"Reasonable, I don't want to care about you at all, but I can't help it, who told one of you to catch my brother first, this thing, we have to talk about it. "

Noah shrugged his shoulders and showed a contrived look of helplessness, but the red dog, who was imprisoned by the people and was now handcuffed by Hailoushi, couldn't do anything to deal with it. The only thing he could do at the moment was to keep his eyes open and stare at Noah viciously.

"Don't look at me like that, Sakaski, your previous suspicion in the G5 division is no different from what I am doing now, and the reason why I don't hit your G5 division is because I know that Rakyo will never be stupidly left there by you. "

Noah yawned again, last night's sleep was really bad. But there was no way, after being disturbed by the old man in the distance and dozing off, Noah can only find trouble now, and come to chat with the two defeated generals in front of him.

"But to be reasonable, I didn't expect it, let's not talk about the stupid Red Inu, Yellow Ape, you guy can have such strong combat effectiveness, which almost made me overturn. "

Noah sighed in his mouth, the biggest variable in this battle is the true strength of the yellow ape, the guy in front of him, who has been steadily promoted to the rank of general, has such a deep hidden ability.

If it weren't for the fact that he hadn't slackened off in the past few days, this battle would definitely have escaped by this guy in front of him.

For this reason, Noah was behind the people yesterday, and he also sighed, although it seems that he is full of wisdom step by step, but only Noah knows the danger and luck.

As I said on the phone with Marco yesterday, if my father hadn't stopped Sengoku, yesterday's battle would have changed completely.

"Anyway, why hasn't this guy Marco come yet, didn't he say yes this morning?

After losing two prisoners, Noah was refreshed, and then remembered the phone call yesterday, Marco said that he would come over today, but it was almost noon, and this guy was still noon.

Sure enough, this guy is completely unreliable.

Noah pouted, then walked to the golden lion's room. His house was soaked and smashed into a big hole, and now he had to make up for it with the bed of the golden lion.

Anyway, I don't know when this guy Marco came. When the time comes, just let him wait, after all, an errand runner wants to make this hero.

Thinking like that, he hummed a little song and walked into the lion's bedroom, and as soon as his head touched the bed, a wave of sleepiness hit, and Noah fell into a deep sleep again.

However, on the other side of the coastline, countless blues ignited the clouds in the distant sky, and a clear sound sounded, and a figure flew rapidly from afar, and in an instant, it fell to the shore

"Looks like there was a fierce fight, aren't you going to pick me up?"

Marco took off his glasses and wiped them, squinting his eyes and looking around, the many pirates who were in full swing on the island, although Marco did not often walk on the sea, the name of Captain Whitebeard was also known to everyone, under the whispering of a group of pirates to each other, Marco sighed helplessly, and walked straight to the two captives who were hanging on the flagpole.

"Yo, acquaintance, Lieutenant General Sakasky, when you attacked the Seventh Team, you were not as embarrassed as you are now, tsk, I still remember vividly, the meteor volcano at that time was called a spectacular, causing us to protect the boat to dodge, and your spirit at that time was not what it is now. "

Marco had a scowling expression on his face, shook his head and looked at the car, and said in a weird manner, before the Akainu raided the seventh team of Rakyo, and then used the meteor volcano to specifically attack the ships of the Whitebeard Pirates, attracting their combat power, they could only focus on protecting the ships, and watched this guy take Rakyo away. This matter has only now been brought up on the Moby Dick, and everyone is indignant.

"You guy is really going back more and more, this will show off to my captive, girl, why didn't I see you come to help when I was fighting yesterday?"

Noah yawned and walked from the side, Marco's huge voice just now had already woken him up, although he hadn't seen him for a long time, Noah's heart was full of joy when he saw this guy, but the way he always got along made Noah still open his mouth.

Marco, on the other hand, looked Noah up and down with a frown, looking very dignified in his expression, so that Noah looked at himself inexplicably, not knowing what was wrong.

"What the hell does this smell like on you? Reasonable, how long has it been since you showered?"

"What is this called? I took a shower and slept after the fight yesterday night, do you have a problem with your nose?"

Noah was angry, and the guy in front of him was profound, and he was full of anger with a single sentence.

"No, you definitely have a smell on you, if I can't say why, but it's a very nasty smell. "

Marco shook his head solemnly, it stands to reason that he is very familiar with Noah, even if this guy really doesn't take a bath, it is impossible for him to have this kind of disgust from the bottom of his heart. But this feeling is real, and when Noah gets closer and closer, his heart is beating unconsciously, and the disgusting feeling is something he has never encountered in his life.

"I always think it's your guy who is uneasy and kind, obviously I've already taken a bath, and if I really want to smell like something, why didn't you say it when we met before?"

Noah looked disgusted, he felt that Marco was just looking for trouble. But he also knew that Marco would not have such superb acting skills, so Noah's heart was also a little empty, and he couldn't help but lower his head and sniff under his neck and armpits to make sure that there was really no smell on his body.

"No, have you taken any medicine in the past two days?"

Noah lowered his head and sniffed around like a dog, and didn't feel anything wrong, then he raised his head and looked at the horse in recall, this guy can't be sick, right?

"I'm not kidding you, you just have a bad smell about you. "

Marco also stepped forward, and in order to confirm whether his feelings were correct, he also lowered his head and sniffed Noah.

So under the caring eyes of the two people on the flagpole, Marco and Noah were like two dogs, and they kept smelling there. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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