is suddenly clear, and the situation of the tsunami can be seen in a panoramic view.

The tsunami is approaching here with a destructive force, destroying the houses in a row, and the waves that are set off are like wild beasts running away in anger.

Fortunately, the mountain is high enough that there is no need to worry about being submerged by a tsunami.

Tang Ke turned to look at Elizabeth in his arms. She still looks beautiful, her skin is fair and smooth, her eyes are piercing, and the dress she is wearing makes her even more beautiful. Her eyes were still wet and red, and there was an unconcealable smile on the corner of her mouth. Tang Ke's mind froze, he lowered his head, and followed her lips.

When her chún touched, her delicate body trembled slightly, and then she greeted enthusiastically, stretched out her white hands, and pulled out the folds of the clothes on Tang Ke's back.

Tang Ke didn't move his lips away until he was satisfied, admiring her flushed cheeks.

Elizabeth looked shy and looked away.

"I miss you very much these days, and I miss you in my dreams." Tang Ke caressed her smooth and tender skin, and the blush where his fingers passed became more delicate.

"I don't think I came to pick me up earlier." She blamed, but her voice was soft to the limit.

"I also want to pick you up earlier, but the sea doesn't go my way." Tang Ke recounted his experiences these days, but he only concealed the matter about Warsaw. dangerous experience.

Elizabeth was so startled that she couldn't say anything to blame, she leaned against his rock-like chest, and said softly, "Thank the gods, it's great that nothing happened to you."

"Don't worry, my life is stinky and hard, and I can't die even if I crawl and roll. You are sure to be the shipwreck lady, don't worry that you will become a widow and come to her ear, whispering, "Besides Yes, I haven't tasted you yet, how can I be willing to die? "

"Bah, even a tsunami can't extinguish your desire. You still have the mood to say such things at this time." She spat and pushed Tang Ke hard, but the more she pushed, the tighter she was. The dry wood heated up like a fire.

"Hey, don't I miss you all the time." Tang Ke hugged her, clasped his hands, and didn't intend to let go no matter what,

He has been vegetarian for so many days, it's time to eat some meat today to satisfy his cravings. The mouths of the two were pressed tightly together, and he enjoyed the touch brought by those two balls of softness, his whole mouth became numb, comfortable to the bone.

"Your mouth is quite sweet, but who knows what you think in your heart, honestly, have you been shopping in brothels these days? Have you hooked up with other women?" Elizabeth struggled, and simply gave up resistance. At the mercy of men.

"Of course not. I'm a man who is going to get married, so I won't be messing around." Tang Ke swore.

"I have deep doubts about you." Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, as if she wanted to see through him.

"Why are you willing to believe it? Why don't you smell the smell of other women on me?"

"Go, go, ghosts want to smell you."

Tang Ke finally managed to evade this quarrel. In fact, he only has Warsaw as a blemish these days, and he is generally honest. He saw that there was a big tree stump that was very nice, so he picked up Elizabeth, sat on it, let Elizabeth sit on his tuǐ, and made further intimacy. This place is already an empty city, and the tsunami in front is also crushing with the force of thousands of galloping horses, making out at this moment has a special charm.

"Well, Tang Ke, no, let's chat first..." Elizabeth shyly resisted, grabbing his hand that was swaying around, and blocking the opened neckline, but her body was still sinking step by step, hot Difficult.

"Okay, let's talk. I'm listening." Tang Ke unbuttoned his clothes and kissed her fragrant neck. He loved this body deeply. Deeply satisfied.

"You, like this, let me, what should I say. And you are still wet, smelling like the sea." Her trembling voice can make people feel crisp to the bone.

"Didn't you speak well now? As for the smell of the sea, you should be very familiar with it. We have been separated for so long and finally reunited. How can we not make out?"

"You're going to die."

"When I was really bad, you haven't seen it? How about I show you tonight?"

"I don't want to see it. Now it's already cheap for you."

Tang Ke also felt that this place was not suitable for the first night of harvesting. The mountain wind was so strong here, and there was a tsunami below. He was still wet all over. The most wonderful night should be left behind after marriage.

The buttons on Elizabeth's front were all unbuttoned, and most of the clothes inside were taken off, revealing a half-covered beauty, the moonlight glowed on her white and greasy skin, and the two spots of bright red had hardened and swollen. This body didn't care about its owner's reserve, it just responded instinctively. Her face was already flushed red, her eyes were a little blurred, her cheeks were stained with saliva, and her small white teeth were slightly open.

This lingering scene challenges Tang Ke's bottom line. He enjoys the pleasure of men and women to his heart's content. He doesn't know where the bottom line is tonight, and his mind gradually goes blank. His breathing became heavy, and the woman in his arms also let out a moan*yín, showing a tendency to misfire.

"Captain Tang Ke is so excited!" A sudden voice sounded from the air, like a thunder, waking up the two who were stealing the forbidden fruit.

