Chapter 81

The warships went to sea, still bringing new recruits with them, but in order to deal with emergencies, this time there were two other warships following them out to sea, led by two lieutenant generals from the G1 branch.

Three warships left the branch and patrolled among various naval fortresses.

It seems that because of the Golden Lion Pirates, the New World has been a lot quieter during this period. The number of pirates in this era is still a little less. Not many pirates go to sea for their dreams. The vast majority of pirates still do it because of their dreams. They couldn't survive, so they chose to become pirates.

Anyone who has seen Whitebeard in the past will know that the world government has a great responsibility in this regard.

The people are in dire straits, and excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes force some countries to become backward and poor, and are eventually abandoned by the world government. Without the protection of the world government, and without enough force to protect themselves, the country will eventually become a world of pirates.

At this time, ordinary people who have no other choice will take up arms and look for hope of survival overseas.

There are three major categories of pirates, which can be seen from the three top pirates of this era: Whitebeard, who was forced to become a pirate, Roger, who became a pirate for his dream, and Golden Lion, who became a pirate for his ambition.

There are the most people in the first category, followed by the third category, and finally the second category. In this era, there are very few people who do it for dreams, and more for survival and ambition.

"Rogge, if we meet the Golden Lion, will you attack that guy?"Kuzan walked up to Rogge and asked him.

The relationship between the two was good. Rogge had an easy-going personality in private. He would only show a serious expression when facing important matters, and he was cruel to pirates during battles.

"If I have the chance, I would like to try it. The strongest swordsman on the sea in this era is the Golden Lion."Rogg clenched the long knife at his waist and said with a smile.

During this period of time at sea, Rogge was not without gains. The long knife at his waist was the biggest gain. He got it from a pirate. A sword, a famous sword in the sea, is not a great sword, let alone a supreme sword, but a good sword with twelve skills, a great sword with twenty-one skills, and a good sword with fifty skills. Regarding the general term for famous swords in the world, Rogge has been out at sea for a while. Except for seeing famous swords on some lieutenant generals,

Golden Lion owns two famous swords, Sakura Ju and Ku Mu. , all belong to the twenty-one great swords, and are as famous as Sauron's Wadou Ichimonji and Qiushui, and Qiushui ranks first among the great swords, because Qiushui is the only black sword among all the great swords, and became the black sword. Rogge is asked to understand that he is also using his domineering power to nurture this famous sword in his hand, hoping that he will one day become a black sword.

Hawkeye is probably still a young man practicing swordsmanship somewhere. Dahaishang said that he will definitely do it. Speaking of the Golden Lion, a double-sword swordsman, although Rogge is not a pure swordsman, he still has the heart of a swordsman. If he really encounters the Golden Lion, he will want to challenge him. This is a swordsman. instinct

"Swordsman, I hope you won't be killed by then. Kuzan said lightly.

After three days of tense atmosphere, they finally received the order. The Golden Lion Pirates appeared. His target was a large navy fortress in the New World.

There were more than 20,000 people in this fortress. The number of naval soldiers stationed exceeds that of the G5 branch, but its combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the G5 branch. Only one lieutenant general is stationed, and it is a satellite fortress.

The so-called satellite fortress is set up for those countries that join the world government. A fortress radiates several people. Once those countries are attacked by pirates, the navy can dispatch troops as soon as possible. In the new world, it cannot only rely on five branches. The purpose of the existence of more than 20 fortresses is to watch each other, and also to Protecting the World Government-affiliated countries in the New World.

Speaking of this naval fortress, Rogge is still very clear. The Island of Mist appeared in the special chapter of One Piece. The vice-admiral at that time was named Kong Ming. Of course, Kong Ming is still one now. Sergeant, follow Garp.

Rogge has met Kong Ming before, a person who does not rely on fruit abilities and has a deep hatred for pirates.

"Kirishima, the defense and environment there can hold it back for a long time, and there are more than 20,000 naval troops stationed there, so nothing will happen in a short time."After Zefa received the news, he called everyone to the cabin for a meeting.

"General, let's rush over."A lieutenant general said

"Yes, although there are many troops stationed on Kirishima, the Golden Lion Pirates are coming in a menacing way this time, and they also have tens of thousands of troops."Another lieutenant general said

"Then take action, Roger, you can be the vanguard. Zefa nodded and looked at Rogge.

"no problem."Roger nodded.

The three warships quickly headed to the Kirishima. The headquarters also received the order. The Golden Lion was obviously very smart and understood the layout of the navy. Although the Kirishima has a difficult defense and terrain, it also has a shortcoming. It is some distance away from other branch fortresses, and it takes half a day to get support from the fastest fortress in Kirishima. This half day is enough for them to carry out destruction and plunder.

The goal of the Golden Lion Pirates is very clear, as long as they have weapons.

, there is no gold or silver treasure in the fortress, even if some bounty hunters capture the pirates and hand them over to the navy, it will take a process to get the bounty, and these bounties will be reported to the headquarters before they can be arranged on the three warships.

It was on the sea, not too far away from the Island of Mist.

It took about three hours, three hours of rapid sailing, and they finally arrived at the Island of Mist.

The island was already filled with war, and there were sixteen ships docked in the air.

Pirate ship, there are only a few people in the world who can send a ship into the sky.

Flying Pirate is another nickname of the Golden Lion.

"The elite team is following me, and we don't need to worry about the rest." Rogge shouted to Kuzan and more than a hundred recruits.


More than a hundred recruits served as the vanguard, led by Rogge. When the warship did not dock, they jumped directly from the ship and landed on the land on moon steps.

They saw a group of pirates fighting with the navy. Rogge drew out his long knife and rushed in. Suddenly all the pirates inside were blown away, and a lot of blood flowed from each one.

"kill! Rogge shouted, and the other recruits took out their weapons, and quickly disappeared one by one, rushed into the pirates, and started fighting.

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