The pirate ship was approaching the warship, and Rogge naturally knew that it was Katakuri's ship. No one except him would regard a donut as the bow symbol. When he thought of confronting Katakuri, Rogge also Somewhat excited.

Katakuri is only eighteen years old this year, but Katakuri's fame in the New World is not small. He is very famous. Katakuri has been famous since he was a child. Now he is Already able to stand alone, he is the most powerful combatant under Bigum.

Almost all the children born in the Charlotte family are monsters, and the most praised and known as the monster among monsters is Katakuri, who can stand when he is born, possesses overlord-colored domineering, and eats a special superhuman system. His fruit ability and his own domineering achievements are not low. It can be said that he is a perfect man. He has never been defeated since his debut.

Rogge began to look forward to it, but when he encountered a pirate ship, and it was on the sea, he naturally had to take advantage of the warship.

"Prepare for bombardment!"

Roger gave the order

"Ah, Colonel Rogge, this is the territory of the Big Mom Pirates, so attack their ship directly."The colonel stood behind Rogge and exclaimed.

"Do you think they'll let us go? Now that we have entered the enemy's territory, they will naturally regard us as their enemies. In this case, just take action directly."Rogge said.

After hearing Rogge's words, the colonel also understood that this battle was inevitable. After all, they entered the territory of the Bigum Pirates, which was equivalent to a declaration of war. The Bigum Pirates came over. Attacking them is also a no-brainer

"Prepare naval guns."The colonel immediately issued an order, and the soldiers on the warship began to prepare. Not long after, the three naval guns on the bow fired.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

The three cannonballs were thrown out and headed straight for the pirate ship heading towards them.

Suddenly a cloud of white smoke appeared on the pirate ship. This white smoke condensed into the appearance of a demon, and he was also covered with a layer of smoke. Armed and domineering, holding a naginata

"Demon slaying!"

The demon holding the naginata slashed horizontally, directly cutting the three cannonballs into six pieces under control, detonating the explosives inside, and the cannonballs exploded in the air.

"Charlotte Dafu."When Rogge saw the appearance of the demon, he immediately knew who it was. Charlotte Daifuku, who is the same brother as Katakuri, is a user of the Transpiration Fruit ability. He can create steam and shape the steam into a demon with great combat power. Very strong, but not as good as Katakuri

"Bring me the shells."Rogg took off the navy coat behind him, stretched out his hand and said.

The soldier who had been prepared for a long time picked up a cannonball and put it in Rogge's hand, and placed the cannonball next to Rogge.

"Click!"Roger moved his arms, grabbed the cannonball and threw it hard.

"call out!"

The shells pierced the sky at extremely fast speeds and headed straight for the pirate ship.

"Demon slaying!"

After reacting, the cannonball was not hit. It was too fast and landed directly on the steam demon, exploding directly on his body.


The power of the cannonball was greater than the previous one, and the impact flame formed by the explosion directly blew away half of the demon's body.

Everyone on the pirate ship was stunned for a moment, Dafu opened his eyes wide and said in surprise:"How is it possible, the demon actually It was blown up. Is this a special shell?"

"No, it was a cannonball thrown by the opponent's hand."A man with burgundy hair said

"Throwing cannonballs by hand, could it be that……"Charlotte Daifuku looked at Katakuri in surprise

"A very young marine."Katakuri said, and countless tentacles appeared from behind him, like dough, and these tentacles had five fingers.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!!!"

More than ten cannonballs were thrown over in a row, but all of them were caught by the tentacles before they hit the pirate ship. Each of the cannonballs fell on the tentacles, but they misfired and did not explode.

"It seems that the shells are ineffective."Roger weighed the cannonball in his hand, and threw the cannonball out again. It did not go straight to their ship, but exploded on one side of the ship. The explosion was so powerful that it knocked the pirate ship aside.

"Prepare to fight."Rogge said.

The soldiers have already gathered on the deck. They all looked very excited and eager to try.

This is one thing that makes the g5 branch different from other branches.

The naval soldiers in other branches are more or less afraid of pirates, no matter what.

Such well-trained soldiers would have strange emotions before facing pirates, even veterans.

After all, who would not be afraid in the face of death, but the soldiers of the G5 branch did not, they only had those after the battle.

Desire, they don’t think they will die.

Even if they face the most powerful pirate group, as long as they can take a bite, they will pounce on them without hesitation.


The two ships were docked together. Some pirates had already hung the hook lock on the mast of the warship. They used the hook lock to swing it to the warship and landed on the warship.

The navy was not lagging behind either. Rogge threw the warship away. Behind him, he and more than a dozen lieutenants walked straight to the pirate ship on moon steps.


There was no nonsense when the two sides met. They picked up weapons and stood still. As soon as they met, someone fell down. Soldiers on the warship were chopped down by pirates, and on the pirate ship, Rogge even punched a pirate.

"Hot wind fist!"

A man whose whole body was red and exuding high temperature rushed up, raised his fist and charged towards Rogge.

"It's so hot."Rogg chuckled. Facing this man who was much taller than him, Rogg also raised his fist.

"Don’t overestimate your capabilities!"

Irving saw Rogge actually raising his fist to fight with him, and he suddenly smiled. He is a person with the ability to eat the Superman-type Re-Re Fruit. The heat on his body is as high as the sun, and someone actually fights him with his fist.


The two fists collided together, and Owen's face changed. He showed a surprised expression, and then turned into surprise.

"Get out of here."

Rogg exerted his strength, and his armed domineering energy exploded, and he knocked back Owen's fist. Then he raised his foot and put it on Owen's body, kicking him directly into the cabin.


Charlotte Daifuku also rushed forward, and the devil reappeared, raising his naginata and slashing it at Rogge.

"The speed is too slow."Roger laughed, disappeared in place, and reappeared in front of Dafu.

"No, hot steam."

When Dafu saw Rogge appearing in front of him, he realized something was wrong. A large amount of steam came out of his body, and the steam wrapped Rogge inside. However, in just a moment, Dafu was knocked into the sky, and the demon connected to his body also disappeared. disappear

"Next up is you, Charlotte Katakuri."Rogg fell on the spot and looked at Katakuri holding the trident.

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