The news that Rogge went to sea again spread throughout the branch. In fact, after Rogge went to sea for the first time, four lieutenant generals successively led their teams to go out. However, although they adopted the same method as Rogge, they did not let him go. When the soldiers went to have fun, they got much less than the people who followed Rogge out for the first time. Most of them were taken away by the people above.

Now that Rogge is leading the team, they know that this is a good opportunity. Rogge's strength is not inferior to that of the lieutenant general. They all know that following Rogge means that they will have more protection, and Rogge will not treat them badly..

In one morning, many school officers came to Rogge's office. They were all pushed up by their subordinates to promote their troops to Rogge.

After some selection, Rogge selected a team of 300 people. Overall, the team ranked first, which was considered a reward for their hard training.

In fact, Rogge didn't know if he would gain anything from going out this time. Obviously he was going to the sea to look for opportunities. Rogge set a week for this trip. After a week, no matter what the result, he would return to the branch. Supplies need to be sufficient.

The team of 300 people gathered in the afternoon, and Rogge set off with a colonel with the same military rank as him, three majors, more than ten lieutenants, and 300 soldiers.

The warship left the G5 branch and sailed directly to the sea. Just like patrolling in the surrounding waters, they would take action immediately once they discovered the pirates, or the intelligence on the fortress knew the location of the pirates, and they went to provide support, etc.

"Colonel Rogge, we cannot proceed further in this area."The colonel behind Rogge said to Rogge.

Although they are both colonels, who in the G5 branch dares to underestimate Rogge and treat him as a colonel. Rogge does not talk about his strength, but his status as chief instructor They are all one level higher than most people

"It's Big Mom's territory, right? It doesn't matter, we're just in the surrounding area, not to mention it's very close to the G5 branch, so they won't do anything to us. As long as Big Mom himself doesn't do anything, nothing will happen to us."Roger shook his head and said

"But……"The colonel hesitated for a moment, thought for a while and said nothing.

The orders of the commander on the warship meant everything. Although this was Big Mom's territory, how could they be afraid of pirates as a navy? The only thing that worried him was that they were just a warship and they rashly entered the territory of a big pirate. , is indeed full of dangers.

Big Mom is currently building her kingdom, but it has not reached the level that it will be thirty years later. After all, although the Big Mom Pirates are powerful now, apart from Big Mom, there are only her sons and daughters. It's just good enough.

Rogge knew this, so he dared to come, but he also had to be careful. If Big Mom himself came, Rogge would have no choice but to run for his life. This is a pirate who is comparable to Kaido. He is not as strong as Garp. If the person is nearby, he will not be stupid enough to provoke Big Mom.

But Rogge didn't know that he had been discovered when he entered the sea area, and the news quickly reached the ears of Big Mom Charlotte Lingling.

"navy?"Charlotte Lingling is eating dessert. She is only in her thirties now. Although she has not reached her peak, even the Roger Pirates will not easily provoke her.

Charlotte Lingling was already a monster from the beginning. , with a bounty of tens of millions when he was five years old, and now a bounty of over a billion, he is recognized as the greatest pirate in the New World.

"It is indeed a navy. There is only one warship. It is currently unknown who is on board. It is obviously patrolling and has no intention of entering Wan Guo."With a big tongue, holding a lollipop-shaped cane in his hand, and wearing a high hat, Charlotte Lingling's eldest son, Charlotte Perospero, has the ability to lick fruit.

"Just ask someone to give me a warning.

Don't wander around my territory.

If it doesn't work, I will destroy it.

"Charlotte Lingling kept stuffing sweets into her mouth.

She is still pregnant.

It can be said that Bigum is obsessed with giving birth during this period.

As long as she does not provoke her, she will not choose to do anything.

It is no longer ten years ago.

At that time, she was still being hunted by Garp.

Now that she has stabilized, she has a large family.

The navy needs to think carefully if it wants to move her.

A navy warship appears on her territory. , no matter what the reason is, Bigumam cannot sit idly by.

"Katakuri and the others happen to be over there, so let the three of them take action."Perospero said with a smile.

"When did Katakuri and the others come back?"When Charlotte Lingling heard Perospero mention this name, she immediately turned her head with a smile on her face.

Although Perospero was her eldest son, the only one who satisfied her most was her second son, Xia Lot Katakuri, a man with a fighting power like a monster, is the most perfect masterpiece of Big Mom. It is precisely because he gave birth to such a perfect son Katakuri that he inspired Big Mom to continue to The idea of giving birth to children and strengthening her own pirate team.

Charlotte Lingling rarely goes to sea now, so she leaves the task of hunting at sea to her children. Among them, the pirate ship led by Katakuri has already gone out. It's been more than half a month, and it is said that the harvest is good. This time I came back and brought her a lot of gifts.

"He is in that sea area now and should be in contact with it."Perospero laughed.

"You've given him the go-ahead, Perospero."Charlotte Lingling looked at Perospero and said solemnly

"Yes mom."Perospero nodded.

"Then I’ll wait for Katakuri’s good news. I can’t wait for the gifts, and the ones in my belly are about to come out too."Charlotte Lingling touched her belly.

Yes, she was pregnant again and was about to give birth. She could feel that there were two lives in her belly. She had also chosen names. One was called Snag and the other was Babalua

"I really look forward to your arrival."Charlotte Lingling smiled.

On the other side, the soldiers on the warship were already preparing for battle. A cake boat appeared in front of them. Judging from the shape of the Big Mom Pirates' boat, this should be It was a cadre ship, and the logo on the bow was a donut.

Rogge showed a surprised expression because he knew who was on this cadre ship. Donuts were the favorite among the Big Mom Pirates. The only person who bursts his jaw trying to eat donuts.

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