"Oh yes, it's your cloak, what do I say?"

Marco covered his nose, took a few steps back with a look of disgust, and pointed to the haori on Noah's body and said.

After a series of mentally retarded movements, he finally discovered where the smell of Noah's body made him uncomfortable, and Noah's haori gave him a very uncomfortable feeling.

"What kind of calf, this is Uncle Mita's coming-of-age gift to me, it's precious. "

Noah glared at Marco fiercely, and the baby dusted off the feather weaving, Marco, an illiterate guy, how did he know the magic of Karo's feathering. If it weren't for the coincidence that Karo Yuori was reactivated in this battle, I don't know how many years I'm going to fight with the two guys hanging above.

Wait, reactivate?

Noah seemed to understand for a moment, what was going on, he looked at Marco and then looked at the current haori, when he saw Marco a few times before, his own haoori was in a state of silence, and now it seems that Marko saw his own Garuda haori in a complete state for the first time.

"Phantom Beast Seed Fruit?......"

After hearing Noah tell the ins and outs of this feather weaving, Marco touched his chin and looked at the feather weaving that was tiled to the ground by Noah, unlike Noah, Marco has eaten the immortal bird fruit for more than ten years, and in these ten years, he has also fought with the abilities of countless phantom beasts, and naturally there are some guesses about some unknown mysteries of this fruit.

The suppression between animal fruits is much more brutal than that between other kinds of fruits.

Whether it is the superhuman or the superior and subordinate fruits of the natural system, there is still a way to offset the weakening of the suppression between them with personal ability, but the animal system is different, the wolf is the wolf, and it will never be stepped on by the sheep.

If the sheep fruit wants to defeat the jackal fruit, the only way is to completely abandon the fruit ability, and use other personal abilities such as physical skills and swordsmanship to turn defeat into victory, no matter how spiritual you are to the fruit development, under the complete racial suppression, the fear and ups and downs that emanate from the heart will make your strength not one in ten, and some people who are too affected by the fruit will even be caught under this fear, trembling.

And the suppression between this kind of fruit, even among the Phantom Beast Seed Fruits, is extremely strict and cruel.

Just like Kaido before, after discovering that Noah had the Garuda fruit, he didn't even dare to make some even the slightest temptation, and resolutely gave up the infinite bonus of the dragon form to himself, and also turned into a human form to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Noah It is also this reason, Garuda eats dragons for a living, even if it is as powerful as the dragon fruit, it is no different from a lamb in front of Garuda.

If I had hesitated for even a moment, as long as Noah was allowed to seize the opportunity, even in that situation, the weak Noah would have been able to complete the feat of killing Kaido unscathed.

Even if Garuda Haori is just a dead thing, even if Noah now emits Garuda Haori's ability to be one in a hundred, but the survival of the fittest in nature is like cruelty. No matter how strong a goat is, in front of the weaned lion, it can only be killed, which is the fairest and cruelest law of survival in nature.

And even if Marco is the same phantom beast species, but the brotherly brutal aura of Garuda Feather Weaving still makes Marko's fruit unconsciously born in the center and thus affects the state of the ability, and Marco and Noah's close relationship for many years only makes Marco rush to the point and disgusting, if it is replaced by someone else, maybe Marco at this moment is either fleeing or rioting, and he is already preparing to take the lead in the battle.

"Tell me a reason, why are you an immortal bird afraid of Garuda? I regret a little that you did this, why didn't you eat this fruit back then. "

Noah looked down and looked at Garuda in amazement. But that is to say, the risk of the Garuda fruit at that time was so high that even Roger had to be cautious. At the moment, this ending may be the most suitable end for the Garuda fruit.

And after this time, Noah seems to have figured out a way to gradually develop Garuda Haori.

"To be honest, I don't know, but seriously, as long as you wear this feather weave on your body, one-third of the powerful people in this world will definitely have no power to resist in front of you. "

Marco shook his head and was amazed, even he had to admit that Noah's luck was too good, and he had obtained this kind of powerful and dangerous fruit that had almost never been born in this proper way, coupled with the strength of this guy, who was already strong to the point of perversion, Marco felt that it was better for him to continue to salt, anyway, the sky fell and this guy in front of him was on top.

Just like this time, he almost didn't do anything, and he had already let Noah do it. This kind of salted fish-like life, who really lives who knows.

"Your expression tells me that you are thinking of a very rude thing, and that you have involved me in this matter. "

Looking at Marko's lewd smile, Noah's head full of black lines, once this guy starts to spoil the water, he will unconsciously show this kind of smile, and Joz and Bista used to suffer from it because of his smile. Now that it's just himself and him, it's obvious that this guy must have hit himself with some calculations.

"How could I have hurt my dear brother? "

"Pineapple head, you tell me again, obviously I uploaded it earlier than you. "

"It's three days earlier than me. "

"Three days is early!"

"I'm older than you. "

"It's a few years older than me. "

"According to you, how old is also old. And back then, I took care of your eating, drinking, and sleeping with one hand, and now you are filling your head here, do you want to be ashamed?"

"Pineapple head, you're crazy right now. "

"Did you know about it the first day?"

After hearing that Marco had arrived, the golden lion, who had arrived in a hurry, saw the two people arguing there like bullfighting, and retreated with black lines on his head.

When the two Tie Hanhan quarrel, it's best not to get involved, it will lower their IQ.

[The two shifts in the morning are done, and there will be one shift later.] This afternoon, Lao Su has something to do, but the update will not be less, forgive me]_

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