"To be reasonable, you can't really blame me for this, you have to see it yourself. "

Early the next morning, Marco, who was waiting for the white-bearded Marco on the coastline, looked at Noah with a resentful expression, and Noah was full of sincere defense, but the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be suppressed no matter how hard he tried.

It's really that Marco is in a bit of a mess today, so much so that he looks like the man who fought for two days and one night.

And Noah has gone through Marco's physical meal yesterday, and now he can be described as a dragon and a tiger. The whole person stood there with a vigorous and upward image of a teenager.

"You guy really can't believe it, girl, I don't know how many days it will take. "

Marco looked helpless, and after all calculations, he didn't expect this guy to have such a trick. However, this also shows how perverted Garuda Haori is, although Marco has always had a bad reputation on the Moby Dick, but he is also one of the strongest people in this sea, and he can be so embarrassed under this catch.

This little guy has grown to this point before you know it.

Mark squinted at Noah, who was eager to try, and couldn't help but feel a dark in his heart.

"When are you going to go home?

"I want to go back too, but I can't help it, I was cheated by that old guy, it's still a year and a half, isn't it? "

Hearing this, Noah squatted down decadently, scratching his head with a distressed face, to be honest, he really didn't want to stay on the Golden Lion's boat, the various atmospheres here were incompatible with his own lazy character, not to mention that although he and the Golden Lion also had a little sympathy, but after all, this guy and himself are not on the same road. The intrigue is really not enough for outsiders.

"Wait, Daddy is coming soon, see what he has to say when he comes. "

Marco has a concern, he knows Noah's temperament very well, and knows how difficult it is for him in this situation, but there is no way, Noah's bet is approved by Whitebeard, and he has no say in this regard.

So all he could do now was pat him on the shoulder and comfort him with these salty words.

"You don't even believe this kind of thing, the old man's character, don't you know, I have no other way to go except to stay in peace for two years? "

Noah looked surprised and looked up at Marco, what kind of character is Whitebeard, a person who spits at each nail one by one. How could he be allowed to repent?

"Then you can't help it, just stay up, boy. "

Marco raised an eyebrow and pouted.

"Here it is, but then again, it's Joz who drives the boat, that guy you expect to get the boat to its destination?"

Noah's heart net spreads out, and he finds the traces of the beluga whale ship coming from a distance, but in the blink of an eye, the excited smile on his face collapses again, because he suddenly senses that the person there is a tendon-fleshed Joz.

"Hey, hey, Joz didn't just get lost once, he'd be sad if you said that. "

Marco has a black line, when he got lost, the situation of taking the two of them to the ditch is still vivid, and because of this incident, Noah said that he has been a Joz road idiot for nearly ten years.

But in this long-awaited reunion, Noah's words are really a bit of a bad thing.

Am I saying something wrong? A young man as honest and trustworthy as me has always disdained to tell lies. "

Noah resonated and said that Marco hid his face and fled.

There has been a new development in the level of shamelessness of this guy now. Even such unashamed words can be spoken.

"Kulalalala—long time no see, my dear son. "

Before the ship docked, a heroic laugh came from the bow of the boat, and even Noah couldn't help but burst into tears after hearing this familiar laughter, and he hadn't seen Whitebeard in nearly two years.

"It's been a long time, my stupid daddy. Tell me what you want to do by leaving me on the Golden Lion's ship? Plain to be reasonable, I hate it. "

"Young people have to grow up, my stupid son, this is your way of growth, you should thank me well. "

Two awkward men are destined to not say anything affectionate, and their only way of communicating is to seem to be no big or small, but it is this awkward way of communication that makes both of them happy.

I almost believed it. "

Noah pursed his lips, dismissive of Whitebeard's crude lies that came out of his mouth.

This old man is clearly holding on to the covenant with the golden lion, and he is unwilling to let go.

What has made Noah most helpless over the years is Whitebeard's almost stubborn character. It is precisely because of Whitebeard's personality that the final result of the Whitebeard Pirates will evolve into the original one.

"If I don't talk to you, what are these two guys going to do?"

Noah gestured to the two captives hanging behind him, and turned to Whitebeard.

These two guys are the key to rescuing Rakyo, but how to save them, Whitebeard needs to come up with a charter.

"Ah, don't worry, the navy will be more anxious than us, don't worry. "

Whitebeard waved his hand and said nonchalantly. The navy, which claims to be righteous in this kind of thing, is more anxious than them, and the two vice admirals fall into the hands of Whitebeard, whether it is from the aspect of the fishing boat or the explanation of the entire navy, the Warring States must quickly come up with a decision.

In fact, before Whitebeard arrived this morning, Sengoku's call had already reached Whitebeard's side.

"That old guy contacted you, what did you say?"

Noah was a little surprised, the reaction of the Warring States was indeed a little too fast, like this kind of thing in Noah's opinion, it must be reported to the world government, and then one after another will be held, and it will be a week later.

"The most important thing this guy in Sengoku is decision, I even think that this matter is within the navy, and now only Sengoku and Vice Admiral Tsuru know. "

"Even Karp's old guy doesn't necessarily know all the details right now. "

Whitebeard said solemnly, he has clearly felt the decisiveness of Sengoku over the years, and because of this, he knows how terrible Sengoku is as a naval admiral in addition to his personal strength.

"How to say it, I can only say that I deserve to be a wise general. "

[The fourth watch is over, today is too busy, there may be some typos, please forgive me. ] I'll change it when I get back in the evening. 】_

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