[Plus more, thank you for the 40,000 points of reward from Mr. Linti]

In the back mountain of Frostmoon Village, under a roaring waterfall, Noah is leading Guina to teach the basics of kendo here.

Prior to this, Guina's kendo was taught by Koshiro. As a result, Guina's theoretical knowledge is extremely solid, but when it comes to practical application, Guina's construction seems quite immature.

And what Noah has to do is to make up for this lesson for Guina from nothing.

"Gu Yina, kendo has always been just a killing weapon, what you practiced in the gym before can only be said to be the foundation of the foundation, you told me before that you want to become the world's number one swordsman, right?"


Guina nodded fiercely, looking at Noah with adoring eyes. After seeing Noah's superb swordsmanship No. 10 before, Guina had a deep admiration for Noah, and then heard her grandfather say that the swordsmanship of the person in front of her was among the best in the world, which made Guina even deeper and wanted to worship Noah as a teacher.

And today, Guina, who has finally gotten her wish, can't wait to learn swordsmanship from Noah. So much so that although the word "Harmony" is still quite heavy for Guina, who is only four years old now, Guina still carries it on her back and follows this back mountain with great difficulty.

"Although the word "Wadoichi" is not suitable for me to teach you kendo, it is barely enough at the moment. Since you aspire to become the number one swordsman in this world, if you want to fulfill this long-cherished wish, you must pay an extremely painful price and leave your life behind, do you have the awareness of this?"

At the bottom of this waterfall, Noah asked as he looked at Guina rather seriously. Noah's kendo was practiced in the sea of blood in Lion Mountain, and he naturally knew that the kendo that was practiced in the kendo hall like the current Frost Moon family was vulnerable on the battlefield.

So Noah had to know if Guina had the determination to use kendo to kill. After all, kendo is the art of killing, and if you want to achieve great success, you will be a sword hero all over the world, which is the path that Gu Yina must take.

Seeing this, Guina had a tense little face and nodded quite seriously. Noah smiled with relief, he really didn't see the wrong person, although the little girl in front of him looked weak, but deep down there was a tenacity that no one could match. So after Guina expressed her determination, Noah laughed wickedly and threw Guina at the bottom of the waterfall.

In the screams of Guina, Noah suddenly felt that the waterfall in front of him seemed to be somewhat familiar, but then Noah reacted, this waterfall is the place where Roronoa Sauron practiced the bite in the original book, and was called the first rear molar in the world by Haimi.

It has been calculated that the force exerted on Sauron's rear molars under this waterfall is seen as an Orient heavy truck.

And now, when the green algae head has not yet appeared, this waterfall has become a place where the future world's first female swordsman has laid a solid foundation.

Seeing Guina carrying the word "Harmony" and climbing ashore quite embarrassed, Noah took off the feather weaving on his shoulder, wrapped the wet ancient street, and looked at the dripping pale face, Noah touched Guina's hair and asked softly:

"How's it going?

Seeing that although Gu Yina was exposed to the pale color, but the person nodded tremblingly, Noah smiled with relief, and then a fire was raised. As Guina watched as she gradually dried her body, Noah sat down beside her and slowly explained to him the purpose of doing so.

"You've probably heard your father say that as a girl, there are some physical conditions that can't be compared to boys. But this is not to say that girls are not destined to become the world's top swordsmen. "

Seeing Guina look up, her eyes flashing with hope, Noah took a sip of water, handed the kettle to Guina, and then continued.

"The so-called kendo is not only a combination of strength and speed, but also divided into many schools among swordsmen. There are those who pay attention to strength training and pay attention to crushing the enemy with heavy swords, and there are also those who pay attention to dexterity, avoid the enemy's edge, and use superb swordsmanship to defeat the enemy. The genre I'm going to teach you is more of the latter. "

"In the written test between me and your father before, you may have seen that most of my construction is in the form of animals to show the aggressiveness of sword moves, although there are some moves that break through skill, but more of a move to target the enemy's weaknesses and choose the corresponding attack method, so as to defeat the enemy and win. "

"So Guina, if you want to achieve this premise, what do you think is the difficulty?"

"Hmm...... Detect the enemy's flaws in time?"

Guina tilted her head, pondered for a moment, looked at Noah with uncertain eyes, and said cautiously.

"That's right!"

Noah clapped his hands happily, and became more and more satisfied with this witty and intelligent apprentice who knew everything at all.

"That's why I'm going to let you practice swords under the waterfall, there is an old saying in my hometown called water impermanence, water flow is the most unpredictable phenomenon in the world, so when will you be under this small waterfall, can you keenly perceive where the weak point of the water flow is in the next moment? "

"Of course, you'll need a little help before that. After all, it is too difficult for you to feel the flow of energy from something to something. So what I'm going to teach you next is an ability that is very common in the new world, but extremely useful. "

"Master, what ability?"


Noah said, stretched out his hand, and a branch fell out of thin air from the tree next to him, and between the thunder and lightning, the branches and leaves carried on the branches fell one after another, and when the branch fell into Noah's hand, it became a bare whip.

"Ouch, master, why are you beating me?"

Guina, who was suddenly whipped on her head by Noah with a branch, held her head in her hands and looked up at Noah aggrievedly.

"Hehe, this is the way to see and hear domineering cultivation, and every time you are exhausted and washed ashore by the waterfall, we will dry the water on your body here. While receiving domineering training. "

"When you can unconsciously open the whip in my hand, you will already have a first glimpse of the door. "

Speaking of this, Noah looked at Guina with a hesitant look on her face, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Gu Yina, the road of the sword hero is difficult and dangerous, when I am my apprentice, I have to be enlightened. "

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