Pirate System

Three hundred and fortieth nine chapters blame

Chapter 349

Barr has lived in this cave for three thousand years. To others it is a maze, but to him it is a back garden. He took a shortcut and approached the corner in five minutes.

"I have some good news for you. Not only are there four corpses lying there, but now another living creature has come. Although this living creature is in the shape of a spider, it walks around the corpse, as if thinking that it should be the centaur. Rui has changed." Barr said happily.

"Very good, kill him immediately." Tang Ke's eyes turned cold.

"You are really cruel to your comrades." Barr sneered a few times, stood where he was, and moved the "Wand of the Controller" forward a little, and a majestic and surging shadow surged out of his body.

"They are not my accomplices, and I will let you meet my real accomplices in the future."

Barr didn't answer, he wholeheartedly urged the shadow to move. A moment later, a trace of surprise flashed in his fiery pupils.

"That spider monster's anti-shadow power is very strong, or its mind is very strong, and it is not easy to shake."

Tang Ke cursed: "That Hannibal is really troublesome, don't control him, instead gather the shadow demons to attack him."

"Okay. No matter how powerful his mind is, as long as he is hit by the Shadow Demon, he will be mentally shattered and become a disabled person." Barr was very confident, his eyes became empty and far away, as if he was watching the situation around the corner.

Tang Ke's hearing was superb, and he could vaguely hear some movement of the battle, but he waited and waited, but he couldn't see Barr's success. He couldn't wait any longer, drew his sword and said, "I'll help the Shadow Demon, and Hannibal must not be left alive."

Barr didn't stop him, and said solemnly: "The spider he turned into is very fast and powerful, and can spit out 'flaming spider silk', which is very difficult to deal with. You can help me in the past, and I will go a little further. Shorten the casting distance and enhance the power of the Shadow Fiend."

Tang Ke and the demon rushed to the battle site, and he was fully capable of being the last straw that crushed Hannibal's life.

After passing through the two caves, Barr slowed down and said triumphantly: "It seems that we don't have to go through. My Shadow Demon caught the opening and injured him by chance. He has been severely injured now, and his movements have become much slower. It's only a matter of time before we lose."

Tang Ke was overjoyed, and he was unwilling to fight a desperate seventh-level druid. He told Barr to change his plan, not to go to the battle site, but to take a detour to block Hannibal's way, so that Hannibal would not escape in danger. . In addition, he also told Barr to use the shadow wave to search for Rose's location.

Tang Ke is now sure of winning, and he is both happy and proud in his heart, but Barr's subsequent report made his happiness greatly reduced, and he even became tense.

"Another outsider has rushed to the battle site. There are two people in total. They are covered with strong flames. They look a bit like magicians. This king's territory has been quiet for so many years, and today it can be regarded as lively. .”

"Someone is here again? How is their strength?" Tang Ke hurriedly analyzed the situation. Although there were still strong men on board the Mercury, there were no fire mages. These two mages should be from other forces.

"They are very strong, probably above the sixth level. But it doesn't matter, the Shadow Demon can kill that druid right away. Wait until the two magicians come over, and then use the Shadow Demon to kill it. This king is confident of defeat They" Baal was talking, the flames in the cracks in the skin were flowing, illuminating the dark cave.

Tang Ke had an idea and made a calculation.

"Don't kill Hannibal yet, but create a little noise and try to attract the two magicians to Hannibal and let them fight."

"That's fine, let them fight and hurt both sides first. When one of them loses, we will make a move, and then the victory will belong to us."

"I not only want to win, but I also want two magicians to take the blame for me." Tang Ke showed an evil smirk. The blame rests on them.

"You're bad enough, you're a warlock." Balzan said, raising his staff.


A ball of fire was moving forward in the cave at a fast speed. On the way, it encountered a few fire spirits and smashed them into pieces without stopping. The Kelly master and apprentice in the fire group were a little nervous. Kelly's eyes of fire opened on his forehead again, exploring the distribution of elements around him, focusing on the place where four corpses lay horizontally. He clearly "saw" the battle between Hannibal and the Shadow Demon, and had an estimate of the strength of both sides. In addition, he also found two sneaky figures hiding not far from the place where the dead body was found.

The situation inside the island was more complicated than Kelly imagined. He told the students about the situation and listened to their suggestions.

The answer analyzed by the student Mei Qi is also very straightforward.

"The island is full of dangers. With my strength, I can't help the teacher share the worries, so we can only go to one place to fight. According to common sense, the two people who are fighting are probably fighting for treasures. Let's go there first. .As for those two sneaky guys, wait until later to clean up."

