Pirate System

Chapter 350: Parasitic Remodeling Method

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Chapter 350 The Parasitic Remodeling Method


A pillar of red-hot fire pierced through the rocks, and afterward, a phoenix of flame flew out of it, heading straight into the sky. (Genius can remember M in just 3 seconds). Tool: No advertisements, full text, more popular Kelly opened his third eye to observe the situation behind him. Like maggots, they chase after him.

Even though this Shadow Demon is not very powerful, his destructive power is astonishing. As long as he is touched a little bit, his spirit will be severely injured. With Kelly's current strength, there are few opponents in the world, but when he meets this shadow demon, he is forced to retreat steadily.

It's not that Kelly is too weak, it's just that he's too distracted to protect student Meggy, so he can't let go. The Shadow Demon calculated this point and focused on Meki, making him restrained everywhere.

Kelly has smashed the Shadow Demon with flames many times, but the Shadow Demon will soon return to his original form. Kelly tried to protect the students with a flame barrier, but the shadow fiend was able to pass right through the flames, ignoring the barrier. His only chance of winning is to directly attack the controller behind the Shadow Demon, but under the restraint of the Shadow Demon, he can't attack at all, so he can only give up.

In desperation, Kelly gave up the fight and escaped from the island. Compared with the Fountain of Fire, the lives of the students are more important.

Because the Shadow Fiend was tight, Kelly had to use full speed, so that his figure was seen by the Mercury in the distance.

"So it is"

Kelly was startled and guessed the enemy's conspiracy.

After he showed his face in front of the Mercury, those dead people on the island would naturally be blamed on him. If there really was a fountain of fire on the island, the Greenland Empire would mistakenly think that he had snatched the fountain of fire. He vaguely felt that there was a huge black hand behind him, and it was this black hand who manipulated everything, killed those people, took away the fountain of fire, and put the shit bowl on his head, it was extremely sinister

"hún account"

Kelly didn't like the feeling of being calculated very much, but he couldn't do anything to the murderer, and felt very depressed. He was a majestic eighth-level magician, and he hadn't suffered such a big loss for many years.

The Mercury found the magician master and apprentice in the air, and immediately judged him as an enemy, pointed the muzzle at the sky, and activated the magic device.

"They fought each other in the gorges, fighting to the death. They must be fighting for the fountain of fire. Teacher, leave me alone, it's important to go and grab the fountain of fire first," Mei Qi said anxiously.

"If you make a mistake, what else would I need the Fountain of Fire for?" Kelly had already begun to hate the dead Alice, and without this woman, Meggie would not have been fascinated and lost her mind.

"It doesn't matter whether I live or die, as long as I can save Alice"


Kelly slapped the student hard, which was unprecedented. Compared to the humiliation he received today, the disappointment of Mech made him even more angry

"I've decided not to collect the Fountain of Fire, but to take you back to Xiyao Kingdom. From now on, you will obediently learn magic for me, and don't think about nvsī love anymore. This is an order, not negotiable." Kelly said coldly , while dodging the attacks of the Shadow Demon.

"Teacher, you..." Mech's face was swollen, but the shock was greater than the pain.

"It's not filial for you to force Teacher to take risks in such a dangerous situation. You collect the resurrection spring just to save your lover, without considering the interests of the country. It is unwise to snatch the Fountain of Fire. You have let me down too much. After I go back, I will teach you well and train you to be a qualified successor. I am old, and everything will be borne by you in the future.\\\\ Starting\\\\"

After a lesson, Kelly broke through the air in the direction of his homeland.

"Teacher, please, don't do this, without Alice, what's the point of my life?" Mech cried out, wiping away tears.

The more Kelly listened, the more angry he became, secretly pouring magic power into the students' backs to stun them so as not to make noise.

After the Mercury was launched, a surging blue element hit the sky, and the element spread rapidly, forming the image of a slender woman. The woman's phantom was wrapped in ribbons, holding a long-necked treasure vase in her hand, with a solemn and serene expression. It is the elf of water - Undine

Wendini pointed the mouth of the bottle at the magician and the shadow demon in the sky, adjusted the water elements between the heaven and the earth, and condensed them into a vast and surging water flow. The weight and density of each drop of water were hundreds of times that of ordinary water drops , just like an iron ball

Accompanied by a tsunami-like roar, the vase sprayed a column of water across the sky, shaking the world and the earth, and everything surrendered.

Kelly didn't dare to hold back, his arms shook, and he separated from the flame phoenix. The flame phoenix has transformed from a three-dimensional to a flat surface, and turned into a circular magic circle pattern, standing in the air and rotating by itself, implying the mysterious rules of the fire element and the life characteristics of the fire phoenix. Kelly flew away by himself, letting the fire phoenix circle back to resist.

