"Thank you, Koshiro, I like this knife very much. "

Satisfied, Noah put the thunderstorm back into his sheath and thanked Koshiro earnestly.

After all, for Noah, a famous knife that completely suits him is very beneficial to the growth of his strength.

However, Koshiro waved his hand indifferently, and the two of them just took what they needed, and recasting this famous knife was also very beneficial to him in casting. There is no need for anyone to thank each other for the benefits of both sides.

After all, casting is also a physical job, and after the thunderstorm is completed, Noah and Koshiro are also physically and mentally exhausted. After a few hurried greetings, the two also went back to rest.

But there was one person who couldn't sleep that night, and that was Koina, who had witnessed the battle between Noah and Koshiro.

This year, only four years old Guina saw the world's top kendo for the first time, so determined to become the world's number one swordsman, she was excited, the little girl lay in the quilt, after closing her eyes, all she thought about was the fierce figure of the person who had fought against her father before.

So when Guina rubbed her eyes and stood in front of Koshiro early the next morning, Koshiro, who was drinking tea opposite Noah, was startled by Guina's deep dark circles.

"What's going on? Guina?"

When Guina's prevarication passed, Noah on the side could see clearly, and the eyes that were summarized when he was talking to Koshiro just now drifted to his side intentionally or unintentionally, this state he was very familiar with, many years ago, when he saw Mitsuki Mita's swordsmanship, Noah's state was the same as the current Guina.

This little girl is impressed by the world's top swordsmanship in this sea, which is not something to be ashamed of, but any swordsman with great ambitions can't get rid of this intoxicating scene.

When Guina went back to rest, Noah and Koshiro looked at each other and stopped talking.

No matter what, Koshiro is also a middle-aged man who has gone through the world, and he can naturally see clearly the kind of little daughter mentality of Gu Ina just now, and he also knows how precious it is to meet the world's top kendo master like Noah in the East China Sea. But Guina is just a girl after all, and her innate disadvantage makes it difficult for her to open up to Noah, and asks Noah to say that Guina is an apprentice.

"Forget it, I'll talk about it first. "

The two of them faced each other for a long time as if they were acting in a mime, and finally, Noah couldn't stand this weird atmosphere, and after pouring a cup of tea, Noah sighed slowly and said to Koshiro.

"Koshiro, if you don't mind, I'd like to be an apprentice of Guina. "

This kind of pie-in-the-sky request smashed Koshiro at a loss, and after squeaking and whining for a long time, Koshiro blushed and said to Noah.

"But...... Guina is a girl, and her congenital disadvantages make him destined to not reach the top of the great swordsmanship. "

Hearing Koshiro's pedantic words, Noah pursed the corners of his lips imperceptibly, in his opinion, the path of kendo is varied, of course, as a girl, Guina's strength and speed progress will be slightly inferior to that of male swordsmen, but after the girl's unique physical flexibility allows him to embark on another sword path line based on dexterity, the achievements obtained are not necessarily a few points weaker than that of male swordsmen.

But at the moment, it is difficult to say such words to Koshiro. After all, the two have only known each other for a few days, and they must not talk about things in a shallow way, and for this kind of thinking cognition, with Noah's current guest status, it is not easy to rashly open his accusations.

"The path of kendo is changing, and no one can say what the future holds, can it? "

Noah picked up the teacup and saluted Koshiro from afar, the most important thing for this kind of thing is that Koshiro as a father agrees, as for how to teach Guina after he agrees, that's his own business.

Noah firmly believes that under his teaching, Guina will never be reduced to the same person who only lives in memories. A prop for the members of the protagonist group to strengthen their beliefs.

Perhaps in a few years, Guina will really fulfill her wish and become the only female swordsman on this sea to be at the top of the world. It's not impossible.

"Of course, I promise to be able to get your teachings, it is the creation of Guina, but it will be very troublesome for you in the future. "

After getting Noah's affirmative answer, Koshiro was overjoyed, although his thinking was pedantic, but in the final analysis, he was also a father who loved his daughter, and seeing that his daughter could have the opportunity to worship such a famous teacher, even Koshiro was busy agreeing at the moment.

"In that case, the matter is settled. If you can, please let Guyna know as soon as possible, and in a few days I will start taking Guyna to practice. "

Now that the words were finished, Noah also stood up, nodded at Koshiro, turned around and walked out of the house.

In the final analysis, he is also the first time to be someone else's master, although he was nominally Momonosuke's teacher before, but after all, Momonosuke was still young at the time, Noah taught Momonosuke most of them in terms of physical foundation, and now Noah wants to teach an apprentice to learn swordsmanship seriously, he must return to his house and prepare carefully.

After all, accepting apprentices has always been a big deal, and even after accepting apprentices, Noah has to pay attention at all times, and change the way of education at any time according to Guina's own situation.

And when the next morning, in the presence of Kozaburo and Koshiro Shizuki, when Guina knelt in front of him and worshipped herself as a kendo master with excitement on her face, a strange feeling rose in Noah's heart.

Noah always thought that the first apprentice he taught, Eight Achievements, was Ace who is now in Windmill Town. But creation makes people, and Noah never thought that he would accept the smart and well-behaved little girl in front of him by mistake.

After a silent sigh, Noah smiled like a flower, and reached out to help Gu Yina, who was kneeling in front of him with a solemn and well-behaved face. From this moment on, Noah's kendo finally entered the house, and there was a successor who could inherit the mantle.

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