Rogge did not follow Lieutenant General Lynch's words. His daughter Rogge had not met yet. Although the chance of an ugly girl existing in this world was slim, there was a chance.

Rogge didn't want to agree, so he walked over with a smile.

Next is the meeting. Lieutenant General He came here with a mission. The purpose of coming this time is related to the recent actions of the Golden Lion Pirates. The accelerated expansion of the Golden Lion has attracted the attention of the World Government. After all, that man’s goal can be Not the sea, but the whole world. Like Kaido, he is a madman who wants to subvert the world.

The number of pirates gathered under the Golden Lion is quite large, reaching tens of thousands. You must know that except for the Rocks Pirates more than ten years ago, the current number of pirates in the entire Golden Lion Pirates is The quantity and quality should be the highest in the sea.

The Navy Headquarters is also watching. Since Zefa is in the New World, together with Vice Admiral He and the Navy of the New World, in order to deal with emergencies, after all, they have just received news that the Golden Lion Pirates lack weapons.

The words that Sengoku always kept on his lips already explained a lot.

Pirates are a group of people who rely on plunder and have no production capacity. This is pirates and a scourge on the sea.

Pirates have no weapons, no factories, and no ores, so how do they get weapons?

Rogge has seen some major events about the navy. There are two ways for pirates to obtain weapons.

One is through the dark world. The dark world is also called the underground world. It is not difficult to obtain weapons from the underground world, as long as you have money. Many weapons dealers in the underground world have their own factories. Although their production volume is There are not many, but it can meet the needs of some pirate groups, and can even be provided to some countries that are at war.

The second one comes from the Navy.

It is a large naval organization.

It is impossible without a few bugs.

Officers buying and selling weapons often happen.

The Navy is also trying its best to curb this situation.

The existence of the CP organization is to detect these in the dark.

It cannot be said that these people are all bad.

After all, they play the role of internal supervision.

This is a tacit understanding between the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

After all, the Navy is only a military institution.

Even self-examination has loopholes.

It is better to leave it to the world.

Government spies to deal with.

Both methods can obtain a large number of weapons, but both require money, and pirates get their money through robbery. Unless they can produce and run their own business, the wealth they obtain will be limited.

In addition to these two ways that can be obtained with money, there is actually a hidden third way, which is more difficult. If there is a slight problem, a pirate group will be destroyed.

That is to directly attack where there are weapons, and the organization with the most weapons in the world is undoubtedly the Navy.

The Golden Lion Pirates have recently been in a period of rapid expansion. According to the spies who broke into the Golden Lion Pirates, the World Government has already grasped the next move of the Golden Lion Pirates.

"The Golden Lion's target is the naval fortress. The specific fortress has not yet been revealed. That guy is simply crazy and wants to attack the navy." Lieutenant General He said

"Needless to say, he is brave. That man has been like that since more than ten years ago. At the beginning, he was not even willing to join the pirate group, but chose to fight. The golden lion has unprecedented courage in this sea."Zefa said with a smile.

Warring States' opponent is Whitebeard, Garp's opponent is Roger, and Zefa's opponent is Golden Lion. Before Zefa didn't get into trouble, Zefa was handling the matter of dealing with the Golden Lion. , but Zefa gradually retreated into the background, and the recent development of the Golden Lion could not be suppressed.

Zefa was familiar with the Golden Lion better than anyone else, and he also knew that the Golden Lion could really dare to do such a thing. People come, unlike Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, their current strength is a little bit worse than the real strong ones. At the same time, they are also accumulating strength. Unlike the

Golden Lion, the Rocks Pirates have been disbanded for more than ten years. Years have passed. In the past ten years, all those caught by the navy have been arrested, and those who have been hidden have been hidden. Only a few people are still active.

It can be said that if Whitebeard had not been accepting orphans as sons, So the strongest pirate group on the sea is definitely the Whitebeard Pirates. However, Whitebeard has no competitive heart, which makes it easier for the Golden Lion, who is ambitious and powerful.

"It is unclear which fortress he is targeting now, but he should be dispatched in the near future. There are many naval fortresses in the New World, with more than twenty locations. The largest ones are the five branch fortresses from G1 to G5, which are not far apart. Support can arrive as soon as possible, but the problem is that this time we can only defend passively, and the golden lion has disappeared from our monitoring range with his men. Hezhong said with his hands crossed and his chin

"In other words, it is not yet known which fortress he will attack, but his target has been determined to be the navy." Rogge said

"That's right. Now we must be prepared for battle. Once traces of the Golden Lion Pirates are discovered, the surrounding branch fortresses must take action as soon as possible." Lieutenant General He said

"This is a bit passive."Sakaski said.

"Without knowing the enemy's actions, we can only defend passively. Lieutenant General Lin Qi said helplessly

"Why can't we take the initiative?"Sakaski frowned.

"Stupid, the enemy is flying in the sky, right? Rogge looked at Lieutenant General He and said.

Lieutenant General He nodded and said,"That's right, the Golden Lion is a person with the ability to eat the superhuman floating fruit. It can make all inorganic objects it encounters float into the sky. Those The pirate ships have been sent into the sky and are sailing in the air. In other words, we can't find him on land at all, let alone take the initiative to attack."

"Hopefully they run into bad weather and all get swept up into space."Roger laughed and said

"You think too much. Zefa glared at Rogge and said

"Hey, it's not a problem to wait like this."Roger said

"It is very bad to passively defend and wait for the golden lion to attack. Once we fail to support us, we are likely to be defeated. Lieutenant General Lynch said

"It's not good to mobilize troops. How about this, teacher, let's patrol the sea. If something happens, we can directly support it at sea."Roger said

"Okay, we are going to sea anyway. Zefa nodded.

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