The density of the fire element in the magic circle is extremely high, more than ten times that of metal. With such a density, even the Shadow Demon couldn't pass through it, and bumped into it. Immediately afterwards, a huge water column hit it, devouring the Shadow Demon, but failed to shatter the fire circle. The huge sound pierced through the sky, and the blocked water drops fell one after another, causing the sea to be choppy and uneven for a long time.

Kelly was so angry that he had no interest in the Resurrection Fountain, so he flew away.

The Mercury can't catch up, and it has the task of staying behind, so it can't chase, so it can only stop at the same place. A search team was sent on board to explore the whereabouts of the seven-member team.

On the other hand, Tang Ke saw Kelly's escape and heaved a sigh of relief. Everything went according to his script and was perfect.

"Kelly is gone, let's quickly deal with the scene and destroy the corpse." Tang Ke excitedly patted the demon's body and returned to the cave.

"He might come back, don't capsize in the gutter." Barr reminded schemingly.

"I have excellent hearing. I heard him reprimanding the students just now, saying that he doesn't want to collect the Resurrection Fountain anymore. Even if he is talking nonsense and sneaking back, there is Mercury to resist you. Don't be afraid. The most urgent thing is to deal with the scene. After it's done, it doesn't matter if he comes back."

When Tonk and Baal returned to G, he thought of Ross again, and ordered Barr to explore with all his spirit, and found a figure on the mountain outside the island, most likely it was Ross. Tang Ke was completely relieved. It seemed that Ross had no idea of ​​the situation on the island.

It was precisely because Rose spared his life and didn't go deep into the island that he saved his life, otherwise he would have become Tang Ke's dead soul.

After returning to that corner, Tang Ke hesitated for a while, and decided to be conservative and not touch the treasures on the four people. Anyway, the treasures on these people would not be much better, so don't suffer a big loss because of being greedy for petty gains.

According to the order, Barr released the flames and burned the corpses. Tang Ke only retrieved his Black Widow sword, and did not move the others.

In this way, the murder scene is well disguised, and outsiders will definitely think it was done by the fire magician, and they will not suspect Tang Ke.

Tang Ke was very satisfied with this, he got the Fountain of Fire in his hands, but it was the Fire Mage who was responsible. The fire magician is Kelly from Xiyao Kingdom. Xiyao Kingdom and the Greenland Empire are in a hostile relationship, and the two sides have no way to confess. Kelly has no chance to explain. It is really perfect.

"Next, it's time to settle your matter." Tang Ke looked at the demon beside him, "My plan is this, first go outside to check if Kelly is back. If it's safe, I'll meet up with Ross , and you stay here temporarily. When I have a chance in the future, I will come back here to pick you up. I can’t take you away now. The Mercury ship is not mine. Say I stole the Fountain of Fire."

"That can't be done. Once you go, you don't know when you will come back."

"There is a 'crying blood covenant' between us. If I have the thought of repenting, I will be killed. What are you afraid of?" Tang Ke told the truth. He will definitely come to Barr in the future, because Barr treats him The help will be great, and he wants to get the epic staff from Baal

Er sighed, "Tang Ke, there is a contract, of course I believe you. But I can't wait anymore. Although I am strong, I have reached the end of my life. If I was young, even the tenth-level strong It's not my opponent either, but I can't even beat a sixth-level swordsman. My strength depends entirely on this stick of the controller. I must use the 'parasitic reshaping method' to become a mental body in a few days , find the host, otherwise you will die of old age.”

If Tang Ke can't complete the agreement, his life will be lost. Of course, this situation cannot be allowed to happen.

"Let's go out and have a look. If Kelly doesn't come back, you can perform the 'parasitic reshaping method' and enter my heart." Tang Ke subconsciously glanced at the black staff. It's a pity that this staff is powerful. Although it is large, it is too bulky and inconvenient to hold.

Barr noticed Tang Ke's eyes, and said embarrassedly: "Well, I'm sorry. It takes a lot of mana to cast the 'parasitic reshaping method'. My mana is not enough now, so I can't use it, so I have to rely on this control the power of the Rod of the Destroyer."

"So?" Tang Ke felt something was wrong.

"So this staff will be drained by me after this, and it will become a waste product. You won't be able to use it in the future." Barr laughed twice, and the fire in his eyes dropped sharply.

Tang Ke fell into a state of petrification, unable to recover for a long time.

"What did you say?"

"Don't do this, I'm afraid." Barr shuddered, his future happiness was still in Tang Ke's hands.