Tang Ke made an elf, quickly covered the lapel of the woman in his arms, and stood up from the spot. Elizabeth still blushed and buttoned up her shirt in a panic, her face turned red and turned pale. Tang Ke looked up into the sky and found a small boat floating in the sky. At the stern of the boat, the Lieyang flag of the Greenland Empire was flying.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Tang Ke asked angrily. His good deed was disturbed, and he was slightly angry, but the other party did not carry out a sneak attack, so there may not be hostility.

"I was ordered to check the situation of the tsunami, but unexpectedly, I ran into you here. Because I wanted to discuss something with you before, so I interrupted rashly, and I hope you will forgive me." The person who spoke above turned out to be a woman.

Women, flying boats, the Empire of Greenland...

Tang Ke connected several clues together, and suddenly remembered a person. He used investigative techniques to verify this guess.

"You are the Three Masters Emily"

"Hehe, it turns out that Captain Tang Ke knows my name, which makes me very honored." The woman admitted her identity. She is the one who witnessed Tang Ke defeating Catherine over the Little Pirate City a few days ago. As the colonel of the Greenland Empire, she is also one of the three masters. big. Among the three heroes of the sea, she is the only woman.

If she wanted to do something, Emily would have made a surprise attack just now, and even if it was head-to-head, she would have surpassed Tang Ke with the strength of a sixth-level magician.

For the time being, Tang Ke believed that the other party was friendly and stood still.

"You are a navy and I am a pirate. We have different positions and are destined to be enemies. What do you want me to do?"

"Don Ke, please don't worry. I have no malicious intentions today. I just want to make a deal with you. Whether the deal is successful or not, I don't want to fight with you tonight. After all, I'm a daughter. I'm not interested in the matter, so I can avoid it." Emily said in a voice like a silver bell.

Elizabeth on the side had just finished arranging her clothes, she gave Tang Ke a reproachful look, and was extremely concerned about being seen tonight.

Tang Ke smiled wryly in his heart, pretending not to see Elizabeth's eyes, looked up at the sky and replied, "Okay then, go ahead and talk. I'd like to hear what you have to discuss."

"It's inconvenient for us to talk with one tall and one short. If you two don't mind, how about going to my boat for a detailed discussion?"

Tang Ke was quite afraid of Emily, and he didn't want to board the enemy ship, so he waved his hand and said, "Just say so."

"In this case, then I will sail down. I want to talk to you face to face. It's not ladylike to make such a big noise. I hope Captain Tang Ke will understand." Emily's boat landed and sailed for a while. The breeze finally fell to the open space on the top of the mountain. The ship was called the Floating Leaf, and it was only twenty yards long, a small house, and could use the wind to levitate and fly.

Tang Ke maintained his vigilance and focused his attention on the women on board.

Emily is a girl of the human race, but in her early twenties, wearing a black and white pleated skirt, petite and exquisite, with a good face and a very temperament, wearing gloves in her hands, holding a parasol, This umbrella is her usual weapon, it is not a decoration that she holds on purpose as a lady.

Seeing that Emily was the only one on board, Elizabeth's expression eased, and she breathed a sigh of relief, but when she thought that her appearance just now was seen by outsiders, her face was red again.

Emily stepped off the boat gracefully, stood still at a distance of one step, and raised her right hand in a drooping shape.

The wěn hand salute is the most common etiquette in the upper class of the five empires. When men and women of equal status meet, if the woman raises her hand, the man will hold the woman's hand and gently wěn the back of her hand. This kind of etiquette has a fascinating charm làng diffuse color. However, the initiative of this kind of etiquette rests with the woman. If the woman does not raise her hand, the two parties can only perform a normal handshake ceremony, and the man cannot force it.

Ai Limi saw the unbearable scene just now, but still treated Tang Ke with a wěn salute, so she glanced at Tang Kegao.

A woman can have such a demeanor, Tang Ke naturally can't be at a disadvantage, he straightened his collar, pinched the plain hand, leaned over and gently licked it. While doing this, he kept his eyes on Emily's face for a moment, still daring to be careless.

After that, Emily walked up to Elizabeth again. The two sides shook hands politely and looked at each other. Emily showed a faint smile, as if laughing at Elizabeth's embarrassment just now. Elizabeth caught this detail, felt slightly annoyed, and increased the strength of the handshake, but it was not too much.

"You are very beautiful, no wonder Captain Tang Ke will bow down under your pomegranate skirt." Emily praised with a smile.

"You are also very beautiful, and there must be many men bowing down under your pomegranate skirt." Elizabeth's words implied that, don't be arrogant, you also have times to make out with men.

There seems to be an electric light between the four eyes of the two women.

"Hehe, I do have countless suitors, but unfortunately, no man who is worthy of me has yet appeared." Emily said proudly.

"Miss Emily is so noble, and a man who is worthy of you may never appear in the future." Elizabeth implied that Emily would be lonely for the rest of her life.

Emily raised her eyebrows, as if she had found her opponent, she opened her mouth to fight back.

Tang Ke interrupted: "Colonel Emily, can we talk about this deal now?" He made a gesture of invitation, and took the lead to sit on the tree stump.

