Admiral Aokiji

As for the general!

Warring States glanced at the three people.

It is impossible to send Akainu because he will be responsible for many political affairs of the Navy that year.

Kizaru and Aoji, one clocks in to work and the other is a Buddha, they are both lazy people. If they are allowed to deal with political matters, they may cause the navy to fall into chaos.

Kizaru looked at Sengoku, his eyes seemed to say: Don’t ask me to do such a painful thing, unless… you pay more!

Lin Yu and the others have already entered the Grand Line. Kizaru doesn’t want to spend several months running around to find such a small pirate group. He only needs to clock in and go to work every day, paddling and paddling. I still know how to fish.

At this moment, Warring States looked at Qingzhi.

Qingzhi often rides his bicycle around.

Moreover, Sengoku also heard that this guy met someone from the Straw Hat Pirates not far from Alabasta, and among the Straw Hat Pirates, there was Nico Robin, a wanted criminal!

And Qing Pheasant just pretended not to see it and let them run away?

This made Warring States very unhappy, and looking at Aoki’s lazy look, he was also very angry.

“Kuzan!!” Warring States said in a deep voice.

Qingzhi, who was still wandering around the world, finally reacted.

“Ah, Marshal, what’s the matter?” Qingzhi asked dully.

Perhaps, because of the frozen fruit, his personality is always slow when speaking and doing things. He is completely different from Akainu, and the two people have completely different philosophies.

Apart from Qingzhi’s lazy character, Warring States Period was very satisfied with Qingzhi.

For the Warring States Period, Qingzhi was the best candidate for the position of Navy Marshal, but Qingzhi was indifferent to the daily affairs of the Navy and only liked to ride around on that old bicycle. He wouldn’t even take a glance at a wanted criminal.

It’s time for Qingzhi to do something.

“The Underworld Pirates are left to you! Such villains and bandits must be caught! No matter life or death!” Sengoku said sternly. After saying this, he always felt that something was missing. With a flash of inspiration, he added, “This

is My order!”

If it weren’t for that last sentence, Qingzhi might still have an attitude of being unconcerned about the matter.

“Yes, yes! I’ll go right away!” Qing Zhi nodded.

“Lin Yu is in the Water Capital now, but I’m afraid he won’t stay too long. According to his sailing route, the next destination should be the Chambord Islands. You can follow Lin Yu’s whereabouts along this route. !”

Akainu stood up, his eyes falling on Qingzhi.

Qingzhi simply ignored him, stood up, turned around and left.

It is a well-known fact that the two generals are at odds with each other.

Even some low-level officers in the navy knew about this.

Akainu also looked indifferent.

Although he disliked Kuzan, he also knew that Kuzan was not weaker than him. If Kuzan was allowed to do this, the matter would be stable. Lin Yu would definitely not be Kuzan’s opponent.

Qingzhi left the naval headquarters and officially set off!

Of course, the sea is so big that it is not easy to find Lin Yu.

The admiral believed in “leisurely justice” and declined the arrangement given to him by the Navy Headquarters. He rode his bicycle alone and hit the road.

At this moment, Lin Yu didn’t know that the Navy Headquarters had sent a general to deal with him, and he was still waiting boredly in the Water Capital for his ship to be completed.

Three days later, early in the morning.

With his strength improved so much, Lin Yu needs constant training to adapt, and he also needs to tap out the energy of the Devil Fruit.

Lin Yu was still exercising, and the phone bug in his pocket rang.

Qiao Aili-Boni told Lin Yu on the phone bug that the new pirate ship has been built!

“It’s done, it’s not easy!”

When Lin Yu threw the stone into the sea, he couldn’t wait.

After staying in the water city for so many days, Lin Yu is looking forward to ocean adventure more and more.

Lin Yu quickly swam back to the shore!

From the beach to the back streets!

French House’s private dock!

From far away, you can smell the fragrance of sawdust.

Obviously, in order to complete a ship in the shortest possible time, all the shipbuilding waste was left on the periphery without any time to clean it up.

Passing through the scrap pile, a sailing ship more than forty meters long appeared in front of him.

It was a large, dark ship with a slender and long hull, and the sides were not high.

It can be seen from the appearance that this ship is mainly about speed.

“You’re here!”

On the right side of the ship, Franky was holding a ruler and was making the final measurements!

Seeing Lin Yu and Qiao Elly-Boni come in, Frankie wiped the stained black sweat from his forehead and walked over quickly.

Franky still has the same afro hair. Although Lin Yu has cut off all the previous afro hair, Franky still likes this hairstyle very much.

In his words, this is the most handsome Lin Yu he has ever seen. Ever since Lin Yu knocked over Lu Qi with his fist, Franky has become a loyal fan of Lin Yu – the reason is very simple, this style of fighting, This is how real men fight!

A man must be strong and brave!

Franky raised his head and pointed at his built ship!

"Frendo-Wind Falcon! "

As the designer and manufacturer of this ship, only he is qualified to give it a name.

As he said that, he led Lin Yu to the side of the ship and said: “I lowered the side of the ship a little, and then put a raised jib on the bow so that it can withstand more wind!” The hull is made of white iron oak, which is harder than steel, and the keel and ribs are made of Baoshu Adam! ”

This ship is so strong that it can sail anywhere on the sea, and in terms of speed, no ship can match it!” ”

Franky pointed triumphantly at the stern of the boat, where there were two things similar to rocket launchers.

“If necessary, add some ice-cold Coke to speed it up! ”

Okay!” ”

Lin Yu smiled.

He was not interested in the ship’s gun firepower at all. He just wanted a strong and fast ship! ”

Franky, if you put it this way, the fastest ship in the world at this time A sailing boat? He is truly worthy of being a student of the legendary shipwright! ”

Frankie waved his hand and said: “This is due to the material. Using the branches of the treasure tree Adam as the keel, we can build a hull that can withstand such a high-speed impact. Also, if it weren’t for your more than 100 million Baileys, If so, I wouldn’t be able to buy so much white iron oak to build the hull! ”

Okay, it’s almost done outside. After looking at the outside, everyone comes with me to take a look inside!” "

Frankie took Lin Yu to the deck of the cabin.

Because there are not many superstructures on this ship, the upper space of this ship is very empty!

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