Weakness is the original sin, the strong is respected

really! They also thought of what Lin Yu said.

Once their identity is exposed, they will only die!

Everyone in CP9 was silent, and everyone’s eyes fell on Lu Qi.

As the strongest person in CP9, his choice is the key point.

“Now, you can make your own choice!”

Lin Yu winked at Bonnie and gestured.

Bonnie threw the baby in her hand, and in mid-air, the two babies grew up quickly.

“Otonashi!” “Aikatori!”

The two CP9 members fell to the ground, completely unaware of what happened.

But when they saw Lu Qi’s injuries, they realized how serious the situation was.

“I won’t do anything for pirates, nor will I do anything for enemies!”

Lu Qi said calmly.

“I heard someone say that your belief is that weakness is the original sin!”

Lin Yu’s mouth showed a hint of ridicule,

“But you have to obey the orders of a man who can’t even defeat an ordinary soldier…a weak man Isn’t it ridiculous to make a poor man your boss and hold your destiny in his hands?” ”

Weakness is the original sin, and the strong is respected! If one day, your strength exceeds that of the World Government, then you are the embodiment of justice, and I am willing to serve you…”

Lu Qi said lightly, and at the same time his body suddenly expanded.

Although it was a bit difficult, he still succeeded. Transformed into a leopard form!

“Of all the people I have ever met, you are the first… qualified opponent! ”

Lin Yu looked at Lu Qi, with a flash of regret and a bit of sadness in his eyes.

To be honest, he really wanted to win over Lu Qi.

The other members of CP9 are nothing at all.

But Lu Qi’s potential and However, his methods far surpassed theirs.

In the original work, he was defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates and was hunted down by the government, but he turned the tide and became the leader of CP0. He was

even on par with Sabo, the person with the ability to burn the Burning Fruit. Up and down, no one can do anything to anyone.

If such a person can become his subordinate, then the strength of the Huangquan Pirates will definitely reach a higher level.

“That’s such a shame! ” Lin Yu on the side continued.

Lu Qi waved his hand.

Lin Yu had no interest in killing those who had been defeated by him.

“I hope you can survive the pursuit of the navy. ”

Wait a minute!” At this moment, Lu Qi’s voice suddenly sounded.

“You won’t kill us?” Aren’t you worried about our revenge? Lin

Yu turned around with a smile on his lips and said, “Welcome to try again, but… we may lose worse than this time!” ”

Lin Yu’s strong self-confidence made Kaku and others dare not look at him.

Lu Qi looked ferocious.

Being despised by Lin Yu was a life worse than death!

“I will defeat you! I will definitely defeat you! ! ”

“By the way, you still have a friend. His name is Gabra. I beat him to the harbor a few hours ago. I don’t know how he is now, or whether he is there. Drowned. ”

Lin Yu turned around, said a word, and disappeared from the sight of CP9 members together with Bonnie.

At the same time, two members of CP9, Lion Awetori and Otonashi Owl, also supported Lu Qi and others. Leave…


Headquarters, Sengoku Headquarters.

Admiral Sengoku frowned, and in front of him, in addition to Akainu Sakaski, there were two other candidates, Kizaru and Aokiji

. General Cha Dou was also present. His arms were wrapped in plaster, and his face was extremely gloomy.

His lifelong reputation was ruined by Lin Yu.

After all, many people thought that Lin Yu was a rookie pirate. How could he be like this? Strong strength.

In the Navy, many uninformed people are saying privately that this alternate general is the son of a retired navy boss and has inside information.

This statement has also been agreed by many uninformed navy officers. .

This caused his reputation in the navy to drop to the bottom all of a sudden.

But the top brass of the navy knew very well how powerful the tea dolphin was.

He was not a second-generation figure, but relied on his own strength to become a Vice Admiral of the Navy, and also has the title of Candidate General.

“Just the Huangquan Pirates are already so powerful! What happened? ”

Now, even Navy Marshal Warring States has personally come forward to inquire about this matter.

“This is something I am responsible for, and the responsibility lies with me. ”

Akainu said in a deep voice.

In a sense, Akainu is a good leader. He will do whatever he is responsible for and never shirk the responsibilities he should bear. Of course, he also has requirements for himself. Very strict, and the same applies to his subordinates!

Akainu will not be lenient in anything that goes against justice.

Just like when he was fighting a war, he was already ready to kill Kirby.

“This is not a time to discuss responsibility. when! Huang Quan Lin Yu swept across the South China Sea, killed Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, overthrew CP9, and defeated the alternate general Tea Dolphin. He was so unstoppable, how could such a dangerous guy suddenly appear! How could the intelligence agency not know about such a person? what are they doing? "

Seng Guo punched the table.

Akainu frowned and said: “According to the information we got, when this Lin Yu first appeared in the South China Sea, the Navy’s South China Sea Branch was hunting down a pirate group called the Bloody Hands, and this Lin Yu was one of them. , according to our guess, he should have killed the leader of the Blood Hand Pirates and thus founded the Underworld Pirates!” “That’s all we can check!

Before that, there was really nothing It’s almost as if such a person was born out of thin air. However, one thing is worth noting, that is, his growth rate is so fast, so scary!” “At the beginning, a lieutenant colonel could fight with him

. But in just a few months, he has already…defeated the tea dolphin!”

Warring States’ eyes twitched, and he was frightened when he heard this.

“What should we do? Is it possible that our navy should send out generals to deal with a new pirate who has not been to the New World? What a joke! If this matter is known, people in the New World will definitely be ready to take action. !"

Sengoku punched the table.

Akainu frowned.

Kizaru frowned and retreated behind everyone…

No, he was looking around absently.

Aokiji, on the other hand, looked out the window with a look. The current situation is indeed quite difficult for the navy.


to Cha Dou’s speculation, dispatching one or two lieutenant generals will definitely not have any impact on Lin Yu.

If a Lin Yu Yu, just dispatch five or six lieutenant generals, do you want to use the Demon-Slaying Order?

In this way, the New World Navy will be withdrawn, and the New World Navy strength will inevitably be greatly reduced. No one knows what the Four Emperors will do.

Most of the current navy is stationed in the New World. Once a large number of navies are transferred from the New World, there will be emptiness in many places.

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