Emily took a deep look at Elizabeth, then raised her long black hair, and sat down on a tree stump opposite Tang Ke. Elizabeth couldn't just stand still, she went straight to the other side of Tang Ke and sat down.

"Captain Tang Ke, you are quick to talk, so I won't beat around the bush. I am here this time mainly to ask, are you willing to become the royal pirate of the Greenland Empire?" Emily showed off.

"Royal Pirates?" Tang Ke was stunned, never expecting that Emily was going to talk about this matter.

The so-called royal pirates, that is, pirates with a "licence to plunder", are funded and protected by the empire, and if they are defeated, they can be treated as prisoners of war. For example, Harold, Tang Ke's former enemy, is the royal pirate of Dragon Tooth Kingdom, with territories and titles.

"Captain Tang Ke, you and your dragon pirate group have been in the limelight in the past two years and have done many big cases. In the battle of the Little Pirate City a while ago, you also defeated the Sanjie Catherine. These achievements have already It has proved your strength. With your current social status, it is enough to attract the attention of our country. If you agree to become the royal pirate of our country, I will guarantee you a good treatment." Emily continued.

"Is this what you call a deal?"


"If I remember correctly, I seem to have attacked the ships of the Greenland Empire a lot, and last year I ransacked the Clover Caravan with several pirate groups such as Ghost Card." Tang Ke casually glanced at the system information, and he and Greenland The hostility of the empire is ridiculously high.

"Those little things can be written off. There are precedents for this in the past, and there is a dedicated protection of the law of the sea. Captain Tang Ke can rest assured."

What Emily said was true. If some vicious pirates belonged to the empire, those crimes would naturally disappear. Without this layer of protection, the empire would not be able to let the pirates use it for itself.

Tang Ke pondered with a sullen face. If it was a year ago, he would have rejected this proposal without hesitation, but now that the tsunami is approaching, he is alone and alone, so he has to think more about it.

"What concerns does Captain Tang Ke have in mind? Let's talk about it, maybe I can solve it." Emily saw Tang Ke's thoughts and suggested.

Tang Ke said directly: "You also said that this is a deal. If I become a royal pirate, what will I get? What will I have to pay?"

"You will get financial support from the Greenland Empire, ship support, you can freely dock at any port that belongs to the Greenland Empire, and you can even get fiefdoms and titles. Of course, you can't have these for nothing. You have to obey the Greenland Empire in the future dispatched to fight for the Empire of Greenland."

The benefits given by Emily are very attractive, but the corresponding price is not small.

"I don't like being ordered around all day. And I can acquire property, ships, and territories by myself." Tang Ke pretended to show a disinterested expression.

"Captain Tang Ke misunderstood. Our country will not shout at the royal pirates. The royal pirates only need to attack our enemy's ships according to the agreement. For example..." Emily's eyes froze, "The Greenland Empire is now The Cormanthor Empire is very hostile. If you become a royal pirate, you must attack the ships of the Cormanthor Empire. If I guessed correctly, Captain Tang Ke should also want to deal with the Cormanthor Empire. Xiao So many people died in Pirate City, and your friends are among them, right?"

The strong expansion of the Cormanthor Empire has made Greenland and Longya panic.

"Indeed, I have some grievances against the Cormanthor Empire, and I plan to clean up the ships of the Cormanthor Empire." Tang Ke nodded, a little tempted. He doesn't want to be controlled by others for a long time, but it doesn't hurt to cooperate with the Greenland Empire for a short time .

"In this way, don't we just hit it off?" Emily smiled brightly and spread her fair hands.

"That's not necessarily the case. Even if I want to clean up the Cormanthor Empire, I can do it alone. If I want to rely on a big force, I can also choose the Golden Beard Pirates, the Prince Pirates, the Phoenix Dance Pirates, or the Pirate City. After all, everyone is Pirates." Tang Ke said casually.

"With all due respect, if Captain Tang Ke wants to fight against the Cormanthor Empire, it's no different than a car with the arms of a mantis. As for the few big pirate groups you just mentioned, they are still far behind a big empire. To be able to compete with the Cormanthor Empire The Suo Empire is fighting against only our country and the Dragon Tooth Kingdom."

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be better for you to fight Comanzo to the death, and me to watch from the sidelines?" Tang Ke laughed.

"That's not a wise move. After the war, it may not be a result of mutual losses. The victorious Congress embezzles everything of the defeated country, and then uses it to strengthen itself. I can foresee that the Greenland Empire will greatly increase its power after defeating the Cormanthor Empire. If you don't stand in the team early, it will be too late if you want to stand in the team later." Emily said half-threateningly.

Tang Ke would not be intimidated, and kept calm, weighing the pros and cons of this proposal. If the treatment offered by the Greenland Empire is good enough, this proposal is still very good. He finally compromised: "If I agree to become a royal pirate, what can the Greenland Empire give me?"

"Hehe, we have to talk about this in detail." Emily's eyes lit up, and her smile grew stronger.

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