"The secret between men? What is the secret? I don't understand this. Does Tang Yuan have something else to hide from me?" Alyssa said with a frown.

"I'm not very clear about this, but you can ask him yourself, after all, Tang Yuan is your big brother, as long as you act cute, Tang Yuan will definitely be unable to withstand your offensive, and he will know I will tell you all the things about this matter, and I will tell you the truth." Kagura advised from the side.

Alisa thought for a while, and felt that what Kagura said was very reasonable, so she said to Kagura: "Then I'll go over now and see what they are laughing at, and today I must give all the secrets of these boys to you." Take it out."

"I believe you can, go Pikachu!" Kagura cheered Alisa.

"Then you are here to protect Miss Simentong, and don't have any accidents! I will go back as soon as I go." Alisa asked.

"Understood, I promise to complete the task. With my eyelids lowered, not even a mosquito can escape my eyes, so you can go at ease." Kagura said solemnly to Alisa: "By the way, wait After you come back, you must tell me all their secrets, otherwise I will be suffocated."

"Don't worry, we are good friends, I will tell you if there is anything!" Alisa patted Kagura on the shoulder, opened the door and walked out.

Dong dong dong, Alisa knocked lightly on the door of the room where Tang Yuan was, but after a long time, the three of them still did not come to open the door, Alisa got a little angry, and slammed heavily on the door Knocking a few times, the sound of knocking on the door spread throughout the corridor.

But no matter how hard Alisa was trying, the door still couldn't be closed tightly, as if the people inside didn't hear the knock on the door.

Alyssa was originally a violent tempered maniac, only when she was by Tang Yuan's side, this temper was slowly suppressed, and now Tang Yuan didn't open the door for him, this has already aroused Alyssa Angry, he kicked the door with his feet without saying a word.

But what Alisa didn't expect was that just when he was about to kick the door open with his foot, the door suddenly opened. Alisa's kick missed, her center of gravity was unstable, and she fell forward, thanks to the door opening The man in front of him was more flexible in his hands and feet, and he hugged Alisa before she fell to the ground.

"What are you doing here?" said the man who was holding Alisa in his arms.

Alyssa looked over, and found that the person holding her in her arms was none other than Tang Yuan, and Tang Yuan was looking at him with a smile.

Alisa's old face flushed, and she thought she couldn't let him know that I came here to inquire about his secrets, and when I accidentally broke into the door, I fell down? He would laugh at me if I did.

So in order to cover up Alisa's conspiracy, Alisa yelled at Tang Yuan: "Why do you open the door now? You laugh so loudly that it affects our rest. Don't you have important things to deal with tomorrow? Why don't you go to bed early? What the hell are you laughing at?"

"Actually, we don't know what we are laughing at?" Tang Yuan put Alisa down and said, "Maybe when we were chatting, one of the sentences hit our point of laughter."

In fact, it's nothing, we are going to rest now, if there is nothing else, you can go back first. "

"No, I heard from Kagura that you guys have a lot of secrets and don't tell us girls, so this time I came here not just because you laughed too loudly before, but because I want to know your secrets , or I want to know the secret between you boys." Alisa said while blocking the door.

"Oh, what's the point of inquiring about this? You say it's a secret, so how can I tell you casually? Are you right?" Tang Yuan said with a smile.

"No, I have to know, otherwise I won't be able to sleep at night." Alisa said solemnly.

"Okay, okay, then if you have anything to say, just ask, and I will answer you word by word." Tang Yuan said after sighing.

"It's really nothing, but I heard from Kagura that Gintoki and Katsura Kotaro, the two of them often nest in the corner, watching some very funny things, Kagura wanted to go and see, but Gintoki and Katsura Kotaro I was rejected, so Kagura has been very curious, so I asked me to come and ask!" Alisa said slowly.

Tang Yuan made a strange expression, looked at Yin who was lying on the bed, and said: "I don't know this very well, but I can tell you that the things he watched are boring things, don't look at them." The two of them were laughing all the time, but it was just an awkward laugh, not nutritious at all."

Really?" Alice asked in disbelief.

Tang Yuan pointed to Yinshi lying on the bed and said: "If you don't believe me, you can ask him yourself, but Yinshi should be asleep now, if you want to ask, you'd better wait until tomorrow."

Alyssa waved her hands impatiently and said: "I'm not very interested in the affairs between Gintoki and Katsura Kotaro, but I'm actually interested in you, I want to ask if you guys have sex every month How many times have you been uncomfortable?"

"Huh? Why did you ask this suddenly? Could it be that Kagura asked you to help?" Tang Yuan looked at Alisa strangely and said.

Alisa sighed and said, "Yes, that's right, Kagura asked me to come and ask you."

Alyssa's face was very red, and it was obvious that she was lying. She was the one who wanted to ask, why did she involve Kagura? Alyssa's ghost idea (Node's), Tang Yuan saw Clearly.

Tang Yuan shook his head and said: "Since you want to know, then I will tell you, yes, men do have a month, and there are a few days when they are uncomfortable, so you girls don't feel comfortable during these few days. Here, don't bother those boys, otherwise it will be even more uncomfortable."

"No way? I thought it was uncomfortable, only we girls would have it, don't you?!" Alisa's expression became very rich, and she couldn't understand what it meant.

"I'll go, what are you thinking? Boys will not have some physical reactions like your girls, but there are still some problems in their hearts, mainly in daily life. Once boys like to play games and are more Irritability, love to drink carbonated drinks, so these few days can show that his discomfort this month has already come." Tang Yuan was talking nonsense seriously. .

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