"That's right, the two people who were fighting are more suspicious, and there are so many corpses there, they may all have died while snatching the Fountain of Fire."

In this way, Kelly's master and apprentice locked on the target of the next stop, and went directly to Hannibal's place. It didn't take long before they rushed into the cave. Known as the Undead Phoenix, Kelly is an eighth-level fire mage. He is a bold man with high skills, and he doesn't bother to use sneak attacks. He stood in front of the cave openly.

It's a pity that he came a step late, the Shadow Demon had already taken the opportunity to dissipate his body and disappeared without a trace.

The old magician twirled his pale beard and glanced at Hannibal who was fighting.

"Are you an intelligent monster, or turned from a druid?"

The fire spider had a fierce look in its eyes, spoke out, and asked, "Kelly, did you kill these people on the ground?"

Undead Phoenix is ​​a big name, and it's normal for people to recognize it. Kelly didn't find it strange. He shook his head and said, "I didn't kill it. I only use flames to kill people. Who are you? Are you from the Greenland Empire?"

Facing such a problem, Hannibal had some quick thinking. As a fire mage, Kelly came here for the Fountain of Fire 90% of the time. In this way, the two sides became complete enemies. He couldn't defeat Kelly, and the only way to survive now was to escape and report to the Mercury.

Thinking of this, Hannibal simply refused to answer, Satuǐ ran into the black cave, relying on his mental strength, he was not afraid of being controlled, so he could lead the undead phoenix master and apprentice into a dangerous zone.

"Want to run, it's not that easy"

When Kelly raised his hand, there were two flames. The flames rolled in the air and turned into two flaming lions, chasing fiercely into the cave.


Barr reported the battle situation like a commentator.

"The guy named Hannibal refused to fight, and ran away after a face-to-face encounter. Two magicians started chasing him. One of them was extremely strong, probably an eighth-level magician, and the other was weak, at most It's a fourth-order magician, so there's nothing to worry about."

Tang Ke rested his chin and analyzed: "I didn't expect that Hannibal would not fight, but if the enemy is an eighth-level magician, he will definitely die. The pair of magicians is strong and the other is weak, it is probably a master-student relationship. It is so hot here , They may have come here to cultivate, or they may have come to snatch the fountain of fire."

"They don't fight to the death, what should we do?"

"Can you control the mind of that eighth-level magician? If you can control Da, everything will be easy to handle."

"No, magicians focus on the spirit of cultivation, so it is difficult to control, let alone an eighth-level magician. It is no problem to control that fourth-level magician."

"That's fine too. You send the Shadow Demon to block Hannibal's way, drive him into a desperate situation, and try to let him be burned to death by the fire of the eighth-level magician. After Hannibal dies, then control the fourth-level magician. Use the fourth-level magician as a hostage to force the eighth-level magician to get out of the island. At that time, remember to let the eighth-level magician show his face in front of the boat parked outside the island. After the people on the boat see the appearance of the magician, It will be determined that he stole the Fountain of Fire. In this way, I have witnesses, and I can lie any way I want in the future. Not only are there witnesses, but if Hannibal was burned to death, we also have physical evidence. Already." Tang Ke quickly ordered, with a cruel smile on his face.

"It's simple, just leave it to me." Barr was already tied to a chariot with Tang Ke, of course it was his duty, his eyes spewed fire, and he said in a deep voice after a while, "I blocked Hannibal with the Shadow Demon." He turned and fled, and the magician struck, and Hannibal was cut in half by the blade of fire, and he was dead."

"Quickly use the shadow power to control that fourth-order magician."

Barr was silent for a while, and then spoke a little more eagerly.

"The eighth-level magician didn't know whether he used magic or treasures, which greatly enhanced the resistance to the shadow power. I failed and failed to invade the fourth-level magician's mind."

Tang Ke became nervous and asked, "You won't lose, right?"

"That's not the case. There were also eighth-level powerhouses who broke in before, and they were killed by me."

Tang Ke couldn't help but glanced at Barr's broken tuǐ, Barr was caught in a hurry, and explained: "This broken tuǐ was injured by a strong man in the twilight period, not by the gang of máo children of later generations. .”

"It's fine if you can win, but don't kill them. My purpose is to force them both out of the cave. How about this, you control the Shadow Demon to attack that fourth-level magician, don't worry about that eighth-level magician. That eighth-level magician The first-order magician was worried about the safety of the fourth-order magician, so he had to escape from here."

"Good idea." Barr acted again. With his hard work, good news came frequently, and finally the two magicians were forced out of the cave, completing Tang Ke's brilliant plan.

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