"Go to hell, it's better to die in front of my eyes now. I'll help you. It's probably because of this staff. Now I can't get the staff. What do I need you for?" It's just talking about it, but I don't dare to think so in my heart, so as not to trigger the power of the contract.

"Calm down, calm down, even though you won't get this staff, I will help you in other ways. After I become a mental body, I will teach you everything I have learned in my life. In order to let you Become a seventh-level warlock as soon as possible, and I will also advise you to improve your strength as soon as possible." Barr hurriedly expressed his determination.

"Forget it, that's the only way to go." Tang Ke's mood plummeted. If he had this master stick, he would have the strength to fight against the eighth-level powerhouse, and become a world-class powerhouse. At that time, he can completely stop looking at the face of the Greenland Empire and raise a big banner to go it alone, but now, this grand plan has come to naught.

"Let's go quickly. Go and check the situation first. If there is no danger, I will immediately start using the 'parasitic remodeling method'."

While walking on the road, Tang Ke kept his face sullen, and when he was about to reach the gate, he asked in a muffled voice, "Apart from that magic staff, what other treasures do you have?"

"No, ordinary treasures are not enough to resist the baptism of three thousand years. Only epic treasures can last forever."

"But even such a treasure will be buried with you."

"Don't make it so ugly. This is called rebirth."

Tang Ke still felt reckless, and glared at Barr.

When he got to the mouth of G, Barr searched around with his mind, the surrounding was empty, the boat by the sea was silent, and Kelly was nowhere to be seen in the sky. It seemed that everything was safe, but a group of weak people were rushing towards the mountain, but the speed was not fast. .

After hearing the report, Tang Ke decided to ask Barr to quickly cast a spell and transform into a mental body, so as to save night and dream.

Barr used brute force to open up a cave, took Tangke into it, sealed it with earth and rocks, gathered a shadow demon, and gave Tangke the control, and then boldly used "parasitic remodeling" Law".

"Three thousand years, three thousand years, I have been waiting for this day. Tonk, I have never thanked anyone in my life, but I have to thank you." Barr wiped away tears that did not exist.

"Okay, okay, don't be sour. The two of us are working together, and we will kill many people in the future. What a shame." Tang Ke gave Barr a white look.

"Your kid's mouth is really unforgiving."

The demon stopped talking, sat cross-legged on the ground, raised his neck and opened his mouth, spraying out hundreds of magic circles. He has prepared these magic circles for thousands of years, checked them tens of thousands of times, and there are absolutely no mistakes.

Tang Ke stood in the distance, watching the situation quietly, with a tall shadow demon floating beside him.

Hundreds of magic circles performed their own duties and shot everywhere. Under the power of the magic circle, the surrounding scenery disappeared, replaced by a dark world, surrounded by shining stars, as if outside the universe. But this is just the "primitive form" of some forces, not the real universe.

Some magic circles fell under Barr's body, some staffs hung above his head, and some magic circles were small and pitiful, embedded in the big magic circle like mechanical parts. In a magic circle behind Baal, a huge ferocious head stretched out, and sucked Baal who was sitting cross-legged on the ground into his mouth.

Barr understood this situation clearly, did not resist, and was still urging the operation of the magic circle.

Tang Ke could feel the surge of shadow power in this space, especially the magic staff, which provided a lot of shadow power. It seemed that Barr's words were true. Without the staff, it was really impossible to activate these magic circles.

The beast's mouth began to spit out flames, refining Baal in its mouth. The demon's body and the staff melted quickly, but they didn't dissipate, and slowly turned into a liquid state. The liquid state continued to change, and condensed into a little light. The bright light shrank rapidly, sucking hundreds of magic circles into it, and after shrinking to the limit, it exploded again, turning into a palm-sized demon phantom.

This phantom is a baby version of a demon, with a big head, a small body, short limbs, fat hands and feet, and a pair of flapping wings behind it.

Tang Ke was shocked by the vastness of the magic circle just now, but when he saw this little devil, his awe disappeared, and he frowned and said, "You have become such a bird, and you are also a ration-level existence when you return to the abyss. What's the trouble?"

"Your size, even if this king uses this body, he can make a comeback in the abyss, become a lord, and command the demons." míyour version of Barr squeezed his waist, took the posture of a king, and deliberately flew a little higher.

"The tone is not small, I don't have time to fight with you, you can quickly enter my heart." Tang Ke pointed to his head.

"Very well, your head will be the king's palace from now on." Barr nodded, and flew into Tang Ke's head, into the depths of his heart.

Tang Ke has two minds, one is his own mind, and the other is a second mind specially equipped with shadow power. Of course, he let Barr enter the second mind. Barr has no problem with that.

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