Thinking of the name of the Warring States on this sea, Noah's heart was also shrouded in a dark cloud.

Yes, the Warring States is known as a wise general, and in the eyes of this wise general, everything in the world is not said to be operational. Noah believed that even if Sengoku agreed to exchange prisoners, he would have to come up with something else.

"I'm afraid you have to be careful, that guy from the Warring States may not be able to play any tricks. "

Whitebeard nodded approvingly. He has been taught more than once the various methods of the Warring States.

As Mo Yan said, this guy is used to surviving in desperate situations, even if it is a seemingly safe scene now, there may be some waves in the hands of the Warring States.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you to deal with, I believe that even the Warring States are in the hands of your kid, and there is nothing good to be gained. "

Whitebeard irresponsibly threw the pot at Noah, and while Noah was dumbfounded and digesting the news, Whitebeard dragged Marco and waved his hand to find the golden lion.

The two old guys haven't seen each other for a long time, and now they finally come across a piece, so they naturally want to have a good drink.

But Noah held the phone bug that Whitebeard had just thrown over in his hand, and stood there stunned alone.

What is this called, I don't know why I have to use my brain with so much effort.

I didn't even think about what this matter was about.

"Poor big brother, I haven't seen your IQ for more than a year, and I've degraded very much. "

It was only at this moment that Joz finally dealt with the suitability of the boat and jumped down, looking at Noah, who was silently stunned on the shoreline. A sympathetic pat on his shoulder. This matter was planned by Whitebeard a long time ago, and long before the Warring States called, Whitebeard had already decided on this matter and left it to Noah to deal with it.

After all, it's his own son, how can he let his son do things and catch a strong man?

Whitebeard would never admit that it was because he saw Noah in front of him, so he came up with a lazy solution.

"Tell me why you guys haven't looked at Daddy and made him so cunning after I've only been gone for more than a year?"

Noah was heartbroken and pointed at Joz and complained.

Joz shrugged and ignored Noah, who had become a little crazy now that the black cauldron was on his side, and went straight around him and chased in the direction of Whitebeard's departure.

The big brother is already going crazy now, so it's better to stay away a little.

Looking at the huge back of Joz leaving, Noah sighed for a long time, and finally resigned himself to picking up the phone bug and dialing towards the Warring States on the other side.

"Blue Blue Blue ......"

"Moxie Moxi—"

Looking at the round glasses face that appeared on the phone bug, Noah took a deep breath, one yard to one yard, how to quarrel on his own boat is one thing, but in the face of the battle, Noah did not dare to show the slightest emotion in his speech and demeanor.

This guy, as the only general in the sea now, no matter how careful Noah is, it is not too much.

"Edward Noah?"

Seeing that Noah didn't speak for a while, the Warring States on the other side asked in a deep voice, just like Noah's prudence, the Warring States didn't dare to be sloppy about the young man in front of him who was talking to him.

The young man in front of him is the one who even Karp praises, claiming to be able to lead the Whitebeard Pirates to new heights.

This time's strategy and strength have given the Warring States a new understanding of him, defeating the two lieutenant generals alone and capturing this strategy and combat power alive, even if the Warring States themselves come, they dare not say that they have the certainty of victory.

"yes, it's me. What is there to explain to the Warring States General?"

Noah's expression was relaxed. No matter how careful you are now, these expressions cannot be brought to your face. After all, the one who was talking to him on the other side was Sengoku, the man who was called the wise admiral of the navy.

"Stop talking nonsense, Edward Noah, tell me, what the hell are you trying to do?"

Sengoku's tone was a little impatient, it seemed that it was because he was really anxious about this matter, but he was so convinced that Sengoku was not such a person without a city, so he didn't mind playing Tai Chi with Sengoku now.

"Ah, it's nothing, let's talk, after all, I'm still locked up with you two guys eating rice, and this is also a connection. "

This kid ......

The Warring States case gritted his teeth. The reason why he deliberately leaked out his impatient look just now was to lead Noah to open the conditions first, as long as the conditions could be opened, so that the two parties would have the premise for talking.

Although everyone knows what the other side wants, whoever speaks first loses half of the way.

But Sengoku didn't expect that the teenage boy on the other side would be so calm. Even in the current situation of this kind of salary, he is not the slightest surprise, just like an old slippery head who is dozens of years old.

"Don't go around in circles, Edward, and tell me straight, at what cost will you have to get Polusalino and Sakasky back?"

After you played Tai Chi back and forth for a while, Sengoku couldn't bear it at first, unlike Noah sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, he is now hiding this matter from the top and bottom. Now the entire Navy Headquarters knows about this matter or something, only he and Vice Admiral Tsuru have gone up to the Five Old Stars of the Steel Bone Sky and down to the vice admirals, and they don't know that now the Red Inu and the Yellow Ape have fallen into the hands of the enemy.

This matter cannot be hidden for long. But once it broke out, it was a scandal for the entire Navy.

So compared to Noah, who was there with the old god, the Warring States at this moment was anxious, knowing that this was a big pit, but he had no choice and had to jump in.

"That's right, Marshal Warring States, what do you say you and I are talking about here? It's shameful that your navy is not me, to be reasonable, I'm interesting enough, I didn't go out to show off such a feat as defeating two vice admirals, be content. "

"Without further ado, we're going to pull a kyo. "

"Rakyo is a felony of the World Government, and has now been pressed to the ...... of the Advance City Prison"

"Don't talk nonsense, do you want to change it?"

"Change. What kind of charter?"

Sengoku sighed secretly, if he hadn't learned about Noah in detail, who would have known that this slippery guy in front of him was actually just a young man.

It's really old, and these young people in the future are really limitless.

Sengoku shook his head self-deprecatingly, and suddenly gave birth to a feeling of heroic twilight. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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