I don't know how long it took, the two people who were talking about it were lying on the ground snoring and panting, and anyone who saw this scene would not have thought that these two guys in front of them were famous sea thieves on this sea.

"Lying on top of you, I'm uncomfortable, forget it, let's get up. "

Marco twisted his body and reluctantly climbed up, and he lay down on top of Haori, feeling like he was lying on top of a needleboard, and it felt uncomfortable from head to toe.

"When I say this, I can only say that you don't have this blessing to enjoy. "

Noah lay still, smiling like a fox at Marco, and after watching the guy sit cross-legged facing him, Noah didn't want to speak, squinting at the sky. The two of them stayed in silence, just like the leisurely time they had on the Moby Dick.

"To be honest, are there any rules for you and me to keep to it?

I don't know how long it took, Noah, who was numb from the sun, turned over, and then looked at Marco without saying anything.

"If it's early, it's tomorrow or late, and the day after tomorrow, the Moby Dick is not far away, but it's just going to turn around and pick up Joz and them. "

Marco shrugged and said that before the Moby Dick was to stop the Warring States, it was he and Whitebeard who traveled lightly, and the others were scattered near this sea area to meet them. Now that the dust has settled, Marco has already taken the lead in order to come here to support Noah. Whitebeard, on the other hand, would not come to accept the prisoners until he had to make a big circle and take everyone else to the ship.

"To be honest, I took two days off some time ago, and I suddenly felt bored after I was free today. "

Noah said lazily, probably because he had been tense before, but after suddenly relaxing today, he suddenly didn't know what he should do, and he had a ridiculous sense of confusion.

"You're a genius to think like that. If you really can't be idle, why don't you practice with me, and I just happen to see the ability of your feather weaving?"

Marco looked disdainful. Then a seemingly very tempting offer was made.

"We can come here if we want, but why don't we go have a meal first, and then try it after we have eaten. I also want to know what kind of situation this featherweave's ability is for the phantom beast species. "

Noah nodded, the offer was just what he wanted. The previous battle was tiring and tiring. Can it be done now? But a fight without using his brain and reckless will be very tempting for him.

After dinner, it was already dark, but the shore was lit up with blue flames. Marco stood opposite Noah, and the whole person had turned into the most powerful half-orc state of the animal ability, and was looking at Noah opposite with excitement.

"Let's try it, it'll give you a look at how I've been developing the fruit these days. "

Noah smiled, his body was tightly tightened by the turquoise brilliance, and his two arms gradually became knotted under the blessing of the turquoise brilliance. And the two hands are also elongated and sharp under the ability of Karo Haori. It became like two eagle talons made of steel.

"Just bump into it a few times, I really want to fight too tired, and I've been boiling it out these days. "

Noah said that the blue-green light on his body flowed, and the whole person was separated from it behind his back and turned into two eagle wings that covered the sky and the sun, and rushed towards Marco in an instant.

Marco stretched out his hand to block, and his two arms held the two eagle talons that Noah rowed over, and above the arms, blue flames suddenly burst out, and the flames gradually spread along Noah's arms to his body like a bone appendage.

And Noah, who was scorching under the national flames, although he didn't feel the burning, he suddenly found that the abilities blessed on his two arms were rapidly wearing out. Even the strength of his whole body surged towards his arms like fuel under the scorching flames, and then evaporated into the air along the flames.

Noah didn't dare to slack off, and his arms burst out like a waterfall, extinguishing the flames on his two arms, but this ability made Manoa reacquaint himself with Marko, and it seemed that not only had his progress been rapid in the past year, but the guy in front of him was not idle.

"Burning energy, this is kind of interesting. "

"That's a must, just like you told me before, there is such a thing as a companion flame, what to burn is not to burn, it is better to control it a little and choose his fuel. "

Marco smiled. In the two years since Noah left the ship, although he is only a ship doctor in name, when it comes to fighting, he must also take on the responsibility of his brother and take the lead, and this ability has really helped him a lot.

"If you want to talk about this, I also have a trick, but I can't control it well, you will ...... Figure out how to deal with it yourself. "

"Hey, what are you ......?"

Noah's irresponsible words made Marco shocked, and now this guy must be going to do something, and listening to this kind of statement, this kind of moth is not a trivial matter.

But before he finished speaking, Noah's figure had already arrived in front of him in an instant, Garuda was originally known for his speed, and the focus of the immortal bird was not the same system, looking at Noah's eagle claws like himself, Marco could only respond in a hurry, and punched out Noah's claws.

At the moment when the fists and claws collided, Malco suddenly felt as if the strength of his whole body had been drained, although this ability was not as weird and difficult as his own flames, but it was more domineering and more ferocious than his own flames.

"Hey, you're going too far. "

Marco, who was limp and collapsed to the ground, looked at Noah and said helplessly. He then felt like all the strength in his body was gone, and he had to use all his strength to breathe. Noah, who was standing on the side, looked dumbfounded, scratched his head, and looked at Marco embarrassedly.

After Haori's recovery, probably because of the power of thunder and lightning, Noah also found that some of Haori's control abilities were not as easy as before, and relatively speaking, Haori's various abilities became more manic and ferocious. Just like the meal dragon at this moment, when using it on Roger, this trick can be easily repelled by Roger. And for the absorbed physical strength, Noah can also easily control and return it to Roger.

But now this physical strength has been uncontrolled, melting into its body. So now he could only look at Marco lying on the ground and smile embarrassedly.

[I sent three chapters in the morning.,This afternoon Lao Su has something to do.,I'll try to come back as early as possible and send the fourth chapter.,If you can't send it.,Five chapters will be made up tomorrow.】 Readers, forgive me]_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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