Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 133 The Holy Land's Counterattack?

"Gate, prepare for the impact!!" The commander shouted loudly on the city wall.

Inside the gate, the soldiers of the World Government Army gritted their teeth. They had already filled the gate with stones and huge timbers. However, these things, which are usually very defensive, cannot bring a sense of security at all now... ..

"Are we going to die today?" a soldier asked.

Another soldier shook his head: "I heard that the worms of the Twilight Brigade only kill those who have the Seed of Light in their bodies. Did you get the Seed of Light that day?"

...No, after I saw the power of Tyrell and the Queen of Blades, I couldn't bear to resist at all, so the "470" did not come to me.

"Then don't worry... nothing will happen."

Before the conversation between the two of them ended, there was another roar from above their heads.

"Come!!! They're coming!!!"

In the next instant, a huge crash sounded directly outside the gate!

Looking at the dust falling from the passageway of the city gate, everyone was in cold sweat.

This kind of despair in the face of the insect swarm cannot be understood unless you face it yourself. Even the most iron-blooded tough guy can hardly grasp the weapon in his hand at this time.

After two or three collisions, the swarm seemed to give up and stop.

Inside the city gate, the soldiers stared at the gate with wide eyes, and after ten seconds, they all smiled.

A soldier standing in front of the city gate wiped his sweat and said with a smile: "As expected of the gate of Mariejois, even the swarms can't rush..."


While everyone was staring in shock, a shock wave visible to the naked eye rushed out of the passageway of the city gate, and the stones used to fill the passageway were instantly blasted away. Huge stones flew everywhere in the city, exploding a cloud of smoke and dust in the city.

A Thunder Beast more than ten meters high stood in front of the city gate, raised its head proudly, and let out a roar that shook the sky!

In the distance, Tang Yuan's incarnation Queen of Blades watched this scene and touched her chin.

"It's a bit like the beginning of Attack on Giant." He muttered.

As the Thunder Beast forcefully broke through the city gate, the swarm of insects rushed in without any resistance, and the defenders on the city wall stared helplessly at this scene, their eyes bursting.

Fortunately, their uncomfortable mood didn't last too long. Not long after, the swarm climbed up from the city wall and gnawed away those with the seeds of the holy light in their bodies, and kicked the ones without the seeds of the holy light to the side go.

"The holy land of Mariejois has been the safest place in the world for a long time. Under the blessing of the world's number one force, Marine, the Celestial Dragons are sacred and inviolable. Anyone who dares to make a move on the holy land will be crushed by the three Admirals." into powder."

"But today, that law is terminated."

Tyrell read this line to the live broadcast of the world, and then looked at Sengoku not far away.

"Speaking of which, if I read it this way, you won't feel any discomfort, will you?"

Sengoku: "..."

If you really want to consider my thoughts, you should finish asking before reading!

Seeing the dialogue between Tyrell and Sengoku, people from all over the world showed knowing smiles, and they also felt a little more recognition for Sengoku, the former lackey of the World government.

The conversation between Tyrael and Sengoku only occupies a corner in the live broadcast, and the main screen is still on the side of the Queen of Blades.

Under the command of the Queen of Blades, the swarm penetrated directly into every street in Mariejois. As said before, all civilians hiding in their homes were not threatened at all. When the swarm rushed through their houses, it was confirmed that there was no holy light inside. Seed, it will jump directly to the next target point..0

If you are more courageous, open a window and peek at the sea of ​​insects passing by below. While feeling a little scary, you can't help feeling a little heroic.

At this moment, the person who opened the window suddenly found himself surrounded by shadows.

They looked up in surprise and saw the amazing scene in the sky.

A huge Zerg mothership, which is the Leviathan warship that appeared before, is flying over their heads with several small Leviathans, heading for the center of Mariejois.

Over there, it is completely the area inhabited by Celestial Dragons, and the remaining high-rises of the World government are also over there!

As the swarm approached, Xin Dili seemed to resist less and less.

The Queen of Blades narrowed her eyes.

He felt that the location of the center of the Holy Land had a high-energy response.

"Death struggle? Interesting."

Well, it seems like a lot of people had a problem with my chapter end yesterday.

I estimate that 80% of them are new readers who have just started reading this 4.3 book... If they are old readers, they have already adapted to the degree of indecent and shameless treatment of me.

In fact, if you take a closer look, you can see that the so-called "improper attitude" is just a joke. There is no need to be serious. Do you have to say something like "I'm very sorry, my cousin's family died in a car accident. I have to go to give him a gift, I can’t update today, I feel very sorry for everyone, I will definitely work hard in the future.” Is this kind of scene okay?

Since everyone likes this book, they are all friends with the same hobbies, so why be so heretical.

Believe that Ta-chan loves you guys, okay!

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