Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 134 Heavenly Dragon Secret Treasure

(This chapter is also counted as the 17th, the second update, not counted in today.)


Sensing the energy fluctuations coming from the center of Mariejois, Tang Yuan narrowed his eyes, showing a look of great interest.

The transformation of the Queen of Blades comes from the world of StarCraft, which is extremely rare. A human being who has mastered psionic energy since birth, so he is extremely sensitive to energy perception.

Celestial Dragons thought they were prudent operations, but in Tang Yuan's eyes, they were like a big light bulb in the dark, so conspicuous that they couldn't be ignored.

Tyrell clone also flew into the sky.

One is a radiant archangel, and the other is a Zerg queen with bone wings and light fans. The two are flying in the sky at the same time. The picture is so beautiful that it is an angel and a demon.

Tyrell's avatar has fully acted as a commentator at this time.

"The resistance of the World government is gradually weakening, and normal people must think at this time that they are cowering and retreating...but the opposite is true.

Hearing Tyrell's words, everyone was taken aback.

Their thinking is just like what Tyrell said, they all thought that the World government was going to escape, now that they heard this, they still have cards?

Even Sengoku, Whitebeard, and Kaido don't seem to understand at this time. They have never touched the core secrets of Mariejois, and they don't know what the world government and Celestial Dragons are doing.

The Queen of Blades sneered: "The energy there is rising steadily. If there is no accident, it is really a big killer."

Following the direction of her finger, the live camera also cut to the past.

Seeing this, the Marines showed stunned expressions.

"Celestial Dragons Senate...... Is the hole card there?"

At this time, the Senate is underground.

A few people with big air bubbles on their heads were spouting angrily.

"What are you doing?! Incompetent guys, stop the Twilight Brigade for me!"

One of the Five Elders glanced at him.

"Saint Vorshshaz, why do you need to say such a meaningless order? You and I both know that it is impossible to stop the Twilight Brigade by normal means.

"That's no reason for you to break into the Holy Land! This place is managed by us Celestial Dragons! Get out!" Saint Vorshshaz roared.

Five Elders with a curly beard snorted coldly: "The World government regards you as the nobles of the world and gives you the supreme right, isn't it just for such a day, don't tell me, the long years of nobles have made you forget these things."

St. Vorshshaz's face flushed.

Looking at the holy land altar slowly started, he gritted his teeth tightly.

No matter what, only this thing can't be activated!

Seeing that the Five Elders didn't intend to reason at all, his eyes sank, and he suddenly drew a pistol from his waist and pointed it at one of the Five Elders.

"Stop it all! Otherwise I'll kill him..."

Just halfway through speaking, his voice suddenly stopped.

The last thing he saw was a skinny Five Elders, slowly retracting the long sword in its sheath.

How could the speed of the sword be so fast?

Living in the greenhouse, Celestial Dragons, who have never seen the cruelty of the world, just fell straight forward like this.

Before he fell to the ground, a Five Elders quickly stepped forward, caught his corpse, and threw it directly onto the altar.

It's time to waste. "He says.

Under the horrified gaze of other Celestial Dragons, the body of Saint Vorshshaz fell on the altar, blood slowly flowing out, and after a while, the whole corpse was completely sucked dry by the altar and became shriveled!

Several Celestial Dragons let out piercing screams and chose to run away.

Curly-haired Five Elders yells: "Stop it all!"

Swipe Swipe Swipe!!

Seven figures suddenly appeared from all directions, and caught all the fleeing Celestial Dragons back with lightning speed. These poor Celestial Dragons, who have been pampered for a lifetime, ended up in the same end as Ino.

As the blood of Saint Vorshshaz melted into the altar, a red light suddenly shot from a corner of the altar to the ceiling and shone into a gemstone.

Then, the second and third.

All the way to the eight rays of light!

The eight rays of light converged into one point, and the gemstone also changed from colorless to blood red!

Seeing this scene, a middle-aged Tian 627 dragon man was sweating profusely: "You can't do this...... This is......"

Five Elders interrupted him with a knife: "This is the secret treasure of Celestial Dragons, a killing machine that can only be summoned using the flesh and blood of Celestial Dragons, we all know this, Saint Roswald, you don't need to make a fuss and emphasize it."

As the gemstones were filled with the St. Vorschach, the ground of Mariejois began to shake violently.

Residents hiding at home exclaimed one after another.

People all over the world have seen the upheaval of Mariejois through live broadcast.

Golden Lion flew in the distance, looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, then fell back to the ground, and said to Whitebeard: "My God, the world government is going to use earthquakes to deal with the swarm? This is your old job, Edward, go Compete with them, whose earthquake is more powerful!"

Whitebeard curled his lips and rolled his eyes.

"Earthquake? If it's that simple, the World Government won't come up with it.

As he spoke, he grinned: "This time, there is really a good show to watch.".

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